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Thanks to the Marth's LHB and Robin's LHB on Lunatic and Infernal that I didn't complete last time, I had enough orbs to get a Legendary Marth. He is +Spd -Def, which is good. 42 Spd without buffs is a great thing, and I can make him work with his 29 Def. Binding Shield is a good skill to have, but I will also give him Renewal 3 as his secondary skill set.

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@Zeo @Vaximillian @Cute Chao @mampfoid @Rafiel's Aria 

oh my gosh this game...

So after the pitybreaking Nanna, I decided to do some missions to get to 22 orbs, just to really focus on blues and attempt to get Bector.

Back to 3% and I do my summon. 4 blues and 1 green- WELL THAT'S BETTER. Wish it was when I had 4% but let's do this..

1st stone was..



Ironically the first stone at 3% rate. Feels too good to be true.

....and it is. +Spd/-Atlk. I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN URGH. Well I guess I have Bold Fighter now.. guess I'll use my free summon for the neutral Hector, even if Veronica would be nice (although Nanna can replace her role for now).

Reminds me of the first time I summoned a Hector in this account who also had the same nature. Vector was also +Spd/-Def...guess all my first non-Legendary Hectors are speedy Hectors lol

....well might as well try the other blues in case I get lucky. Or I get a double Robin.

Oh well, guess I'll try green in the off-chance I get Ephraim to ease the pain.


....Or it could be a Julia?!

Deirdre's family is now complete! She's +HP/-Spd, Spd bane is kind of bad but at least her Atk is untouched, and more anti-dragons are always nice.

Well at least this makes the whole Hector hunt not a huge waste of orbs.



So yeah, two 5 stars in a base 3% rate? Can't complain about that. Three 5 stars in one day if you include Nanna is pretty good at least.

At least Hector Emblem is complete. I think I have this month's share of Judgral so I probably don't need to summon the potential Genealogy banner heh.

Now I just need to figure out who to give Bold Fighter to.. (Brave Lance/Firesweep + Galeforce Effie? One of the Armads Hectors? V!Lyn? Zelgius to fix -Spd?)

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Pulled a couple of rounds on Marth's banner. Got about a thousand feathers...

And also a +SPD/-RES Lene. I'm happy.

Now I gotta hope for a second Lene for my Hinata, but if I don't manage this, at least I've got a Lene. That's already better than I expected.

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Hero-King Marth is here. About 1,200 orbs. Results:

Three new +10s: Lene (+HP -Def, for super boon), B!Lucina, F!Grima.

Optimal +Atk -Spd IVs for WoT!Reinhardt.

Fjorm: Now +8

Marth: +Atk - HP

Upgraded Nephenee to +Spd -HP and Faye to -Spd from -HP

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@mcsilas Congrats. I tend to agree with mampfoid on Hector. Unless you don't want the others much, which might be the case since you feel Nanna can sub for Veronica. A +SPD/-ATK Hector is still effectively an upgraded Hardin. It will be 48/34/25/39/28 vs 45/34/28/36/32. So he is basically a +DEF/-SPD Hardin. Personally I prefer Hardin simply because he can combo a breath with the Bold/QR combo.  But anyways I am obviously fully in Veronica's camp and tend to think Hardin can sub for Hector, so I am a bit biased in my opinion here :D.

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No Marth yet for me, but I did pull Reinhardt~ Still have some Orbs to grind for so I'll have some more attempts for today~

EDIT: Annnndd, got Marth, GOD BLESS~ With still 108 Orbs to spare~ So now I've got a Brave Celica, Reinhardt, and Dad Marth to grind up~

NOW I will return to hoarding for Lolicopter~

Marth's a +Att, - Def, nicceee~ Reinhardt's +Att, - Res~ Wow, me getting good IVs for once~

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Free summon was easter kagero, also got faye, pretty happy with summons although kind of disappointed i just cant seem to get grima robin without dumping more orbs in than i want to but at least this time i got a couple units that i also kind of wanted.

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Going to wait on the Legendary banner free pull to see if I can scrape together more orbs before it ends. For now, back to Brave Heroes with 22 orbs.

  1. 4* Clair: Meh.
  2. 5* SM!Eirika: Okay? Nice to see you, but with +HP/-Atk you're worse than my current +Spd/-Atk copy. Merge fodder.
  3. 3* Cherche: Feathers.
  4. 4* Wrys: Meh.
  5. 4* Setsuna: More feathers.

Well, that could have ended better. A 5* for 55 orbs isn't bad, but she's just merge fodder. I didn't get much good skill fodder either. I think I'm just going to take my free Brave Hector and try to get something from the Legendary banner. After all, I did get B!Ike and 2 B!Roys from general summoning. These four will come again sooner or later.



Finally have a lance armor that can counter at range. V!Eliwood just can't keep up at this point.


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@Usana @mampfoid thanks, and yeah i know he still has good stats but he is also precious and rare Bold Fighter fodder (can’t even pull Hardin- i tried so hard in the legendary banner) as well which is why it’s nice to have the free summon neutral one as a backup. Lance armour is a niche i lacked for so long and since i’ll be using him in arena, i would really appreciate at least neutral attack.

i mean i’ll keep trying for now anyway when i get more orbs but yeah, he was the one I cared for the most which is why i cared a little bit more about the nature haha. he has good rare fodder, too which i’m also excited to give to someone

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@mampfoid And here I am without an S!Kagero at all. This game man... sorry about your pulls. On the other hand I've pulled both 2 Fayes and 2 F!Grimas (on separate banners mind you). At least ATK Tactic fodder is good. I haven't pulled a single Legault yet.

@mcsilas Galeforce fodder is cool. That CYL2 pitybreaker... sad to see this is happening to other people as well, at least she has a good nature. You turned it around pulling a Bector though! And a Julia to boot on a flat pity rate! That's incredible! New Libra with an optimal nature is icing on the cake as well. Mine's neutral. Might just raise him anyway.

@Alexmender @Cute Chao @Usana @Rezzy @NegativeExponents- @Rafiel's Aria

As for me. I only had about 35 orbs. So that was a full pull on the legendary banner and one pull elsewhere, so I started on the legendary. 2 reds and one of each other color. All meh (aside from a Hinata whom I've been getting increasingly more often.) I didn't necessarily go in expecting much. There's one last red orb in the pool. Who knows, right?~



Well... didn't expect that. For most people this probably would have sucked, but I don't actually have a Zweihardt! He's not Marth or Lene but you essentially can't go wrong with reds on this banner. I haven't pulled a red sword cav in a while and since he's the best of them, this makes me very happy as I won't have to pull for him on future banners. +DEF/-RES. His ATK is untouched and he's just a bit bulkier as well. I'm happy with it.

A full pull on the Legendary Banner, CYL2 or the Dancer banner... since the dancer banner I have a rate on (albeit 3.25%) I guess I'll go for that one. Meh. Oh, 2 blues and 1 of each other. Let me just pull this first blue st-



What the-

WTH, Ishtar. I just pulled her on the last legendary banner and here she is (barely) pitybreaking me. No it's not a dagger dancer which I of all people would really appreciate, but as far as pitybreakers go this is literally the best you can get. Especially when you consider me getting something like another Delthea. She's +RES/-DEF. My other is +RES/-HP and I'm fine with that one really so this one's safe to fodder unless I have a change of heart. Funny how I get Sword Rein in one pool and get his liege in the pool right after!

Sadly this is bittersweet, but because of my own choices. I couldn't take the chance that I was leaving behind a *5 seasonal dagger so I pulled the other stones and as sure as you're born there was nothing of value (*3 Raven? ehh) but a +ATK/-HP Jeorge which is alright, but unecessary. I could have had 2 *5's in 20 orbs had I pulled out right after grabbing Ishtar but now I'm out 15 orbs when I still have 2 other banners I want to pull from. Still, the feeling that you could have left something behind by exiting the session is one of the worst and hard to deal with, so at least there's closure with this banner. No dagger dancer, but Ishtar is a very nice consolation.

Come to think of it.. Brazen ATK/SPD 3/Wrath 3/Odd ATK Wave 3 is Lyn's premium set. Perhaps I've found the second piece of the puzzle?

Can't beat 2 *5's with a stick. Even if they aren't exactly what you want, especially when they're of this quality. Got 7 orbs to get from the new Legendary Battle, 1 from the new arena with more coming in over the next few days + the monthly orbs to come in. I have at least 2 more full pulls on whichever banner before the legendary disappears. I'll wait to see what's on the horizon though. I'm mildly satisfied but very grateful. This game is weird to me sometimes with the things it brings me, as well as the timing.

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@Zeo wow congrats on the pulls! Looks like the Thracia ‘fated combo’ has affected you as well just like how Nanna followed my Leif in separate banners haha

personally i think -Def is better since mages might still get a hit in but i guess if you really wanted the premium skill for your Lyn then that works, too. Congrats!

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2 hours ago, Zeo said:

And here I am without an S!Kagero at all. This game man... sorry about your pulls. On the other hand I've pulled both 2 Fayes and 2 F!Grimas (on separate banners mind you). At least ATK Tactic fodder is good. I haven't pulled a single Legault yet.

Wishing for the 190th time we could exchange some units. I got enough Legaults (none with good nature though), Matthews and Kageros, but I never pulled Faye, Grima, Ishtar or red Reinhardt. Congrats on those! 

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4 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Wishing for the 190th time we could exchange some units. I got enough Legaults (none with good nature though), Matthews and Kageros, but I never pulled Faye, Grima, Ishtar or red Reinhardt. Congrats on those! 

Unit trading would be one of the best things to happen to this game but I can't imagine it would be great for profits. I've pulled some great units, but I'm especially bad with pulling dancers. I've pulled no flying dancers, only 2 of the 4 PA dancers, no normal Azura and now no dagger dancers. The sad part is I love using them and they're fantastic dedicated partners for units I use. Lyn could really use a dancer partner for one thing as she's really coming along now.

Once you've used one powerful blue mage you've used them all, still Ishtar is very fun to use so I hope if you're gunning for her at any point she comes to you. On the other hand Vantage Zweihardt is very fun. Doubling before the enemy can counter is so unbelievably good I can't believe I've gone this long without it. I'm almost tempted to give him Distant Counter just to watch him sweep maps by himself.


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@Zeo Yeah, never aimed for Ishtar (or Reinhardt).

Can imagine your frustration, ranged dancers eluded me for a long time too. I'm content with Inigo and Micaiah, but Shigure would be cool for his looks and Valor skill. Grima wouldn't change my important teams or my FEH world at all, but she would fit just perfectly to Myrrh, SS!Tiki and Ninian. Plus I like the fallen heroes theme (only sad Celicas and Takumis lines are kind of boring). 

Good luck getting the daggers you like!

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Sigh, my free pull on the legendary banner had no reds so I got another 4*Hawkeye.  I am up to 4% pity rate on the CYL 2 banner and I am starting to think green orbs only have Hawkeye and Fae in them:(  Well more orbs tomorrow for another chance at Ephraim.

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I've been kind of a creeper lately. Haha. But I finally got my life in order and have some time to post. I've got a lot of tags in this topic, so I'll just send out a general "congrats" to people. I've been following a little bit, and I've seen some good success. Also...my condolances (just in case you're dealing with pitybreakers). I'm sure I'm not the only one. *sobs*

First things first, the Brave Heroes banner is officially my WORST banner ever. I had a hard time getting LA!Lyn, but that is nothing in comparison to how awful this particular banner has been. My first pitybreaker came at 5%. Granted, it was a +SPD -DEF Maribelle, so I couldn't complain. But after that, my life was basically full of misery and woe. 

I got a Celica (a normal Celica who confused me a lot at first), followed by an M. Morgan, Takumi, Katarina, Elise, and Eldigan.... Finally, Celica appeared with a lovely +RES -ATK nature. XD But at this point, I was so relieved just to have a Brave hero... Now I can pull a free Veronica. I would be more upset by my pitybreakers, but Celica is Distant DEF fodder. M. Morgan is another merge (BTW, I got all the Morgans I need to +10 him). Takumi is a sign that I should build CC Morgan. Katarina has Swift Sparrow and a Ploy. And Elise gives me the fodder to build a healer with a decent kit. I'm actually thinking that I'll take this opportunity to outfit my +7 Maria with some neat skills. 

I had some leftover orbs, so I picked away at reds on the legendary banner. Believe it or not, Marth came home pretty easily. He's +RES -HP. Totally fine. And another Gunnthra popped up in the same circle. She was +DEF -RES, so I just merged her into my +SPD -ATK copy. 

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5 hours ago, Zeo said:

Unit trading would be one of the best things to happen to this game but I can't imagine it would be great for profits. I've pulled some great units, but I'm especially bad with pulling dancers. I've pulled no flying dancers, only 2 of the 4 PA dancers, no normal Azura and now no dagger dancers. The sad part is I love using them and they're fantastic dedicated partners for units I use. Lyn could really use a dancer partner for one thing as she's really coming along now.

Once you've used one powerful blue mage you've used them all, still Ishtar is very fun to use so I hope if you're gunning for her at any point she comes to you. On the other hand Vantage Zweihardt is very fun. Doubling before the enemy can counter is so unbelievably good I can't believe I've gone this long without it. I'm almost tempted to give him Distant Counter just to watch him sweep maps by himself.


They could put certain amount of orbs required to trade units, kind of like how Go requires stardust to trade.

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Sigh, 72 orbs down the drain on the Legendary Banner, fully focusing on greens for LA!Hector.... and all I got was Gunnthra, the one I cared the least about and with shitty IVs too :/

The rest I got was:

  • 2x 4* Bartre
  • 3* Beruka
  • 4* Frederick
  • 4* Boey
  • 4* Fae (I'll take this for merging reasons)
  • 4* Hawkeye
  • 3* Gunter
  • 4* Titania (should really consider merging her since I keep getting her)
  • 4* Saizo (had no greens)
  • 2x 4* Nino
  • 4* Sheena
  • 3* Serra (UGH)
  • 4* Merric
  • 4* Camilla
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I said yesterday that I was probably done with the banner, or that I'd least that I'd wait until the final day. However I had a weird unexplained itch to summon Vector so I started a cheeky round, thinking I'd just snipe green.

Of course, there were no greens. But in the first red orb I opened, there he was...

5* Legendary Marth +Atk -Res
4* Palla Neutral
4* Jagen +Def -Spd
3* Niles Neutral
3* Roderick +Spd -Atk

I kind of ruined my good fortune but opening those last 3 orbs, but hey, can't complain about 20 orbs for Palla perfect Marth. Final analysis is 111 orbs for him, Wrath fodder, Grima merge, and horse benchlord. One of my better yields from a legendary banner. (No match for my sister though who got two Vectors, Grima, Lene and Lancina from about 90)

I'm now absolutely, positively done with the banner, no lie this time.

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23 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

@mcsilas Absolutely a coincidence, but a happy one. My Nanna came on the same circle as my (third) Leif back on their debut banner.

Speaking of debut banner, I got him as my third pull:

Unfortunately, our lady and goddess @Rezzy graced us two with her divine touch, so my Hero-King turned out to be Spd/Atk. I’m still going to try for more and better, of course.

@SatsumaFSoysoy @mampfoid @Rafiel's Aria @Cute Chao @Lau @Motendra and anyone else who cares.

Well done! I got mine on the third pull too, and he's -Atk +Def

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after failing yet another chain challenge (today is not my day) I decided to go in for Marth with just 12 orbs and a 9,50 pity rate. I was given 2 reds and 3 greens - my pity got broken by Lene (got 4* chrome, too) - at least she is +spd-hp. Depending how many orbs I can get until monday I might summon again - but somehow dont think I will

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