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30 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

I revise my previous statement, M Morgan is not available at all on the Hero Fest banner because he didn't exist back when it started. However he is available at both 4* and 5* on every banner after the one that introduced him, and that banner ended on March 22. On each and every banner that's started after that date, he has been available at 4*.

If you look at the "details" tab on each banner right now, he'll be listed twice, once under the 5* heading and once under the 4* heading, maybe the double listing is throwing you?

Possibly but that doesn't change the fact that I have poor luck with the pulls.  I'd be very happy to get a 4* M!Morgan just to even get one of him would be nice.  Though I think I'll have to wait for him and sword Lucina to either be GHBs or TT rewards.  Extremely unlikely as it is.

Edited by TheSilentChloey
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16 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Though I think I'll have to wait for him and sword Lucina to either be GHBs or TT rewards.  Extremely unlikely as it is.

Not just unlikely. It won’t happen, full stop.

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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

Not just unlikely. It won’t happen, full stop.

Yeah and I'll be forced to pour yet more money down the drain :(:


I just want my sword Lucina and my red tome Morgan.


I tried to pull from the banners but got everyone bar those two again...like not even 1 new hero.  It sucks...looks like I'll be waiting for them to be a summoning focus, even though I know I won't get them :(:

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Yeah, the odds of getting any given 4* unit out of a red orb is approximately 1.5% so actively pulling for one isn't realistic. Just have to consider if a happy little accident if he does appear.

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1 minute ago, ILikeKirbys said:

Went for the free pull on the Fury banner. Wanted Myrrh, and got one Green Orb so why not?
Got Myrrh. My Myrrh is now +1. I'm happy with this turn of events.

MuSt Be NiCe

JK~ Congrats!~

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Freebie neutral Titania is whatever. Decided to open the two reds because of the high 5* rate and also in the hopes of Lilina. Well, no 5* and no Lilina, but no regrets either - Ares and Tiki are both units I'd like to build merges of in the medium-term. This is only my second Ares but my first one was perfect, so he'll go to +1 when I can afford it. And Tiki, who is currently +4, now has the potential to go to +9. Once I get the final copy I'll promote and merge in bulk.

Happy enough with that. Might be seen as unwise to fritter away my orbs like that but I don't expect to spend more than 15-20 orbs on tomorrow's banner, I just aim to open 2-3 greens on it.

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Dropped a grand total of 224 orbs into the Festival in Hoshido banner. Got the following 5* pulls:

+Res/-HP Dorcas (turned into a manual as I already have a +Atk/-Spd Dorcas)
+Atk/-Res yukata Elincia (Yes!)
+Spd/-Atk Sanaki (first time pulling the original Sanaki)

Ended my pulling spree with a double yukata Micaiah pull!
+Atk/-Spd (Amazing!)
+Res/-HP (OK.)

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@mcsilas @mampfoid @Alexmender @eclipse @Cute Chao @Usana @Rezzy @Alkaid 

Heh... seriously?



Free pull... not pull after the free one for 4 orbs, not inside the free pool, free pull. 0 Orbs. There was but one green stone. I've been pulling colorless for Matthew and there was one colorless orb but I decided just to grab my free green and get out of there. I obscure my screen with the sound down and I see the wings appear. Completely speechless. 

She's true neutral.

You never know what this game is gonna throw at you, huh?

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So, not enough orbs for the CYL banner, but enough about that, there's another furious banner. Myrrh's on it, so that's worth trying for at least.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

3* Hawkeye (Ugh the unit, I really do not care for him in Heroes. +Atk/-Def ain't worth it imo.)

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@mampfoid Completely new. I've played and beaten FE8 countless times and used her in every playthrough. I've specifically pulled for her in every banner she's been in (not many I know), but this time around, I didn't see it coming at all. This is two Lyns all over again.

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@Zeo Congrats! That's a great Myrrh. My buddy got a free 5 star as well on his free pull. Maybe the terrible curse of CYL is going to be purged from this land.

I got a 3 star Hawkeye. But honestly, I can't even be mad. I'm finally ready to explore the new update and mess around with it.

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4 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@Zeo heyyy congrats!!!!

@mampfoid @Vaximillian @Rafiel's Aria

sadly no green orbs on my main so i pickf the top out of 3 reds. I wanted Chrom since Chill Def and horse Falchion..

instead i got a different Chill user..

A +Atk/-Res Hellica!

Oh wow. That's pretty bomb. Celica deserves all the love. Honestly, she's still a really great sword even among all the...really great swords. XD If I wasn't busy with another game, I'd definitely be messing around with her non-alt's new upgrade right now. My priorities are backwards.

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9 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

instead i got a different Chill user..

A +Atk/-Res Hellica!

Nice! Your first one?

I picked a green as my free pull. Who knows, maybe it could have been Myrrh.

Of course not, it was a 3★ Merric.

Then I yolo’d a 5-orb pull on the CYL2 banner and there were no reds. Got a Clair whom I promptly promoted and merged.

If I don’t get a Celica by Tuesday, I’m foddering my freebie. I’m not using her anyway.

Edited by Vaximillian
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@Rafiel's Aria @Vaximillian @Zeo @mampfoid

Yeah she’s my first Hellica - i guess she counts as a different kind of Fury? Still a good freebie to distract myself from the horribly CYL banner haha. Can’t say no to perfect nature swords although part of me wishes it was mage Celica for that awesome refine

second account gave ma a Bartre and Arthur. At least i had some greens at least.

also tried again for dancer banner and got a +Atk/-Res Odin! Just in time for his refine? Although not sure if -Res or -HP is better since i have both now.

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3 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Yeah she’s my first Hellica - i guess she counts as a different kind of Fury? 

Hell hath no fury like Celica scorned!

I got my Celica while pulling for Ayra. She’s neutral, just like her vanilla version from last August. I did get Ayra too… but –Atk, obviously.
This is her now. I only need 30 dew to forge the rhomphaia… and I’ve got 30 rocks. But I need these rocks for Ethlyn. Argh.

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4 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Yeah and I'll be forced to pour yet more money down the drain :(:


I just want my sword Lucina and my red tome Morgan.


I tried to pull from the banners but got everyone bar those two again...like not even 1 new hero.  It sucks...looks like I'll be waiting for them to be a summoning focus, even though I know I won't get them :(:

:( another reason why trading so needs to happen. i have 4 M! Morgans
2 red, and 2 4*.

I blew some orbs in the new banner 
Freebee: Soren. (Cool, now I can merge and have a +1 Soren)
3 Reds and 1 Blue, so I figure Whyy nooott. 
Pull 2: 4* Jagen. New Character for Me. Spiff. 
Pull 3: 3* Athena (Could work, this is my 5th athena, i could have a super one I guess)
Pull 4: 4* Ogma (again could work, have gazillions of him) - why this game refuses to give me characters I want I'll never know
Pull 5: 5* Eldigan! WITH Fury. Cooooool. 


so. 2 new to me, another green magic project and feathers I guess. I don't know how much i Love Ogma, and I like athena enough so...

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Let's check out what the Fury banner offers for us.

2 Colorless, 3 Blue orb

No Eldigan for me, huh? Not even a second Myrrh. I see what you did there banner, let's go for colorless then.

MY FIRST KLEIN! All right, I'm out of here, back to creating more Combat Manuals.

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15 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

:( another reason why trading so needs to happen. i have 4 M! Morgans
2 red, and 2 4*.

I blew some orbs in the new banner 
Freebee: Soren. (Cool, now I can merge and have a +1 Soren)
3 Reds and 1 Blue, so I figure Whyy nooott. 
Pull 2: 4* Jagen. New Character for Me. Spiff. 
Pull 3: 3* Athena (Could work, this is my 5th athena, i could have a super one I guess)
Pull 4: 4* Ogma (again could work, have gazillions of him) - why this game refuses to give me characters I want I'll never know
Pull 5: 5* Eldigan! WITH Fury. Cooooool. 


so. 2 new to me, another green magic project and feathers I guess. I don't know how much i Love Ogma, and I like athena enough so...

So much yes!!  I would gladly trade my 4* Chrom for an M!Morgan...we definitely need trading to be a thing!!

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