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The Laguz banner is being a pain 4.25% pity rate and climbing, I just want one Tibarn:(  Well maybe tomorrow will be my lucky day since I have to wait for more orbs.

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14 hours ago, Selena4Lyfe said:

@Cute Chao @Vaximillian @mampfoid @Rafiel's Aria @SatsumaFSoysoy @Zeo

@Selena4Lyfe I had only one goal when the Winter Envoy banner returned: get another Lissa.  My objective that fueled said goal: The chance to remove the -ATT bane on my current one.

After over 100 orbs, two WE!Chroms and a Robin, with two hours to go, my Christmas Wish cane true!


Even better, this girl is the exact opposite of my current copy: +Att/-Res!

I can't wait until February, I'm going to make a retaliative WALL from Second-Most-Endearing Princess!

Congrats on getting her and with great IV, the merge update will be great for her!~

1 hour ago, Alexmender said:

@mampfoid@Sunwoo@SatsumaFSoysoy @daisy jane @Landmaster

Thanks! I'm really happy to get out of that hell, but soon I'll fall into it gain with L!Eirika. 

- - - - 

Oh yeah, today I got this from the summoning ticket +4 orbs (the ticket was used on a blue that turned out to be a Jagen so no C-Null Disrupt for me).

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+Hp -Res. That's basically neutral, right?


Another goodie, Congrats!

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3 hours ago, Alexmender said:

@mampfoid@Sunwoo@SatsumaFSoysoy @daisy jane @Landmaster

Thanks! I'm really happy to get out of that hell, but soon I'll fall into it gain with L!Eirika. 

- - - - 

Oh yeah, today I got this from the summoning ticket +4 orbs (the ticket was used on a blue that turned out to be a Jagen so no C-Null Disrupt for me).

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+Hp -Res. That's basically neutral, right?


I mean, it's better than mine lol

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Well I managed to get some more orbs and was pity broken by Swordhardt who I did not have so ok, but damn it I really wanted Tibarn:(  I think I will just wait until he is on a legendary banner since I hate pulling red on regular banners because of the pity breakers.  

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17 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

Well I managed to get some more orbs and was pity broken by Swordhardt who I did not have so ok, but damn it I really wanted Tibarn:(  I think I will just wait until he is on a legendary banner since I hate pulling red on regular banners because of the pity breakers.  

I know this feeling =/ it always let one lose hope on a banner with 1-2 months long saved orbs. I also hate pulling on a 4 unit banner. But if you really want Tibarn I guess a 3 unit banner will be just better. Legendary banner can be worse if you target a certain unit. I will also try to get myself together if Rinkah ever appears on a 4 hero banner.

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53 minutes ago, Stroud said:

I know this feeling =/ it always let one lose hope on a banner with 1-2 months long saved orbs. I also hate pulling on a 4 unit banner. But if you really want Tibarn I guess a 3 unit banner will be just better. Legendary banner can be worse if you target a certain unit. I will also try to get myself together if Rinkah ever appears on a 4 hero banner.

There are drawbacks to most of the banners that is how IS gets their money.  I have mixed luck with legendary banners, but the good thing about them is you only two pity breakers per color to deal with and red is just too big a pool now.  A 3 person banner would be best, but who knows how much IS will rerun the Laguz.  I will try to keep some orbs set aside just in case.

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Saw my Orbs were above 20, remembered how bizarrely lucky I've gotten with the Laguz banner and decided to try my luck with 27 Orbs.

Somehow pulled +SPD/-RES Celica (gonna merge my current one into her, then build her up 'cause I have a +SPD Celica and she's gonna go stupid fast) and 5-Star +ATK/-RES Silas (would merge my current +DEF/-HP one into him, but once the bane is gone next month I'm honestly not sure whether +ATK or +DEF will be better for him, either way I'm happy I didn't need feathers for him), as well as Barst Reposition Combat Manual, some feathers and a Libra, who is alright as well. Still have 7 Orbs.

This banner has been so weirdly good to me.

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Well, I'm obligated to pull on any banner that has Julia, and I'm probably not going to be interested in the seasonal, so time to spend some of my 86 orbs. Going to try to focus on greens and blues since I really don't need Seliph.

  1. 4* Odin: Meh.
  2. 4* Barst: Reposition fodder.
  3. 4* Inigo: Meh.
  4. 4* Selena: The whole trio! I'm honestly tempted to train all three of them just because of how fortuitous this set is. They've even got pretty good IVs. Odin's +Spd/-Res, Laslow's +Atk/-Res, and Selena' +HP/-Res. Anyway, let's see who the last unit is.
  5. 4* Azama: Ugh.

Well, not a particularly good set, but I think I'll train the Nohr trio since I am kind of bored. 71 orbs.

  1. 5* Julia: Thank you Feh, the atrocious legendary banner has been forgiven. She's +HP/-Spd, but my original Julia is perfect already, so no great loss. +2 hooray.
  2. 4* Oboro: Bleh.
  3. 4* Catria: Meh.
  4. 3* Roderick: Feathers.
  5. 4* Kaze: Iceberg fodder.

35 orbs for a Julia merge, a Barst, and a fortuitous Nohr Trio? I'll gladly take it.

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On ‎19‎.‎01‎.‎2019 at 1:11 AM, EricaofRenais said:

There are drawbacks to most of the banners that is how IS gets their money.  I have mixed luck with legendary banners, but the good thing about them is you only two pity breakers per color to deal with and red is just too big a pool now.  A 3 person banner would be best, but who knows how much IS will rerun the Laguz.  I will try to keep some orbs set aside just in case.

True, you only have 2 pity breakers and in best case even 1-2 which you also want. The pool is so bloating that they really need to do something about it...

I wanted to pull much for deirdre that I totally for got that we have 4 heroes with refine. Which is why I decided to let her go this time. I am not confident to pull 5 Deirdre merges with 500 orbs in a 4 hero banner. Not even a 3 hero banner. At worst I may only get 1-2 and for that I'd rather want to have enough orbs if they time comes. xD

But I am confident that they release the beast in a better banner again. And they are in the general pool at least, but how many are there which have not been pulled...

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Still no luck on the NY banner sadly, got the following in the last few days:

  • 3* Gordin
  • 4* Gaius
  • 4* Lon'qu (I'll take that rare vantage thanks)
  • 4* Kagero
  • 4* Setsuna

Free pull on the New Power banner gave me a Selena, will sure take that free Reposition! :D

And decided to try once more for Leanne today and got:

  • 4* Gaius
  • ....5* Legault wut

That's my fourth off-focus unit in two weeks wth. I guess I should just be lucky it wasn't yet another Sothe ^^; But something that's actually on the banner would be nice now, game.

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I'd like a merge for one of the Naga wielders.

3 Red, 2 Green (I don't want no Seliph, so....)

3* Soren (You can be begone. +HP/-Def), 4* Beruka (Glimmer. +Def/-Res)

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Since Julia came along so quickly, let's see if her mother will do the same. 61 orbs on hand.

  1. 3* Raven: Meh.
  2. 5* Julia: Guess she really does love me. Another merge brings her up to +3.
  3. 4* Soleil: Okay. +Spd/-Res, so definitely worth promoting.
  4. 4* Hinata: More Fury fodder.
  5. 4* Lilina: +Atk/-Def, certainly worth promoting.

That was an amazing set. Another merge for Julia, two more 4*s worth promoting. One more dip for now. 41 orbs on hand.

  1. 4* Sully: Draw Back fodder.
  2. 3* Abel: Finally some Swordbreaker fodder.

Alright, that's enough for now.

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@Zeo  @mampfoid

Hrmm, I just got back up to 35 orbs from Grand Conquests, and a smart person wouldn't have summoned on the ending Sword Valour banner but...

well, I didn't have Gray in my second account and I wanted to try to get one of my faves (he isn't featured very often), even if I already had the other two Valour units (wouldn't mind a non -Atk Lene though). Plus I could do villager clears with Amelia if I get him.

I just did 1 free red summon at the start of the banner, so I still had a base 3%. Took the risk, 2 red orbs- one Olivia and the other?


Eyy! I got Gray after all this time! Sure his IVs are a bit rubbish (+Res/-Spd) but I'll make him work! 

Then I tried for the beasts again- 3 blues. No Nailah, but I got Gray's love interest Clair with a nice +Atk/-HP. Already have a Spd boon but maybe Atk superboon will be better in the long run?

And for some reason,  there seems to be an Echoes theme, since I got a free Boey for the New Power banner. Kind wanted a non -Atk Deirdre, but just went back to 20 orbs so I better wait for the banner trailer.


In the meantime, I don't have Exalt Chrom or Lene in my main so I wouldn't mind those. Got Stahl, Athena and more importantly Hinata! At least Fury makes it not a waste.

As for the New Power banner, my current Julia is my -Res so I want to fix that up or get the lovely Deirdre. 4 blues and  1 green make it easy, so I pick green and..


Free Julia! Still -Res, although she has HP boon instead of my current Def boon, so maybe...more HP is better? At least merge update will remove the -Res but still undecided on the weapon refine.

Orbs stash kind of back to barely 20 hours just before a banner trailer...but getting the right 5 stars is good enough for me :)

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18 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

I’m only missing Deirdre from this Banner and there was only one green so



......okay~ -Atk, +Res~ My current is also +Res so I suppose I’ll merge him to patch his Def Bane~

okay first of all. LUCKY
second of all DO NOT MERGE THAT LEWYN. hahaha save him for Ophelia!

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Decided to break my pity rate of 4% on the beast banner. As much as I like deirdre merges I don't want to challenge my luck.
After around 80 orbs I got Tibarn and Laevateinn. Both with atk-.
I still happily take them. I skip on the green banner after all this yelling on the banner. xD I blended Taltiu out and thought it was a 3 hero banner.

Down to 400 orbs +(200) emergency Rinkah orbs. Better behave myself for now. And with 500 orbs I just see no chance to get 5 Deirdres on this... I can' even pull 5 with 700 orbs on a 3 hero banner apparently...

Edited by Stroud
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@KMT4ever Wow - that's incredible luck, especially getting 2 Julias!  Congrats!

@Mau Not bad for your pulls - a focus unit would be nice, though.

@mcsilas Lucky you with the Gray and Julia!  Join the -Spd Gray club: I have two myself, one +HP and one +Def.

@Landmaster Congrats on the free Lewyn!  As @daisy jane said, don't merge them just yet (or at all).

@Stroud Good to see you break your pity, even though both Laevatein and Tibarn are -Atk.  Stay strong for Rinkah!

My free pull on the New Power banner netted no greens (what a surprise), so I picked colorless to try to get some fodder - got a 4* Priscilla for free (future merge WAY down the line).

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3 hours ago, daisy jane said:

okay first of all. LUCKY
second of all DO NOT MERGE THAT LEWYN. hahaha save him for Ophelia!

But Lewyns are frens, not food!

I'll trade you for the Lon'qu

3 hours ago, mampfoid said:


@Landmaster Wohoo, congrats! Best free fodder ever! 


6 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@Zeo  @mampfoid

Hrmm, I just got back up to 35 orbs from Grand Conquests, and a smart person wouldn't have summoned on the ending Sword Valour banner but...

well, I didn't have Gray in my second account and I wanted to try to get one of my faves (he isn't featured very often), even if I already had the other two Valour units (wouldn't mind a non -Atk Lene though). Plus I could do villager clears with Amelia if I get him.

I just did 1 free red summon at the start of the banner, so I still had a base 3%. Took the risk, 2 red orbs- one Olivia and the other?


Eyy! I got Gray after all this time! Sure his IVs are a bit rubbish (+Res/-Spd) but I'll make him work! 

Then I tried for the beasts again- 3 blues. No Nailah, but I got Gray's love interest Clair with a nice +Atk/-HP. Already have a Spd boon but maybe Atk superboon will be better in the long run?

And for some reason,  there seems to be an Echoes theme, since I got a free Boey for the New Power banner. Kind wanted a non -Atk Deirdre, but just went back to 20 orbs so I better wait for the banner trailer.


In the meantime, I don't have Exalt Chrom or Lene in my main so I wouldn't mind those. Got Stahl, Athena and more importantly Hinata! At least Fury makes it not a waste.

As for the New Power banner, my current Julia is my -Res so I want to fix that up or get the lovely Deirdre. 4 blues and  1 green make it easy, so I pick green and..


Free Julia! Still -Res, although she has HP boon instead of my current Def boon, so maybe...more HP is better? At least merge update will remove the -Res but still undecided on the weapon refine.

Orbs stash kind of back to barely 20 hours just before a banner trailer...but getting the right 5 stars is good enough for me :)

Congrats on Gray and Julia!

1 hour ago, DarkAlf said:


@Landmaster Congrats on the free Lewyn!  As @daisy jane said, don't merge them just yet (or at all).

Thanks! But Lewyns are frens, not food! [2]

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I decide to dump my orbs for NY Laevatein again since I had a pity rate from my last attempt. And I'm skipping that lame hot spring banner.

Pity broken by Faye. Whom I already had with good IVs, just like with Mist. She does have Firesweep Bow to offer, but seriously, this game does not want me to fucking have any Laevateins. WHY?

No pity rate now though, so I'm definitely not pulling for her anymore this time. I only did so here because there was one.

Edited by Anacybele
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