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I managed to get Valentine Ike after digging in to the orbs that the blessed gardens throw at you. Neutral IVs. I’m happy to settle for that, but of course I will be happy if I wind up getting another one before the banner is over.


Now he just needs a good armored support partner with Armor March.

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31 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

@Zeo Nice! Two great pulls. Will you pull more?

Considering LA!Hector is the actual reason I'm pulling on this banner. Probably, but between the legendary banner and the anniversary banner, It's probably a better idea to wait for now.

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@Zeo Congratulations! That's a perfect Ishtar, and +Atk Lilina is sure to be a nuke! Too bad about Vector but at least your Lector is still a good unit! Lilina is a great green cav mage though, I use mine over Cecilia for Gronnblade nuking, and she's a great user of it.

And nice discoveries on your Swordhart/Elincia, they will surely wreck enemies.''

I had 50 orbs so I though I may as well try for Flying Sakura in my second account. Sadly those orbs were gone to waste, now back to 12 with nothing. Hope new banners aren't too tempting since I want to try again (and waiting for legendary banner for flying healer might be bad with the colour sharing)


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The bad streak of daily banner free pulls ended up with a pitybreaker.

5* Adrift M!Corrin(Atk+, Res-)  - funny thing is, I have one copy of him with a complete reverse IV.

Also a 4* Gaius to the combat manual pile.

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Two more free banner and more devoted pulls today.

Old BHB rerun first.

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

4* Jeorge (I already got the merge to make my 5* one not suck. Go away. +Def/-HP)

New BHB banner then.

3 Blue, 2 Red

3* Lon'qu (Vantage. +HP/-Atk)

And back to the devoted banner.

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green

4* Marth (Wrong blue-haired lord. +Atk/-Res)

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green (Not again.)

4* Merric (Once again, disappointing. +Res/-Spd)

Still on 3.25%, guess I hit it yesterday. 

3 Red, 2 Colourless

3* A!Tiki (Well, I could use bonfire... Or not really. +Def/-Spd, make her the new base?), 4* Ogma (And that makes a +10. +Def/-Atk), 3* Seliph (Ugh. +Res/-Spd)

That's 3.5% now.

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In the end, the game finally decided to step back from the quantity-over-quality approach and it gave me something I needed, Takumi (let's ignore the random Rhajat and Julia on the Valentine's banner, both useless to me). I already partially regret merging my Takumis for all the wasted CC-fodder, but the game took pity on me and I can now stop my excessive whining about how I get several 5* but none with any desire to actually pull or some few exceptions cursed with atrocious natures. At least for a while, I'll try to hold back.

@mcsilas How do people find appreciation for having several active accounts? It would irritate me to no end to pull a desired unit on my secondary accounts while my main cries in pain for not having the same luck, ignoring the extra work of maintaining the account at an acceptable level with resources, time and the necessary extra work (Doing a good Arena run twice a week? Yikes)

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At long long last! It took 2 entire years but I finally got OG!Hinoka! :D On my free pull nonetheless! It’s so weird how I’ve been getting better luck on my free pulls lately rather than on banners where I spend tons of orbs. Still trying to get Splashy Hinoka, up to 4.25 percent after getting pitybroken by Lewyn when the banner first started (not complaining about the Lewyn though! He’s new and I like him!)

I think the only character from the original wave I really want is Lucina now. We’ll see how long that takes! XD

P.S. Hinoka is +Res/-Speed, so bleh nature but whatevs!


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Wasted 4 orbs looking for Close Counter but nothing. On the other hand, Virion banner gave ma a free Tibarn on my lone red orb :O. Now all those orbs I tried for him on his banner feels like a waste if I knew I was gonna get a free summon one lol...well at least the first one has a better +Def/-Res than this new +HP/-Def one. Not sure about merging him yet since he doesn't need Res and his A skill is some nice fodder...maybe if I get a +Atk one I'll merge.

Technically I didn't have a free 5 star from the daily banners on my second account, but that Tibarn is good enough (and it's still a BHB banner I guess lol)

@MonkeyCheez3K Ooh congrats on your Takumi, at least you finally have something you need :)

As for me, I guess since I'm more of a collector and I like it when I summon the character in at least one of my accounts. My main account actually had pretty bad luck at the start in terms of 5 stars and natures (for example, not getting a good blue unit in months so Sharena was my first promotion). For some reason my second account is luckier but that account is linked to my ipad and not my phone (and am too lazy to switch accounts- partly since I forget my password). If I summon a unit in at least one of my account, it at least eases the pain for me haha. Then there's the whole limited seasonal thing- even if I never summoned Fanlivia/H!Jakob in my main (and believe me I tried each time), I can at least breathe easy and use them in my second account. Sometimes this is enough to not make me pull too hard for them on my main if they're not a must-have unit.

Plus I record theme team battles for things like GHBs so if I don't get a unit for a theme in my main I can at least try it on my second account, so that's another advantage.

As for arena runs- I just do the bare minimum. As long as I get 4 orbs every week I'm fine.

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@mcsilas Interesting, that would definitely not work for me, but since you get the opposite effect of what I would experience, I can't really argue against it. I remember our struggle with PA!Olivia, so I do get the gist of having at least the compromise of the second account, but to this day I still want YT!Olivia and feel like getting her on another account would just hurt more in my case (Especially since I want to use her with all my other favorite units, not just some of them :P). "Different strokes for different folks" has always been true, hasn't it?

Lol on that Tibarn, btw. Must have taken a wrong turn during his actual banner and found his way home just recently. You were also looking for Close Counter like me, though? Any specific reason or just to have it in reserve? Mine was for building an AR CC-Vantage without the need of saccing my first-year MVP and merged Takumi for it, making today a very lucky day, finally.

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19 minutes ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

Lol on that Tibarn, btw. Must have taken a wrong turn during his actual banner and found his way home just recently. You were also looking for Close Counter like me, though? Any specific reason or just to have it in reserve? Mine was for building an AR CC-Vantage without the need of saccing my first-year MVP and merged Takumi for it, making today a very lucky day, finally.

Yeah I'm not too picky about which unit is on which account unless I desperately need that unit's niche. If it's just a fave for say, art reasons, getting them in one account is fine for me. Especially for hard to get ones like red units in seasonal banners... *glances at red and colourless hell*.

As for CC, I kind of want to make a fun Close Counter dagger build with either Saizo or Summer Freddy. Kind of doing something similar to @Zeo's Matthew. Didn't get it so I'll just wait for Dancer Xander in the next legendary banner, since he can pass his anti-cav dagger and CC at the same time.

And yeah I don't like foddering off units I only have a copy of so neutral Takumi stays. But happy for you that you finally have a 5 star you wanted :)

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With the dailies once again coming to an end, here are my free summon results:

Daily 1 Minerva & Maria's Battle: 3* Frederick +Res/-Spd
Daily 2 Alm & Celica's Battle: 3* Sakura +Atk/-Hp
Daily 3 Seliph & Julia's Battle: 5* Deidre +Spd/-Hp
Daily 4 Ishtar & Reinhardt's Battle: 4* Odin +Def/-Hp
Daily 5 Cecilia & Lilina's Battle: 4* Draug +Atk/-Res
Daily 6 Hector & Matthew's Battle: 5* Hector +Def/-Atk
Daily 7 Ephraim & Myrrh's Battle: 4* Raigh +Hp/-Atk
Daily 8 Ike & Soren's Battle: 4* Cain +Atk/-Res
Daily 9 Micaiah & Sothe's Battle: 4* Abel +Res/-Spd
Daily 10 Tiki & Nowi's Battle: 4* Wrys +Spd/-Res
Daily 11 Takumi & Hinoka's Battle: 3* Florina +Spd/-Hp

I got very lucky this time around.  Two five stars including Hector, and an excellent natured Draug and Cain for promotion some day. 

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My free summons were a 4 Stars Sothe in the Takumi and Hinoka's Banner, and a 3 Stars Marth on the Cherche and Virion's Banner.

Still saving orbs for the Anniversary Banner and the Legendary Banner. If I get the unit I want from the free summon (I hope for Legendary Azura, if she wons for the blue color), I will spend my orbs on the Legendary Banner (I didn't get Hríd last time, and I want more Gunnthrás for the merges). If not, I will try to get the unit I want in the Anniversary Banner.

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Current BHB banner first. These are all common units, so might as well go for Tiki, the one unit I'd actually use.

  1. 4* Chrom: Meh.

And one more daily banner. Hinoka?

  1. 4* Effie: Nope. I could get the other two blue orbs, but I need to save.
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Ok, something creepy happened. Last night I dreamed the banner for the Find and Vote event was up and I was able to choose both Legendary Azura and Brave Veronica for some odd reason.

Then, this morning for my free pull on the Takumi & Hinoka banner, there was one gray orb. Hoping for another Takumi, I was in shock when it turned out to be Brave Veronica(+Attk, -Res, too). I know it was just a silly coincidence, but still lol

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@Nimue That probably is a coincidence (though I wouldn't mind if Brave Veronica won FAVH, even if I expect the Colorless slot to go to Duma 'cause he's the newest Mythic Hero), but congrats on your Veronica!

Thanks to the Bound Hero Battle and Tap Battle, I've pulled a second Valentine's Soren! +SPD/-HP, so now I need to figure out whether he wants +ATK or +SPD more before +1ing him to get his HP bane fixed, but this is pretty nice.

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Daily BHB Free summon: 3* Gaius meh
New BHB free summon: 5 blue orbs, haha very funny game -_- 4* Est mehhh

Today's tries on the BHB banner:

  • 2 reds, no greens: 4* Henry, 4* Stahl (where are my Cains and Soleils?)
  • 2 greens, no reds: 3* Boey and FOR FUCK'S SAKE GREIL CAN YOU PLEASE GO AWAY

I can't believe I got my third freaking Greil. The ultimate proof that I should just not touch anything with color sharing -_- And I did say I would quit after my third but ugh. It would be for the best though if I really want V!Ike, if I just snipe for him I can at least get a pity rate going....

I think I'll just try one more time with 17 orbs for both Ike and Mist and after that give up until I know what the next banner brings. Now to figure out who all needs Fury 4 and/or his Axe...

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22 hours ago, Zeo said:


As for me. The LA and BHB banners popped up for me. One green stone for the BHB, can't even remember the unit I got. It was that bad.

As for the LA banner... one green and one blue, green gave me a *4. Thought about backing out but an LA!Lyn that's not -SPD would sure be nice. So I pulled. She had a ponytail, but it wasn't Lyn...

@SatsumaFSoysoy @Landmaster

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...What. +SPD/-DEF even. What in the world... This is my 3rd Ishtar. The 2nd was foddered to Lyn. While it would be cool to give it to Nino for a perma +ATK boost, this nature is simply too perfect, and so I have to merge her.

So I pulled again, one green, trash. Then I pulled again, one green, again.But... could it be~!

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Nope. Another year, another cockblock. This one at least is +ATK/-DEF though. So she'll be the new base instead of my -ATK one. She's going to take a 6 point jump in ATK with no bane. Or even ATK Tactic fodder for someone. Either way she may actually see some use now instead of being another one of my dust collectors. Still... no LA!Hector...

So... depending on how you look at it. I'm pretty lucky... or unlucky. While we're on the subject of changing natures, some revelations came about with the update. My +DEF Swordhardt turned out to be +ATK. And my +SPD Elincia turned out to be +ATK. So yeah, more hard hitting braves.

Congrats on that perfect Ishtar! And your natures turning out to be better than you thought for Swordhardt and Elincia~

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@KMT4ever Gimme that Chrom. I need 3 more to +10 him.

@mcsilas I would definitely consider foddering off that Tibarn and waiting for a better one. Sturdy Impact is crazy and has lots of units that would love it. Flying Hinoka, Ephraim, ToD!Jakob, list goes on. Also don't worry, your CC will come. S!Frederick is more or less the same as Matthew depending on his nature but Saizo has better potential to be an ultimate physical tank, on the other hand his RES will always kind of suck, but without the RES bane he'll definitely do better than before. I'd suggest going that route since you can merge him. Even if you don't want to *5 merge him, a *4 +10 will serve you quite well.

@mampfoid @SatsumaFSoysoy @Alexmender @NegativeExponents- @daisy jane @Landmaster

So, another day, another banner. Last one. Was hoping for a free Takumi but no luck in the only colorless. There were 3 blue stones and Hinoka was probably in one, but there are simply too many things that want my orbs right now. Too bad, would have liked to patch that -ATK flaw and rock a +SPD Hinoka, oh well. Got to at least try to save orbs for the end of the month.

So since I expected to spend orbs but I didn't, I went back to Love Abounds for another quick try at Hector. 5 orbs, one green stone, Beruka. 2nd go in, no green stones.... 2 blue ones though. Guess I'll just grab the one at the top and get my Oboro real quick.



YEP. At 3.00% no less. +RES/-DEF. Would be nice to have ATK/SPD Bond or Armor March fodder but she's better spent merging into my +RES/-SPD one and removing that dreadful flaw. At last she's fixed. Couldn't have asked for a better outcome. Well.. except for +ATK or +SPD of course.

....Guess I'm only pulling green now. Hector... will you come this time?

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@Zeo congrats on your better Lyn! +Res makes for some nice ploy support!

did you mean Bow Hinoka? All Hinokas fly haha. I’ll consider it but there’s no one who really urgently needs it yet. Bow Jakob can’t get it since armours thankfully can’t inherit it. Kind of tempted for a meme Flora with Sturdy Impact to go with her Hoarfrost Knife haha. Not really into building Ephraim and the only infantry who has my favouritism at the moment is Owain who already has a serviceable base kit.

as for Summer Fred, that’s more of a favouritism thing since i’m not a merge-focused person. Already gave him Atk Smok and so far I’m having fun sealing all stats with Atk/Spd smoke.

Hope you get your Vector soon!

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Tried again for a better IV Bath Sakura and was getting a bit of a pity rate, got to a 4 Colorless circle and thought it was a good sign, but alas, I was pitybroken by this fellow


Well he is a pretty good IV and a unit I definitely am not mad at seeing~ Hopefully I can get a better Sakura when she returns on the Legendary since I doubt I'll be revisiting the Bath Banner before it ends~ Maybe a final YOLO Summon on the last day~ Now it's all focus on Ike~

4 hours ago, Zeo said:


So, another day, another banner. Last one. Was hoping for a free Takumi but no luck in the only colorless. There were 3 blue stones and Hinoka was probably in one, but there are simply too many things that want my orbs right now. Too bad, would have liked to patch that -ATK flaw and rock a +SPD Hinoka, oh well. Got to at least try to save orbs for the end of the month.

So since I expected to spend orbs but I didn't, I went back to Love Abounds for another quick try at Hector. 5 orbs, one green stone, Beruka. 2nd go in, no green stones.... 2 blue ones though. Guess I'll just grab the one at the top and get my Oboro real quick.

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YEP. At 3.00% no less. +RES/-DEF. Would be nice to have ATK/SPD Bond or Armor March fodder but she's better spent merging into my +RES/-SPD one and removing that dreadful flaw. At last she's fixed. Couldn't have asked for a better outcome. Well.. except for +ATK or +SPD of course.

....Guess I'm only pulling green now. Hector... will you come this time?

WOW Lucky Lyn pull! Hoping Hector will come home soon!~

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