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@Zeo Never! He shall become 300 feathers as he was destined to!

Time for the New Power banners. #1 first, aiming for an Amelia merge to fix my current copy's Attack flaw.

  1. 4* Nino: Nope.

And now #2. Maybe I'll get Nino again?

  1. 3* Frederick: I guess not.

That's a shame. Time to wait for the New Heroes then.

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@Tybrosion I am calling YOU and YOU SPECIFICALLY out on this one.


That's that then. I have every normal summoning pool unit summoned now, at least until the next new heroes banner. I got Grima [+Atk -HP] from the Tiki/Nowi BHB banner already (well two Grimas, but that's the less important part), and now here he is. I suppose his Asset/Flaw need serious help, but what do you want me to do, he was the actual last red off-focus summon I was expecting, and... well I mean that in more than one way, because a little before him I also accidentally got another Alm, meaning now my Alm [+Atk -HP] is +10 merge.

...well crap. oh well, this is a relief. I can stop summoning now... well, for now... god I'm not looking forward to all the new units this year...

Edited by Xenomata
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35 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

@Tybrosion I am calling YOU and YOU SPECIFICALLY out on this one.

You know, I never said you'd never get him if that's why you summoned me. Though if it makes you feel better, I've already been punished today via being given Seliph's useless ass twice (one of which was on Greil's Devoted, where I'm now only sniping the mythical greens).

Though really, great work! Having every summonable hero, even for just a little bit, is something that's well beyond my capacity (I currently don't have 14 five-star exclusives + Reyson). And I'll certainly never even sniff 100% catalog completion with all the miscellaneous seasonals I'm missing and don't care enough about to get.

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2 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

You know, I never said you'd never get him if that's why you summoned me. Though if it makes you feel better, I've already been punished today via being given Seliph's useless ass twice (one of which was on Greil's Devoted, where I'm now only sniping the mythical greens).

Nope, it's just very funny but also suspicious that we had that very small exchange earlier and then not even a full day later WHOOPS GUESS I HAVE EVERY NORMALLY SUMMONABLE UNIT.

This is the stuff misunderstandings and paranoia are born from.

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Been otherworldly lucky with 5* free pulls from all these banners.

In the last month since the last Voting Gauntlet, I've summoned, for free:

-Vallite male Corrin.
-non-focus Leif
-Amelia today

5 in a very short amount of time (4 of which I didn't have at 5* yet, already had Leif) when my last free 5* pull before that dates several months ago with a banner Tana was on.

Edited by Vince777
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12 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Nope, it's just very funny but also suspicious that we had that very small exchange earlier and then not even a full day later WHOOPS GUESS I HAVE EVERY NORMALLY SUMMONABLE UNIT.

This is the stuff misunderstandings and paranoia are born from.

Yeah, life or maybe just this game....probably just this game really can be weird like that. 

Also, not that it means anything, but my off-focus Zelgius is also +Res (but sadly got -Spd instead).

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Catria from the ATiki and Nowi rerun; Nino from the LA rerun; the Virion and Cherche gave a Beruka; the Takumi and Hinoka a Boey; the first of these two New Powers gave me a Camilla.


7 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Oh hey, I free summoned an Amelia.

... Yep, she's neutral. That's good.

A little envy from me. But I'm in recovery mode on the Orb front so I can't shell out for her.

This said, I did get on the second New Power a free 5* Nino, albeit -Atk/+Spd. Fortunately I've a couple 4*s laying around, two of them +Atk/-Spd, with the merge update, I'll be able to use the new one in some way. Just need to know which is the better base.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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So, two free pulls. Part 1 first, would love to get Amelia somehow after all the other banners got me squat.

4 Green, 1 Red (AAAAAAAAAAAA-)

4* Barst (It's Reposition. +Res/-Atk)

On Part 2, a Nino merge would be neat.

3 Green, 1 each Blue, Colourless

4* Gunter (A merge for the angry old men I guess. +Def/-Atk)

Back to trying to pull for Ike again.

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green

4* Stahl (Please.... just go to the 3* only pool. +Res/-HP)


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Alright then, I shall definitely stop whining for a bit regarding pulls, from the recent Takumi into todays Hector, two of the most needed fodders at the moment (I can't sac my L!Hector), and with very few orbs (not that I had many). My impatience got rewarded, which is not a good habit to get, but it doesn't matter for now. I can finally scratch my Tactic team from my to-do list, a project live since the inception of L!Lyn.... holy smokes. Eirika is now completed.

I am, however, broke for the upcoming banners, but it is absolutely fine (except for random Scarlet and/or Haar appearing on those, that would hurt and might force me to spend) as this was very pleasant for a change. But whats with the random Azura in the same circle? So many off-focus 5* that mean nothing to me. It's fascinating to see the amount at this point. Not counting guaranteed 5* pulls and with all the F2P orbs one can get, I'm at ... 25 since the beginning of this year. Just wow. (W!Eirika, NY!Camilla, Eldigan, Swordhardt, NY!Laevatein, L!Hector, Fjorm, 2x Summer!Camilla, 2x Flying Nino, Helbindi, 2x Leannes, Ephraim, Fallen Celica, Tibarn, Spring!Sakura, Mist, Lilina, Takumi, Julia, Rhajat, Azura, V!Hector.)

An believe it or not, here are my pulls I actually aimed for: W!Eirika, Takumi, V!Hector; just as a contrast (I can obviously appreciate more of them, but I didn't actively try to get the others when pulling).

Throw anything at me now, game, and grant others the 5* pulls. I won't be sad for a bit. I think even a bad RNG pull on the voting picks could not make angry at this point (same goes for my free Tomato Leo, who I now tolerate).

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13 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

A little envy from me. But I'm in recovery mode on the Orb front so I can't shell out for her.

This said, I did get on the second New Power a free 5* Nino, albeit -Atk/+Spd. Fortunately I've a couple 4*s laying around, two of them +Atk/-Spd, with the merge update, I'll be able to use the new one in some way. Just need to know which is the better base.

Hopefully you'll get an Amelia yourself. If it makes you feel better, this is actually the third Amelia I've seen and the first one that was on-focus, so you may run into one when she's not on a banner.

+spd is definitely the better boon for Nino.

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Another attempt at pulling for Ike.

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green

3* Sophia (Could you not? +Atk/-Spd, got it before), 3* Draug (It's Ward Armour. +HP/-Spd)


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@mcsilas @mampfoid @Alexmender @Cute Chao @Usana @SatsumaFSoysoy @Rezzy @NegativeExponents- @Landmaster @Sunwoo

Yeah... so... ok. I had 60 orbs. And I was just thinking how I'm sitting pretty nicely waiting for both the anniversary, legendary and coming new heroes banners. Then I looked at Love Abounds with a sigh and moved on. But then I looked at the 3.50% on the Hostile Springs Banner and... I wavered. Just looking at that rate irked at me and I decided what the heck and went in. Sakura is the goal but if I pull Hinoka so be it. First pool was one colorless, pulled it, got a Gaius. Second pool had no colorless and one green, got a Soren. Could have been a Ryoma or Elise in the many stones but I didn't pull for them and rather than pulling just to get a *5, I wanted what I wanted.

In the 3rd pool there were 3 colorless stones. The odds couldn't get much better than this. I pulled the top left one, got a (+SPD!) Kagero. But the one at the very top~



I can't believe it. I went in half-cocked but It really happened. Yeah Mia's got Hone Fliers and a better weapon but who even cares about that? I actually pulled the unit I wanted and... painlessly at that. Unlike units like S!Camilla and S!Kagero who've gone down in pulling value for me since the addition of Eir, F!Nino and the like Sakura fills a niche that still remained vacant for me. Until now. Unbelievable. 

She's neutral btw.

So I was feeling good about that and went back to the Love Abounds banneer. Thinking why the heck not. Green stones are rare of course. Only one or two in each pool and little by little my stock goes down to 18. I told myself I'd stop in the 20s but I just kept going for it. Knowing this will be the last pull I go in one more time. Two green stones this time. In the top left there's a Sheena. But in the top center....



He's here... he's finally here... 3 banners and 1 full years later but I finally got Vector... I'm speechless. Instead of letting anxiousness get the better of me I just kept going for it and he rewarded me at the very end. It was as if all the other pulls was a sign of things to come. It gives me... similar feelings to how I summoned OG Lyn and she was one of the very last few FE7 units I hadn't pulled at the time. There are very few times in this game where I've felt fully satisfied, this is one of those times.

He's +SPD/-RES. Pretty bad nature but none of his most important stats are touched and I don't even really care. I'm just glad to have him, and with that, I officially have every Hector in the game! Every character on this banner as well, and all with decent natures

I went in expecting nothing and I was gifted beyond imagination. I'm not feeling great but this has me pretty on high. I have to admit my reactions have been sedate recently but my pulls this year have been nothing short absolutely amazing. I was bumped down to 9 orbs from 60 but considering what I got in those paltry 51 orbs, it would be nothing short of ungrateful to feel anything but sheer happiness. I'm left tapped out in the orb department but there's still plenty of sources to get more from (2nd half of TT, Tap battle, SI, Tactics Drills, etc) and more imprortantly, there's nothing I'm actively pulling for on any banner so I can officially save for the next week and a half.

Today was a good day.

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@Zeo OH BOY! What awesome summoning sessions!!!!

So happy for you I almost shouted in joy for you haha. Flying healers are awesome, you can never go back. Mobility is so good.

+Spd/-Res Vector is better than my +Spd/-Def one so congrats on that :)

That said, seeing how much I enjoyed a flying healer I decided to spend my 40 orbs on my second account last night to try for Sakura and was frustratingly annoyed at lack of anything to do and the create your own banner winners.

Unfortunately I'm left with 9 orbs with nothing good, 3 sessions in a row without colourless as well so some wasted orbs there. Did get 2 Kageros (amazing compared to how long it took for me to summon 1 since launch) and 2 Serras I guess? Well glad recent luck transferred to you at least :D

Edited by mcsilas
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1 hour ago, Zeo said:

@mcsilas @mampfoid @Alexmender @Cute Chao @Usana @SatsumaFSoysoy @Rezzy @NegativeExponents- @Landmaster @Sunwoo

Yeah... so... ok. I had 60 orbs. And I was just thinking how I'm sitting pretty nicely waiting for both the anniversary, legendary and coming new heroes banners. Then I looked at Love Abounds with a sigh and moved on. But then I looked at the 3.50% on the Hostile Springs Banner and... I wavered. Just looking at that rate irked at me and I decided what the heck and went in. Sakura is the goal but if I pull Hinoka so be it. First pool was one colorless, pulled it, got a Gaius. Second pool had no colorless and one green, got a Soren. Could have been a Ryoma or Elise in the many stones but I didn't pull for them and rather than pulling just to get a *5, I wanted what I wanted.

In the 3rd pool there were 3 colorless stones. The odds couldn't get much better than this. I pulled the top left one, got a (+SPD!) Kagero. But the one at the very top~

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I can't believe it. I went in half-cocked but It really happened. Yeah Mia's got Hone Fliers and a better weapon but who even cares about that? I actually pulled the unit I wanted and... painlessly at that. Unlike units like S!Camilla and S!Kagero who've gone down in pulling value for me since the addition of Eir, F!Nino and the like Sakura fills a niche that still remained vacant for me. Until now. Unbelievable. 

She's neutral btw.

So I was feeling good about that and went back to the Love Abounds banneer. Thinking why the heck not. Green stones are rare of course. Only one or two in each pool and little by little my stock goes down to 18. I told myself I'd stop in the 20s but I just kept going for it. Knowing this will be the last pull I go in one more time. Two green stones this time. In the top left there's a Sheena. But in the top center....

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He's here... he's finally here... 3 banners and 1 full years later but I finally got Vector... I'm speechless. Instead of letting anxiousness get the better of me I just kept going for it and he rewarded me at the very end. It was as if all the other pulls was a sign of things to come. It gives me... similar feelings to how I summoned OG Lyn and she was one of the very last few FE7 units I hadn't pulled at the time. There are very few times in this game where I've felt fully satisfied, this is one of those times.

He's +SPD/-RES. Pretty bad nature but none of his most important stats are touched and I don't even really care. I'm just glad to have him, and with that, I officially have every Hector in the game! Every character on this banner as well, and all with decent natures

I went in expecting nothing and I was gifted beyond imagination. I'm not feeling great but this has me pretty on high. I have to admit my reactions have been sedate recently but my pulls this year have been nothing short absolutely amazing. I was bumped down to 9 orbs from 60 but considering what I got in those paltry 51 orbs, it would be nothing short of ungrateful to feel anything but sheer happiness. I'm left tapped out in the orb department but there's still plenty of sources to get more from (2nd half of TT, Tap battle, SI, Tactics Drills, etc) and more imprortantly, there's nothing I'm actively pulling for on any banner so I can officially save for the next week and a half.

Today was a good day.

Congrats on making use of your pityrate.  I'd love to get merges for my Vday units, but don't want to press my luck.

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@Zeo Congrats! Nice pulls there. Though sadly LA! Hector is NOT one of the armors who might occasionally appreciate their speed being bumped up. But swapping his res and speed stats doesn't really hurt him either.

@Anacybele Congrats on your units and asset/flaws!


Well apparently today was the day. I went in with my handful collected up from the past two days or so and opened a session with 2 reds, a blue, and a green. Soliel was the first one up. And then it was GD!Ike! +SPD/-RES this time. That actually puts me in a conundrum. Do I still merge, or since this is a rather solid asset/flaw combination do I keep him as an unmerged unit and save him for his excellent fodder opportunity once 4 skills become inheritable. I can think of at least a couple armors who would appreciate DC and special fighter. My Spooky Monster being someone who has long been waiting for me to build up enough fodder to get her both.

Oh and I got a rather Addled Soren popping up from the blue. +DEF/-ATK. Dude. You need to go get your head on straight. He has a lot of interesting fodder options. Most notably RES Opening and Rally ATK/SPD+. One of my high scoring armors could enjoy that. I don't really like foddering off my only copy though.


Anyways the question now is do I see if I can pull more Ike's, if he was always available he would quickly be one I would hope to merge highly, like my Amelia has slowly done. But even without that hope, he is really good fodder with DC and Special fighter. Ordinarily I would try and save up and wait towards the banner end to see if I wanted to dump more in. BUT, Amelia is on a banner right now and she is sooo close to getting +10'ed. With a bit of luck maybe that project will be completed. Maybe I would even get to decided the base being +SPD instead of my current +ATK. Her base 34 has been looking worse and worse in the era of speed creep. Well I have 8 days to decide.

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4 hours ago, Zeo said:

Yeah... so... ok. I had 60 orbs. And I was just thinking how I'm sitting pretty nicely waiting for both the anniversary, legendary and coming new heroes banners. Then I looked at Love Abounds with a sigh and moved on. But then I looked at the 3.50% on the Hostile Springs Banner and... I wavered. Just looking at that rate irked at me and I decided what the heck and went in. Sakura is the goal but if I pull Hinoka so be it. First pool was one colorless, pulled it, got a Gaius. Second pool had no colorless and one green, got a Soren. Could have been a Ryoma or Elise in the many stones but I didn't pull for them and rather than pulling just to get a *5, I wanted what I wanted.

In the 3rd pool there were 3 colorless stones. The odds couldn't get much better than this. I pulled the top left one, got a (+SPD!) Kagero. But the one at the very top~

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I can't believe it. I went in half-cocked but It really happened. Yeah Mia's got Hone Fliers and a better weapon but who even cares about that? I actually pulled the unit I wanted and... painlessly at that. Unlike units like S!Camilla and S!Kagero who've gone down in pulling value for me since the addition of Eir, F!Nino and the like Sakura fills a niche that still remained vacant for me. Until now. Unbelievable. 

She's neutral btw.

So I was feeling good about that and went back to the Love Abounds banneer. Thinking why the heck not. Green stones are rare of course. Only one or two in each pool and little by little my stock goes down to 18. I told myself I'd stop in the 20s but I just kept going for it. Knowing this will be the last pull I go in one more time. Two green stones this time. In the top left there's a Sheena. But in the top center....

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He's here... he's finally here... 3 banners and 1 full years later but I finally got Vector... I'm speechless. Instead of letting anxiousness get the better of me I just kept going for it and he rewarded me at the very end. It was as if all the other pulls was a sign of things to come. It gives me... similar feelings to how I summoned OG Lyn and she was one of the very last few FE7 units I hadn't pulled at the time. There are very few times in this game where I've felt fully satisfied, this is one of those times.

He's +SPD/-RES. Pretty bad nature but none of his most important stats are touched and I don't even really care. I'm just glad to have him, and with that, I officially have every Hector in the game! Every character on this banner as well, and all with decent natures

I went in expecting nothing and I was gifted beyond imagination. I'm not feeling great but this has me pretty on high. I have to admit my reactions have been sedate recently but my pulls this year have been nothing short absolutely amazing. I was bumped down to 9 orbs from 60 but considering what I got in those paltry 51 orbs, it would be nothing short of ungrateful to feel anything but sheer happiness. I'm left tapped out in the orb department but there's still plenty of sources to get more from (2nd half of TT, Tap battle, SI, Tactics Drills, etc) and more imprortantly, there's nothing I'm actively pulling for on any banner so I can officially save for the next week and a half.

Today was a good day.

YEESS!! So glad you got V!Hector! Congratulations! And a Neutral Bath Sakura was a nice snag, too~ Very well deserved pulls~

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6 hours ago, Zeo said:

@mcsilas @mampfoid @Alexmender @Cute Chao @Usana @SatsumaFSoysoy @Rezzy @NegativeExponents- @Landmaster @Sunwoo

Yeah... so... ok. I had 60 orbs. And I was just thinking how I'm sitting pretty nicely waiting for both the anniversary, legendary and coming new heroes banners. Then I looked at Love Abounds with a sigh and moved on. But then I looked at the 3.50% on the Hostile Springs Banner and... I wavered. Just looking at that rate irked at me and I decided what the heck and went in. Sakura is the goal but if I pull Hinoka so be it. First pool was one colorless, pulled it, got a Gaius. Second pool had no colorless and one green, got a Soren. Could have been a Ryoma or Elise in the many stones but I didn't pull for them and rather than pulling just to get a *5, I wanted what I wanted.

In the 3rd pool there were 3 colorless stones. The odds couldn't get much better than this. I pulled the top left one, got a (+SPD!) Kagero. But the one at the very top~

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I can't believe it. I went in half-cocked but It really happened. Yeah Mia's got Hone Fliers and a better weapon but who even cares about that? I actually pulled the unit I wanted and... painlessly at that. Unlike units like S!Camilla and S!Kagero who've gone down in pulling value for me since the addition of Eir, F!Nino and the like Sakura fills a niche that still remained vacant for me. Until now. Unbelievable. 

She's neutral btw.

So I was feeling good about that and went back to the Love Abounds banneer. Thinking why the heck not. Green stones are rare of course. Only one or two in each pool and little by little my stock goes down to 18. I told myself I'd stop in the 20s but I just kept going for it. Knowing this will be the last pull I go in one more time. Two green stones this time. In the top left there's a Sheena. But in the top center....

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He's here... he's finally here... 3 banners and 1 full years later but I finally got Vector... I'm speechless. Instead of letting anxiousness get the better of me I just kept going for it and he rewarded me at the very end. It was as if all the other pulls was a sign of things to come. It gives me... similar feelings to how I summoned OG Lyn and she was one of the very last few FE7 units I hadn't pulled at the time. There are very few times in this game where I've felt fully satisfied, this is one of those times.

He's +SPD/-RES. Pretty bad nature but none of his most important stats are touched and I don't even really care. I'm just glad to have him, and with that, I officially have every Hector in the game! Every character on this banner as well, and all with decent natures

I went in expecting nothing and I was gifted beyond imagination. I'm not feeling great but this has me pretty on high. I have to admit my reactions have been sedate recently but my pulls this year have been nothing short absolutely amazing. I was bumped down to 9 orbs from 60 but considering what I got in those paltry 51 orbs, it would be nothing short of ungrateful to feel anything but sheer happiness. I'm left tapped out in the orb department but there's still plenty of sources to get more from (2nd half of TT, Tap battle, SI, Tactics Drills, etc) and more imprortantly, there's nothing I'm actively pulling for on any banner so I can officially save for the next week and a half.

Today was a good day.

Congrats! It's really good to get that unit you've been waiting for since forever. The natures may not be the best but it's workable enough to not hinder their performance.

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Debated with myself about trying for Ike again,  figured one session wouldn't hurt since GC will be bringing some Orbs soon~ 2 Reds, one was best girlie Athena and the other~


He has come home! And officially done with this Banner, glad I could get them out of the way quickly so I can get back to saving~

+HP, -Spd, but I don't care~ IKE EMBLEM GET

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