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D... d... du... dude... this was my free summon...


The last time this happened, aside from the Asset/Flaw at least, was on Christmas day last year with Legendary Celica.

Edited by Xenomata
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15 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

D... d... du... dude... this was my free summon...


The last time this happened, aside from the Asset/Flaw at least, was on Christmas day last year with Legendary Celica.

I envy you, my free pull was a free B***zilla. At least she is usefull for fodder^^


welp 40 orbs later: 3 robins and 1 camilla. Just as predicted Robin is ruining this summoning sessions...

Edited by Hilda
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Was just going to do the freebie round, but was dissatisfied with there being three blues on it (Peony is a tough sell since I have to preserve the free one at +0, others are awful). So I skipped the blues and did a second round instead - and am glad I did.

4* Matthew
4* Nino

4* Wrys
4* Sheena
4* Eirika
4* Serra
5* Altina +Res -Def

I guess I'll just merge her into the freebie, don't think she's a valid F2P strat unit anyway given her limited availability. Not the most wanted unit here - there are two greys and two greens that I'd prefer - but probably the best red I could have gotten.

I'm most likely done, still hoping for a good Golden Week Hero Fest, and if that sucks, probably the May mythic banner (April's looks uninteresting if I remember right). By then hopefully the 3-4* pool will be a little less poisonous, since the state of it is has been dampening my will to summon in recent times.

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27 minutes ago, Hilda said:

I envy you, my free pull was a free B***zilla. At least she is usefull for fodder^^

So, I take it you don’t envy my free pull which completes the colorless trifecta?



The colorless girl dragons must like me apparently, as they now have nine merges between the three of them (+4 F!Corrin, +3 F!Grima, +2 Y!Tiki).

Duma, on the other hand, still eludes me to this day.

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Managed to beat Bramimond's Mythic battle, so now to pull a bit on their banner. But first, the Spring Festival revival. Green since Chrom's the only one I don't have.

  1. 4* Nino: Meh.

Anyway, on to the Mythic banner. Greens and greys only, 211 orbs to start.

  1. 3* Lissa: Feathers.
  2. 3* Nino: Really?
  3. 4* Nino: Oh what the hell is this?

That was absolutely awful. 203 orbs left.

  1. 4* Lucius: No thanks.
  2. 3* Soren: Eh.

A lot of magic around right now. 194 orbs left.

  1. 4* Klein: Death Blow fodder.
  2. 3* Nanna: Eh.

Good to get Klein. 185 orbs left.

  1. 4* Gaius: Haven't seen you in a while.
  2. 3* Cherche: Ugh.

More greens and greys would be appreciated. 176 orbs left.

  1. 3* Tanya: Meh.
  2. 4* Cherche: Why...
  3. 3* Bartre: Go away.

This is utter garbage all around. 163 orbs left.

  1. 4* Priscilla: Feathers.
  2. 4* Echidna: Drive Atk fodder.
  3. 3* Raven: Here to join his sister.

Yet more garbage. 150 orbs left.

  1. 3* Henry: Worthless.

Not a single green or grey. 145 orbs left.

  1. 3* Niles: Iceberg fodder.
  2. 4* Klein: Hello again.

Finally a unit that's worth something. 136 orbs left.

  1. 4* Bartre: No.
  2. 3* Kagero: No.
  3. 4* Priscilla: Ugh.

Feh, did I offend you or something? 123 orbs left.

  1. 3* Libra: Feathers.
  2. 4* Matthew: No.
  3. 4* Clarine: Worthless.

Up to a 10% pity rate. 110 orbs left.

  1. 4* Priscilla: 3 times already...
  2. 4* Lissa: Feathers.
  3. 4* Beruka: At least you're not a repeat.
  4. 4* Raven: Ugh.

10.5% pity rate now. 93 orbs left.

  1. 4* Lissa: Seriously?!
  2. 4* Cecilia: Eh.
  3. 3* Libra: Go away.

I have probably missed so many 5*s in the reds and blues...80 orbs left.

  1. 3* Frederick: No.
  2. 3* Azama: So many greys, not a single Norne.
  3. 3* Felicia: No.

So much garbage everywhere. 67 orbs left.

  1. 4* Sakura: No.
  2. 4* Soren: No.

11.5% pity rate now. 58 orbs left.

  1. 3* Felicia: No.
  2. 3* Boey: No.

So freaking frustrating. 49 orbs left.

  1. 3* Kaze: No.
  2. 4* Maria: No.

12% pity rate now. I can't remember the last time this happened to me. 40 orbs left.

  1. 5* Bramimond: Finally! +Spd/-Def is okay given neither of them are very good anyway. I might as well take the other four orbs just to see what they are.
  2. 5* Altina: Okay, so Feh decided to make me suffer first before giving me the good stuff. +Def/-Atk, so merge fodder for my +Atk copy. +3 now.
  3. 3* Eliwood: Disappointing.
  4. 4* Jagen: No thanks.
  5. 4* Est: Feathers.

Well, at least I got Bramimond. Altina's a nice bonus as well. Since I have exactly 20 orbs left, I'm just going to spend them on one more set since I've already invested so much into this that wasting the dregs doesn't even register anymore.

  1. 5* L!Robin: Okay. I guess she's +3 now. +Atl/-Res is quite good, but I think I'll keep my +Res superboon.
  2. 4* Tethys: Hello. +Atk/-Def is nice, so I might promote you.
  3. 4* Boey: Feathers.
  4. 4* Bartre: No.
  5. 5* B!Alm: A very nice way to finish off this session, with the one red I didn't already have. +HP/-Spd is less than optimal, but not crippling.

So in the end that actually turned out to be pretty worth the orbs. I still would have preferred to just get Bramimond early and leave, but 4 5*s for 211 orbs is solid even if two of them are just merge fodder.

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I'm kind of unenthused about the banner. See, I'll pull first circle for now and decide based on what else we learn.

3 Blue, 1 each Green, Colourless (Not making your case FEH.)

4* Priscilla (You're not the right Elibe unit. +HP/-Res), 4* Fae (I was hoping for a dragonkiller. +Res/-Def)

Chances are I'm not going to bother again.

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Nothing interesting on my pulls.

But my friend apparently pulled Bramimond on his free pull. How does he keep on getting insane luck?

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Free pulled the new dagger dancer who I don't care for and who doesn't have the dency to have a reasonable IV spread.  Sadly I have to give this banner a hard pass despite the Gimurei merges because again, I'm trying to wait for Lucy's revival banner.  A pity I have to hold back on all of these banners, really.

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My free pull was... F!Grima. My first one. And she's +Atk/-Def

Done with the banner. Sorry Bram, but this is luck that I'm not going to push, and I need to save orbs for a potential Legendary Micaiah next month.

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@Rezzy @mampfoid @mcsilas @Alexmender @SatsumaFSoysoy @NegativeExponents- @DLNarshen @Landmaster @daisy jane

Hey guys, I know I've been under the radar. Crazy times and I'm pretty much as busy as I was before but I'll get to responding to stuff soon enough.

I'm just gonna go ahead and rip the band-aid off here. My stash is gone. An unpredecented 130 orbs I had, down the drain. The mythic was worth it for me and I wanted him so I pulled green and colorless. Half way through I got another F!Grima. Worst case scenario.

Didn't even bother taking a picture. I'm not even really depressed or sad about it... just kinda feels empty. The orbs were coming in slow this month and I knew there was a chance of nothing, but looking at his return in august it felt like it was worth it to try. I know a splurge of orbs is going to come in tomorrow but I can't help but feel like I've blown my chance for Lyn merges. Still I can't help but feel like it was worth it to try, so oh well. Life goes on, especially during times like this it's better to remember what's important.

Outside of the legendary I was saving, got this going for Shannan though.


+SPD so there's a choice between her and the +ATK one I've got which is cool and all. It was dry from there until the Mythic which... you already know how that went.

So... now let's talk about my nephew's pulls...


I can't tell you how many emotions went through my head upon pulling this guy on my nephew's account. Anger, envy, disbelief, in less than 30 orbs he shows up with the optimal +ATK/-HP nature. It fills me with obscene levels of salt and yet I'm somehow vindicated and... or relieved to see him. At least If I want to I can build him up and take him for a spin like I did with Igrene when he got him.

So... since I'm hating on my nephew let's just look at some of his recent pulls.


oJtN4Ok.png That Ross is +ATK btw...

And let's not forget these from way back when.


Let it be known I don't have a single one of these characters on my account (just as I don't have W!Sothis or Ophelia, both of which are +ATK for my nephew).

I love my boy, he deserves an awesome barracks, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little jealous. At least I can tinker around with his stuff though.

Edited by Zeo
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18 minutes ago, Zeo said:

@Rezzy @mampfoid @mcsilas @Alexmender @SatsumaFSoysoy @NegativeExponents- @DLNarshen @Landmaster @daisy jane

Hey guys, I know I've been under the radar. Crazy times and I'm pretty much as busy as I was before but I'll get to responding to stuff soon enough.

I'm just gonna go ahead and rip the band-aid off here. My stash is gone. An unpredecented 130 orbs I had, down the drain. The mythic was worth it for me and I wanted him so I pulled green and colorless. Half way through I got another F!Grima. Worst case scenario.

Didn't even bother taking a picture. I'm not even really depressed or sad about it... just kinda feels empty. The orbs were coming in slow this month and I knew there was a chance of nothing, but looking at his return in august it felt like it was worth it to try. I know a splurge of orbs is going to come in tomorrow but I can't help but feel like I've blown my chance for Lyn merges. Still I can't help but feel like it was worth it to try, so oh well. Life goes on, especially during times like this it's better to remember what's important.

Outside of the legendary I was saving, got this going for Shannan though.


+SPD so there's a choice between her and the +ATK one I've got which is cool and all. It was dry from there until the Mythic which... you already know how that went.

So... now let's talk about my nephew's pulls...


I can't tell you how many emotions went through my head upon pulling this guy on my nephew's account. Anger, envy, disbelief, in less than 30 orbs he shows up with the optimal +ATK/-HP nature. It fills me with obscene levels of salt and yet I'm somehow vindicated and... or relieved to see him. At least If I want to I can build him up and take him for a spin like I did with Igrene when he got him.

So... since I'm hating on my nephew let's just look at some of his recent pulls.


oJtN4Ok.png That Ross is +ATK btw...

And let's not forget these from way back when.


Let it be known I don't have a single one of these characters on my account (just as I don't have W!Sothis or Ophelia, both of which are +ATK for my nephew).

I love my boy, he deserves an awesome barracks, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little jealous. At least I can tinker around with his stuff though.

Nice pulls, and grats to your nephew.  Celica is really great, she's pretty much my go-to for GHBs that I can't do with horses.

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@Zeo Oh wow your nephew is soooo lucky, I'd be envious, too! Congrats on the Spd Celica as well by the way!

I decided I was gonna skip the banner so I sort of blew my 100 orbs trying for a non -Atk Idunn, or a duo Idunn, Annette bane fix or even Lysithea. Got a pitybreak +Spd/-HP Fallen Mareeta early on the TT banner but the rest of the orbs got nothing (should have stopped there).

Despite barely getting back to 15 orbs, there were 4 colourless orbs on the Mythic so I was baited anyway but got nothing as well so oh well...I guess I sort of tried, but not really hunting for the enigma seriously. Just really need to get the stash back up again in case of Skylivia in the few days...or wait for new Heroes banner trailer. Or save for May banner.

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@Zeo Nooo, the stash. =( Can't blame you for wanting to try going for Bramimond though.  He's stupid good, like many of the legendaries/mythics are nowadays.  At least the weekly revivals seem to be a regular thing now, so I'm sure you'll get more chances at Lyn banners in the future. 

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I got a brave Camilla in my free summon circle!!! That’s so cool!! I really wanted her, now I only need Eliwood and I’ll have ALL the Brave units from year one through three. She came at +Def/-Res. Not interested in the new mythic, so I guess I’m done here. I would like a Grima hypothetically, but... I’ll wait until the next new heroes banner 🙂

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@Zeo Sounds kind of like my IRL friend who somehow manages to pull all the characters my other friends and I want, and gets them with good natures too XD

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@Zeo Seems we're both in the slumps when it comes to gacha luck. I also am at 0s trying to fix that -Atk Lysithea I got because turns out she's more fun than I thought and now I don't want to make her fodder. That ended with a 5.25% pity rate...

And your nephew really has the Devil's own luck. Getting both of the New Years Laguz, a perfect nature Larcei and Bramimond, and a bunch of other cool 5* units. I can't blame you for feeling jealous of him, I am too!

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3,777 total pulled units now!


Sheena (+Res/-Spd): This is not the worst, but she'd rather be +Atk.
Echinda (+HP/-Def): Hey, fodder~!

Chrom (+Spd/-HP): That's, uh, unfortunate.
Olwen (+Def/-Res): I guess she was happy with what happened in the Hall of Forms, and joined me!
Beruka (+Res/-Atk): Oh man, there's no saving this one.

Amelia (+Def/-Spd): Hey, more merges!  But man, she looks weird without the bunny ears.

Merric (+Res/-Def): NO.
Eliwood (+Res/-HP): Also no.
Laslow (+Def/-HP): I mean, he's effectively neutral, but still.
Reinhardt (+Spd/-Def): Why are the slow units getting stuff like this?
Corrin (+Res/-Def): A full circle of fodder.  WHY.

Lucius (+Res/-Def): It continues. ;/
Sakura (+Def/-HP): I think this is going to be one of those banners where I get nothing noteworthy.
Nanna (+Spd/-Atk): I take that back, she might work if merged.
Barst (+Atk/-Def): Hey, that's useful!  Wait, he's good fodder.  WHY.
Est (+Def/-HP): She, on the other hand, is not.

Maria (+Atk/-Spd): I think I decided on +Spd for her instead?
Mamori (+Res/-Spd): Holy crap, this is good.  42/36 defenses, and I'd probably want DC on her anyway.
Henry (+HP/-Spd): Despite the existence of the Void, I still want him to be +Atk.
Eliwood (+Def/-Res): SIGH.
Caeda (+HP/-Spd): Please join Henry in manual-land.

Not too happy with the lack of viable units, but three 5* units is good!


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Looks like +HP would be best for Bramimond, but that's just me guessing, especially since I guess he has a +atk superboon or something. I happened to get a +def one of him with my free pull. (Yaaaaay!!) He's -atk, but that could potentially work in his favor...? What do you guys think?

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I got from today's orbs a +Hp -Atk Bramimond. I certainly didn't expect him but now the Mythic Banner is most likely over for me (unless I make some random summons here and there). As much as I would like at least one Camilla or Bramimond merge, Robin is way too scary, also with -Atk he has the same Atk as Sothis and he could be used in Abyssals. 

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Umm...I call this a win? 


None of them are optimal natures, but Grima is a merge, Brammi is new, and Camilla is good fodder. Then there was this:


one of those Thrasir is +Spd. And Peony goes to +4. I'm done on this banner. Back to Brave banking.

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54 minutes ago, silverserpent said:

Umm...I call this a win? 


None of them are optimal natures, but Grima is a merge, Brammi is new, and Camilla is good fodder. Then there was this:


one of those Thrasir is +Spd. And Peony goes to +4. I'm done on this banner. Back to Brave banking.

I would call this a win, that's for sure! Congrats!

Also, all 3 colorless heroes in the same circle is a nice touch!

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Altina will not come home. Got pity broken by 2 BL!Roys, Mamori, and BE!Alm.

I guess I will just try again next time.

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