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Well I dumped more orbs on Morgan than I wanted to, but I just can't pass up a flier and with cute art on top of it. Plus if they ever add Awakening Severa I'm a step closer toward completing my Awakening family.

150 orbs got me:

Brave Ike, +spd -res
Azura, Neutral
F Morgan, +def -atk

That seems like it's the worst possible nature for her, which is a real bummer. But after so many orbs and Easter/the next legendary banner coming up, I don't want to waste more trying to fix her.. Guess I won't be using her much after this coming Tempest, but I guess at least I got her. And along the way I got replacements for my -def Brave Ike and -spd Azura too, so that's nice. Fixing 2 of my gimped units is helpful, and I've got Steady Breath fodder available now from my old Ike.

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Oh yeah. I had some insane luck. My freebie was a -atk/+spd. I was able to pull a +atk/-res one and they kept coming when I was pulling Morgan. So I finished him to run along with Ephraim. 


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57 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

That sounds extremely situational. What are the chances that you're going to run into an enemy with the exact same Def stat? Probably slim.

That's not what Chill Def does. It simply finds the enemy with the highest Def stat and lowers it by a value of 7. The flavour text:

"At start of turn, inflicts Def-7 on foe on the enemy team with the highest DEF through its next action."

So it's pretty useful, I'd say. If you snag another Chrom, you might want to consider passing on that skill.

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6 minutes ago, Reddazrael said:

That's not what Chill Def does. It simply finds the enemy with the highest Def stat and lowers it by a value of 7. The flavour text:

"At start of turn, inflicts Def-7 on foe on the enemy team with the highest DEF through its next action."

So it's pretty useful, I'd say. If you snag another Chrom, you might want to consider passing on that skill.

Who would I give it to though? I can't think of anyone who wouldn't use something like Vantage, Desperation, or a breaker better in the B slot.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Who would I give it to though? I can't think of anyone who wouldn't use something like Vantage, Desperation, or a breaker better in the B slot.

It doesn't require combat to activate, so I'd put it on a support unit and let the offensive units make use of its effects. A penalty of 7 is pretty hefty and it can help your offensive units leave more than just a dent in a tank should they end up struggling with one. Either way, I just wanted to clarify what the skill actually does.

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A Brave user user would like it. It basically gives them +14 damage before the enemy can counter. Firesweeps are another one who would like it and are generally speed stacked enough to double. Both weapons have a lot of leeway in their B-skill in my experience.

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2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Cool, congratulations!

I'm happy it didn't end as painful as the last time I was pulling for a certain blue tome flier...

I'm already thinking of a TTs team around her. She will go with Caeda (sadly without Galeforce but she will kill Grima) and Gerome. Until I get him Minerva will help out. No idea for the 4th spot yet. Most of my 5* healers maxed HM already, Valter is the only 5* Lance Flier without maxed HM. 

@Selena4Lyfe Congratulations! That's a rare unit with a good nature. Never got her myself, have fun with her! 


I’m thinking of my TT team. It’ll probably be my secondary flier emblem that Im creating. It’s her, Hinoka, Myyrh, and Elincia. Either that or run my main flier emblem team with her in the place of Corrin. 

I’m just happy that since I got her early, I can save my orbs for the next banner. Plus, the April banner being Tharcia 776 means I can save my orbs.

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I managed to get both Morgans with the orbs from the new story chapter. Both are +res,-def.

Gonna try for Chrom for a few more days then start saving for the Thracia banner.

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A +Def / -Res F!Morgan... Oh, dear God! Well, there are still 12 days to rectify that.

My first draw after the free one was a Hinoka. I've had two of her before, and both of them I foddered for skills... after much deliberation. So I'll be keeping this one.

After a great many orbs, I pulled F!Morgan, with her... questionable IVs.

And just now I pulled my first Nowi, which I'm not that salty about being pity broken by.

Now, Roderick, however, I sure as hell wasn't elated about pulling. He was either before or after Morgan, but he's definitely going to be Firesweep Lance fodder, eventually.

And now to wait for more orbs to become available...

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Wasn't too interested in the new banner, so I decided I would use my orbs on the 4* focus banner to try and get 5 more copies of Fae to finish my +10 of her for my arena team. I thought I would write down all of my summons for once, so here they are.

I sniped greens, but went for reds if there weren't any since I am still deciding whether to work on a +10 Palla or Soleil for my 4th arena team member.


4* Fae - (+spd/-hp) Wonderful start!
3* Cherche - (+def/-hp)
4* Hinata - (+spd/-def)
4* Soleil - (+def/-spd)
4* Camilla - (+hp/-atk)
4* Soren - (+spd/-def)
4* Roy - (+spd/-atk)
3* Gunter - (+atk/-def)
4* Eirika - (+hp/-res)
4* Roy - (+atk/-hp)
3* A!Tiki - (+spd/-def)
4* Sully - (+def/-atk)
3* Bartre - (Neutral)
3* Bartre - (+res/-atk)
4* Bartre - (+hp/-atk) ... kill me please
5* Rhajat - (+hp/-atk) Neat! A new exclusive 5* for me, not the best nature, but oh well.
4* Camilla - (+atk/-def)
4* Sheena - (+hp/-def)
4* Beruka - (Neutral)
4* Camilla - (+def/-spd)
4* Soleil - (+hp/-spd)
4* Camilla - (+spd/-def) Please stop...
4* Raven - (+def/-spd)
5* Camilla - (+res/-hp) *facedesk*
4* Barst - (+def/-res)
4* Marth - (Neutral)
4* Camilla - (+hp/-def) I would rather you be Bartre..
5* Barst - (+spd/-def) Got you from the last 4* focus banner too..
3* Florina - (+def/-hp)
4* Jeorge - (+res/-spd)
4* Hawkeye - (+spd/-atk)
4* Nino - (+atk/-def)
4* Soleil - (+spd/-hp) First good nature one I've gotten!
4* Cecilia - (+res/-def)
3* Frederick - (+atk/-spd)
4* Barst - (+hp/-spd)
4* Fae - (+def/-hp) FINALLY!
5* Rhajat - (+spd/-def) Holy crap, another! Good nature this time, so the other one is DD3 fodder.
4* Marth - (+atk/-def)
3* Bartre - (+atk/-hp)
4* Henry - (+atk/-spd)
3* Selena - (+spd/-res)
4* Barst - (+res/-hp)
4* Nino - (+def/-res)
3* Nino - (+spd/-res)
3* Bartre - (+hp/-atk)
4* Gunter - (+atk/-spd)
5* Sonya - (+res/-spd) Another new exclusive 5* unit... wow
3* Arthur - (Neutral)
4* Barst - (+res/-spd)
4* Barst - (+spd/-def)
4* Hinata - (+atk/-spd)

Here's a summary if you don't feel like reading through it all:

From 243 orbs:

4 Stars:

2 Fae.........
5 Camilla, 5 Barst, 3 Soleil

5 Stars:

1 Camilla, 1 Barst, 2 Rhajat, 1 Sonya

Somehow I managed to get two of the same exclusive 5 star off-focus unit, yet only two 4 star Fae, which happens to be in both the 4 star and 5 star focus...
I also hate Camilla now and the 5 star version I got of her was instantly eaten by my 4 star Bartre I want to eventually promote.

Hopefully we get a lot of orbs in the next week. I would like to finish up my Fae so I can have my 3 main arena units at +10.

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I have the great luck with this banner.

I just pulled +SPD/-RES Leo (...not that great, but not terrible either... I might just keep this one, even if I don't bother with his refinement)...

And +DEF/-ATK Male Morgan on the very next orb! I'm not even annoyed that he's -ATK since he'll still have 44 base ATK which is alright by me, and 26 in both defenses is pretty nice for him since between that, his actually-pretty-alright SPD and Dull Ranged he should be pretty decent on Enemy Phase after Grima's Nerf goes off... Might need to give him a different Special though, Dragon Fang isn't gonna cut it. And maybe I'll toss Savage Blow his way too, to go with his AOE debuff. Not sure what I'll do for his A Skill though...

Honestly I'm just super happy that I pulled him so quickly. Means I got the one unit I really wanted on this banner, so I can start saving Orbs for the next Legendary Hero banner, and also Leif & Nanna.

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I spent orbs on the new banner sniping blue and red. Only problem was, no blues showed up at all.

Pulled only the reds and a +HP -Def Chrom showed up on the second summon session, using 27 orbs.

I'm still attempting to save orbs for the next Legendary banner, so I took what I got and now I'm back to saving.

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After just pulling 3 Blue Orbs I got F!Morgan (+Spd/-Res).
The bane is unfortunate since she has really good Res and I'm not even sure if +Spd is that great for her since she isn't an offensive-oriented mage. Still a great catch for my Flier team which has finally a ranged combatant.

Edited by The Priest
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157 orbs in.

First 5-star: Peri +HP -Res. LA!Eliwood appreciates her Killer Lance+. Second 5-star: M!Morgan +Res -HP.  Won't be using him much since I already have Arvis. Third 5-star, final four orbs (only having enough for two out of three blues on the final board), after which I would have crumbled and re-linked my credit card: F!Morgan +Atk -Def. 12 Def has me nervous (and probably using Myrrh, Gerome, or dropping 20k feathers on Michalis as a teammate), but she's the only one I actually wanted out of the banner. I should be safe until the Thracia banner.

Among the 4-stars, I got Lukas to 4+9, and got a +Spd -HP L'Arachel. She's next in line for the 20k feathers as I upgrade from +HP -Def.

Edited by Chrom-ulent
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Well, I got my husband and son from Awakening.  They are both -Atk.  It must be hereditary.  @Arcanite@Anacybele@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@GuiltyLove@Anime27Arts@Infinite Dreams@Rex Glacies@DefaultBeep@Sophie@Captain Karnage@DarkLordIvy@Bartozio@TheTuckingFypo@Rafiel's Aria


I think my last five 5*s have been -Atk.  The curse is alive and well.

I wonder if the next Banner is going to be a repeat of last year's Easter units, new Easter units, or just a regular banner.

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

Well, I got my husband and son from Awakening.  They are both -Atk.  It must be hereditary.  @Arcanite@Anacybele@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@GuiltyLove@Anime27Arts@Infinite Dreams@Rex Glacies@DefaultBeep@Sophie@Captain Karnage@DarkLordIvy@Bartozio@TheTuckingFypo@Rafiel's Aria


I think my last five 5*s have been -Atk.  The curse is alive and well.

I wonder if the next Banner is going to be a repeat of last year's Easter units, new Easter units, or just a regular banner.

Poor Rezzy! Never gets a break from -atk.  I'm glad you pulled them at least despite the nature

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Just now, Rezzy said:

Well, I got my husband and son from Awakening.  They are both -Atk.  It must be hereditary.  @Arcanite@Anacybele@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@GuiltyLove@Anime27Arts@Infinite Dreams@Rex Glacies@DefaultBeep@Sophie@Captain Karnage@DarkLordIvy@Bartozio@TheTuckingFypo@Rafiel's Aria


I think my last five 5*s have been -Atk.  The curse is alive and well.

I wonder if the next Banner is going to be a repeat of last year's Easter units, new Easter units, or just a regular banner.

Oh noes! ;A; We need to do some sort of anti -ATK rituals. I'm glad you got them at least! I got them too, but my poor son ended up being -SPD. And Chrom ended up being an awkward +RES like the first copy of every Falchion user I've gotten... I feel like Chrom still has potential to get crazy high ATK, so he should be fine. And hopefully Morgan drops to 4 stars...so maybe there will be a chance to pull a better copy of him. 

It's nice to have one big happy family. :3

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6 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

Poor Rezzy! Never gets a break from -atk.  I'm glad you pulled them at least despite the nature


4 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

Oh noes! ;A; We need to do some sort of anti -ATK rituals. I'm glad you got them at least! I got them too, but my poor son ended up being -SPD. And Chrom ended up being an awkward +RES like the first copy of every Falchion user I've gotten... I feel like Chrom still has potential to get crazy high ATK, so he should be fine. And hopefully Morgan drops to 4 stars...so maybe there will be a chance to pull a better copy of him. 

It's nice to have one big happy family. :3

Thanks, I'm thinking of doing an Awakening Family team, but that would be 3 Reds and a Green, although I guess Lucina could be her Lance version.

I forgot to mention, but I also got several Rachels fishing for Blue.  I've now got her up to +6.

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2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:


Thanks, I'm thinking of doing an Awakening Family team, but that would be 3 Reds and a Green, although I guess Lucina could be her Lance version.

I forgot to mention, but I also got several Rachels fishing for Blue.  I've now got her up to +6.

Brave Lucina, King Chrom, F. Robin, and M. Morgan would be a pretty balanced team. I'm half-tempted to promote my F. Robin as well, but I'm not sure I'd get very much use out of her. I'll just have to wait for Spring F. Robin to come out or the female Grima. I'll probably slap Morgan and Virion on a team for my Family Emblem. 

Daaaaaang. That's a lot of Rachel. Have you gotten a good merge base for her yet or no? 

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1 minute ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

Brave Lucina, King Chrom, F. Robin, and M. Morgan would be a pretty balanced team. I'm half-tempted to promote my F. Robin as well, but I'm not sure I'd get very much use out of her. I'll just have to wait for Spring F. Robin to come out or the female Grima. I'll probably slap Morgan and Virion on a team for my Family Emblem. 

Daaaaaang. That's a lot of Rachel. Have you gotten a good merge base for her yet or no? 

I'm working with a -HP+Atk, which is the best nature I've gotten so far.  If I ever get +Spd, I'll probably switch to that, but beggars can't be choosers.

I got really lucky, and got like 3 Rachels today.  Strangely, I've been getting no Subakis, who I really need for some QR fodder.

I also finally hit the unit limit of 1100 for the first time, due to me hanging on to whoever might be even halfway useful for SI.

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28 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Well, I got my husband and son from Awakening.  They are both -Atk.  It must be hereditary.  @Arcanite@Anacybele@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@GuiltyLove@Anime27Arts@Infinite Dreams@Rex Glacies@DefaultBeep@Sophie@Captain Karnage@DarkLordIvy@Bartozio@TheTuckingFypo@Rafiel's Aria


I think my last five 5*s have been -Atk.  The curse is alive and well.

I wonder if the next Banner is going to be a repeat of last year's Easter units, new Easter units, or just a regular banner.

Well, sorry, but Chrom x Robin is one of those pairings I despise and it also doesn't help that I pulled that Chrom instead of Morgan and now I have no orbs left after getting all the free ones I could...

At least you got what you wanted though.

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30 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Well, I got my husband and son from Awakening.  They are both -Atk.  It must be hereditary. 

You're in good company if I'm what passes for good company these days. My Knight Exalt Chrom is sporting that exact same +HP/-Atk yours is. The 5* Mathilda I pulled shortly before him also got the curse, which I suppose was meant to counteract the +Atk 5* Mathilda I pulled from the fodder banner on Monday. Ah well, my Effie is having fun running around with a Ridersbane+ now because why not.

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17 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I'm working with a -HP+Atk, which is the best nature I've gotten so far.  If I ever get +Spd, I'll probably switch to that, but beggars can't be choosers.

I got really lucky, and got like 3 Rachels today.  Strangely, I've been getting no Subakis, who I really need for some QR fodder.

I also finally hit the unit limit of 1100 for the first time, due to me hanging on to whoever might be even halfway useful for SI.

Oh man! Sweet! Just 4 more Rachels to go. I hope you can get her. Just need more good blues to pull for in the future. I'm still lacking one Merric...despite having pulled a TON of green. >.> I'm kind of sick of pulling green since there isn't a ton of great fodder. I've already made a 4*+10 Beruka and Bartre. Someday... 

I'm up to 81 orbs after completing story and stuff. I think I may save for the Legendary banner... 

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