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4 minutes ago, Garlyle said:

Hmmm, does Clarine or Priscilla have to be 5*? Just curious.

Dazzling staff refine says enough. Nanna is also a good choice to 5 star if you get her.

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15 minutes ago, Garlyle said:

Hmmm, does Clarine or Priscilla have to be 5*? Just curious.

It'd give them easy access to both a 5* weapon and a 5* healing assist which are both important, but you might also decide you want to give them some other healer's weapon and heal. I 5-starred Clarine and she gets Fear+ and Martyr+ for example, but you might want Physic+ instead, in which case you might promote a Sakura, Maria or Lachesis instead and pass both the heal and whatever 5* weapon they have. The weapon is important because whatever one it is, it needs to be a 5* one in order to refine it.

You can also decide based on the weapon too of course, Gravity+ and Pain+ have great niches and can lead to some very interesting tactics.

Obviously staying at 4* comes with a sizable stat penalty, but Clarine and Priscilla are both 3-4* pulls so relatively easy to get high enough merges such that they will have higher stats than an unmerged 5* unit. Nanna is 4-5* which is trickier, might want to 5* her instead. Elise is of course 5* exclusive.

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1 hour ago, silveraura25 said:

Dazzling staff refine says enough. Nanna is also a good choice to 5 star if you get her.

Can’t get Dazzling refine on a non-plus weapon, and can’t get a plus weapon without a 5★.

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On 5/25/2018 at 8:39 PM, mcsilas said:

Another quick question- I decided I'll fodder off my 5 star Catrias with bad natures to clear barracks space for Slaying Lance and Luna. What's the most efficient way of giving someone the Slaying Lance? Have Catria learn it then inherit her away I assume? I already have a +Spd/-Res in the 4 star anyway so she's free to fodder off.

On 5/25/2018 at 9:16 PM, Xenomata said:

I don't know if Slaying Lance+ can still be inherited by someone if they haven't learned Slaying Lance beforehand, but either way it may be smartest to learn Slaying Lance+ before inheriting, if the option is open to you. 200 for Killer Lance plus 300 from Killer Lance+ plus another 300 from Slaying Lance+ and 350 from the refined Slaying Lance is 1150 sp. x1.5 is 1,725 total SP. In comparison, Catria would only need 300 SP because she already has Killer Lance+ and only need to get Slaying Lance+, and isn't boggled down by inherited skill multipliers.

But again, that's only if Slaying Lance+ can be inherited without first getting Slaying Lance. (I took a moment to check, and yeah it's doable.)

I can't really answer who would like the Slaying Lance better though, since I myself have never given one to anyone in my army besides my crappy Hinoka. It's a good lance, I will admit that, but I've no experience using it myself.

A bit late, but yes, as of a few months ago, Slaying Lance+'s inheritance prerequisite was changed from Slaying Lance to either Slaying Lance or Killer Lance+ (same goes with any other weapon that can be evolved).

The most efficient way to give someone a Slaying Lance+ off of Killer Lance+ is to transfer Killer Lance and Killer Lance+ to the new unit and have them evolve the weapon into Slaying Lance+ themselves. If you evolve the Killer Lance+ on Catria and transfer all three weapons, you have to pay the 300 SP for Slaying Lance+ twice, once to evolve the weapon Catria and once again to learn the skill on the new unit.


On 5/26/2018 at 1:00 PM, XRay said:

Dark Mystletainn
Life and Death/Swift Sparrow/Fury
Speed +3


I honestly have no idea why you'd bother building a player-phase-only build for Ares when he has absurd performance on his mixed-phase build. Why bother building for Spd when you simply one-hit kill everything on either phase and can't die to physical attacks?

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1 hour ago, Garlyle said:

Hmmm, does Clarine or Priscilla have to be 5*? Just curious.

From experience, 5* exclusive staff weapons and healing are WAY more usefull than the ones 4* units get. In fact, most of them are arguably the biggest increase in skill usefullness between the 4 and 5 star versions of a nonlegendary skill. they can also be forged to get wrathfull staff (staff does full damage instead of half damage) or daseling staff (enemy can not counter) effects. However, If I were you, I would try to pull for bride lyn, because she has dasseling staff, which is tied for best staff skill in the game (and allows you to run both wrathful and daseling effects at once, which is really usefull. the only way to get both effects is by foddering Genny, who is 5* exclusive).  I have not used bride lyn, but she is an easy staff user right now, and most non-budget builds for most staff users assume the wrathfull daseling combo anyway. I also hear that forged Candelight+ (inflicts status that prevents foe from countering for a turn) is a good weapon.

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19 hours ago, mcsilas said:

I think Lyn and Folkvangr Alfonse would like those.

Maybe bulky mixed phase units who don't have access to Breath skills? Xander if you don't like Fury damage or have no access to A skill Close/Distant Def?

Ooh. Maybe I'll hold onto at least one of him in case I'm ever able to actually pull Lyn, then. 

Aight cool, thanks!

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I pulled Zelgius as my free summon on the new banner, he's +atk -spd. His base speed is decent, but 30 speed is just kind of mediocre. Since he looks like he'd do well as an EP unit anyway, with his fierce stance and stuff, can I make up for a speed bane by just giving him the QR seal and leaving everything else intact? Anything else I could do or give him to make that 30 speed hurt less?

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16 hours ago, D4RTH said:

So I picked up a few extra Bride Cordelia's (Got 4 in total), though these are the overall best 2:

+Spd / -Atk (My first & current one I use)

+Res / -Def

Whilst the Atk bane hurts, I feel the Spd boon helps a lot (Quad). I use the following set:

  • Brave Bow+
  • Draw Back
  • Luna
  • L&D 3
  • Desperation
  • Threaten Def
  • Attack +3

Which one should I merge the others into?

They perform almost the same with buffs since you can use Sacred Seals to fix them up. I lean towards +Res slightly since that nature got better independent performance.

Brave Bow, Luna
Life and Death, Desperation
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Player Phase [+Spd, -Atk, Attack +3] 116:34:103
Player Phase [+Res, -Def, Speed +3] 117:34:102
Player Phase [+Res, -Def, Attack +3] 127:29:97
Player Phase [+Spd, -Atk, Attack +3, 4/4/0/0] 172:24:57
Player Phase [+Res, -Def, Speed +3, 4/4/0/0] 172:24:57
Player Phase [+Res, -Def, Attack +3, 4/4/0/0] 174:20:59
Player Phase [+Spd, -Atk, Attack +3, 4/4/0/0, HP=26] 182:19:52
Player Phase [+Res, -Def, Speed +3, 4/4/0/0, HP=26] 182:19:52
Player Phase [+Res, -Def, Attack +3, 4/4/0/0, HP=26] 180:21:52

2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:


I honestly have no idea why you'd bother building a player-phase-only build for Ares when he has absurd performance on his mixed-phase build. Why bother building for Spd when you simply one-hit kill everything on either phase and can't die to physical attacks?

I like the safety and sustainability of Player Phase initiation so that is why I recommended it. Mixed phase and Enemy Phase are both fine too, but it did not occur to me when I was listing his build.

While killing things in one hit is nice, I generally prefer builds that can double since it is more reliable.

1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

I pulled Zelgius as my free summon on the new banner, he's +atk -spd. His base speed is decent, but 30 speed is just kind of mediocre. Since he looks like he'd do well as an EP unit anyway, with his fierce stance and stuff, can I make up for a speed bane by just giving him the QR seal and leaving everything else intact? Anything else I could do or give him to make that 30 speed hurt less?

Quick Riposte is good, although you may want to give him Vengeful Fighter eventually so he can activate Black Luna against slower enemies. I also recommend Close Def over Speed +3 on his Sacred Seal slot since he is slow enough to the point where reducing damage increases his survivability more than reducing enemy doubles.

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9 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Can’t get Dazzling refine on a non-plus weapon, and can’t get a plus weapon without a 5★.

I said that dazzling was enough of a justification to 5 star a healer

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9 hours ago, XRay said:

While killing things in one hit is nice, I generally prefer builds that can double since it is more reliable.

41 Spd (44 Spd with a +Spd nature) when fully buffed is hardly reliable for doubling (Spd-stacked Amelia at +0 merge has 40 Spd, meaning you can't take her down without first charging Bonfire on another enemy), and 36 Spd is more than enough to deal with slow tanks, who typically have far less than 30 Spd.

Ares's one-hit-kill build is a 20-damage Bonfire on top of 62 Atk when unbuffed or a 23-damage Bonfire on top of 68 Atk fully buffed (25-damage Bonfire on top of 72 Atk at +10 merge). That's Litrblade levels of power with 46 Def worth of physical damage mitigation (50 Def at +10 merge).


The budget build runs

Dark Mystletainn
Brazen Atk/Def 3
Quick Riposte 2 / Quick Riposte 3 / Vantage 3
Close Def 3 / Quick Riposte 3

with the Quick Riposte + Close Def combination allowing him to wall harder and hit harder and the Vantage + Quick Riposte combination allowing him to kill things without risk of taking damage (Quick Riposte sets up Bonfire during the first round of combat, and Vantage takes over after Quick Riposte is disabled).

Distant Counter can be used instead of Brazen Atk/Def 3 to erase ranged units on enemy phase at the cost of 7 Atk and 4 Bonfire damage.

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17 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

A bit late, but yes, as of a few months ago, Slaying Lance+'s inheritance prerequisite was changed from Slaying Lance to either Slaying Lance or Killer Lance+ (same goes with any other weapon that can be evolved).

The most efficient way to give someone a Slaying Lance+ off of Killer Lance+ is to transfer Killer Lance and Killer Lance+ to the new unit and have them evolve the weapon into Slaying Lance+ themselves. If you evolve the Killer Lance+ on Catria and transfer all three weapons, you have to pay the 300 SP for Slaying Lance+ twice, once to evolve the weapon Catria and once again to learn the skill on the new unit.

Ah darn it, I already let Catria learn the Slaying Lance for Finn. Well at least Finn had a lot of SP from his TT, but I guess I know what to do next time I want to give someone the Slaying version of a weapon. Thanks anyway!

@Sunwoo I have the same Zelgius. To be honest, he's just fine although I don't use him as much as BK. But yes, Zelgius should do fine with Quick Riposte (maybe even as a Seal with Vantage for B skill). If you're really worried about fast swords, maybe give him Swordbreaker to troll them (although Warp Powder scores well and is pretty handy overall).

Part of me wants to try Wary FIghter for the lols though. Not like I have any of the expensive Fighter skills anyway.

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5 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

41 Spd (44 Spd with a +Spd nature) when fully buffed is hardly reliable for doubling (Spd-stacked Amelia at +0 merge has 40 Spd, meaning you can't take her down without first charging Bonfire on another enemy), and 36 Spd is more than enough to deal with slow tanks, who typically have far less than 30 Spd.

Ares can reach 47 Spd at 5*+0 with +Spd, Life and Death, Speed +3, and Hone Cavalry. That should be enough for doubling.

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19 minutes ago, XRay said:

Ares can reach 47 Spd at 5*+0 with +Spd, Life and Death, Speed +3, and Hone Cavalry. That should be enough for doubling.

Don't forget you can also ploy with an ally.

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@mcsilas: All right, good to know. I'll leave him with QR for now and see if I can experiment with any more expensive builds if I get them. Thanks!

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@Ice Dragon Little late of a response, but thanks for the correction.

I desperately need to stop trying to be helpful when tired/waking up...

Also have a few people to thank that I don't remember thanking. @Ginko, @Rafiel's Aria, @mampfoid, @XRay, and @silveraura25 all chipped in recently about who to promote and use Refining Stones and Divine Dews on.

In the end, I promoted Shigure and Speed refined the Harmonic Lance+, who is now a very fast flier and fields well with my Hinoka who now exists for Hone Fliers support, and Raven with LnD3 Basilisko, who unfortunately still doesn't have Desperation... but he will definitely get it first thing Shanna appears.

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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

@Ice Dragon Little late of a response, but thanks for the correction.

I desperately need to stop trying to be helpful when tired/waking up...

Also have a few people to thank that I don't remember thanking. @Ginko, @Rafiel's Aria, @mampfoid, @XRay, and @silveraura25 all chipped in recently about who to promote and use Refining Stones and Divine Dews on.

In the end, I promoted Shigure and Speed refined the Harmonic Lance+, who is now a very fast flier and fields well with my Hinoka who now exists for Hone Fliers support, and Raven with LnD3 Basilisko, who unfortunately still doesn't have Desperation... but he will definitely get it first thing Shanna appears.

Congrats on your promotions! I hope they serve you well. And hopefully Shanna comes home soon. If you have a spare Mae, you could give him Desperation 2 for the time being if you're really hurting for it. But if you can be patient, that's fine too!

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@Xenomata I'm a bit jealous that you have Raven with perfect IV. I hope he will serve you very well. Mine is +Atk/-HP. He miss some double but hit very hard.

I have some questions. @Zeo @mcsilas@mampfoid @Ae†her Can you guys give me some opinion? (maybe I can get from you too, Xenomata)

What is the preferred IV for Brave Ike? +Atk or +Spd (I'm not planning to use +Def)

Currently, My B!Ike is +Atk/-Def. I know this one is pretty good. But in future, I plan to +10 him. What is the different from +Atk and +Spd? Which IV is better? Pros and Cons?

His set up is...





Distant Counter

Quick Riposte 2 (will change to QR 3 or Wraith 3 if I can pull a Nepheenee)

Panic Ploy 3

Heavy Blade 3 or Quicken Pulse

His roles are to counter Reinhardt, Survive BowLyn(kill her next turn), fighting blue dragons, the rest are dealing with blue units.

But one thing that I don't know, is there anything blue he can't touch? like strong blue Bold Fighter armor?

There is no need to be clear answer. Just sharing me your idea is helpful ^^


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Oh boy, here we go @Ginko...

Brave Ike's Speed is somewhere in the midst of "decent enough that poorly build units or naturally slow can't outspeed him" and "dump stat". The way I use B!Ike (+Atk -HP) won't be the same as you do, as I've opted to let him keep the Quick Riposte SS in favor of keeping Beorc's Blessing (not really useful in Arena to me anymore, but it does boost my Arena Score and also let him take just that sliver less damage from Reinhardt). In most cases, the one unit I need to make sure he is capable of combating without dying is Nowi. For some Nowi builds reliant on speed stacking, the only way for him to avoid being doubled (and getting killed) is to transfer speed onto Ike, and in most cases he only needs an extra 6 speed (equal to one Drive Spd and one Rally Spd/Res or Spd/Def) to avoid the double. In other cases, he only needs one because Nowi is slow, like him.

From testing the build on my own B!Ike against the strongest player-phase enemies I can think of, he loses kills if he is not +Atk, and the +Spd nature does nothing for him if you have Quick Riposte on him anyways.

In testing, he can't deal with Bold Fighter Blue Armors... if Hardin is +10 merge and has Hone/Fortify Armor up, and he outright fails against DB BF Effie, but I'm not sure it matters, because all the Effies I ever run into run Berkuts Lance with Wary Fighter and Distant Counter, and Hardin... well, he isn't as strong as Effie, I'll say that.

As for Blues he can't kill... against all Blues with Spd boon, +5 merge, and Fury 3/Moonbow Overwrites, he dies to Male Kana and LA!Lyn, both of which I don't ever see at arena fights in 704-710, and fails to kill Gwendolyn and Effie, and Roderick does... arguably pointless combat.

So yeah, I personally see no reason to run +Spd on him when he loses kills from lower attack.

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22 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

all the Effies I ever run into run Berkuts Lance with Wary Fighter and Distant Counter, and Hardin... well, he isn't as strong as Effie, I'll say that.

Yeah, me too. I never see Hardin run offensive skill on A slot. So he is not scary at all.

The reason that I ask all of this because I have one of my friend list, he has +10 speedy B!Ike(35 spd). He is awesome with Wraith build when I use him in GC.

This make me question on my +Atk B!Ike.

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@Ginko I switched mine from +SPD/(-HP or -DEF, don't remember) to +DEF/-SPD some time ago and I'm running him with his vanilla set + Reposition and QR3 seal. He performs very good, for example he is a perfect opener for Valters Infernal GHB, but like you wrote you want to use him in a totally different role. 

For AA it's easier and cheaper to set up other Reinhardt and Lyn counters (TA/Gronnraven for example) and in GC you already run the B!Ike of your friend? Since you want to give him a lot of merges, I guess you want to run him in your main arena team? I'm not sure if you'll see many Reinhardts in +10/+10/+10 land (I'm not yet there). 

You could ask @Javi Blizz, since he is working on a +10 B!Ike himself (not sure if he plans a DC build though). 

Like @Xenomata wrote, +SPD nature for B!Ike will prevent doubles only from a few opponents if these are merged as well. I don't see much benefit from a +SPD nature, since there are other units which can run a DC set better. The build you are trying to give him seems imperfect, but to be honest I'm out of ideas how to make it much better for him and I'm not an expert in FEH calculators either.

Sorry if that wasn't much of an help.  

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Yes, I’m planning to +10 him (currently +8), although I’m keeping him with Steady Breath and Beorc’s Blessing. Mine is +HP/-Res. 

I prefered to focus on his high defense, and he works well against all physical blue and green unir (and some reds). Dragons aren’t much a problem either (except reds). Quick Riposte + 4 CD Aether makes it much easier to survive, while SB charges it faster.

I have other ways to deal with magic (Fjorm, Niles 5*+5...) so I had no need to give him DC

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@mampfoid Thank you, no need to apologize. I'm appreciated for your answer and I said in the beginning, there is no need to be clear. I hate using simulator. I prefer to hear some real experience that is more useful, to be honest.

 That DC on him, I gave him so lonnnggg time ago. Only a month later after his first release on CYL banner. I have no regret because he always OHKO every squishy blue mage.

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20 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

Yes, I’m planning to +10 him (currently +8), although I’m keeping him with Steady Breath and Beorc’s Blessing. Mine is +HP/-Res. 

I prefered to focus on his high defense, and he works well against all physical blue and green unir (and some reds). Dragons aren’t much a problem either (except reds). Quick Riposte + 4 CD Aether makes it much easier to survive, while SB charges it faster.

I have other ways to deal with magic (Fjorm, Niles 5*+5...) so I had no need to give him DC

So you are focused on his physical tank build.

I have one question. Am I correct that he can survive Alm's Falchion with this tank build?

Sorry for double post

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2 hours ago, Ginko said:

What is the preferred IV for Brave Ike? +Atk or +Spd (I'm not planning to use +Def)

+Spd is not good for him. Speed stacking on him just gives him a lot of inferior skills.

If I were to be fortunate enough to pull all of the copies I would need to +10 him and still have plenty for fodder, I would build him pretty much the same way as Lukas.

+Def/-Spd, Bonfire, Steady Breath, QR, Close Def seal. +Atk would also work for the build but it would take a little away from his raw ability to tank physical (and magical because Urvans is broken) damage.

1 minute ago, Ginko said:

I have one question. Am I correct that he can survive Alm's Falchion with this tank build?

Most definitely. Urvans makes the feat quite easy. Lukas can survive Bold Fighter Axe users with a full defensive build.

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2 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

 Lukas can survive Bold Fighter Axe users with a full defensive build.

But die to BK or Zelgius Wo Dao+ Bold Fighter if he don't have Guard. 

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