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2 hours ago, Zeo said:

@Alkaid Well it's about time! Grats to you there.

Thanks! I appreciate the encouragement over these.. literal months.. of waiting for her.

2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

@Alkaid That's fantastic news, especially with that nature, congratulations! 

Also +ATK Grima is cool (60 ATK lol ... ). I don't think -DEF hurts him much, 32 DEF is still good. 

Thanks! So happy to finally add her to the flier family.  And 60 atk Grima before even an A slot skill is pretty funny for sure. He may not be "squishy", but compared to the green W Tharja I was anticipating after the trailer, I suppose he just feels that way(especially with the bane).

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After going some mission I went in and did a full summon



That isn't what I was expecting. At least I can use Catria for slaying lance fodder, and use the others as feathers. But this is going to set me back

Edited by Jingle Jangle
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So with the map and quest orbs I open a session and have 2 reds and 3 greens to pick from. First I open up a red and get a 5* . . .  Mage Eirika! Uhh . . . Wrong alt. +ATK/-RES. I know my other one is +SPD. Don't remember the bane. So now I can choose between atk or spd if I want. I open the other red and get a 4* . . . Eirika.

Gosh darn. This girl is still stalking me! How many restraining orders do I need?!

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37 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

He may not be "squishy", but compared to the green W Tharja I was anticipating after the trailer, I suppose he just feels that way(especially with the bane).

With a Fortify Dragons (or Fortify Armor) plus a defensive (Steady Stance) or mixed A-Slot (Fury) he already arrives in DEF 40 regions without even to use the seal slot, also TA would help. I think its good he doesn't have a RES bane, since with that weapon he'll be able to counter kill mages. 

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Well I was pity broken on the new banner by B!Ike and have gotten nothing but fodder.  I hope I can get Grima since I have given up on getting Vector.  I have not been having that good a luck this week in RL as well as in Heroes, I hope things get a bit better for me soon.

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Huh. Spent 14 orbs. Got Grima, but I swear this game knows that I didn't really care about him, because it was TOO easy. Pulling for blues/red's but with no particular fervor. Upon examining Grima's art even closer, I still can't bring myself to use him. Might just save him to fodder off his B skill to a good armor...

But it's so hard to fodder a Robin even if he's ugly as sin. *sigh*

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Fallen Heroes has not been kind to me so far. 

Something like150 orbs down the drain and all I have to show for it is a 5* Lilina, who I completely forgot is is the 5* pool for some reason. And a mCorrin. Why oh why couldn’t that mCorrin have been Seliph? mCorrins are it pretty but otherwise he is objectively useless for me. 

Other than those two disappointments I did get a 4* Seliph so that brings mine up to +7 which is nice. I got disappointingly little useful fodder other than one 3* Hinata, a Camilla, and some repo fodder. 

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After 43 orbs, I got a SPD-, RES+ Dragon Daddy. I sniped for it (does it have a gender?) because he pretty much makes OG Hector more dead than Armads's curse. This boon/bane makes his defenses close to Shenna, but with a much higher attack, so I'm happy with it.

But, at any  rate, s if Laegjarn's weapon is anything to go by, it seems Grima is also vunerable to the powercreep curse.

4 hours ago, DarkLordIvy said:

Something like150 orbs down the drain and all I have to show for it is a 5* Lilina, who I completely forgot is is the 5* pool for some reason. And a mCorrin. Why oh why couldn’t that mCorrin have been Seliph? mCorrins are it pretty but otherwise he is objectively useless for me.

I got lucky this time, but I spent around 280 orbs for a -ATK Bait!Hector in the first day. My condolences for your orbs.

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15 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Free pull: lone red, 4★ Palla.
Second set: lone red, 4★ Fir.
Third set: no reds, lone blue…


HP/Res. Fine by me!

@SatsumaFSoysoy @Arcanite @GuiltyLove @DefaultBeep @JSND Alter Dragon Boner @Rezzy @mcsilas @mampfoid

This looks like an apology for my yesterday’s summoning spree for Hinoka that after 99 orbs broke my 4.25% rate by an Abel.

Congrats on your Hardin!  He's the one I wanted most out of this bunch.

@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@Arcanite@Anacybele@DarkLordIvy@GuiltyLove@Captain Karnage@Sophie@Rex Glacies@DefaultBeep@Tybrosion@Glaceon Mage@Anime27Arts

With all the Orbs we've been getting this month, I had over 200 going into this one.  I was hoping to get Hardin most of all, but would try for the others unless my luck really tanked.


I got Celica pretty quickly, on the second or third round, before I got too much of a pity rate.  Then, I had a bit of a lull, before Julia broke my pity rate.  Lastly I got Robin a bit later.  After I ran out of Orbs, I did the story missions to get back up to 20 Orbs.  There was only one Blue Orb, and thankfully, I got Daddy Hardin.  I needed that glorious mustache!

For natures:

Witchy Woman: +HP/-Res, effectively neutral, so I'm okay with that

Julia: -Atk/+Res, there's always one, but I can merge her into my current one

Grima: Neutral, as long as they aren't -Atk, I'm happy

Daddy Hardin: -HP/+Atk, apart from HP being a super bane, that's pretty darn good.  I think I'll use him as my bonus unit for Arena next week, unless we luck out with a random horse.


Sadly, I didn't really get much good fodder for the 50 or so units that I pulled.  No Hinatas, so I won't be able to be as generous with Fury as I had been.  And no Rachels for merging either, so that will have to wait a bit longer.  At least I got a couple Gunters and Jeigans, so I can continue to put Hone/Fortify on all my horses.

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Meanwhile the last thing my quest for Valentine's Roy has yielded was a +Spd/-Atk 5* Reinhardt, why are all my pitybreakers on this banner on colors I'm not sniping?  Two greens (Rhajat and Camilla) and a blue (Rein).  How annoying.

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13 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Nice haul. And seems your -Atk curse is slowly going away!

Thanks, it's not been as bad, but I don't want to jinx it.

7 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

Meanwhile the last thing my quest for Valentine's Roy has yielded was a +Spd/-Atk 5* Reinhardt, why are all my pitybreakers on this banner on colors I'm not sniping?  Two greens (Rhajat and Camilla) and a blue (Rein).  How annoying.

Ouch, that hurts.  I noticed that Blues were pretty rare for me today for some reason.  I don't think I had any groups with more than 2 today and often zero.

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1 hour ago, Rezzy said:

With all the Orbs we've been getting this month, I had over 200 going into this one.  I was hoping to get Hardin most of all, but would try for the others unless my luck really tanked.

Nice pulls. I spent about 30 orbs last night getting V!Lyn (and I did, +Def -Spd, cursed as usual), then about 40 on the new banner. I got a pitybreaker Merric on the LA banner and a Brave Roy from Fallen Heroes, so I decided to stop there. But no Celica... Since Celica is probably the one to drop to 4*, I'm planning on making her +10.

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1 hour ago, Rezzy said:

Congrats on your Hardin!  He's the one I wanted most out of this bunch.

@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@Arcanite@Anacybele@DarkLordIvy@GuiltyLove@Captain Karnage@Sophie@Rex Glacies@DefaultBeep@Tybrosion@Glaceon Mage@Anime27Arts

With all the Orbs we've been getting this month, I had over 200 going into this one.  I was hoping to get Hardin most of all, but would try for the others unless my luck really tanked.


I got Celica pretty quickly, on the second or third round, before I got too much of a pity rate.  Then, I had a bit of a lull, before Julia broke my pity rate.  Lastly I got Robin a bit later.  After I ran out of Orbs, I did the story missions to get back up to 20 Orbs.  There was only one Blue Orb, and thankfully, I got Daddy Hardin.  I needed that glorious mustache!

For natures:

Witchy Woman: +HP/-Res, effectively neutral, so I'm okay with that

Julia: -Atk/+Res, there's always one, but I can merge her into my current one

Grima: Neutral, as long as they aren't -Atk, I'm happy

Daddy Hardin: -HP/+Atk, apart from HP being a super bane, that's pretty darn good.  I think I'll use him as my bonus unit for Arena next week, unless we luck out with a random horse.


Sadly, I didn't really get much good fodder for the 50 or so units that I pulled.  No Hinatas, so I won't be able to be as generous with Fury as I had been.  And no Rachels for merging either, so that will have to wait a bit longer.  At least I got a couple Gunters and Jeigans, so I can continue to put Hone/Fortify on all my horses.

Nice :D

I got -Spd Clair as my pity breaker :D

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33 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Nice pulls. I spent about 30 orbs last night getting V!Lyn (and I did, +Def -Spd, cursed as usual), then about 40 on the new banner. I got a pitybreaker Merric on the LA banner and a Brave Roy from Fallen Heroes, so I decided to stop there. But no Celica... Since Celica is probably the one to drop to 4*, I'm planning on making her +10.

I'm not sure if any of them will drop to 4*, with how OP their skills are.  Celica's Chill Speed is inheritable, which I would put on pretty much all of my units that don't make much use of their B Skill, replacing WoM as my go-to filler skill.  It's basically Threaten Speed with no distance restriction.

20 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

Nice :D

I got -Spd Clair as my pity breaker :D


Too bad Clair's not that great.

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Nice haul you got there! I only had scraps going into this banner but still got a 5* Mae (+Atk/-Def) in my first set...to pair with the Mae (+Spd/-HP) I just promoted. While I’d like Hardin and/or Grima, I’m probably gonna wait and see what the next legendary banner has to offer before deciding what to put my orbs towards...what to put them towards after I break my 4.75% on Love Abounds, I should say.

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2 hours ago, Crux404 said:

I got lucky this time, but I spent around 280 orbs for a -ATK Bait!Hector in the first day. My condolences for your orbs.

In the end I caved bought some orbs and managed to get Grima. He’s +Atk/-Res which is awesome but dang those pity breakers were the worst I’ve gotten in a loooong time. 

@Rezzy congrats on your haul! You did a lot better than me lol. 

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2 hours ago, Rezzy said:

I'm not sure if any of them will drop to 4*, with how OP their skills are.  Celica's Chill Speed is inheritable, which I would put on pretty much all of my units that don't make much use of their B Skill, replacing WoM as my go-to filler skill.  It's basically Threaten Speed with no distance restriction.

The only banners to not have anyone drop to 4* so far have been CYL and Farfetched Heroes, so I'm optimistic.

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36 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

The only banners to not have anyone drop to 4* so far have been CYL and Farfetched Heroes, so I'm optimistic.

Strictly speaking, the CYLs weren't dropped is because they are special heroes. So only Farfetched heroes have that distinction.

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1 minute ago, ZeManaphy said:

Strictly speaking, the CYLs weren't dropped is because they are special heroes. So only Farfetched heroes have that distinction.

Farfetched Heroes was made based on CYL results, and its Heroes had similar CYL stat boosts and full skill kits as the original CYL banner, so you could classify them as the same thing.

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