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Just going to get it all out of the way. All red on tickets and that's it.

4* Bantu

4* Morgan

4* Morgan
4* Soleil

3* Stahl
4* Silvia

3* Seliph
3* Bantu


Same old, same old. Onto the anniversary event next I suppose.

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On my first summoning wheel, I got, like

Yarne. With a bad nature.

... That's confusing. But Yarne is a better random 5-star than Siegbert or Fallen Celica.

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Ahhhh! After 32 pulls and spending all my orbs, New Years Selkie finally came to me! +Res -Def, not bad!

Now to save up once again and pray that there won't be any units for the new Picnic seasonals that I want, as I have my eyes on Picnic Felicia..

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3 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

... That's confusing. But Yarne is a better random 5-star than Siegbert or Fallen Celica.

@Alexmender @mcsilas @mampfoid @Landmaster @daisy jane @DLNarshen @eclipse



As he was my free pull with my first ticket. His nature didn't matter as I already have a +SPD/-DEF one that promptly got a merge. So he's sitting on 39 base SPD and waiting for a refine. Sounds nice... if I didn't already have a +ATK Brave Roy and a +ATK Swordhardt. Granted I don't "need" Larcei or Shannan, I would have preferred either of them over Siegbert. Pretty sad honestly... of all the *5 red pitybreakers he's one of the worst I could have pulled, surpassed only by Mage Eirika. Eh, oh well. 

Moving it along the last thing I got was on my 3rd ticket which was a green and it was-



Well that's a surprise. Wrong banner, buddy.Not Ced but I've never been able to pull Dorcas so this pitybreaker is more than welcome. I don't have a DC Infantry Axe (aside from the Ross that I... well... gave DC to) so this is a first for me and he's a cool guy even if his art is kinda wonky. This guy is coincidentally the same nature as the one my nephew pulled on his debut banner: +DEF/-RES. I'll gladly take it.

Pretty satisfied all things considered. There'll always be a shiny new infantry sword around the corner so it's a shrug of the shoulders weather or not I pull one. Patiently waiting for Edward.

So I went back to the NY banner to break that wretched 5.00% rate and hopefully pull Duo Alfonse or Lethe. Welp... I broke the rate....



Something like this hasn't happened to me in a long time. That kick in the nuts feeling is still there though. After getting pitybroken by this guy I literally went and looked up the *5 summoning pool just to see how abysmal my chances are of actually pulling a bad green *5 and just as sure as you're reading this he's the single worst *5 I could have possibly pulled from the pool by a large margin. A close second being Rhajat who, at the very least I didn't already have. There are so many amazing things in the green pool that getting a pitybreaker is almost just as exciting as pulling a focus unit. I'm in disbelief I could have gotten something so bad. He's even +SPD/-ATK so If I want him to be worth anything I still have to spend 20k feathers to promote my other one to get rid of the bane which negates the only possible benefit of pulling him: saving feathers.

If I'd pulled nothing, I'd still have a high rate and chance of pulling Alfonse or Lethe. This is literally worst case scenario. God...

So.. yeah, the game continues to be fickle with me. I can't say I'm in a bad place emotionally though. I just hope I can pull Alfonse before his banner ends... without missing out on too much else.

Edited by Zeo
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4 minutes ago, Zeo said:

So.. yeah, the game continues to be fickle with me. I can't say I'm in a bad place emotionally though. I just hope I can pull Alfonse before his banner ends... without missing out on too much else.

Wow, these are some odd pulls. Congrats Osian and good luck getting Alfonse! 


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11 minutes ago, Zeo said:

@Alexmender @mcsilas @mampfoid @Landmaster @daisy jane @DLNarshen @eclipse



As he was my free pull with my first ticket. His nature didn't matter as I already have a +SPD/-DEF one that promptly got a merge. So he's sitting on 39 base SPD and waiting for a refine. Sounds nice... if I didn't already have a +ATK Brave Roy and a +ATK Swordhardt. Granted I don't "need" Larcei or Shannan, I would have preferred either of them over Siegbert. Pretty sad honestly... of all the *5 red pitybreakers he's one of the worst I could have pulled, surpassed only by Mage Eirika. Eh, oh well. 

i really don't like this guy LOL
at least Mage Eirika comes with Rally Atk/Spd. 

Im sorry about the Python. I do hope you can get Alfonse before the banner ends. you've got plenty of time! 🙂



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@Zeo Dang, sorry about the pitybreakers. A shame when they have no skill value, but hey extra stats 

That Python is the same as my first Python. +Spd is a great boon at least, and he makes more a nice cheap L!Azura sniper (when I need to bait and kill her ASAP before enemy starts. the extra move helps)

Osian is an amazing unit though

If it it makes you feel better, I also got pitybroken in the NY banner by a 4-5 star. On both accounts, in the exact same situation of 1 colourless and 4 blue orbs- broken by Mordecai :(. My main got a +Res/-HP Mordecai when I as tempted to try the duo unit...just merged him with my promoted one I guess. Just feels ironice because there is a bug with Mordecai recently, too.

I did get some luck at least. Got a free +Spd/-Res Larcei in my second account on my first ticket. Then I spent orbs on Brave Roy banner and got borken by +Atk Celica, so I have the perfect base now. Wasted orbs trying to get Idunn but no result.


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Okay really, I just want New Year Selkie, is that so much to ask for? Or is it just that free orbs are blessed/cursed?

I got Fallen Mareeta, useful fodder not complaining, and Surtr from grinding out free orbs. Literally grinding, I exhaused both the remaining orbs I could get from the Blessed Gardens AND from the new story chapter, and this is how I'm rewarded: two off-focus units who to be fair aren't units I've +10ed yet and are actually pretty useful in their own ways (though much earlier I also got a copy of Laevatein, who is now +9) and little chance to build a pity rate.

...well I still got almost a month to summon her, so I guess I'll keep at it...

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Me: I'm just gonna use the free pull and tickets on red since Shannan is the coolest one in this batch...even if I know little to nothing about these characters. Though my luck streak has been insane lately, so I've probably used up all of--



THE FREAKING FREE PULL!! And when this guy is sharing his color too. And his IVs aren't horrible (though +HP, -Res isn't perfect either). Holy shit. This is also the first time I've gotten a focus unit on the free pull since Phina months ago. My luck still ain't over yet. o_O

@Rezzy @mampfoid @Arcanite

Edited by Anacybele
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2 hours ago, Zeo said:

@Alexmender @mcsilas @mampfoid @Landmaster @daisy jane @DLNarshen @eclipse



As he was my free pull with my first ticket. His nature didn't matter as I already have a +SPD/-DEF one that promptly got a merge. So he's sitting on 39 base SPD and waiting for a refine. Sounds nice... if I didn't already have a +ATK Brave Roy and a +ATK Swordhardt. Granted I don't "need" Larcei or Shannan, I would have preferred either of them over Siegbert. Pretty sad honestly... of all the *5 red pitybreakers he's one of the worst I could have pulled, surpassed only by Mage Eirika. Eh, oh well. 

Moving it along the last thing I got was on my 3rd ticket which was a green and it was-

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Well that's a surprise. Wrong banner, buddy.Not Ced but I've never been able to pull Dorcas so this pitybreaker is more than welcome. I don't have a DC Infantry Axe (aside from the Ross that I... well... gave DC to) so this is a first for me and he's a cool guy even if his art is kinda wonky. This guy is coincidentally the same nature as the one my nephew pulled on his debut banner: +DEF/-RES. I'll gladly take it.

Pretty satisfied all things considered. There'll always be a shiny new infantry sword around the corner so it's a shrug of the shoulders weather or not I pull one. Patiently waiting for Edward.

So I went back to the NY banner to break that wretched 5.00% rate and hopefully pull Duo Alfonse or Lethe. Welp... I broke the rate....

  Reveal hidden contents


Something like this hasn't happened to me in a long time. That kick in the nuts feeling is still there though. After getting pitybroken by this guy I literally went and looked up the *5 summoning pool just to see how abysmal my chances are of actually pulling a bad green *5 and just as sure as you're reading this he's the single worst *5 I could have possibly pulled from the pool by a large margin. A close second being Rhajat who, at the very least I didn't already have. There are so many amazing things in the green pool that getting a pitybreaker is almost just as exciting as pulling a focus unit. I'm in disbelief I could have gotten something so bad. He's even +SPD/-ATK so If I want him to be worth anything I still have to spend 20k feathers to promote my other one to get rid of the bane which negates the only possible benefit of pulling him: saving feathers.

If I'd pulled nothing, I'd still have a high rate and chance of pulling Alfonse or Lethe. This is literally worst case scenario. God...

So.. yeah, the game continues to be fickle with me. I can't say I'm in a bad place emotionally though. I just hope I can pull Alfonse before his banner ends... without missing out on too much else.

Yo nice pulls! Not Alfonse yet, but you still got a lot of time left~

As for me, I was pissed off because of Arena runs last night. I just barely wanted to do my Free Pull but I did it anyway, and there was one Red, so i was really hoping for a +HP Silvia or -Atk Corrin~


WoRks FoR mE

-Atk, +Res, don't even care, I GOT THE TIDDIES

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Congrats to everyone pulling Shannan! I went for red as well, but no luck. I don't mind, seeing as I don't really like Shannan's art all that much and I have Ayra already, I don't need notayra.

Anyways, i'm saving orbs for when Legendary Lucina comes back out.

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I pulled only in red and after the story, free and some other orbs I was at 40, I believe. I ended up getting this lovely lady.


Love her, so far she is one of my best infantry swords (DC is from fodder). 

Really hope for a Shannan though as like his art, voice and was a monster in Geneology (a +res +1 would be what I want but let's be realists). Will give up on the winter and NY banners as I am at both at 4.25 and it's not worth it. 

Edited by SuperNova125
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Uggg, what am I doing? I spent the free summon, 2 tickets, the 10 compensation orbs, all the new story mode orbs,  and ~20 of my own orbs sniping red on the new banner. Nothing but combat manuals. Even had 3 different sessions with 3 red orbs, so should have been decent sniping odds. I'm an idiot, I don't even need a fast sword unit, I have both Mareeta's. I just like both of the new red units, and now I feel like I wasted so many summons, I can't walk away empty handed. I did get 2 copies of Cain, so that's something I guess. I hate when I do shit like this. Congrats to everyone with better luck than me 

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3,583 total pulled units.


Raigh (+HP/-Spd): Yeesh.  Way to start the free pull. ;/
Bantu (+HP/-Spd): Uh. . .WTF, this actually works.  Though for my purposes, I think +Res or +Atk might be better.
Mathilda (+Res/-Atk): This, however, will not work.
Catria (+HP/-Res): Will need some feathers to turn her into proper Luna fodder.
Lucius (+Def/-Res): You're not a dual tank!

Fae (+HP/-Res): She's good fodder at least!
Reinhardt (+Spd/-Res): One of the few characters that doesn't appreciate this.
Silas (+Def/-Atk): Hey, good fodder!  But like Catria, needs feathers.
Norne (+Spd/-Def): Dammit, this one's competent.
Serra (+Def/-Res): OUT.  NOW!

Altena (+Spd/-Res): What in the everliving hell is this--wait, superboon?  Never mind, time to troll!  EP Altena that refuses to be doubled, GO!
Oboro (+Atk/-Res): PERFECT.
Barst (+Res/-Spd): Also perfect, because Altena needs Reposition.
Clarine (+HP/-Def): Alas, not even good fodder.
Legault (neutral): Altena gets Atk Tactic, too.

Thank you Shanan for donating your ticket to Altena.  Would like to pull a second one just to get rid of the superbane, but her job isn't to tank dragons.


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Welp, got Larcei who was the only one I didn't really want but oh well. Then I got Orsin, so I mean, that's cool since I wasn't able to get him on his banner. And I just got Altena. Have one more ticket to acquire, I'll be fine if I don't get Ced, but I'd really like to get Shannan.

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Got Ced with my free tickets and Larcei shortly after I finished with them! I wasn't even trying to pull green, that was just a session with no reds.

Ced is +HP, -Def, which is slightly better than neutral, probably? Larcei is +Res, -Atk, which is one of her worst possible natures. Not that that'll hold her back much, I'm sure.

Hit a new personal orb record of 756 earlier today, and finished the new banner with 733. Wonder if I'll hit 800 later this month.

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