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My tickets and free pulls haven't given me anything noteworthy. But that's all well that that crazy luck streak I had before is done now. I only really need one for GD Ike's reutrn soon at the moment. 😛

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From today's daily banner I freepulled a 4* Altena which came totally unexpected since I didn't know she was demoted. A very nice surprise! 

I have all regular units from Thracia 776 now except for one: the leader himself, Leif.


Also today's ticket gave me a +atk BraveAlm, so perfect.


Other two free summonings gave me 3* crap I already forgot.

Edited by Falcom Knight
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As usual I'm just gonna dump all of my recent summons. Last time I posted here was when I pulled on the Christmas banner. I did manage to get Marth and Sothis but I forgot to post 😛 

NY! Banner: Saved until Lif was revealed, then I decided Selkie was far more important... The one time I'm not looking for green is when I get swarmed and pity broken ;o; Under a spoiler cause this post is getting long.



- Edelgard +hp/-def. My last one was also -def :L

- Hilda +atk/-spd. Nice ivs since I merged her with my og copy

- Rhajat -atk/-spd....... I was pissed to say the least

- Maribelle +spd/-def I'm actually really happy with this since I adore Maribelle and she evaded me on her og banner

- Python +def/-atk....... End me

- NY!Lethe +spd/-hp Finally, a NY unit ;-; I gave up on Selkie at this point. No more orbs but I do like Lethe a lot


I didn't get the unit I wanted but at the same time I'm not sure if I can complain?? I didn't spend a crazy amount of orbs or anything like that and I got a lot of free 5* from free summons. Behold the reason why I'm not mad:



Mythic hero banner:

- Lif +atk/-def. I made the right decision dumping my orbs on the NY banner

Weekly revival banners:

- Mia +atk/-hp

- Luke +res/-hp

Old NY! banners:

- NY! Hrid +def/-res

Random free seasonal hero: 

- Summer Laegjarn +res/-hp I was incredibly happy with this, I love Laegjarn :3

Bond Hero Battle:

- Minerva +hp/-res Fun fact, this is my third free Minerva lol

TT banner: 

- Alm +atk/-def

Hero Fest: 

Brave Micaiah +hp/-res. I finally fixed my -atk bane

Sirius +hp/-res


A grand total of 8 free 5* heroes when you exclude the seasonal freebie. Yep, I can't complain about no Selkie 

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3,661 total pulled units


Cherche (+HP/-Res): Zephiel needed Pivot anyway.
Micaiah (+Spd/-Atk): Oh what the. . .her speed's actually decent, and she hits hard enough for the -Atk to not matter.  If I ever get a second copy, and it's +HP or +Def, I might keep +Spd because it's that funny.
Tanya (+Spd/-Atk): This, however, is fodder.
Wendy (+Atk/-Def): And this is pretty damn good.
Titania (+Def/-Atk): While this is unfortunate.

Catria (+Res/-HP): Luna fodder is always welcome.

Hana (+Atk/-Def): Hey, she'll hit harder!  Whee~!
Sophia (+Res/-Atk): And she'll donate Fortify Res to someone!

Alm (+Def/-HP): This is literally the exact same as my current one.  Don't really care about erasing the HP bane from my current one.  Now who would like Chill Def and his C skil?

Norne (+Def/-HP): She's amazing fodder, at least!
Athena (+Atk/-Spd): Thank goodness I can do something about that bane!
Camilla (+Def/-HP): Wrong incarnation of yourself!
Camilla (+Atk/-Spd): Better bane, but I'm not looking for the 3* one!
Gunter (+Spd/-Res): That's just unfortunate.

Tharja (+Res/-Def): Wonder who wants a -blade tome?

Echinda (+Def/-Atk): 10/10 fodder, would pull a bad one again!

Barst (+Res/-Spd): I hope this isn't a sign that the Devil Axe is gonna shank his Spd.

Only missing Camilla from the Brave Heroes.  Dunno if I can pull her, but it won't be for lack of trying!


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Nope, nothing on these latest banners. Guaranteed Freebie was Christmas Nino, which is kinda perfect to match Reindeer Jaffar. I may never use her due to unit preferences, but they make a cute picture. Here's to hoping the Valentine banner will be kind and give me Alm+Celica. Or Rudolph. Either or. I have plenty of axe infantry already and Picnic Lukas is my main blue armor.

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Final CYL3 ticket:

4* Lilina
4* Olivia
4* Lissa
3* Clair
3* Oscar

Kept going because I'm not particularly interested in spending orbs on the CYL2 Hero Fest.

4* Lukas
(4 reds, screw that)

3* Peri
4* Tanya
(3 reds, screw that)

5* CYL Eliwood +Spd -Atk
3* Florina
4* Gordin
3* Seliph
3* Tiki

I feel better about the banner now having gotten at least one focus unit. Disappointed to not get Camilla but prefer Fjorm anyway whenever her re-run happens. Aside, +Spd -Atk appears to be the order of the month though, with Byleth, Bruno and Altena also showing up with that nature. I'm sure he'll get a merge eventually to get rid of the -Atk, meanwhile he can sit on the bench.

Down to a precarious 24 orbs, having also forgotten to do the Lif MHB, but whatever, nothing else to spend on until the Legendary banner at the end of the month, where I'll be sniping exclusively blue until I'm down to zero orbs.

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I tried for either B Eliwood or B camilla today with my ticket. I got a +Spd/-HP Claude!! I’m so happy!! He was my most wanted colorless pity breaker... so I cannot complain!!! My first copy, so I’m pumped!! Glad I can put this banner to rest before diving into the Valentine banner for a 4* Conrad and the Alm Duo. I’ll be back for Eliwood later though, hopefully in golden week! I think getting my first Brave Alm and Claude is MORE than good enough.

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I resisted using any of the CYL3 tickets until now, so let's see if spending all of them at once was a good idea. Going green since Micaiah needs a merge.

  1. 4* Cecilia: Meh.
  2. 4* Cherche: More meh.
  3. 3* Barst: Reposition fodder.
  4. 4* Bartre: Ugh.
  5. 4* Nino: Eh.
  6. 4* Nino: *angry noises*

Exactly one green in every single circle, nothing but disappointment. At least I got a piece of Reposition fodder...

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6 hours ago, Morgan--Grandmaster said:

I don't know how common this is, but I now possess every single Brave Hero, at least until the CYL 4 quartet comes out. 

Me too! (but not because of the banner) Ideally i get another alm because my ivs suck (and i kinda wanna kill him. a lot LOL). 


3 hours ago, SockPuppet said:

I tried for either B Eliwood or B camilla today with my ticket. I got a +Spd/-HP Claude!! I’m so happy!! He was my most wanted colorless pity breaker... so I cannot complain!!! My first copy, so I’m pumped!! Glad I can put this banner to rest before diving into the Valentine banner for a 4* Conrad and the Alm Duo. I’ll be back for Eliwood later though, hopefully in golden week! I think getting my first Brave Alm and Claude is MORE than good enough.

oooohh congrats!!!  I think that's the ivs of mine. that or def or something.  Claudes are always welcome

4 hours ago, silverserpent said:

Nope, nothing on these latest banners. Guaranteed Freebie was Christmas Nino, which is kinda perfect to match Reindeer Jaffar. I may never use her due to unit preferences, but they make a cute picture. Here's to hoping the Valentine banner will be kind and give me Alm+Celica. Or Rudolph. Either or. I have plenty of axe infantry already and Picnic Lukas is my main blue armor.

good luck
I wasn't paying attention. but Rudolph has Atk/Def threaten 
Will def need to try to grab a Rudoplh next year or something if we don't see these duel C skills in the pool later on. 

i am hemming and hawing on Almlica. It's Alm and Celica my now 1B favourites of the whole franchise, vs
"I need to save for Dimitri and Bylass". 

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@mcsilas @Alexmender @Ginko @mampfoid @Landmaster @daisy jane @NegativeExponents- @Tybrosion @SatsumaFSoysoy @BoaFerox @Rezzy @DLNarshen @eclipse

....Well... after exhausting my orb supply for 2 months, 400+ orbs, three worthless pitybreakers  and a bit of my soul, I sat there for a second, looked at the 14 orbs I had left with 12 minutes left on the NY!Banner and no feasable way to get more orbs in time. I said I was done with the banner after pulling my 3rd pitybreaker. The rate was a flat 3.00% and with it's departure that would be the end of those units for an entire year. So with a shrug of the shoulders, I went in for one last summoning session. I was presented with but one blue stone....



...And this was in it. There was no cheer, no gasp, just the drop of hopeless being's head into his hands in disbelief. The very last summon of a long journey. After try after try after try in what eventually felt hopeless there was light at the very end of the tunnel. But light that wouldn't have been shown to me had I given up, had I not went in one last time. Thank you God. No, not the FEH Gods or any of that nonsense. the real God.

He's +SPD/-DEF. Who even cares. Won't see him again until 2021 if the game is even around then. First duo hero, and one of the units I wanted the most in the game, home.



I need to lie down.

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3 minutes ago, Zeo said:

@mcsilas @Alexmender @Ginko @mampfoid @Landmaster @daisy jane @NegativeExponents- @Tybrosion @SatsumaFSoysoy @BoaFerox @Rezzy @DLNarshen @eclipse

....Well... after exhausting my orb supply for 2 months, 400+ orbs, three worthless pitybreakers  and a bit of my soul, I sat there for a second, looked at the 14 orbs I had left with 12 minutes left on the NY!Banner and no feasable way to get more orbs in time. I said I was done with the banner after pulling my 3rd pitybreaker. The rate was a flat 3.00% and with it's departure that would be the end of those units for an entire year. So with a shrug of the shoulders, I went in for one last summoning session. I was presented with but one blue stone....

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...And this was in it. There was no cheer, no gasp, just the drop of hopeless being's head into his hands in disbelief. The very last summon of a long journey. After try after try after try in what eventually felt hopeless there was light at the very end of the tunnel. But light that wouldn't have been shown to me had I given up, had I not went in one last time. Thank you God. No, not the FEH Gods or any of that nonsense. the real God.

He's +SPD/-DEF. Who even cares. Won't see him again until 2021 if the game is even around then. First duo hero, and one of the units I wanted the most in the game, home.



I need to lie down.

(HUG).  at least he's Home!!!
Congrats, friend of mine. 

(also pity rates are such a lie sometimes lol)

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Woooo!!! Congrats, really glad you've got them! Have fun using them!

On my side..I think I ended up 11% with no Leif. Only a dupe Caineghis on the first day but no other 5 stars after that. It always seems to be the Leif banners.

Then I tried hunting for Brave Eliwood, but I didn't want to spend too much of my CC orbs bank. Sadly again, just a rate. At least I got Brave Camilla for my main on the first ticket, which is cool, but I think I should stop myself form hunting from Eliwood and just wait for him to pity break me. Really need to let orbs stockpile up again first

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Congrats.  Those kind of painful, desperate summoning session are part of what turned me into an orb hoarder.  Finally getting what you want feels like relief, rather than elation.  Oh well, maybe if they win the Hero Rises you can fix that poor nature, or have some primo fodder.

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3 hours ago, Zeo said:


....Well... after exhausting my orb supply for 2 months, 400+ orbs, three worthless pitybreakers  and a bit of my soul, I sat there for a second, looked at the 14 orbs I had left with 12 minutes left on the NY!Banner and no feasable way to get more orbs in time. I said I was done with the banner after pulling my 3rd pitybreaker. The rate was a flat 3.00% and with it's departure that would be the end of those units for an entire year. So with a shrug of the shoulders, I went in for one last summoning session. I was presented with but one blue stone....

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...And this was in it. There was no cheer, no gasp, just the drop of hopeless being's head into his hands in disbelief. The very last summon of a long journey. After try after try after try in what eventually felt hopeless there was light at the very end of the tunnel. But light that wouldn't have been shown to me had I given up, had I not went in one last time. Thank you God. No, not the FEH Gods or any of that nonsense. the real God.

He's +SPD/-DEF. Who even cares. Won't see him again until 2021 if the game is even around then. First duo hero, and one of the units I wanted the most in the game, home.



I need to lie down.

Ayyye congrats on finally getting them!

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So I just reached 400+ orbs last night and I realized I hadn't pulled yet on the legendary and anniversary banners (I have a bad habit of waiting until the last minute to summon, even free pull, most banners; I've missed out on some because I forgot it was the last day), so I figured I'd give it a shot.







Needless to say I haven't been this lucky in awhile. I got a 5* on all of my free pulls; free L!Eliwood on the legendary, free Mia on the tempest trial (I have been trying for her since her debut, FINALLY!!!), and free regular 5* eliwood on the bound hero (not pictured). And it only took me 30-40 orbs to get Lif! I was so happy with my haul I decided to just get the winter orb deal which put me right back up to my previous orb count. I'm still on track for Dimitri! Now I just need to hope I dont get burned too hard by V!Alm/Celica later and I should be fine. 


I might've used up all my luck again tho... XD

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@Zeo congrats! Alfonse took his time, but I'm sure he'll be worth the wait.

4 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I got a 5* Python with my last ticket. I am not complaining, since I am +10ing him. It saved me 20k feathers.

Congrats! How many merges do you have now on him? 

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6 hours ago, Silver Lightning said:

So I just reached 400+ orbs last night and I realized I hadn't pulled yet on the legendary and anniversary banners (I have a bad habit of waiting until the last minute to summon, even free pull, most banners; I've missed out on some because I forgot it was the last day), so I figured I'd give it a shot.

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Needless to say I haven't been this lucky in awhile. I got a 5* on all of my free pulls; free L!Eliwood on the legendary, free Mia on the tempest trial (I have been trying for her since her debut, FINALLY!!!), and free regular 5* eliwood on the bound hero (not pictured). And it only took me 30-40 orbs to get Lif! I was so happy with my haul I decided to just get the winter orb deal which put me right back up to my previous orb count. I'm still on track for Dimitri! Now I just need to hope I dont get burned too hard by V!Alm/Celica later and I should be fine. 


I might've used up all my luck again tho... XD


well do what I am doing - (well you tend to do that anyway) - but wait. and see if the need for them kinda dies down. (I'm hoping that it does, but i have a feeling it won't. Please be Kind Alm+Celica). 

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Waited until today to use my tickets on the Hero Fest banner. Last ticket gave me B!Eliwood with a +Atk/-Spd nature. Cool, now I have to decide between merging him with the one I already have or if I should fodder his Swift Sparrow 3 and Rally skill off to someone else. I have so many characters who would like Swift Sparrow 3 after all.

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