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Mafia HQ 2.0


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Introduction to mafia: This post

Mafia games list: Here

What is Mafia?

Mafia is a game between two sides: An informed 'mafia', who want to kill everyone else, and an uninformed 'town', who want to find the mafia. Players are randomly assigned to teams, and the town has to work out who is in the mafia, while the mafia have to blend in and trick the town into not killing them.

How does it work?

Each game day consists of the day phase and the night phase. These vary in length - typically 48-72 hours for the day, and 24-48 hours for the night.

The Day Phase is when everyone decides to cast a vote to hang someone (or hang no one, if you decide). You do not have to vote. Votes will be cast publicly on the forum in most cases. Votes are generally made in this format: ##Vote: User, which makes them clear and easy to find by searching for the ##. If the moderator does not specify otherwise, votes should be made in this format.

The Night Phase is for those with special abilities (certain villagers have these, as do the Mafia). The most notable part of this phase is who the Mafia kill. To do your actions, send the game moderator a PM on this forum. Make it 100% clear who you are performing your action to.

Sounds good, can I join a game?

Of course! Check our list of upcoming games, and sign yourself up for one. The nearer the top they are, the closer they are to starting. Games in the pending list are ready to start at any point, so they're definitely a good one to sign up for if you want to play immediately.

Anything else to be aware of?

The rules vary from game to game, but in general, a few things are true in every game:

Do not talk after you're killed, or if you're not playing.

Do not edit your posts - this can vary in severity, sometimes you may edit posts to remove votes or correct grammar, other times edits are an instant modkill (getting kicked out of the game for violating the rules).

You should also try to be active during the game - games tend to get boring if only two people ever talk and nobody says much. The more meaningful posts you make during the day, the more exciting the game will be.

Some time after you have signed up, you will receive a PM with your role and alignment in it. This may be very basic and just tell you what you can do, or it may have some flavour text to make it more exciting. Either way, the PM will detail exactly what you are able to do.

For more information, check this page. It contains the basic rules and lots of variant roles.

Can I run a game?

Yes, of course! Provided you have some experience in either playing or moderating, it should be fine. Be aware that we have a queue, though, so don't just make a topic and hope to start a game the next week. Also, please be aware that as a first time moderator.

[spoiler=The Moderator's game planning guide](Shamelessly take from Smogon and adapted)


1. Design your game, and put it in a spreadsheet or other nice format. It doesn't have to be 100% complete, but close to it is nice.

2. Post in this topic and ask to host a game. If you're known to be a veteran or skilled mod, then your game will be likely approved instantly and added to the queue. If not, myself or another veteran mod will contact you to get details about the game.

3. If required, give said host access to your spreadsheet/detials and work on getting the concept and balance right.

4. Once those steps are done, I will put your game on the Game Listing. Your game doesn't have to be completely finished at this point, but make sure you will be before it's time for your game to start.

5. When you are allowed, post the sign-ups. I will sometimes remind people that they can do this but often won't. Keep an eye on this thread and check your game's progress. Signups should be opened when you are one of the top 3 games on the list.

6. Once your game is ready to start, send out role PMs and post your game thread, and begin the game (preferably in that order, but it's not a huge problem).

During the game

Concerning substitutions, everyone who signed up for the game but did not get in is eligible to be a substitute. It is highly recommended to have a substitute list - nobodies life is perfect, after all, and people may have to drop out of games for various reasons.

How you handle substitutes is otherwise up to you.

After the game

You are allowed to create a postgame thread after your game ends, if you want. Alternatively you can just continue discussion in your game thread.

Who will check my game/Can I help check games?

It could be any moderator known to be a skilled moderator. If you've proven your good enough to run a game without problems then you're good enough to help other people with theirs.

How long will I have to wait for this game to start?

It really does depend on where it is in the queue. Two normal games, and a mini game, are typically run at the same time. Occasionally more, but in general this is what we try to stick to. Mini games often last 1-2 weeks, while full games can last 2-4 weeks, or more, depending on the speed of the game.


Recommended for newbies to read;;

Quoted from Life (aka the true godfather of SF mafia):

Mafia is a game of wits. It involves an uninformed majority known as the town and an informed minority within the town known as the Mafia.

Every day is split up into two phases. During the Night phase, the Mafia picks a person to kill that night. In addition, if you have a special role (known as a power role), you may use it depending on the stipulations within that role. For instance: If I am a Hooker, I may "hook" a person during a night. This is a roleblock and anyone who has been hooked will have their night action voided for that night. This is not restricted to only the Mafia or the town.

During the day phase, the town (and mafia) get together to discuss the events of the previous night and to vote on a lynch target. The town wins by eliminating the Mafia and the most sure way of doing so is by lynching a suspicious person. Lynches require a majority of the town agreeing to happen.

Now depending on the game, there may be outside contact or no outside contact. Outside contact allows any player to privately speak to another player about the game. They may discuss anything they like, including win conditions (if the players are on opposing factions but have a mutual goal to work to) and ways to achieve these conditions.

In a No Outside Contact game, all conversation goes on within the game thread. Information is either public to all or not known. Players must then rely on "scumhunting" to find and lynch mafia members. Scumhunting is the art of finding a mafia player through deductions (may or may not be logical).

For a regular game of one mafia vs. the town, the Mafia wins if they achieve parity with the town during either phase (it is then impossible to lose the game). The town wins if all of the mafia members have been eliminated. Neutral roles may or may not win depending on whether or not their win condition has been fulfilled.

That should basically sum up the idea of Mafia. It's a social game for the most part with a lot of emphasis on thinking and a little luck involved (attempting to get players to benefit your team). The three games that have sign-ups right now (including mine) all allow outside contact (Kingmaker Mafia may or may not) while the two ongoing (Choral Mafia and Assassin's Guild) do not. Just a heads up. Mind you, I find outside contact a lot more fun than no outside contact. But this is only my opinion.

Edited by Frivolidad
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Current games

Pending games

Upcoming Full Games

  • Duke Nukem Forever Mafia - WoMC
  • SF Mafia Mafia - Haze/Paperblade
  • Nightmare's Mafia - Nightmare
  • Unnamed? - Pariah

Upcoming Mini Games

  • Psych's minimafia - Psychology

Games requesting/being verified

The format here is Game - Moderator - Verifier

Games in orange will need a veteran mod to check them before they can run - just post and ask for someone to check

[spoiler=Completed Games]The format of these are Game - Moderator - Winner.

The link on Game links to the game thread.

The link on Winner links to the postgame discussion. If there is no link, the postgame is located in the actual game thread.

The following colours are used to indicate the winner:

Town or town equivalent

Mafia or mafia equivalent

3rd Party individual (Credited as the player who won as well as the role)

3rd Part team

Edited by La Reina Leona
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Each game day consists of the Day Phase and the Night Phase. These are usually 24 hours each.

Day Phase

The Day Phase is when everyone decides to cast a vote to hang someone (or hang no one, if you decide). You do not have to vote. Votes will be cast publicly on the forum in most cases. Votes must be bolded and obvious. If you change your vote and make a new post with a vote, unbold your old one. Remember, everyone (save for those who are dead) participates in voting if they decide to.

Night Phase

The Night Phase is for those with special abilities (certain villagers have these, as do the Mafia). The most notable part of this phase is who the Mafia kill. To do your actions, send the game moderator a PM on this forum. Make it 100% clear who you are performing your action to.


Everyone will receive their role in a PM. All roles are distributed randomly.

Rule 1: Unless otherwise stated, do not talk in the game thread after you die.

Rule 2: Do not change your display name while you are in a game.

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Bizz, I think you should add this to the first post in order to clear up any questions. It's the message that I sent to Eclipse and Kaoz to explain Mafia.

Mafia is a game of wits. It involves an uninformed majority known as the town and an informed minority within the town known as the Mafia.

Every day is split up into two phases. During the Night phase, the Mafia picks a person to kill that night. In addition, if you have a special role (known as a power role), you may use it depending on the stipulations within that role. For instance: If I am a Hooker, I may "hook" a person during a night. This is a roleblock and anyone who has been hooked will have their night action voided for that night. This is not restricted to only the Mafia or the town.

During the day phase, the town (and mafia) get together to discuss the events of the previous night and to vote on a lynch target. The town wins by eliminating the Mafia and the most sure way of doing so is by lynching a suspicious person. Lynchs require a majority of the town agreeing to happen.

Now depending on the game, there may be outside contact or no outside contact. Outside contact allows any player to privately speak to another player about the game. They may discuss anything they like, including win conditions (if the players are on opposing factions but have a mutual goal to work to) and ways to achieve these conditions.

In a No Outside Contact game, all conversation goes on within the game thread. Information is either public to all or not known. Players must then rely on "scumhunting" to find and lynch mafia members. Scumhunting is the art of finding a mafia player through deductions (may or may not be logical).

For a regular game of one mafia vs. the town, the Mafia wins if they achieve parity with the town during either phase (it is then impossible to lose the game). The town wins if all of the mafia members have been eliminated. Neutral roles may or may not win depending on whether or not their win condition has been fulfilled.

That should basically sum up the idea of Mafia. It's a social game for the most part with a lot of emphasis on thinking and a little luck involved (attempting to get players to benefit your team). The three games that have sign-ups right now (including mine) all allow outside contact (Kingmaker Mafia may or may not) while the two ongoing (Choral Mafia and Assassin's Guild) do not. Just a heads up. Mind you, I find outside contact a lot more fun than no outside contact. But this is only my opinion.

Take out what you will but I think it's a much better synopsis of our games than what exists from the previous thread.

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Official IRC of Serenes Forest Mafia:

#sforestmafia, server darkmyst

Ops: Reinfleche, Paperblade, Anouleth, any current game host


The people who are allowed to check games




I Eat Tables






Currently running:

Bullshit Mafia by Life, co-Mod Excellen

Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia by Haze, co-mod Paperblade

Pending games:

Choral Mafia IV by Levity, co-mod Luka

Ivalice Mafia by RD, co-mod JB

Upcoming full games:

Bizarro Mafia - Luka Megurine

Duke Nukem Forever Mafia- WeaponsOfMassConstruction- needs a co-mod

Itemafia- SevenDeadlySins

Schoolboy Mafia- clipsey

Pariah's mafia- Pariah

Super Smash Bros. Braw Mafia- KaoZ, co-mod IET?

Kevin's Mafia- Kevin

The Resistance II- I Eat Tables

Duel Terminal Mafia 2- clipsey

Upcoming mini games:

Geographical Pun mini-mafia - mikethefc

Psych's mini-mafia- Psych

Games that require being looked over:

Bizarro Mafia (Rein), Life needs another checker

Psych's mini mafia, JB25?

Georgraphical Pun Mini-mafia (mikethfc), Life, needs another checker

Edited by Luka Mefeline
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This is a note to all future game creators. It applies only to Outside Contact games with 2 mafias.

A game on Smogon recently taught me a fantastic lesson. I'll post the log from an IRC conversation I had but skip down to the bottom to see the important thing.

01[17:24] <Life> I had to lie to Blue Tornado about giving out the names of the mafia members

01[17:25] <Life> Because I thought it was a bad idea to keep it silent and watch us get picked off

01[17:25] <Life> Without any way of eventually saying "look, these people are mafia and we have to lynch them before they kill us"

01[17:25] <Life> Note: I thought that it was a bad idea at the time

01[17:26] <Life> Then thanks to an argument with Vee and Jiggly last night, I realized that I should have kept silent for longer

01[17:26] <Life> Since lynching a mafia a day isn't enough to win the game

01[17:26] <Life> We need to force crossfire too

01[17:27] <Life> And if the mafias know that we're going to pick them off one by one during the day, they'll gang up and rape us

01[17:27] <Life> Which I think is going to happen

01[17:27] <Life> So basicly, I made a pretty bad mistake but I learned a valuable lesson from it too

01[17:27] <Life> It's not enough to have enough information to win the game

01[17:28] <Life> You need to force the other teams to lose too

01[17:28] <Life> So that's where I stand

This is important for balancing a game. It should not be enough for the village to be able to win if they just lynch all of their opponents. The game needs to be balanced for the village to still lose if this scenario happens. This means that the village has to also convince one or both of the mafias to aim for their opponents and create crossfire.

Basically, this eliminates the idea of being a mindless follower. If the regular village just follows the leader, village still loses. If the village makes the Mafias lose, the village wins. In the same regard, the Mafias still need to outnumber all of their opponents so they win if they outsmart everyone else.

Make sense?

EDIT: Also, we need to change the list for games that need to be checked over first. Hopefully, Fayt is still up for checking over Tales Of Vesperia Mafia. If not, someone else can do it if it involves OC since I would like to play a game sometime. I will check over Cavalier Mafia unless someone else doesn't want to play. JM basically doesn't exist so his game can get knocked off the list unless he magically starts becoming more active than trollfox. Radient Dragon's Mafia and Tarrantino Mafia need mods and same goes for High School Mafia and Spy's Mini Mafia.


Edited by Life Admiral
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Yeah. Sorry. >_>

My computer that did have the things recently crashed and I had to repair it, but now that it's fixed I realized that 25 people is kinda a big amount.

Instead, please change that to Left 4 Dead Mafia. I already have the things written up for it so as soon as I mail them to....probably Life it can start.

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Radiant Dragon's Mafia and Tarrantino Mafia need mods and same goes for High School Mafia and Spy's Mini Mafia.

When you say these games need a mod, you mean someone has to check it for balance? Because Tables already looked over mine.

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Yeah. Sorry. >_>

My computer that did have the things recently crashed and I had to repair it, but now that it's fixed I realized that 25 people is kinda a big amount.

Instead, please change that to Left 4 Dead Mafia. I already have the things written up for it so as soon as I mail them to....probably Life it can start.

I'm still in the process of looking through this. It's complicated to balance... :/

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I have a new idea for another game. Despite what the theme implies, it won't be flavour heavy. Mini game for 11/12 people (undecided at this point) with a number of interesting quirks. I'd like someone with some degree of experience moderating to help. Knowledge of Battlestar Galactica will be useful, but not necessary.

I don't intend to plan this game properly for another few weeks or so at least, just FYI.

Also Levity, can you remove my mini game please? Thanks.

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I was wondering if people here would be interested in a unicycle style mafia?

For those who don't know what Unicycle means, it's essentially fusing the Day and Night into one Cycle, during which all events that would normally happen during Day and Night are executed. It's essentially implemented as a Day and then a Night, meaning the lynch and its votes take a higher priority than the Night. This means that someone's vote counts even if they are killed during that Cycle, and you cannot execute your "Night" role if you are lynched.

It's an interesting concept, and should help to eliminate the lull some people feel, as well as generally up the pace of the game. Anyone interested?

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So basically, you send your night actions already before even knowing who'll get lynched? That sounds like it'd make planning ahead a lot more difficult. It does sound interesting, though.

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