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Decided to dump some orbs into the Thracia banner to see if I could get one of the focus units. Had about a 4.5% pity rate, aaaaaand I got another M. Morgan! You know, normally, I'd be upset, but I love this little guy (and my heart wasn't TOTALLY set on the Thracia characters), and he's perfectly neutral which means he can replace -SPD one I currently have, and I don't have to promote one of the 4 star copies I have yet. Decided to finish off the circle and got a random Elise. XD The one I currently have is +SPD -...DEF? Something like that. This one is +RES -HP, so I think I'll fodder her off. Maybe I'll give Lucius Gravity+, Recover+, and Live to Serve 3. 

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16 hours ago, ZeManaphy said:

Tried on the Hares at the Fair banner, hoping to get S!Catria, got a 5* Clair. Sigh... As much as I love Clair, she should have been demoted to 3 Stars.

She was, but the Easter banner isn't affected by the recent summoning pool changes, as the banner was introduced before those were applied. Changing banners (available units for each rarity, probability, etc.) midway through its active duration isn't possible in Gacha.

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New orbs took me to 33, so hopefully some joy sniping blue and green. Not a great start with just one of each, a grey and two reds though.

4* Florina +HP -Spd
4* Fae +Def -Spd.

Well, my second ever Fae, but nothing I really need from her. Next up... two greys and three reds, ugh.

4* Rebecca +Def -Atk

Down to 18 (after a barracks expansion to 550) but I bite the bullet and go again. Two blues, a grey and two reds means this will be my last round for the next few days regardless of the result...

5* Spring Catria +Atk -Def
3* Sully +Res -Spd
4* Klein +Spd -Def

Yayification! And a nice reversal where the fodder has crap natures and the prize has a good one. I have zero Olwens and L'Arachels so she fills an important niche.

I think I'm done with Spring now, the final tally is one good Kagero, one poor Nephenee, and one good Catria. The first 5-star showed about 130 orbs in, so it was a good tail-end effort after a terrible start.

While I'm thinking Alfonse would be nice and that 5* rate for green is theoretically great, I've spent about 200 orbs on the banner and seen no greens.While early on I'd have been happy to see Sharena pity-break me, at this point I can't risk the 50:50 shot. Undecided at this point whether it's worth going to Thracia (where I'm only four pulls in) so I'll hold until near the end of that banner to decide where my orbs go next. This is one case where the TT bonus unit change means I'm disincentivised to summon, but don't tell IS.

EDIT: My sister is visiting and like me, she had exactly 33 orbs to start as well and we summoned togeter. And like me, she got Spring Catria on her final circle of the day. +Atk too but -Spd, would have been too creepy if we got identical natures (which we did on the same day for Horse Lilina not long ago).

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Thanks to a bunch of orbs from new stuff, up to 857 total units pulled.  I did a lot of pulls on Thracia, but since I was sniping, I'm not sure where the boundaries are.



Jakob (+Spd/-HP): This turns him into a more balanced Saizo.  I will need to think about this.
Soleil (+Atk/-HP): DID SOMEBODY SAY THE PERFECT FIRESWEEP USER?  Because this is a damn good Firesweep build.O
Marth (+Atk/-HP): My first "new" 3*, and he's a near-perfect nature.  I'm in shock.
Merric (+HP/-Res): The gravy train had to end eventually.

Priscilla (+Atk/-HP): Need to see how this stacks up to my current one.  May end up swapping her out for this one.
Virion (+Atk/-HP): This is kind-of like neutral Leon with better HP.  I would've preferred speed, but this'll do.
Saizo (+Atk/-HP): I'll make a build for him when I pick my damn jaw up off of the floor.
Virion (+Atk/-Res): Never mind, Virion two above me, this one's better.

Caeda (+Res/-HP): Hmmm.  She's decent fodder at 4*, but do I really want to spend feathers for her?
Wrys (+Def/-HP): Not quite. . .but not a bad effort, either.
Saizo (+Atk/-Def): What is this even?  The -HP one can run Bonfire.  This one. . .maybe Luna.
Sothe (+HP/-Def): One of these days, kid.  You'll get your time to shine.

Lilina (+Res/-Spd): Normally, -Spd is bad, but she's so slow that I don't think she'll notice.  May be able to work with ploys.
Azama (+Spd/-Atk): I think I have one like this.  But if I don't, I will now!
Wrys (+Def/-Spd): Eh, not quite.  But better than -HP.
Jakob (+Res/-Spd): Absolutely NOT!
Merric (+Res/-Atk): It doesn't get any worse than this!

Hinata (+Res/-Def): Fury fodder!  Finally!
Eliwood (+Def/-Spd): You don't work with this at all.  Next!
Olivia (+Spd/-Res): Hmmm.  I don't like shanking the tank stats, but +Spd is good for both offense and defense.
Saizo (+Def/-Atk): Off to the fodder machine with you!
Matthew (+HP/-Res): Hone Speed for me!

Catria (+Atk/-Def): 38/38 offenses is absolutely terrifying.  I'm going to take advantage of that!

Titania (+Spd/-Def): Hey, this is pretty good!  Need to see if my other Titania's up to snuff.
Sonya (+HP/-Res): Pretty sure she wasn't in Thracia!  But that's okay, she's a new unit.
Kagero (+HP/-Spd): Oh well.  It's a free Daggerbreaker!

This haul was insane.  That's all I can say.



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48 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Thanks to a bunch of orbs from new stuff, up to 857 total units pulled.  I did a lot of pulls on Thracia, but since I was sniping, I'm not sure where the boundaries are.

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Jakob (+Spd/-HP): This turns him into a more balanced Saizo.  I will need to think about this.
Soleil (+Atk/-HP): DID SOMEBODY SAY THE PERFECT FIRESWEEP USER?  Because this is a damn good Firesweep build.O
Marth (+Atk/-HP): My first "new" 3*, and he's a near-perfect nature.  I'm in shock.
Merric (+HP/-Res): The gravy train had to end eventually.

Priscilla (+Atk/-HP): Need to see how this stacks up to my current one.  May end up swapping her out for this one.
Virion (+Atk/-HP): This is kind-of like neutral Leon with better HP.  I would've preferred speed, but this'll do.
Saizo (+Atk/-HP): I'll make a build for him when I pick my damn jaw up off of the floor.
Virion (+Atk/-Res): Never mind, Virion two above me, this one's better.

Caeda (+Res/-HP): Hmmm.  She's decent fodder at 4*, but do I really want to spend feathers for her?
Wrys (+Def/-HP): Not quite. . .but not a bad effort, either.
Saizo (+Atk/-Def): What is this even?  The -HP one can run Bonfire.  This one. . .maybe Luna.
Sothe (+HP/-Def): One of these days, kid.  You'll get your time to shine.

Lilina (+Res/-Spd): Normally, -Spd is bad, but she's so slow that I don't think she'll notice.  May be able to work with ploys.
Azama (+Spd/-Atk): I think I have one like this.  But if I don't, I will now!
Wrys (+Def/-Spd): Eh, not quite.  But better than -HP.
Jakob (+Res/-Spd): Absolutely NOT!
Merric (+Res/-Atk): It doesn't get any worse than this!

Hinata (+Res/-Def): Fury fodder!  Finally!
Eliwood (+Def/-Spd): You don't work with this at all.  Next!
Olivia (+Spd/-Res): Hmmm.  I don't like shanking the tank stats, but +Spd is good for both offense and defense.
Saizo (+Def/-Atk): Off to the fodder machine with you!
Matthew (+HP/-Res): Hone Speed for me!

Catria (+Atk/-Def): 38/38 offenses is absolutely terrifying.  I'm going to take advantage of that!

Titania (+Spd/-Def): Hey, this is pretty good!  Need to see if my other Titania's up to snuff.
Sonya (+HP/-Res): Pretty sure she wasn't in Thracia!  But that's okay, she's a new unit.
Kagero (+HP/-Spd): Oh well.  It's a free Daggerbreaker!

This haul was insane.  That's all I can say.



That Titania has the same nature as my +10.

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The Thracia banner has provided me with some amazing luck from summons. My targets going in were both WT versions of Reinhardt & Olwen.


From about 150 orbs I've gotten:

3 Reinhardts (WT)!!! - (+Res, -HP), (+Atk, -Res) & (+HP -Def). Unbelievable. Keeping the +Atk copy & will merge the other 2 into him.

Is this Reinhardts way of trying to tell me to make him my summoner support ally? :)


1 Young Ike (+Spd, -Res). Awesome IV's & my first time ever time summoning him as well. Got him the next circle after my first Reinhardt.

1 Ryoma (+Def, -HP). Seems meh IV's, but its still better than the other 2 i've summoned before him. Keeping & merging the other 2 into him.

1 Sigurd (+Spd, -Def). Not bad IV's really, as I can patch his defence up anyway. Like Ike before him, this is also my first Sigurd.

1  Rhajat (+Def, -Res). Fairly neutral IV's, but i'll take it. Also my first copy of Rhajat. Been wanting to get her since she came out as well :)


Overall; Red has been amazing for me on this banner. I should stop and snipe green, but I just can't help myself. Will try a few more times for Olwen, before saving again.

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Meanwhile, I've still gotten nothing but garbage from this banner... I'm going mainly for greens because I decided I'd like to get Olwen the most out of these four. Plus I still need more Fredericks.

But I've gotten neither. No other 5 stars either. 4% pity rate...

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Been trying to break my 4% pity rate on the Spring Banner before I leave it behind. My orbs are good for nuthin' but feathers. That is until...

a 4 star L'Arachel. One of my favorite characters finally joins my roster. And +Spd/-HP looks pretty optimal! That's a hype pull.

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Grand Conquest has granted me a sum total of 40 orbs, so back to the Cooldown Banner.

  1. 3* Sully: Bleh.
  2. 4* Seliph: I still haven't been pity-broken by this guy somehow.
  3. 4* Shanna: I need plenty more of you for SI.
  4. 4* Nino: No thanks.

Fifth orb was grey, so I'll pass. Up to a 4.00% pity rate.

  1. 4* Marth: Might as well feed him to my 5* copy for SP.
  2. 3* Jagen: Worthless.
  3. 4* Gunter: I do need you.
  4. 4* A!Tiki: Meh.

And another grey orb. Now I'm up to a 4.25% pity rate. This is absurd.

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Thracia banner has been nothing but Red pity breakers so far, and all of units I already have.

This time it was Sanaki +HP -Spd, and she was immediately merged into my only slightly better +Atk -Def +2 merge Sanaki, now +3.

I suppose it's a change of pace from how I usually do on these banners, summoning at least one focus unit early on that I can use in an upcoming tempest trial, but of all the Red units I could get, they're reds that I not only already own, but also have merge levels on them...?

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Used my last free Orbs and the April package for some more pulls on the Cooldown banner. Got:
- Brave Ike (+Atk, -HP): Excellent boon/bane so I merged my neutral one to this. Still need more Steady Breath.
- Tailtiu (+Def, -Spd): God awful pitybreaker. I suppose I can give my +Hp, -Atk Linde a free -blade tome without regrets.
- Sanaki (+Res, -Atk): In the same session as Tailtiu. Again, pretty awful since I have her and she isn't really good.

Probably the last pulls on that since for one it still follows the old summoning format and Golden Week might get pretty crazy.

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So I took the orbs we got and pulled on the spring banner to see if I could get a Catria with a better bane than -spd. Instead I get an Azure that is +HP/-DEF. Better than the last Azura pity breaker on this banner who was -SPD. But why is it when I get pity breakers I keep getting the same ones? And that is the FOURTH blue pity breaker on that banner. I think. Abel/Tailtiu/Azura/Azura.

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Rolls have been pretty weird.
Been lucksacking a lot recently, so I'm terrified for when Micaiah comes back around, but I'll take it for now.

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The new orbs gave me another chance for a second Nephenee (I really need that Wrath!). Got a pity breaker Titania (+Res -Hp).

In better news I finally got the last Eirika I needed to +10 and another Cordelia which puts her at +7 now. Now I just need to grind the feathers to promote them.

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I used some Orbs on the Thracia banner and did pretty well.

But, first @DarkLordIvy That 3* Seliph would have been a 5* Pity Breaker a week ago.  It's sad that my Pity Seliph will never get to +10 now.


In case anyone was wondering, my Schwerthardt was -Atk.

I also got a Nanna +Spd-Def, seems like a pretty good nature.


@Arcanite@Anacybele@Anime27Arts@TheTuckingFypo@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@DefaultBeep@Rex Glacies@Bartozio@Fire Emblem Fan@Sophie@GuiltyLove@Captain Karnage@Johann@mcsilas@Raven@Infinite Dreams@Rafiel's Aria@Glaceon Mage

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10 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I used some Orbs on the Thracia banner and did pretty well.

But, first @DarkLordIvy That 3* Seliph would have been a 5* Pity Breaker a week ago.  It's sad that my Pity Seliph will never get to +10 now.


In case anyone was wondering, my Schwerthardt was -Atk.

I also got a Nanna +Spd-Def, seems like a pretty good nature.


@Arcanite@Anacybele@Anime27Arts@TheTuckingFypo@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@DefaultBeep@Rex Glacies@Bartozio@Fire Emblem Fan@Sophie@GuiltyLove@Captain Karnage@Johann@mcsilas@Raven@Infinite Dreams@Rafiel's Aria@Glaceon Mage

Why does Reinhardt's nose look so different from the one on his original art?

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9 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

Why does Reinhardt's nose look so different from the one on his original art?

I think it's the angle.

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37 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I used some Orbs on the Thracia banner and did pretty well.

But, first @DarkLordIvy That 3* Seliph would have been a 5* Pity Breaker a week ago.  It's sad that my Pity Seliph will never get to +10 now.


In case anyone was wondering, my Schwerthardt was -Atk.

I also got a Nanna +Spd-Def, seems like a pretty good nature.


@Arcanite@Anacybele@Anime27Arts@TheTuckingFypo@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@DefaultBeep@Rex Glacies@Bartozio@Fire Emblem Fan@Sophie@GuiltyLove@Captain Karnage@Johann@mcsilas@Raven@Infinite Dreams@Rafiel's Aria@Glaceon Mage

Ah I haven't gotten Nanna yet. She's probably the one I'm least concerned with, though, just because I feel like she might drop to 4-star.

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16 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

 Wait, do you even get that reference.....

Nope, sorry

13 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Ah I haven't gotten Nanna yet. She's probably the one I'm least concerned with, though, just because I feel like she might drop to 4-star.

Yeah, she'd be the one, if I had to guess, though I'm worried they won't drop any of them, with the ton of new 3*s they just dropped.

6 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

That is pretty good! Now you need a Genny.

I actually got one, but I'm not sure if I want to SI her just yet.

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26 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

Wait, do you even get that reference.....

It's OK, I at least got it and someone somewhere has probably already photo-shopped that onto Rein. Though now you got me wondering what would happen if Reinhardt and Kaiba ever crossed paths.

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21 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

But, first @DarkLordIvy That 3* Seliph would have been a 5* Pity Breaker a week ago.  It's sad that my Pity Seliph will never get to +10 now.

Poor Seliph, his throne as they pity breaker prince has been torn down. But who will take his place? :0

You've had much better luck than me on this banner. I wasn’t going to go crazy on this banner but somehow I’ve ended up here 


I’m ready for my pity breaker now please. 

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