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2 minutes ago, DarkLordIvy said:

Poor Seliph, his throne as they pity breaker prince has been torn down. But who will take his place? :0

You've had much better luck than me on this banner. I wasn’t going to go crazy on this banner but somehow I’ve ended up here 


I’m ready for my pity breaker now please. 

Ouch, hope you get some better luck soon.  I only had 10 Orbs left after Reinhardt.

Eldigan has to take sole pity breaker king duties for now, though I wouldn't mind seeing him again, so I can pad my Arena score with him some more.

Nice on having exactly 8000 feathers.  I was glad when mine started being a multiple of 5 again.

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1 hour ago, Rezzy said:

I used some Orbs on the Thracia banner and did pretty well.

But, first @DarkLordIvy That 3* Seliph would have been a 5* Pity Breaker a week ago.  It's sad that my Pity Seliph will never get to +10 now.


In case anyone was wondering, my Schwerthardt was -Atk.

I also got a Nanna +Spd-Def, seems like a pretty good nature.


@Arcanite@Anacybele@Anime27Arts@TheTuckingFypo@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@DefaultBeep@Rex Glacies@Bartozio@Fire Emblem Fan@Sophie@GuiltyLove@Captain Karnage@Johann@mcsilas@Raven@Infinite Dreams@Rafiel's Aria@Glaceon Mage

The -atk curse strikes again.

I too pulled a Schwert-hardt, but he's completely neutral.

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It seems my bad luck streak has finally ended as I managed to get two Nannas, Nowi and Spring Catria by sprinkling just 85 orbs on the various active banners today. Now let's just hope that it holds until the next legendary banner.

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1 hour ago, Rezzy said:

Ouch, hope you get some better luck soon.  I only had 10 Orbs left after Reinhardt.

Eldigan has to take sole pity breaker king duties for now, though I wouldn't mind seeing him again, so I can pad my Arena score with him some more.

Nice on having exactly 8000 feathers.  I was glad when mine started being a multiple of 5 again.

I don’t know if it technically counts as better luck or not but one not great evening + a $12 orb pack and I’ve been put out of my misery at last


And oh miracle of miracles! He’s the one I wanted!! He’s +Hp/-Res :D No more spending on heroes this month for me. I need to keep saving so I can justify buying a Switch in the near future. 

(Even or 5 ending feather counts is so satisfying.)

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After seeing my credit card statement, I'm going to have to go down to dolphin-ing from whaling for a while. Don't want to cut into my travel plans or electronics budget (iPad and Switch). Leftover orbs are being saved for later this month.

Closing out Thracia, I got more merges for Meister Reinhardt and fixed Siegbert's IVs. Caeda is on a mixed team and appreciates the other copy's Atk Tactic. Happy with the merges.

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7 hours ago, Rezzy said:

In case anyone was wondering, my Schwerthardt was -Atk.

I also got a Nanna +Spd-Def, seems like a pretty good nature.

Hehe, my results were kinda similar to yours: Nanna was the good nature (+Spd -HP) and Rein was the bad one (+HP -Atk).  (I didn't pull Leif, but I'm not too anxious to get him.)

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Wasn’t interested in Thracia so I went to the cooldown banner to dump my free orbs intending to get Mia, and I did!

She’s +Atk -HP, which I consider better than my former +Def -Res one so I merged her. Today is a good day!

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5 hours ago, Infinite Dreams said:

Hehe, my results were kinda similar to yours: Nanna was the good nature (+Spd -HP) and Rein was the bad one (+HP -Atk).  (I didn't pull Leif, but I'm not too anxious to get him.)


55 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@Rezzy Darn, too bad about Reinhardt's bane, but at least Nanna looks nice!

What's Reinhardt's boon? Is it salvageable at lest? I mean his weapon is super good anyway so he'll still be useable

My Hardt was also +HP-Atk.

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59 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Great, a stupid Amelia breaks my pity rate. Thanks, game.

Amelia's a fantastic unit for an armour composition. But yeah, as I told you before, being pitybroken is pretty much the only reason why I almost exclusively summon from Legendary banners now.

Just take satisfaction in knowing a Merric or some other green shitter can never pitybreak you in a normal banner now. All the 5* exclusive greens are actually pretty great in their own way.

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17 minutes ago, Raven said:

Amelia's a fantastic unit for an armour composition. But yeah, as I told you before, being pitybroken is pretty much the only reason why I almost exclusively summon from Legendary banners now.

Just take satisfaction in knowing a Merric or some other green shitter can never pitybreak you in a normal banner now. All the 5* exclusive greens are actually pretty great in their own way.

Except I already have an Amelia with good IVs. And there are no units left that I would give Armor March or Slaying Axe to.

I sent this new one home.

I am glad certain other units can't pitybreak anymore though, yeah.

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

Except I already have an Amelia with good IVs. And there are no units left that I would give Armor March or Slaying Axe to.

I sent this new one home.

I am glad certain other units can't pitybreak anymore though, yeah.

A +1 merge is worth more than a measly thousand feathers. Imagine in the future when you've summoned your 11th Amelia and you could've had her at 5*+10, but instead you've gained nothing more than 10,000 feathers which is only half the cost of upgrading one 4* unit. I think you put too much value into the worth of feathers.

My own Amelia is at +4 merges right now, at least 2 of those are off-focus summons.

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10 minutes ago, Raven said:

A +1 merge is worth more than a measly thousand feathers. Imagine in the future when you've summoned your 11th Amelia and you could've had her at 5*+10, but instead you've gained nothing more than 10,000 feathers which is only half the cost of upgrading one 4* unit. I think you put too much value into the worth of feathers.

My own Amelia is at +4 merges right now, at least 2 of those are off-focus summons.

I don't use armors outside of an armor quest here and there (and outside of BK). So merging armors is worth less to me than feathers. And it's too late now anyway. So you saying anything now is pointless.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

I don't use armors outside of an armor quest here and there. So merging armors is worth less to me than feathers. And it's too late now anyway. So you saying anything now is pointless

The reason I say it is so you hopefully don't do the same thing again in the future - which is to send home a 5* unit you believe you have no reason to keep.

I have an array of 5* units I keep but don't use, for a bunch of reasons. My personal reasoning goes like this:

1. They can be used as fodder for their 5* weapons/skills. Maybe not right now, but in the future, someone will more than likely appreciate something this unit has.
2. To keep the unit, train them to level 40, and who knows, maybe I will actually like and use them in the future, and more copies will be merged together if they have nothing worthy to fodder.
3. Just so I can say "I have this unit."

Every reason are individually worth more than a thousand feathers to me.

Examples: I've been pitybroken by a second Mist recently. The last thing I wanted to see when I was hoping to summon Spring Kagero. I simply merged the 2 Mists together.

I summoned a -atk 5* Tailtyu. I had kept her unused and stored for literally months. Then I summoned Summer Corrin, and I used both a 4* Tailtyu and the 5* copy to give Corrin both Bladetome+ and Drive Spd 2 (both 5* exclusive skills). I try to make the best out of every 5* pitybreaker, no matter how shit it may be (can't get shitter than Mist now after the mass demotion).

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13 minutes ago, Raven said:

The reason I say it is so you hopefully don't do the same thing again in the future - which is to send home a 5* unit you believe you have no reason to keep.

I have an array of 5* units I keep but don't use, for a bunch of reasons. My personal reasoning goes like this:

1. They can be used as fodder for their 5* weapons/skills. Maybe not right now, but in the future, someone will more than likely appreciate something this unit has.
2. To keep the unit, train them to level 40, and who knows, maybe I will actually like and use them in the future, and more copies will be merged together if they have nothing worthy to fodder.
3. Just so I can say "I have this unit."

Every reason are individually worth more than a thousand feathers to me.

Examples: I've been pitybroken by a second Mist recently. The last thing I wanted to see when I was hoping to summon Spring Kagero. I simply merged the 2 Mists together.

I summoned a -atk 5* Tailtyu. I had kept her unused and stored for literally months. Then I summoned Summer Corrin, and I used both a 4* Tailtyu and the 5* copy to give Corrin both Bladetome+ and Drive Spd 2 (both 5* exclusive skills). I try to make the best out of every 5* pitybreaker, no matter how shit it may be (can't get shitter than Mist now after the mass demotion).

You can keep all your 5 stars if you want, but I believe it's okay to send home a 5 star if you really don't want it for anything else. My choice.

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Just now, Anacybele said:

You can keep all your 5 stars if you want, but I believe it's okay to send home a 5 star if you really don't want it for anything else. My choice.

I was listing my reasoning as to why I keep such units. I wasn't telling you to do the same.

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Oh boy this Thracia banner was something alright. 

Free Summon - Luke (-Atk +Res). Never got Luke before, so  that is something. But the IVs...still a free 5* is good especially for F2P

2. 3* Chrom

3. 5* Mia (+Speed -Defense). Whaat I thought this was Thracia not the cooldown banner. I was so happy when this happened since she was my first Mia and she is +Speed!

4. 3* Eliwood

5. 3* Olivia

6. 3* Gaius

7. 3* Serra

8. 5* Ryoma (Neutral). Wtf. This is my first Ryoma. I've gotten 3 off banner 5* in 8 summons. If the pool never changed it would of been like 3 5* Seliphs i swear

9. 5* Thracia World Reinhardt (+Res -Hp). This was in the same summoning ring as the Ryoma as well...omg. 

10. 3* Titania 

11. 5* Thracia World Olwen (+HP - Speed). Ok so basically my luck is 3* and 5* with no 4*. Fine with me. Bad IVs but I am glad I got her. 

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14 minutes ago, Raven said:

I was listing my reasoning as to why I keep such units. I wasn't telling you to do the same.

Then what was the point of you making that post since you were quoting me specifically?

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

Then what was the point of you making that post since you were quoting me specifically?

Telling you to do something and explaining why I do something so you may find a similar reason to do the same are not the same thing.

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4 minutes ago, Raven said:

Telling you to do something and explaining why I do something so you may find a similar reason to do the same are not the same thing.

Well, hasn't changed my mind, sorry to say.

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F2P account was looking pretty bleak, piles of bad SI units. My return to the starter hero fest revealed a 3-star Bartre, an inauspicious start to any summoning session, but I white-knuckle through. Having started with Brave Roy (the one CYL my main is missing), I finally get Brave Ike on the F2P, neutral IVs. 5-star Sakura is inside the colorless orb. She's +Spd -Def.

I can honestly say I feel the same sense of gratification from this F2P pull as I have from whaling for the +10 bunnies.

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Yessssss! Just got a meh nature Nephenee which means Wrath for Eirika! Finally best girl will be able to deal tons of damage on her own. 

Now I just need for IS to release someone with Spd Tactic and my team will be complete at last!

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