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Spent some Orbs to get Kana because I need a Green Dragon (so I can finally put that Warding Breath fodder into use).

Got almost no Green Orbs and had to pull 1 Colorless one most of the time. In the last circle at 4% both Sonya(+Hp, -Res) and Deirdre(+Atk, -Res) broke my pity rate.

Not sure how I feel about this. At least I got a decent 4* Jeorge (+Atk, -Def) to merge my old one into. I will wait until Golden Week before I try to snipe more Green Orbs.

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@Zeo @mcsilas

Congrats guys! Happy to hear you got her so quickly :D With great IVs, too :D

My own run of good luck also continues, which both delights and worries me. My free pull was the last brave unit I don't have - Lucina, while Shigure (the only unit I wanted in this banner) came to me in about fifty or so orbs. No clue on banes and boons, but that doesn't matter to me as much as the character, so whatever they are, I'll deal :D

Also the second Lucina I've got as a free summon... blue units love to come to me for free, apparently (first Ephraim, then Young Tiki... a wannabe blue, then Bunny Lucina and now CYL Lucina :D ).

Hope the luck continues for all of us!

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3 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

@Vaximillian @Arcanite @Rezzy @GuiltyLove Was going for Colorless and Green, didn't really matter if I got Hinoka or Kana...


And here she is! +Atk -Def, which could be slightly better but not bad at all. At least it's not -Spd or something.

Congrats, I managed to get Kana this morning, too, but mine was -Spd.

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@Zeo@mcsilas@Reddazrael@Ledrert Congrats all on your quick Hinokas!

@Alkaid Sorry it took you so much to get her, but at least it wasn't a speed bane, yes?


As for me I dropped what I had(not much) plus the story mode orbs and my early sessions all have 1 colorless. Thanks game. Have enough to open a couple orbs, but not a full set and what happens? A whole slew of colorless orbs. I open what I can and sit there and stare at that last colorless one that I am 3 short of opening. I break down and buy a 12.99 pack so I can spend those three bonus orbs and see what is in there.

+HP/-DEF Hinoka. Woot! My regret is obviously that I didn't pick that orb first in that session. But hey no offense stat is touched and the defense she torched was pretty much unsalvageable anyways. Not sure if this is better than neutral or not, but it is clearly better than an attack or speed bane! Guess that means I have 20 orbs + whatever going into the next banner. Or I could go for a Kana or a Shigure. But in both cases I would be hunting them to fodder them. I don't like going specifically for rare fodder unless the skill is a knock out one like the breaths. Yeah, I'll save.

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I'm starting to really regret having wanted the 3-4 star pool to be expanded and all. Ever since, my luck's been way worse than it used to be here. :/ And it still continues.

I barely got any colorless summons at all, let alone Hinoka... Free pull session had no colorless either. I only had 33 orbs to use though, so maybe once I get more, she'll show up.

Edited by Anacybele
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I've had pretty good luck with this banner today.

Didn't get Hinoka, but I did pull Tana (neutral, wanted for a while) and Linde (+ATK/-DEF, now +1 'cause I had a +DEF/-SPD one for a long time) while I was trying to get my pity rate up.

Think I'm gonna wait for the Legendary banner trailer before trying again... Which I might, if only to see if I get another Blue pity-breaker.

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It took almost 60 orbs but!


and she was -Atk/+Res so honestly thank goodness! The past couple of times I’ve tried to get a unit specifically for fodder they’ve ended up with really good natures and I end up wimping out of foddering them (lookin at you +Spd Catria). But finally Soren gets Atk/Spd Bond!!! 

Downside to this though I got almost no good fodder. I really need some good fodder but I want to save orbs for a bit so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

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Colorless hell still despises me. 3.50% but at least I got Iceberg fodder this time. 

I'll wait for a bit before trying to snipe for Hinoka again (hopefully Golden Week will bring some extra orbs).

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13 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

@Vaximillian @Arcanite @Rezzy @GuiltyLove Was going for Colorless and Green, didn't really matter if I got Hinoka or Kana...


And here she is! +Atk -Def, which could be slightly better but not bad at all. At least it's not -Spd or something.

dang look at that tiny waist I'm so envious

Nice. I wasn't aware there were more units added. I'll check the wiki.

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Time for the Rezzy report.  I was pretty lucky and had no pity breakers this time.  I even got a 5* on my free bonus pull.


@Arcanite@Anacybele@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@DarkLordIvy@Infinite Dreams@Rafiel's Aria@GuiltyLove@DefaultBeep@Rex Glacies@Bartozio@Poimagic@Tybrosion@Sophie@Captain Karnage@Natalie@Bartozio@TheTuckingFypo


Mr Miyamoto is neutral if I read correctly.

Next I got my genderswapped Fates son.


She's -Spd+Def.  Not great, but I'm always happy to get new units.

Lastly, I got Wonderbra!Hinoka


She's -HP+Atk, which seems like a pretty good nature.  All in all, I managed to do pretty well and still have 90 Orbs left over.  I got Sothe and Gunter for fodder, too.  I got another Titania as well, but mine's already +10, and she doesn't really have anything worth foddering.

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32 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

She's -HP+Atk, which seems like a pretty good nature.

That's pretty good! +Atk lets her use Warrior Princess a little bit better (admittedly, her performance with it in Arena is pretty shaky even with +Atk). Still good enough to run Firesweep too, if you ever get the chance. HP is pretty much the optimal bane since Def and Res are superbanes that drag her out of 150.

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6 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

what is that breastplate


She got tired of people only talking about her thighs.

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@Rezzy Dang!! That's a nice haul! Glad you could get everyone! That Hinoka even has a great nature. I'm a little jealous of the Shigure. XD I'm hoping he'll drop to 4 stars so I have a chance to get one that isn't -ATK or -SPD, but until then,  I can make him work. 


I also forgot to mention in my haul post that I got a +SPD -HP Micaiah. Is it her best nature? Nope, but I think she's better than my +DEF -SPD one. Ended up merging, and now I have a kinda speedy Micaiah. 

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1 minute ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

@Rezzy Dang!! That's a nice haul! Glad you could get everyone! That Hinoka even has a great nature. I'm a little jealous of the Shigure. XD I'm hoping he'll drop to 4 stars so I have a chance to get one that isn't -ATK or -SPD, but until then,  I can make him work. 


I also forgot to mention in my haul post that I got a +SPD -HP Micaiah. Is it her best nature? Nope, but I think she's better than my +DEF -SPD one. Ended up merging, and now I have a kinda speedy Micaiah. 

Thanks, I was ready to abandon Blues if I had bad luck since I figured Shigure would get the 4* treatment, but it's nice to get a good string of luck for a change.

Congrats on your Micaiah, I like to use mine for my Water team.

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Main: Dolphined this banner: leftover orbs from Thracia whaling plus a small pack. Final session yielded a +Res -Def K!Hinoka and a +Spd -Def Brave Ike. K!Hinoka is better than neutral, +Res is good because she can use the Def Ploy seal effectively. -Def meant Brave Ike was worse than neutral. Would have merged into my CYL but Brave Lucina wanted Steady Breath. Commons sent home yielded feathers to 4-star the 3-star copy of Arvis I have left to promote all the way to max him out.

I'm ready to save for Legendary now and I'm hoping there's a dud on every color so I can continue to save and try again for more copies of K!Hinoka. First copy that's not -HP, or +HP -Def, Soren yoinks for Atk/Spd Bond. If the IVs are good, I'll merge up.

F2P Alt: Eh, Frederick provides Luna, and Catria can be raised for Luna. Another Raven too but I need more ranged units. What I said about saving for Legendary goes double here.

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14 hours ago, mampfoid said:

@Zeo @mcsilas @Reddazrael Congratulations on your perfect Hinokas! +ATK and +SPD are a dream.

Much appreciated! I am very pleased with her. She'll go straight onto my Flier Emblem team should I ever bloody finish it.

11 hours ago, Usana said:

@Zeo@mcsilas@Reddazrael@Ledrert@Alkaid Congrats all on your quick Hinokas!


Thank you!

I haven't managed to pull Shigure yet and I've used a lot of orbs just sniping blue. I'm tempted to give up, especially after having my 5.25% pity rate broken by Tailtiu. Well, let's keep trying. 3
★ Lukas, 4★ L'Arachel, 4★ Subaki, 3★ Shanna (Desperation fodder, I'll take it), 4★ Roderick, 4★ Donnel, 4★ Donnel, 4★ Donnel (AGAIN?), 4★ Tailtiu (ugh), 4★ Mae, 4★ Oboro... This is not going well. Maybe the universe is trying to tell me to quit, but I am really good at spectacularly bad ideas, also sunk cost fallacy etcetera. Keep trying, I guess. Next pull has two blue, two green, and a red. Hit the first blue...


FINALLY. He's got neutral IVs, which is fine by me. I don't really care about Kana, but I'll do a YOLO pull on the rest, see what I get. Hector would be nice.


...Well, holy crap.


Okay, I'm satisfied. Now to save for the Legendary banner.

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