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2 hours ago, BoaFerox said:

Ok, with the extra orbs from Arena and Allegiance Battles it's time to see if I can finally get a focus unit from the Sacred Stones banner. 3,75% pity rate, here goes nothing...


Nooo... +HP -Def Sumia, what am I supposed to do with that? Does anyone even want Reprisal Lance over Slaying Lance or Barrier Lance? The one I had from before was +Res -Def so I suppose I could merge her, but I've never really used her much. She was definitely one of my least desired 5-star pulls, and now she's my eighth off focus unit. I guess I can't complain too much though, as my pity rate wasn't that high. And some good news: Right next to her was my first 4-star Python. +Res -Def isn't good, but it's nice to get a new character at least.


still no luck?! OH NO! (hug)
(i'm jealous of the Sumia though. everyone tends to get the off focus pity breakers i ❤️ so easily it seems). she also comes with close def. which might be more desirable than Reprisal Lance. 

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So I'm at a convention, and one of the panel holders who focuses on the waifus (so gacha games) said that if we do a gacha game summon and send it to him on Twiter, that'd be cool, so I decided, what the hell why not?

I wasn't actually expecting to get anything good, but... uhh...

+Atk -HP Tethys, +Spd -HP Ross, and +Res -HP Dynastic Duo. All in the same session.

Ephraim could stand to be... better by a lot, Tethys could have been faster, and Ross... eh. But all at once, in the same session? Not bad for a pull I only did at the urging of a panel host.

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I have zero interest in the new banner, so I try once again for Ephraim + Lyon, only having 25ish orbs on hand.

Game: Here, have Hardin and creepy Berkut instead!


Well, at least Hardin is decent fodder since he has Bold Fighter. And I can replace my current -Atk creepy Berkut with this new +Atk one. I think he might want +Atk more than the +Def my first one has. Technically, this is kinda crazy luck, pulling two five stars in that low number of orbs, but these are yet more pitybreakers after I already got some trying for Ephriam + Lyon before.

Edited by Anacybele
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The weekly banner was very kind this time:


My free pull was Ross (+Atk -Hp), I went for colorless in case there was a Norne or stray B!Lyn but it was Kinshinoka (+Def -Atk) instead. Hinoka has a terribad nature but it matters not, she's just for collection purposes because S!Lyn is my go to if I need to snipe armors.

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Since upcoming FE6 banner (from nowhere) will be a hard skip, I tried my luck for Lyns. Either Brave Lyn merge or my very first regular Lyn after more than two years of playing this gacha. Of eleven pulls I got both. This was just awesome! Regular Lyn is neutral, so I will keep her of course.

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Didn't get Sigurd or Julia.

But somehow got a Hector when the new revival banner went up.

More DC is always good. (Already have a good regular Hector already.)

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@mampfoid @Ginko @mcsilas @Alexmender @daisy jane @Landmaster @eclipse @Tybrosion @Anacybele @Cute Chao @Usana @Sunwoo @SatsumaFSoysoy

Guess I won't waste time. You all know I've been saving for this banner. I'd only gotten up to a paltry 102. A solid 20 I'll say is waiting through farming means but I just jumped into it, rip the band-aid off if it's bad. So I went to the banner. Free pull.



YEP, NOT EVEN SURPRISED. I really wish this man was a merge project. A +10 OG Hector with Berserk Armads and Wrath. I like the sound of that very much. Still he remains to be simply too good of a fodder. This means I can give this guy to Ross without feeling bad.

Felt great, but the lack of reds was a bad omen. Kept going for a while with sparse reds throughout until-



Nope, it's a -ATK Ike. With Chrom as easy Aether fodder (and feathers in abundance), Heavy Blade easily accessible through Jamke and L!Ike as a free unit. OG Ike has pretty much no value as a unit at this point. Even less so as I have a +ATK one at +1. So this is a hard loss. Ike is a favorite but.... I'm not trying to +10 him and if I was.... it wouldn't be this one. Ooof.

Half my orbs gone already, can't say I expected much out of 100 but still, down to the 30s and-



Nope, still not Lyn. Can't say I haven't thrown an orb or two at pulling this guy but he never came. Now he shows his smug face, breaking through the supposed 2.00% pitybreak rate and cockblocking Lyn. Oh he's +DEF/-SPD because what would be the point in him actually having value? Nice collectors item... or it would be if it wasn't blocking what probably my single biggest goal in Heroes at this point.

And down to 0. We've got a full week of this banner and more orbs can be acquired. But... with my results so far and all the good stuff coming up until the end of the month... I don't really know if it's worth pursuing this any further. Heartbreaking as that may sound. For the amount of orbs the amount of *5's was good but... here I sit, still with my +3 Lyn.

*heavy sigh* I bet you I could have pulled more Hectors had I been sniping green though. I wonder if I'm working on the wrong merge project...

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@Zeo Oh dang, sorry to hear about the results, but at least it sounds like Ross would really appreciate that DC!

Also ugh at the wrong Sacaean swordie

Lacking the colour you want is a really annoying problem though, really hope you at least get some Lyns when you come back

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No green on the free pull for DC banner. Wanted to try for a Hector. but I bought a few orbs because I knew this was the best chance to get DC for Brave Ike.

Two greens later:


OMG THANK YOU GAME. This makes up for refusing to give me Ephraim + Lyon. For sure. So glad I didn't have to spend much. Brave Ike now has DC! And as of this, original Lyn is the now only launch unit I have never pulled.

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