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Got nothing from any of the rerun free summons, but I got both Thrasir and Edelgard from my first two free summons on the legendary banner! Also a duplicate Robin from the last one, which I didn't particularly want but can't complain about either.

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Very good summons overall. The first summon tickets ii and iii got me a winter Ephraim that I merged into my old one and some other uninteresting stuff. Then I completed Celica's and Naga's Infernal and with the tickets I made some pulls. I ended up getting 3 EDELGARDS AND I AM SCREAMING. I already had a copy of her from her original banner now she is +3 (+re is her nature) and she is my best Galeforcer. Did not expect this. I will perhaps keep pulling in green for more Edelgards or one of the mages. 

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Not gonna lie, I only really care for Blue and Green.

2 each Red, Green, 1 Blue

4* Fae (Renewal, not a bad thing. +Atk/-Res), 4* Hawkeye (No, stop following her around! +Def/-Spd), 4* Est (JUST ALLOW US TO REMOVE UNITS FROM THE POOL IS. +Def/-Spd)

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red

4* Shanna (That's more of that good fodder. +Spd/-Def), 3* Tailtiu (If stuff like this came up more maybe I'd be less salty about the gacha. +Spd/-HP)


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After the disaster that was the Christmas Banner (only got Jolly St. Nino after 200+ Orbs), the game decided to make up to me by giving me one of the best sessions ever. 

First, free pull on the first Winter banner gave me Winter Lissa, the only unit I was missing from that banner, so we’re off to a great start. Used up all the tickets and got several fodder as well as my first Chad. Time to pull on the Legendary banner. 

Free session I pulled the whole circle and I got Dimitri who is the only blue I was missing from the banner, so he’s welcome. Ticket #1 gave me... Queen Celica! Holy crap! This banner already blessing me with good luck, and still two tickets to go! Rest of the session got me some fodder. 

Ticket #2 session gave me some fodder as well and Ticket #3 session gave me an Eir, who is getting merged for extra AR lift. 

Final results, 9 tickets and 39 orbs:


Happy Holidays everyone, hope you get the pulls you want!

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 @Ginko Oh nice summon! Nice way of tricking the game.

@Zeo Congrats on the free W!Eirika!

@daisy jane @Ginko @mampfoid @Landmaster 

So uhh a mixed day for Christmas.

I decided to do one last hurrah on the seasonal banner, since a +Def/-Atk Ursula was a poor way to end it, and I still want to try for CC + Dusk Uchiwa fodder. It took like 20+ orbs, and a rare 4 colourless orb circle, but at least I squeezed out another 5 star out of it... another Summer Ursula. On the plus side, she's +Atk/-Def, the exact opposite of my first one, so that's a great perfect nature. Not sure who to fodder the first one off to yet, don't really know how much Ursula needs those few Def points since it's so low. Ruse skill is interesting but I don't have a dedicated Rally user yet.

Tried for a red hero on my second account but nothing.


Then it was time for the new legendary banner and those tickets.

Got nothing from tickets on my second account, so I started using orbs after they were gone and squeezed out a Thrasir relatively early. +HP/-Atk though but hey at least I have her and Defense reduction might still be useful.

On my main account greens were also a bit rare and had to pull colourless as my backup. Got two Setsunas from tickets....and my first Python! Although he's +HP/-Spd so have to wait for a better one. Then after the tickets were gone, I used 9 orbs and I managed to come out with Edelgard, with a strange +HP/-Spd combo. At least I have a 3H unit for each house now! Oh and finally got my second ever Reyson so i can finally merge away his -Atk


Lastly the old Christmas banners. Aimed to summon for fodder since the other units weren't that of a must-have, so I wanted extra W!Eirika for her staff or W!Tharja for her Close Counter.

In my main, I didn't really get anyone except even more Setsunas from the colourless. At least give me variety or a Chad.. 

In my second account, got nothing for the Eirika hunt (but also another Setsuna..). Then on the first Christmas banner, my second ticket gave me my second Winter Tharja! Unfortunately she's +Atk/-Def, and that Atk makes it hard to fodder... on one hand I have a nice +Def/-Spd one already so unsure if I merge and use +Atk or not. At least I'm not in a rush to give CC+VF to someone yet I guess.

Then on the last ticket, in the next immediate summon, I get a +Def/-Atk Leo! -Atk doesn't matter since I already have a +HP/-Spd one, and the +Def superboon will be nice especially if I ever decide to use some Divine Dew on him.


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@Ginko I recommend keeping that virtually perfect Celica even if you pull L!Alm. Two fantastic nukes are better than one. Still though hope you enjoy her while you have her!

@mcsilas Sorry you didn't luck out with Xander at the end but Ruse fodder is pretty unique so I'm sure you'll find a use for it when you make your decision. Mixed bag it may be but those are pretty nice pulls. Edelgard and Thrasir are great (shame about the bane but at least it's not -SPD...). You did still get CC fodder in the form of Tharja though so that's great! Leo is a nice bonus as well. You got a few gifts for Christmas turns out eh?

@mampfoid @eclipse @Landmaster @SatsumaFSoysoy @Alexmender @DLNarshen

Yeah so... after a long day (Christmas Eve is also a family friend's birthday, so even busier day than it would have been) I sit down and 9 tickets drop into my lap and I've got 19 orbs. So I'm sitting there and contemplating about how I could save the tickets, stretch out time a bit and utilize them to maximum efficiency going into January. Then I just stopped and went "meh". I'm in save mode so I'm not trying to spend a bunch of orbs and between units I can live without, ones I don't care about and a lukewarm legendary banner outside of one color I didn't see the point in waiting around so I jumped in, whatever I get is what I get.

So I went into the old Christmas banner first to pull red. First is one red stone, nothing there. Then next I get 3 red stones. Sure Tharja would be nice.... but... I don't care about her. I don't particularly "need" her so spending the orbs is just... bleh. So I take my *3 and move on. No red stones in the last so nothing there.

Next banner I already have W!Eirika now so I'm going for Ephraim or Fae. First pool is 1 green and 4 colorless. Nothing, 2nd pool is 1 blue and 4 colorless, nothing again. last pool is wouldn't you guess it... 1 red, 4 colorless (fitting rite?) so I'm pretty much done at this point so I grab the grey stone at the top and say let's be done with it-



YEP. I literally went "What?!" in my seat IRL. The only unit I pulled for on the Zofia's Call banner unsuccessfully follows in B!Veronica's footsteps and falls right into my lap as a pitybreaker. Considering I had W!Eirika already, this is literally the best result I could have asked for. She's +SPD/-DEF which is a little weird, but it's a superboon so maybe we can do something with that. With this pull, the next Silque can be safely foddered to give Serra that sweet, sweet Melancholy+ staff.

So I moved on to the legendary. I told myself going in that I'd mostly just pull green or red since I'm 2/3 on every color but green but red has the best fodder. So what follows is a bunch of blue/colorless stones. After wasting a few orbs along with the tickets I went in with my last ticket and for the first time (out of 4) there were greens in the pool. 2 in fact. I only had 10 orbs left so I was going to grab the greens and the red. The free green?



Yeah, so... when I had my sights set on Close Counter, no... when I go into any summoning session with a clear goal in my head, every summon circle is met with anticipation. In the case of all these pools, I went in literally expecting nothing. So this... believe me is a surprise. Celica was best case scenario, but Thrasir is a close second. Unfortunately she has probably the worst nature possible in +HP/-SPD so that's pretty horrible. Still, I'll slap her, Duma and a team together and start reducing lift in AR I suppose, so she has value there until I pull another (whenever that may be) and either give this one to Lyn for Flashing Blade 4 or to B!Ike for Pulse Smoke.

Between my pulls here for 17 orbs and my recent acquisition of both S!Xander and W!Eirika, I'd say I was pretty good this year and got some pretty nice gifts, even if I had to work for some. It also shows and proves that colorless has and still continues to favor me, giving me valuable units and fodder, even when I'm not asking.

Fully satisfied and can move on with no regrets. Hope it ends the same for the rest of you. Happy Holidays.

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5 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

I think you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover.  El is...unique and her route is actually more challenging than Claude's and Dimitri's combined, and actually fun, plus if you're someone who's playing for the story you're shooting yourself in the foot and missing a large chunk of the game in story related content.


Also congratulations on the Hríd merges XD and you're luckier than I am atm.


I got a few more orbs and got a book Sorin.  This banner is really trying me so hard.

Who said anything about judging a book by its cover? It isn't like I haven't played TH at all or anything. I can still get some feel for her while she's the antagonist. Though she's not even the main reason I'm disinterested in her route. That would be that I don't wish to go against Claude, Dimitri, or Rhea (sure, I'm still going against Claude in Dimitri's route too, but that's tough as is and I learned you can spare him) and that I don't have much interest in the Black Eagles characters. I'd had initial interest in people from the other two to get me to try their routes.

I resume pulling after going to bed for the evening and my very first pull after I get up:


There's my next RD Ike merge, finally! XD Hrid decided to move over this time after all. lol

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Me: Oooh Tickets!!!
my rule of thumb -pull on the non repeating colour or the colour that makes the most sense for me

Christmas 2017: Nothing but a Sothe. (Norne? Mercie? Where art thou?)
Christmas 2018: Nothing at all

Legendary Celica Banner
I didn't want to really get a rate - this banner is still a skip to me but i figured i  will summon until i get something. 

Last Ticket




She was my third most wanted unit. (Thrasir for Anima, Dimitri because he's my Husband) 
and Celica love's me because all my Celicas are +Atk. (Celica Emblem re-completed). 

Dimitri - Freesummon pull/pity break me anyitme love (Neutral Ivs or +atk/-res kthanks). 

Thrasir. we'll wait and see if you have a great colourshare next time.

@Zeo - My Serra has Witchy Wand (naturally becuse I killed my Mia before we knew about Silque) but she'll still eat a Silque for that Balm+ (Prissy wants a Silque too, probably so does Mercedes. my Silque is also +Spd/-Def such a strange combo). 

@mcsilas yay for Ursula (I'd just kill the broken one myself). 

honestly. if i had a choice. I'd probably got with +Atk Tharja? but i think it depends if you wanna transfer that sweet CC/Vengeful Fighter to someone. 

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I got yet ANOTHER Hrid and another RD Ike! +5 Hrid and +5 RD Ike! And with no Roy pitybreaks. This is so incredibly awesome. lol

But I've also gotten four Edelgards and still no Celica. Or even Thrasir. Just fucking Edelgard. She needs to go away already. I think I'll just try for Celica next time she's available... >_>

Edited by Anacybele
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Merry Christmas to me!~ Lots of units I want and since New Year is a safe skip, I decided to splurge a little here, but I was pretty lucky overall~ My main targets are Blues and Greens~

First circle nets me my main prize!


+Atk, -Def husbando!  Not the perfect IV but I won't complain about +Atk~

I summon a bit more and get another of my goals~


She's +HP, -Res and now I have both her and Duma, meaning every season is accounted for with 2 Mythics~

Very next circle has no Greens and I decide I don't need to go for Blue anymore, so I go for Red hoping for any of the focuses~


Just who I wanted the most~ Nowi has been wanting Warding Breath for some help in AR so I'm happy to grab him by chance~ I foddered him right away so I don't remember his IVs, but I believe he was +Def, -Spd.

With that, I decide to go for Blues again since, Roy would be nice, but fixing Dimitri's Bane would be better~ It was either the next circle or the one immediately after that gave me...


Ms Nagaga! This is my 3rd Naga and she's +Spd, so I merged the lesser of the two originals into her~ Not bad and will help my Astra score a smidge~

Then I went to bed LOL~

Woke up and Summoned some more!


All the Blue focuses decided to come home! She's +Res, -HP, meaning whenever I get ready to, Eir is dead to me~ I won't sack her for now and I'll keep the 2nd Peony but the minute someone needs Mystic Boost, it's over~

Finally got to a very interesting circle. 3 Green units. All +HP, -Res. Two of them were dad Bartre!~ The 3rd?


The Queen of Valentia herself! And with that, I got every unit I wanted in about 130 Orbs (I didn't count but it was around 130-140 considering the 3 tickets)~ 

Speaking of tickets, I also got a Linde on a ticket trying for Christmas Ephraim~ She was +Atk, -Res, the opposite of the one I had before so now I may actually get some damage out of her~

Sothis is very generous with her blessings today~

4 hours ago, mcsilas said:


So uhh a mixed day for Christmas.

I decided to do one last hurrah on the seasonal banner, since a +Def/-Atk Ursula was a poor way to end it, and I still want to try for CC + Dusk Uchiwa fodder. It took like 20+ orbs, and a rare 4 colourless orb circle, but at least I squeezed out another 5 star out of it... another Summer Ursula. On the plus side, she's +Atk/-Def, the exact opposite of my first one, so that's a great perfect nature. Not sure who to fodder the first one off to yet, don't really know how much Ursula needs those few Def points since it's so low. Ruse skill is interesting but I don't have a dedicated Rally user yet.

Tried for a red hero on my second account but nothing.


Then it was time for the new legendary banner and those tickets.

Got nothing from tickets on my second account, so I started using orbs after they were gone and squeezed out a Thrasir relatively early. +HP/-Atk though but hey at least I have her and Defense reduction might still be useful.

On my main account greens were also a bit rare and had to pull colourless as my backup. Got two Setsunas from tickets....and my first Python! Although he's +HP/-Spd so have to wait for a better one. Then after the tickets were gone, I used 9 orbs and I managed to come out with Edelgard, with a strange +HP/-Spd combo. At least I have a 3H unit for each house now! Oh and finally got my second ever Reyson so i can finally merge away his -Atk


Lastly the old Christmas banners. Aimed to summon for fodder since the other units weren't that of a must-have, so I wanted extra W!Eirika for her staff or W!Tharja for her Close Counter.

In my main, I didn't really get anyone except even more Setsunas from the colourless. At least give me variety or a Chad.. 

In my second account, got nothing for the Eirika hunt (but also another Setsuna..). Then on the first Christmas banner, my second ticket gave me my second Winter Tharja! Unfortunately she's +Atk/-Def, and that Atk makes it hard to fodder... on one hand I have a nice +Def/-Spd one already so unsure if I merge and use +Atk or not. At least I'm not in a rush to give CC+VF to someone yet I guess.

Then on the last ticket, in the next immediate summon, I get a +Def/-Atk Leo! -Atk doesn't matter since I already have a +HP/-Spd one, and the +Def superboon will be nice especially if I ever decide to use some Divine Dew on him.


Congrats on S!Ursula, Thrasir, Edelgard, Leo, and W!Tharja! A very good Christmas for you!

4 hours ago, Zeo said:


Yeah so... after a long day (Christmas Eve is also a family friend's birthday, so even busier day than it would have been) I sit down and 9 tickets drop into my lap and I've got 19 orbs. So I'm sitting there and contemplating about how I could save the tickets, stretch out time a bit and utilize them to maximum efficiency going into January. Then I just stopped and went "meh". I'm in save mode so I'm not trying to spend a bunch of orbs and between units I can live without, ones I don't care about and a lukewarm legendary banner outside of one color I didn't see the point in waiting around so I jumped in, whatever I get is what I get.

So I went into the old Christmas banner first to pull red. First is one red stone, nothing there. Then next I get 3 red stones. Sure Tharja would be nice.... but... I don't care about her. I don't particularly "need" her so spending the orbs is just... bleh. So I take my *3 and move on. No red stones in the last so nothing there.

Next banner I already have W!Eirika now so I'm going for Ephraim or Fae. First pool is 1 green and 4 colorless. Nothing, 2nd pool is 1 blue and 4 colorless, nothing again. last pool is wouldn't you guess it... 1 red, 4 colorless (fitting rite?) so I'm pretty much done at this point so I grab the grey stone at the top and say let's be done with it-

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YEP. I literally went "What?!" in my seat IRL. The only unit I pulled for on the Zofia's Call banner unsuccessfully follows in B!Veronica's footsteps and falls right into my lap as a pitybreaker. Considering I had W!Eirika already, this is literally the best result I could have asked for. She's +SPD/-DEF which is a little weird, but it's a superboon so maybe we can do something with that. With this pull, the next Silque can be safely foddered to give Serra that sweet, sweet Melancholy+ staff.

So I moved on to the legendary. I told myself going in that I'd mostly just pull green or red since I'm 2/3 on every color but green but red has the best fodder. So what follows is a bunch of blue/colorless stones. After wasting a few orbs along with the tickets I went in with my last ticket and for the first time (out of 4) there were greens in the pool. 2 in fact. I only had 10 orbs left so I was going to grab the greens and the red. The free green?

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Yeah, so... when I had my sights set on Close Counter, no... when I go into any summoning session with a clear goal in my head, every summon circle is met with anticipation. In the case of all these pools, I went in literally expecting nothing. So this... believe me is a surprise. Celica was best case scenario, but Thrasir is a close second. Unfortunately she has probably the worst nature possible in +HP/-SPD so that's pretty horrible. Still, I'll slap her, Duma and a team together and start reducing lift in AR I suppose, so she has value there until I pull another (whenever that may be) and either give this one to Lyn for Flashing Blade 4 or to B!Ike for Pulse Smoke.

Between my pulls here for 17 orbs and my recent acquisition of both S!Xander and W!Eirika, I'd say I was pretty good this year and got some pretty nice gifts, even if I had to work for some. It also shows and proves that colorless has and still continues to favor me, giving me valuable units and fodder, even when I'm not asking.

Fully satisfied and can move on with no regrets. Hope it ends the same for the rest of you. Happy Holidays.

Congrats on Silque, Thrasir, and your CC from the other day! Serra will be eating good~

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Alright, time to use these tickets!

Legendary Banner:

"I'll pull green!" *gets 1 blue and 4 colorless* "I...guess I'll go colorless." 4* Maria. Ok.

Ticket 1: I got a 4* Ross! This is my first Ross. I am okay with this. 🙂 He's +HP. Not sure if he'll be the base for my eventual Ross project or not.

Ticket 2: 4* Cecilia. Sooo fodder.

Ticket 3: Oh heck. Alright, so, up until now I've only had 1 green node so it was easy to choose which one to pull. This time, I have 3 green nodes. I'm also saving orbs for the upcoming New Years banner. Ummmm.... Upper left. Let's see what's here... 4* Arthur.

Well! Guess that's it for this legendary banner! (Was hoping for Thrasir, but I'm okay. I want a unit in the upcoming New Years banner significantly more and I only have 30 orbs right now.)

Next, time to use tickets on the Gifts of Winter banner! Priority will be colorless, but I'll pull blue if there aren't any colorless nodes. (May as well get another Ephraim.)

Ticket 1: 4 colorless nodes. I'll pull upper right. Got a 4* Klein. Eh.

Ticket 2: No colorless. Pulling blue. Oh my- YUS. I got my first Forsyth!! What an unexpected gift! =D

Ticket 3: (Had to clear barracks space, but now I'm back at it.) No colorless, so pulled blue and got...a 3* Mathilda. So, feathers.

Next up, Winter's Envoy! Pulling blue since the only Christmas Robin I got I foddered off.

Ticket 1: 4* Original Robin. XD

Ticket 2: Uh... There are no blue so I guess I'll go green and hope for a Lissa? 4* Beruka. Ok.

Ticket 3: 4* Abel.

To no one's surprise, I got mostly fodder. But I DID get Ross and Forsyth! This went better than I expected! =D

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@Zeo That's some luck (natures aside)! Thrasir should come in handy if you ever make an Anima team for AR even with the nature while Silque is sooo tanky she'll be a pain to take down. Congrats on the cool Christmas present!

- - -

The tickets gave me jack and 30 orbs got me a +Hp -Def Thrasir, it could've been worse but I still want that Rigain Celica.

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After dumping almost 300 orbs on the limited banner trying for another Picnic Flora (and not getting her) I was left with 187 orbs for the Celica banner.

Got her with ~40 orbs left. Whew. Of course, she's -SPD+RES, but it's fine.

Also got lucky this time, got a +ATK Fem!Grima, a neutral Hrid (already had one), my third Naga with crapstatic IV, -SPD+HP now, the other two are -ATK+HP and -DEF+HP and a -SPD+DEF Peony.

Use 5 orbs to finally expand my barracks to 350 as now I was needing it. Have 35 orbs left. I better finally begin the garden maps for some refill...

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@Rezzy @Arcanite @mampfoid (and anyone else who cares) I got some nice Christmas money today, so I decided to give Celica one last shot with one more 23 orb pack to complete my Christmas haul.

...Boy did I get results. Ones that finally weren't fricken Edelgard!


She showed up within just a couple pulls! That -Atk is unfortunate, but the +Spd is nice and should make up for it a bit! Will help on my AR defense map in Anima season since I've also got Duma.

Then two pulls after THAT:


ALM'S FINALLY GOT HIS QUEEN. ^^ +HP, -Res. So not bad, yay!

Man my haul on this banner is CRAZY! Here it is in full in case people missed some or all of it:
- FOUR Hrids
- Two RD Ikes
- Dimitri
- FOUR Edelgards
- Peony
- Naga
- Thrasir
- Celica

And this is all in less than 300 orbs, I believe! And less than $100 spent! MERRY FREAKIN' CHRISTMAS! 😄 I hope I didn't use up all my luck though, I need some for the NY banner. DX

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3 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:


@Landmaster Congrats on getting Celica, Dimitri and the other 5 stars you pulled! Sothis must have blessed your summoning luck for the Legendary banner.

THANX! Converting to the Church of Serios is a decision I have yet to regret~

3 hours ago, daisy jane said:




You +Atk Celica Emblem better appear in some clears

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1 minute ago, Landmaster said:

THANX! Converting to the Church of Serios is a decision I have yet to regret~


You +Atk Celica Emblem better appear in some clears

LOL if you wanna help me figure some stuff out, sure!

i'll have to live vicariously through you inregards to Husband. 

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Ok, here my results:

From all the tickets, I only got this one:


She came in a circle without Blues... Since I don't have her,  am ok with it. She may be foddered anytime.

Then i decided to spend some orbs in the Legendary Banner. After 1 free summon, 3 ticket summons, and ~60 orbs, this is what I got:

RhetjRL.png yWzhwx4.png

Those two Adrestians Craps came first... I may keep the one with better IVs, and fodder the other one. Claude is one of the candidates, for Atk/Def Rouse, so he can trigger his bow by his own.

Thrasir and Naga were a pleasant surprise, because I foddered my first Thrasir for Saizo and now I ave her back. I may keep her in my Anima Team this time. Naga was also welcomed, because now i can fix the HP bane in my +Spd Naga.

Now I am kidna orbless... hahaha. Although, I am kinda tempted to summon in the New Year Banner after checking the leaks. I hope I get enough orbs to get the unit I want from that banner.

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I got a -Spd +Def L!Celica from my free pull in the legendary banner.
I like celica as a character and I don't have any player phase aggressive green mage.
But she feels a bit underwhelming to me somehow  , not sure whether to keep her or fodder her off. 

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6 hours ago, Anacybele said:

@Rezzy @Arcanite @mampfoid (and anyone else who cares) I got some nice Christmas money today, so I decided to give Celica one last shot with one more 23 orb pack to complete my Christmas haul.

...Boy did I get results. Ones that finally weren't fricken Edelgard!


She showed up within just a couple pulls! That -Atk is unfortunate, but the +Spd is nice and should make up for it a bit! Will help on my AR defense map in Anima season since I've also got Duma.

Then two pulls after THAT:


ALM'S FINALLY GOT HIS QUEEN. ^^ +HP, -Res. So not bad, yay!

Man my haul on this banner is CRAZY! Here it is in full in case people missed some or all of it:
- FOUR Hrids
- Two RD Ikes
- Dimitri
- FOUR Edelgards
- Peony
- Naga
- Thrasir
- Celica

And this is all in less than 300 orbs, I believe! And less than $100 spent! MERRY FREAKIN' CHRISTMAS! 😄 I hope I didn't use up all my luck though, I need some for the NY banner. DX

Much Congrats!  I did my free ticket pulls today and managed to grab an Edelgard.  She's -Atk, but can't argue with free!




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19 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Much Congrats!  I did my free ticket pulls today and managed to grab an Edelgard.  She's -Atk, but can't argue with free!

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Thanks! I'm still amazed at the luck I had here. XD Edelgard is very good even with -Atk, I'd say, because her base kit buffs her to heck when she's alone. So you shouldn't have a hard time using her.

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