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Well I haven't posted my pulls in a while so the new units that have come home are: the free seasonal was a +atk,-spd C!Zephiel who I had wanted but couldn't get on his banner so that was nice, the legendary gave me a +atk,-hp L!Eliwood which is great, got a free Conrad on today's banner +hp,-atk so workable even if not the best and the best was I finally pulled Celica after trying for her since her addition to FEH +atk,-hp to boot!  I am so happy right now with that Celica because I have wanted her for a looong time and I can now do Celica and three dancer clears like everyone else.

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40 f2p orbs in. Tagged out of the Legendary Banner after getting Lif, and the TMS#FE banner after getting Tsubasa.

Got Valentines Faye on two separate occasions (one neutral, one +def/-res IIRC?). To think that I'm just wanting DB4 fodder...

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Got Alm! +Spd/-Def, which seems quite good. Also picked up a Conrad on the way, +Spd/-Res, which seems a lot worse on him than on Alm. Conrad was 5*, which is nice for saving the feathers but did mean resetting my pity rate. As I hoped, I didn't have to go out of my way to pull red, just got forced into it on some non-green sessions and he showed up. Total of 194 orbs, which is fine.

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8 hours ago, daisy jane said:


wait wait wait wait wait hold hold hold. 
Sothe can fulfill your Life and Death Needs, and Shigure can fulfill any ward fliers needs. 

My first Minerva was +def/-res - and the second was +res minus def (funnily enough) - even running LND 3 she's sneakily bulky and can take a hit from green/blue dragons, and slap lance breaker on her, and there goes all your lance-y problems. 

I don't get enough of both tbh, and Minerva won't see much use so rather than have her gather dust, she can help somone I do use more often.

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Well, I spent almost all my orbs (I didn't even have 100 mind you) and the results were...interesting.

I got a 4* Valentine's Conrad (-atk) and my first Python, also at 4*. Thus far, no 5*'s, but I'm only at 4%. Still, it's interesting that both of my notable pulls are from Valentia.

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@Zeo Late response and all but still, congrats on Duo Alfonse and those cool greens! Alfonse's nature is a bit of a shame, but he and Sharena are more than strong enough to shrug the bane off.

- - - -

As for me, my luck has been awful lately. I got nothing from the Hero Fest tickets and I ended with a 12% pity rate on the Lif banner because how dare I wish for any Red/Green unit in a B8% banner. Extreme salt aside, at least Duo units are quite kind to me. I got Hector and Ephraim for free and I skipped Marth and Alfonse but I think they wouldn't have taken that long to come, and now I got the newest one in 20 orbs or so.


+Def -Hp. While they hit the superflaw at least they're not -Atk or -Spd and that counts as a win. Their convo is precious then again, every duo has great convos and I think I'm going to use them in AA because I don't see myself using Alm and Celica on AR.

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Another daily banner. Tana or Amelia...I'll try blue.

  1. 4* Silas: More Reposition fodder.

Great. Now back to Lovely Gifts. 185 orbs left.

  1. 4* Frederick: Bleh.
  2. 4* Gunter: No thanks.

And again. 176 orbs left.

  1. 4* L'Arachel: Meh.

That was annoying. 171 orbs left.

  1. 4* Tethys: A new unit! Unfortunately +HP/-Res is too mediocre for you to get a spot.
  2. 4* Lachesis: Feathers.

First Tanya, now Tethys. Where the heck is Norne? 162 orbs left.

  1. 3* Tanya: Oh look, here she is again.
  2. 4* Matthew: Ugh.
  3. 3* Felicia: Worthless.

Pulling on this banner was a mistake. 149 orbs left.

  1. 3* Sothe: Feathers.

Up to a 4% pity rate. 144 orbs left.

  1. 4* Cherche: No thank you.
  2. 4* Merric: Go away.

It should not be this hard to get greens and greys. 135 orbs left.

  1. 4* Rebecca: No.
  2. 4* Nanna: No.
  3. 4* Priscilla: No.

The game seems to be trying to give me every single grey unit except Norne. 122 orbs left.

  1. 3* Beruka: Go away.
  2. 5* V!Faye: Yay, another bow armor to join Marth and Elice! +Spd/-HP leans towards bad, but it's definitely workable. I might as well try the rest of the set.
  3. 4* Chrom: Meh.
  4. 5* V!Rudolf: Heyyy. You and Faye will do nicely together. +Res/-Def could certainly be worse.
  5. 4* Subaki: Yeah, I shouldn't have expected otherwise.

So in the end things actually turned out pretty well on this banner. No Alm & Celica, but both Faye and Rudolf is pretty darn good. I really shouldn't have spent so many orbs when Morgan is coming soon, but at least I got something worthwhile from them.

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Decided to pull more green and colorless on the Hero Fest banner to finish my pity rate and got Brave Camilla! Her nature is very unfortunate though, +Def/-Atk. And huh, is she the first healer not to have a special? I never noticed that before. Took 18 orbs today, although I also pulled green and colorless on my free sessions over the course of the past week, which must have been at least another 36 orbs based on the pity rate. Wasn't keeping track of those but I'll call it a total of 54.

Also picked up my first Tethys along the way, with +Spd/-Def, which seems perfect.

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Got 2 Lovely Gifts Faye for my second summoning session last night and my first Helbindi. One of the LG!Fayes is +Atk, so that is really good. Helbindi is [+Res, -Spd], so pretty decent too.

I just need 2 LG!Alms, although 1 will do too if it has a good nature.


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So. Pulling a 4* Focus doesn't count as a pity break for those that were curious. However, as your 5* rate goes up, the 4* Focus rate decreases by .01%. It's a marginal difference, but it confirms that rates only reset after a 5* is pulled.

I confirm this after doing 2 full circles and getting a Valentine Conrad in each.

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1 hour ago, silverserpent said:

So. Pulling a 4* Focus doesn't count as a pity break for those that were curious. However, as your 5* rate goes up, the 4* Focus rate decreases by .01%. It's a marginal difference, but it confirms that rates only reset after a 5* is pulled.

I confirm this after doing 2 full circles and getting a Valentine Conrad in each.

Ooh, this is nifty, thanks~!

@Zeo congrats on getting the unit you were chasing!  Having Alfonse just walk into things and blow them up is pretty satisfying.

3,685 total pulled units now.


Norne (+Atk/-Res): She's 5*.  I can take the hint, banner.  I'll grab you eventually, Camilla!

Eirika (+Atk/-Def): Not bad at all!
Corrin (+Atk/-Def): Well, missy, you're good too!
Gordin (+Res/-Spd): Decent bane, bad boon.
Tanya (+HP/-Def): NO.
Tanya (+HP/-Spd): And unlike the last one, she's 3*.

Fae (+Res/-Def): Reposition!  And Renewal!
Tailtiu (+Spd/-Res): Darnit, she's competent.
Subaki (+Res/-Def): One day, he'll show up like this as a 4*.
Sothe (+Def/-Res): Who wants Life and Death?
Serra (+Def/-HP): I might fodder her for Absorb.

Gunter (+Res/-Atk): Silque is gonna be happy.
Lilina (+Atk/-HP): Correct boon, and that's all that matters~!
Marth (+HP/-Def): That's not the correct anything.
Silvia (+Def/-Spd): Absolutely not, girl!
Gaius (+HP/-Def): If it didn't work for Marth, it ain't working for you.

Sheena (+Def/-Spd): That's. . .not the worst?
Olivia (+Atk/-Def): I like her better as +Spd.
Valbar (+Res/-Def): He keeps trolling me.
Mercedes (+Res/-Atk): Almost!
Rebecca (+Atk/-Def): That works!  Somehow.

Alm (+Atk/-HP): OMG THIS IS AMAZING!  Would like to deal with that bane, but that will be later.  Or maybe not at all.  This duo's so good at blowing things up!

Hana (+Res/-Def): Disappointing, but it won't bring me down!

Nowi (+Res/-Spd): Not the worst, but I'm not in the market for her!

Those were some damn good pulls.  Time to train everyone!


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Well, that’s certainly a better prize compared to free pulling Ephraim again (this was from the Weekly Revival). Forsyth even got a pretty good asset/flaw as well (+Res/-Spd).

Unfortunately, my luck on the banner where all of my orbs are being spent sucks in comparison. I’m up to a 4% rate now, but did at least get Conrad (+HP/-Res) from my latest circle:



Oh, and can I stop pulling Brady and just get Norne and/or Tethys already game? Please?


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@mcsilas @Ginko @mampfoid @daisy jane @DLNarshen @Landmaster @Alexmender

Pulled a red and got *3 M!Corrin on the weekly revival. Could have tried for a better Jaffar but what's the point. Same for Karel. I have all of the units on the banner. Ephraim would be nice but he's not currently a merge project for me and I've got a +ATK/-SPD one so if I'm not merging I have literally no reason to pull blue.

Used the ticket on the CYL2 banner. Nothing there either. Didn't pull colorless or blue though, I'm happy with my Hector and Veronica copies (I've pulled 2 of each before so I'm good there). Pulled Red and Green and nothing showed up.

Now.... on the other hand... the BHB Banner... with... y'know... Raven, Lucius and Priscilla?



Wrong banner, Ephraim. But who's complaining! Definitely better than a Raven. This is probably the single best off focus pull I've had in the history of FEH. I definitely appreciate it after back to back to back demote pitybreakers. He's +RES/-ATK which as always, forces me to make a decision. I can merge him into my +ATK/-DEF copy to get rid of the bane. Or I can fodder him for Special Fighter... like to my now +1 +ATK Amelia. If I give SF to her she'll have her optimal kit which is heavenly.

Most likely as always I'll be sitting on him for some time until I eventually make a decision, or not. Either way I'm very happy here.

Now if I could just get Ross to show up more and not all these blasted Libras.

I'd like to grab a *4 Conrad, but I think OG Lyn might be on the horizon for a banner soon. So I'm going to save orbs for the next week. My pulls on the daily BHB's will be of a frugal nature. I hope I can pull at least one OG Lyn to get her to +4.

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No real luck this time for the daily summons, but I'm not complaining.  At least until the Grima focus banner comes, I'd be happy to get Grimmy to +4 at the very least, but I'll be super annoyed if he doesn't show up at all.

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@Zeo Congrats on the B!Ephraim! Maybe hope for some more Ephraims on the Hero Fest tickets!

@daisy jane @Landmaster @Diovani Bressan

as for me, I decided to clear the rate in the CYL3 Hero Fest. Really wanted Eliwood to round out the batch in my main account (or just him in general since I voted for him and he has great art/effectiveness against beasts/dragons).

Good news is I cleared it. What did I get in my main? +HP/-Atk Brave Hector

The irony is really strong I had to laugh. Eliwood's training partner. Technically a blue Brave unit. But also in the next banner after Eliwood's banner ends.

Well he's my 3rd Bector in the account, so I now have a safe Bold Fighter fodder with a terrible nature like that. (Jakob prepare yourself...even if Faye exists)

Then I gathered more orbs to do a final pull in the last 10 minute and got a +Spd/-Atk Brave Camilla when there were no blues. Just trained my +Res one this weekend but I guess it's worth merging the -Atk away and wait for other Wrathful Staff fodder.

Nothing noteworthy in the new banners except a 3 star +Atk/-Spd Valbar.


As for my second account, I was at almost nearing 6% so gathered the rest of the story orbs, and finally got +Def/-HP Brave Eliwood! Wooo! So glad to finally get him in one of my accounts.

Then on the new banners, I got nothing from the tickets. In the BHB banner though, there were no green/colourless so I picked a blue hoping for Altena/Nailah. Not them, but I got a +Spd/-HP Hinoka! Great surprise, my 4th overall. +Spd sounds nice compared to my current +Atk one...so even is Hone Fliers is nice maybe it's worth merging? Still great to see my favourite Fates royal.

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From CYL2 banner I freepulled an Owain, but since he's -spd, he'll be fodder.

Second circle gave me a +spd Veronica, which is exactly the result I was looking for!


Upcoming tickets will go for red to get maybe a Celica again, either for being used, or passing deathblow 4 and galeforce to someone else.

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