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15 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And as for weapons, if they don't want to do Ragnell again, well his dually-effective Rapier-not-called-a-Rapier the Regal Sword from PoR is still not in use. Nor is his RD non-Ragnell personal the Ettard, which lacks any special effects to call its own, opening it up for what IS wants to do. Going off its ingame size, Heavy Blade sounds perfect for it, but by this point the skill might be dated.

Speaking of dated things, I know refines to DC weapons are unlikely, but I'd prefer giving PoR Ike, who is probably very outdated by this point with all the better Sword Infantry, a refine to "Regal Ragnell". It'd be something at least. Or maybe Special-nulling, since in PoR and not RD, the Ragnell negates all non-Wrath crits, though it is not stated to the player.

Heavy Blade + Special Spiral + Slayer + Wo Dao effect on Ettard. You heard it here first, unless you didn't. I probably forgot a special skill related skill there.

Honestly, I don't think refines to DC weapons would be that unlikely at this point in the game (since DC weapons with additional effects already exist anyways). Not necessarily needed but also nothing too horrible. Personally I would like Ike and Fjorm in particular to get some extra oomph.


On the topic of Mythic Heroes, if we are getting one this month, I could see Mythic Lehran happening if they want to keep to the beasts/RD theme for the month. Probably not though.

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2 hours ago, SuperTroll Maxim Lapierre said:

IIRC, isn't Brammimond almost a sort of dopplerganger? He takes on the personality of who is in contact with him and his picture is how the tactician Mark sees him?

Mark doesn't have to exist though. The tactician in Eliwood and Hector Mode is only there if the playthrough is connected to Lyn Mode play. Of course, canonically since Awakening, Mark has existed. His clothes remain consistent at least, since FE6 had a group CG of the Eight Legends- although that did depict Durban as armored like Hector, when he is shirtless in FE7. And unless Roland died terribly young, Durban's spirit and Roland's spirit alike should depict themselves in their primes, probably how they dressed when they were in the midst of the Scouring.

The exact Athos line explaining Bramimond is:


“Bramimond has no self. He… She… It… Yes, it is a mirror that reflects the person addressing it. It projects no personality of its own. There are as many Bramimonds as there are people facing him. …Bramimond, do you remember me?”

Now the "He... She... It..." might lead one to think that Bramimond has no defined physical form I can see. Yet I wouldn't say that is what Athos means by it. It'd really help if the lines when HEL talk to Bram were voice acted, since perhaps he spoke like a girl when Lyn spoke to him. The Japanese might help in this case, since Bramimond uses "I" in English in the Lyn response, and Japanese pronouns can be gendered.

What I think Athos meant is gender, not biological and physical sex. 

This is backed by Teodor in H19xx: A Glimpse in Time


“Yes. It’s the fate of those who study dark magic. If you covet the dark, you must enter it of your own free will. You must erase yourself and become an empty vessel. Only then will you be able to receive the dark and master it. If your disposition is weak, the dark will overwhelm you. You will be…lost… …Ofttimes, you will forget why you seek the power to begin with. Only a few people ever gain true power. To win such a prize, one’s self is a small and insignificant sacrifice.”


“I’ve heard rumors… Bramimond, one of the eight legends, devoted himself entirely to the dark. All emotion, all memory… dissolved in a river of dark. That is how he received the power to best dragons.”

Teodor is wrong, Bramimond's memories do endure, it is because of those memories that he protects the Divine Weapons. Bramimond does say he doesn't care about the world in response to Hector, but to be fair, he is just mirroring Hector's brutishness. And, he might be displaying the coldness expected of a guardian of something of legendary status- petty problems in the world do not warrant the breaking of the seal on the Divine Weapons.

As evidence, despite Athos using a seemingly calm tone with him, Bramimond ends a sentence in respond to him in a demanding question, indicated by an exclamation point.


“Bramimond, remember… We, too, are human. These people, they will not be seduced by power. They came here without my aid, using their own abilities. You observed them, did you not?”

“… It’s true… They seem better, stronger than most humans. And yet, humans are frail. What guarantee do I have… that they will not succumb to that frailty, Athos?!”

So on serious matters, perhaps Bramimond's will can still exert a measure of personality control. 

But nonetheless, Teodor does not speak of physical dissolution. That would be pretty extraordinary, and something you'd think these "rumors" Teodor speaks of would mention. And certainly that Athos would have made this clearer.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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You know all this talk about Luke reminds me


Christmas Cavalier as a whole is probably the group of units that is really good in main series, but mediocre in Heroes. Its kind of amusing we have almost the entire top 3 of the group(Luke, Oscar, Sain) and both of them essentially had "spook meme" going for them at best

I guess Peri is technically a christmas cavalier in terms of how she's placed in Conquest, but she's also considered mediocre as a whole and Kaze and Saizo is..... Kaze and Saizo

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debating on what to put in Naesala's C-slot. I was thinking of a Tactics, but I'm limited on fodder for that. Savage blow is an option if I want to keep him as an AoE spammer. Drives are in a similar state as Tactics. Any other ideas? I like the idea of fiddling his build so he's a bit of a sabotuer, causing anarchy in the enemy ranks. 

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12 minutes ago, silverserpent said:

debating on what to put in Naesala's C-slot. I was thinking of a Tactics, but I'm limited on fodder for that. Savage blow is an option if I want to keep him as an AoE spammer. Drives are in a similar state as Tactics. Any other ideas? I like the idea of fiddling his build so he's a bit of a sabotuer, causing anarchy in the enemy ranks. 

You cannot go wrong with basics like Hone Attack. Just about everyone can use a boost to their Atk.

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@mcsilas @Landmaster @Alexmender @Nanima @Azuris @mampfoid @Johann @SatsumaFSoysoy @Vaximillian @NegativeExponents- @Alkaid @daisy jane @Hilda @Cute Chao

Yeah, I've got a bit of catching up to do on people's clears and stuff. I'll be doing that but I've been taking a bit of a break from the game. Something I'll continue to do for a while. I didn't realize how burnt out I was until I didn't actually have to record anymore. But I wanted to knock this out so here I am. Today is the anniversary of the day I first started doing clears. January 14th is the day of my very first team Matthew clear where I was gloating about how my Matt wasn't -RES and how if you don't take that bane he can tank everything but dragons and all that.

Well, if you don't want to hear my mouth, the TL;DR is that I compiled all of my clears, Matt, Morgan and otherwise into 3 separate playlists that will rest in my new signature probably until I leave this place for good. So if you missed any clears I did or you want to experience mine and Matthew's journey through heroes, it's all there in chronological order from my very first clear to the very last. It's #153 clears in all. I've done 153 clears this past year if you can believe it. I'll also post up my +10 units in the other thread after a while, I wont tag a million people for that though.

I feel like I've been long winded with this, so I wanted every post to have meaning and not seem like I'm rambling on. But kinda want to take this second to go over some of my very favorite clears. If you want to go down memory lane with me. 



Clears #2/3 - Grand Hero Battle: Lyon / Grand Hero Battle: Valter

I couldn't put them by themselves just because of how equal of an influence they had on me. These two clears stand tall as some of the best I've even done. But what's different about these two were how different of a place I was in. How much weaker Matthew was and how much worse of a strategist I was.

Beating Lyon was the first real glimpse at Matthew's true potential. I knew I'd made the right investment when I saw him take down a bulky mage with a personal raven tome. This was the clear that convinced me he was truly worth it, as well as the one that convinced me that custom music was a must for these clears as it added a cinematic and thematic charm that couldn't be matched by the standard FEH music.

Valter was the teams biggest test at the time. Going up against a map that by design punished buffing. I remember grinding this map for literal hours, feeling like I was wasting my time and coming so close to giving up. The satisfaction I felt finally beating it couldn't be matched. The irony is how many times I ended up watching the clear over and over again. The team just felt cool. It felt awesome watching them tear through a map they had no business beating. As far as the earlygame goes these are the most iconic and clears and some of the best I've ever done.



Clear #12 - Grand Hero Battle: Takumi

At the time it was one of the hardest GHBs next to Valter. My team was still rough around the edges and in the beginning I tried using nukes to beat the map as I lacked confidence. This map was the one that taught me to be bold even when surrounded by multiple enemies. Don't surrender mid match and give up easily, see how things pan out, how much Matt and his team could take. Even though I didn't think I would beat it, I decided to keep going, and the clear that you see today was one even I didn't expect to complete, as I was recording without actually beating the map first, and honestly, I didn't think I would. Matt's tanking was put to the test and I got to see just how powerful of a unit Ayra truly is. I don't think the team would be what it is without her.



Clear #17 - Legendary Hero Battle: F!Robin

The very first Legendary Hero Battle and what felt like the first real high stakes map in FEH for me. This was one of the most influential and difficult maps of it's time. It's also what gave me true confidence in my team. I felt like I wanted to build a team around Matt and making him stronger. What I didn't realize was that I'd created a team with perfect synergy, not only Matt and a bunch of bots but a real team that supports eachother flawlessly. Matt wouldn't be what he is without them. After beating this map, I felt like they could beat anything. This is most likely the best display of synergy of Matt and his team. Even out of all 62 clears of theirs. Of all maps, no map compares to the poetry in motion that is this clear. And while it may not be my #1 favorite, it may very well be the best clear of all.




Clear #23 - Grand Hero Battle: Saias

Ah Saias. This was one of the most refreshing maps because of how much more complicated things were than just "throw Matt at everything" which is what I was trying to do at the time to pretty much everything. But I think what I loved the most about this clear was just how much different it was than anything before it and even after. Genny put in a lot of work on the maps before this one, but for the first time, her and Inigo were the true stars of the map and Matthew and Ayra felt like secondary units. This was something that I'm pretty sure I'd never experience again. It's one of the most eccentric clears of their's ever. And I think the music captured that perfectly.



Clear #34 - Legendary Hero Battle: Hector

I shouldn't have to tell you why this one is a favorite. I did not expect Matt's lord himself to get a map I could use to test his mettle. There's not much I can say here. Watching Hector and Matthew just duke it out is one of the most gratifying experiences I didn't know I'd have. The Abyssal clear gets an honorable mention, but the team had been more than established at that point, I'd gotten used to fighting Hector and it just isn't quite as epic. And that's saying a lot. The music here suits Matthew's liege as well.



Clear #46 - Bound Hero Battle: Ishtar and Reinhardt

As far as clears go, this one was pretty run of the mill for my team, especially if you'd been following them as he'd gotten Aether in the 41st clear. I think what makes this one one of my favorites is the atmosphere. The night sky, the units with beautiful art and the absolutely perfect music makes this one so enjoyable to watch that sometimes I would just to hear the song that almost feels like it would be the theme for Ishtar herself. I regretted not being able to use this song in a clear for her later on. But this one stands as one of my personal favorites.



Clear #51 - Legendary Hero Battle: Lyn (Abyssal)

It was either going to be Ryoma Abyssal or Lyn here as they were equally epic, but for me Lyn was just more meaningful. The infernal clear (#26) was great. But this one was so much closer to my heart. I could have ended things here, but instead this clear was a symbolization of the fact that time was winding up and we were approaching the end of Matthew's journey. Revisiting a place we'd been before, but things were different. We were different. It was the first time I'd ever used an english song with vocals as well. Watching this clear still tends to make me a bit sad honestly. But being able to evoke those feelings out of me is probably the reason it's one of my best.



Clear #60 - Legendary Hero Battle: Azura

Putting this or the last clears here almost feels like cheating. But for me it's the significance of these clears. If you haven't been following my team or my clears the they're just pretty epic, but if you've been with them since the beginning it's so much more than that. Where as the last clear will make you tear up, this one just feels like the culmination of their evolution and everything they've done until this point and unleashing their full potential one last time in a climactic battle. It's just satisfying. How could it not be a favorite?



I have other favorites like Linus, Aversa, Clarisse, Hrid etc. But I don't want to keep you here all day.



Clear #1 - Bound Hero Battle: Amelia & Tana

I can't really doing this without paying respects to the original clear. Going in with nearly no kit on anyone but Morgan himself. The team was an experiment that wasn't meant to be permanent. They worked out well here, but I didn't think they were up to the challenges of the more difficult maps. So I didn't bother with them for a long time. Little did I know what they'd be capable of in the maps to come. My only regret is that I was never able to find a place to reuse "A lone prayer". I'd thought of that as their signature theme and I really wanted to use it one last time before their journey's end.



Clear #10 - Legendary Hero Battle: Lucina

...This is the one. This clear is the one that set so many standards for my team. To take a little squishy mage with such an unfitting A skill and have him lead at team to beat maps like this one. It was as if the map itself was against them. It may even today be the hardest challenge I've ever overcome in Heroes. No matter how many hours passed by, I never gave up. Every little step, every skill swap bringing me closer and closer to victory even when it seemed like there was always an even bigger wall behind the one I'd just broken down. Only to achieve the greatest triumph to see those words in yellow "Stage Clear". This clear set the standards for the team that stood until the very last clear. Morgan buffing the team, Amelia's role as the warper, Priscila's Pain+ and Miracle procs. All Iconic and they all started here. This is my most favorite team Morgan clear of all time. It was a victory well deserved. After this challenge, I felt like they could do anything, just like Matthew.



Clear #11 - Grand Hero Battle: Takumi

This one was a bit of a guilty pleasure. There's no big poignant paragragh explaining why this one is my favorite. 1 cooldown Glimmer on Amelia is something I didn't realize I needed in my life and watching her just bulldoze through a map even Matt's team had trouble dealing with caused my dopamine levels to soar. Simply put, Amelia's bada**.



Clear #23 - Bound Hero Battle: Ephraim & Myrrh

I'm not sure what it is about this clear, the music, the atmosphere, how the clear hits the right notes of the song at different times, but it just kind of flows. All of the FE8 clears for some reason have this particular flow. It's so smooth and perfect no matter the clear. Perhaps it's the music choice as I try to go for a certain theme, but here it's just magic, and it's not even my favorite FE8 map clear.



Clear #25 - Legendary Hero Battle: Eirika

This is the only clear aside from a few key ones of Morgan's to give me the same feelings of awe that the Lucina clear did. That this team's synergy is on point as well and that with the right mindset, the right strategy they can do anything. Barring clears like Hrid (#30), F!Morgan (#39) and the last two, I don't really think any of his later ones are on the level of Eirika. Morgan's best clears are his earlier ones.




Special Clears


It was extremely hard picking favorties for these as some of my most favorites are special clears, but the #1 spot was pretty easy. Still I'm leaving tons out by only going with 6.

Clear #11 - Legendary Hero Battle: F!Robin (Abyssal)

Boy oh boy... the first Abyssal map was really something. What made this map different from all the others was that it came at a time of complacency. Everyone was cruising through most of the infernal maps and I was no different. This was the difficulty that made everyone double took. Matt couldn't beat it, Morgan couldn't beat it, armors, fliers, Reinhardt, nothing I did worked. So I dug deep and grabbed the most powerful units I had in my barracks, outfitted them to the hilt and grabbed this difficulty by the horns. What made this specific clear different than all the others was that I wasn't trying to entertain you, I was trying to win.



Clear #19 - Grand Hero Battle: Aversa

This is the one to beat all others. All of my Aversa clears were awesome but this one just took the cake for me. It set the standard for quality in my special clears going forward and it was my most expensive one to date at a steep cost of 60k feathers. It makes sense though as this clear came from nothing and almost didn't even happen. But it came at a time of fresh new refines and unexpected pitybreakers. Half of which made up the team and Lon'Qu in particular became one of my favorite units in this game as well as my first Galeforce unit. Seeing him dance around the field in this clear to that rockin' tune in the background is something that I found myself doing over and over again after I posted it. It wasn't walling like Matthew, it wasn't puzzle solving like Morgan, it was pure offense.

It is my #1 favorite special clear and the only one of it's kind.



Clear #22 - Grand Hero Battle: Valter

While not necessarily the hardest hitting clear of mine, it was the longest and had possibly the best production value and editing. It was something I'd wanted to do for half a year and it couldn't have come together more perfectly as the final FE8 themed battle. Watching Eirika and Ephraim struggle through a map, a map that had been in the game for basically a year, only to beat it (which wasn't the plan initially, the plan was to lose!) and then promote in a fashion that would tickle even the most rigid nostlagic bone. Then what follows is that flow I was talking about before in a second clear that almost feels as if it's lifting you off the ground with it's seamless battles and music selection. After every clear that came before it struggling against what was once one of the hardest maps in the game comes a clear where you can't avert your eyes as the enemies just seem to melt away.

It is the penultimate FE8 clear and probably my 2nd favorite special clear of all.



Clear #24 - Grand Hero Battle: Julius

I'm a big fan of themes as you can tell by my special clears, but this one resonates with me for the same reasons as Ishtar's BHB. I felt like this was connected to that one in a way and despite never playing FE4 myself, I felt linked to that world in this clear in some strange way. Ishtar got to be the star of her own clear and in a way it felt as if this was some unspoken Gaiden chapter where she decided to stand up to her love instead of faithfully supporting him in his wrongdoings. What makes this clear significant (aside from it's music selection) is that it feels like in a way it's conveying her true feelings in wanting to stop a man she loves who's crossed the point of no return. Supported by her unrequited love, Rein she stands up for what's right, but it's only a fantasy. The reality is much more grim. The context is incredible. An easy favorite.



Special Clear #26 - Grand Hero Battle: Gharnef

This one had to take a spot. I'd been waiting for the right opportunity to do an FE1 clear, but the right map never appeared... until Gharnef. I knew exactly what I wanted to do and how I wanted to do it. It was just a matter of building up the units for the job and making them work. This one felt more serious than the others and it seemed like, in my mind it was the 2nd and final half of special clears. Turns out it was even though I didn't realize at the time I don't think. As the original Fire Emblem, this clear needed to be done justice. No wacky music or even vocal themes, just straight up epic. And I think I accomplished that right down to Linde striking down Gharnef herself. The cinematic quality of this clear rivals that of even the FE8 clear, in my opinion anyways.




Weather or not you decide to burn up hours of your time reminiscing with me, I am curious. if you've been following me, What were your favorite clears? Matthew, Morgan and Special?

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@eclipse If you could do me a favor. I know you're a mod so you can probably do things I cant. If you could go to my previous post, go into the "Special Clear" spoiler tag and add everything in the spoiler tag below this paragraph here to the bottom of that one. After that this post can simply be deleted.


Clear #27 - Legendary Hero Battle: Ryoma

Yep, at least one of these Crossovers had to wind up on the list. This one was selected because it was the first. No one saw it coming, not even me. It felt like a "duh" moment and I couldn't believe it took me so long to do something so simple and yet so awesome. I wish Matt and Morgan had teamed up a bit more. But honestly, it only made the few times they did that much more epic.





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2 hours ago, Zeo said:

Weather or not you decide to burn up hours of your time reminiscing with me, I am curious. if you've been following me, What were your favorite clears? Matthew, Morgan and Special?

This really depends on the map but I like the special map clears the most because it's nice to see underused units shine. Matthew/Morgan collabs in particular were a highlight.

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3 hours ago, Zeo said:

Weather or not you decide to burn up hours of your time reminiscing with me, I am curious. if you've been following me, What were your favorite clears? Matthew, Morgan and Special?

I think Morgan - because it made me re-evaluate what I have in my Barracks LOL (I have some Morgans and I never thought he could do the things you were making him do :)
(and of course matthew clears are always special)

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@Zeo Wow, I can't believe we've really even had 153 things to clear already!

I think my favorite of yours may have been the Matthew one for FGrima. That and one and I think also Legendary Marth's I remember specifically thinking after I did it, "how will he manage to deal with this map using Matthew?" and you did. It's always most fun to see somebody manage hard content using their favorites.

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9 hours ago, silverserpent said:

debating on what to put in Naesala's C-slot. I was thinking of a Tactics, but I'm limited on fodder for that. Savage blow is an option if I want to keep him as an AoE spammer. Drives are in a similar state as Tactics. Any other ideas? I like the idea of fiddling his build so he's a bit of a sabotuer, causing anarchy in the enemy ranks. 

I was debating for a while and went with Goad Fliers (I'll probably use some kind of Drive if I'm not using him on Flier Emblem Teams)~ And kind of Goad/Ward/Drive/Tactics is good so he can give boosts and still transform~

Savage Blow is also good if you're keeping his AOE Special

5 hours ago, Zeo said:

@mcsilas @Landmaster @Alexmender @Nanima @Azuris @mampfoid @Johann @SatsumaFSoysoy @Vaximillian @NegativeExponents- @Alkaid @daisy jane @Hilda @Cute Chao

Yeah, I've got a bit of catching up to do on people's clears and stuff. I'll be doing that but I've been taking a bit of a break from the game. Something I'll continue to do for a while. I didn't realize how burnt out I was until I didn't actually have to record anymore. But I wanted to knock this out so here I am. Today is the anniversary of the day I first started doing clears. January 14th is the day of my very first team Matthew clear where I was gloating about how my Matt wasn't -RES and how if you don't take that bane he can tank everything but dragons and all that.

Well, if you don't want to hear my mouth, the TL;DR is that I compiled all of my clears, Matt, Morgan and otherwise into 3 separate playlists that will rest in my new signature probably until I leave this place for good. So if you missed any clears I did or you want to experience mine and Matthew's journey through heroes, it's all there in chronological order from my very first clear to the very last. It's #153 clears in all. I've done 153 clears this past year if you can believe it. I'll also post up my +10 units in the other thread after a while, I wont tag a million people for that though.

I feel like I've been long winded with this, so I wanted every post to have meaning and not seem like I'm rambling on. But kinda want to take this second to go over some of my very favorite clears. If you want to go down memory lane with me. 


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Clears #2/3 - Grand Hero Battle: Lyon / Grand Hero Battle: Valter

I couldn't put them by themselves just because of how equal of an influence they had on me. These two clears stand tall as some of the best I've even done. But what's different about these two were how different of a place I was in. How much weaker Matthew was and how much worse of a strategist I was.

Beating Lyon was the first real glimpse at Matthew's true potential. I knew I'd made the right investment when I saw him take down a bulky mage with a personal raven tome. This was the clear that convinced me he was truly worth it, as well as the one that convinced me that custom music was a must for these clears as it added a cinematic and thematic charm that couldn't be matched by the standard FEH music.

Valter was the teams biggest test at the time. Going up against a map that by design punished buffing. I remember grinding this map for literal hours, feeling like I was wasting my time and coming so close to giving up. The satisfaction I felt finally beating it couldn't be matched. The irony is how many times I ended up watching the clear over and over again. The team just felt cool. It felt awesome watching them tear through a map they had no business beating. As far as the earlygame goes these are the most iconic and clears and some of the best I've ever done.

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Clear #12 - Grand Hero Battle: Takumi

At the time it was one of the hardest GHBs next to Valter. My team was still rough around the edges and in the beginning I tried using nukes to beat the map as I lacked confidence. This map was the one that taught me to be bold even when surrounded by multiple enemies. Don't surrender mid match and give up easily, see how things pan out, how much Matt and his team could take. Even though I didn't think I would beat it, I decided to keep going, and the clear that you see today was one even I didn't expect to complete, as I was recording without actually beating the map first, and honestly, I didn't think I would. Matt's tanking was put to the test and I got to see just how powerful of a unit Ayra truly is. I don't think the team would be what it is without her.

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Clear #17 - Legendary Hero Battle: F!Robin

The very first Legendary Hero Battle and what felt like the first real high stakes map in FEH for me. This was one of the most influential and difficult maps of it's time. It's also what gave me true confidence in my team. I felt like I wanted to build a team around Matt and making him stronger. What I didn't realize was that I'd created a team with perfect synergy, not only Matt and a bunch of bots but a real team that supports eachother flawlessly. Matt wouldn't be what he is without them. After beating this map, I felt like they could beat anything. This is most likely the best display of synergy of Matt and his team. Even out of all 62 clears of theirs. Of all maps, no map compares to the poetry in motion that is this clear. And while it may not be my #1 favorite, it may very well be the best clear of all.


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Clear #23 - Grand Hero Battle: Saias

Ah Saias. This was one of the most refreshing maps because of how much more complicated things were than just "throw Matt at everything" which is what I was trying to do at the time to pretty much everything. But I think what I loved the most about this clear was just how much different it was than anything before it and even after. Genny put in a lot of work on the maps before this one, but for the first time, her and Inigo were the true stars of the map and Matthew and Ayra felt like secondary units. This was something that I'm pretty sure I'd never experience again. It's one of the most eccentric clears of their's ever. And I think the music captured that perfectly.

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Clear #34 - Legendary Hero Battle: Hector

I shouldn't have to tell you why this one is a favorite. I did not expect Matt's lord himself to get a map I could use to test his mettle. There's not much I can say here. Watching Hector and Matthew just duke it out is one of the most gratifying experiences I didn't know I'd have. The Abyssal clear gets an honorable mention, but the team had been more than established at that point, I'd gotten used to fighting Hector and it just isn't quite as epic. And that's saying a lot. The music here suits Matthew's liege as well.

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Clear #46 - Bound Hero Battle: Ishtar and Reinhardt

As far as clears go, this one was pretty run of the mill for my team, especially if you'd been following them as he'd gotten Aether in the 41st clear. I think what makes this one one of my favorites is the atmosphere. The night sky, the units with beautiful art and the absolutely perfect music makes this one so enjoyable to watch that sometimes I would just to hear the song that almost feels like it would be the theme for Ishtar herself. I regretted not being able to use this song in a clear for her later on. But this one stands as one of my personal favorites.

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Clear #51 - Legendary Hero Battle: Lyn (Abyssal)

It was either going to be Ryoma Abyssal or Lyn here as they were equally epic, but for me Lyn was just more meaningful. The infernal clear (#26) was great. But this one was so much closer to my heart. I could have ended things here, but instead this clear was a symbolization of the fact that time was winding up and we were approaching the end of Matthew's journey. Revisiting a place we'd been before, but things were different. We were different. It was the first time I'd ever used an english song with vocals as well. Watching this clear still tends to make me a bit sad honestly. But being able to evoke those feelings out of me is probably the reason it's one of my best.

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Clear #60 - Legendary Hero Battle: Azura

Putting this or the last clears here almost feels like cheating. But for me it's the significance of these clears. If you haven't been following my team or my clears the they're just pretty epic, but if you've been with them since the beginning it's so much more than that. Where as the last clear will make you tear up, this one just feels like the culmination of their evolution and everything they've done until this point and unleashing their full potential one last time in a climactic battle. It's just satisfying. How could it not be a favorite?

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I have other favorites like Linus, Aversa, Clarisse, Hrid etc. But I don't want to keep you here all day.


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Clear #1 - Bound Hero Battle: Amelia & Tana

I can't really doing this without paying respects to the original clear. Going in with nearly no kit on anyone but Morgan himself. The team was an experiment that wasn't meant to be permanent. They worked out well here, but I didn't think they were up to the challenges of the more difficult maps. So I didn't bother with them for a long time. Little did I know what they'd be capable of in the maps to come. My only regret is that I was never able to find a place to reuse "A lone prayer". I'd thought of that as their signature theme and I really wanted to use it one last time before their journey's end.

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Clear #10 - Legendary Hero Battle: Lucina

...This is the one. This clear is the one that set so many standards for my team. To take a little squishy mage with such an unfitting A skill and have him lead at team to beat maps like this one. It was as if the map itself was against them. It may even today be the hardest challenge I've ever overcome in Heroes. No matter how many hours passed by, I never gave up. Every little step, every skill swap bringing me closer and closer to victory even when it seemed like there was always an even bigger wall behind the one I'd just broken down. Only to achieve the greatest triumph to see those words in yellow "Stage Clear". This clear set the standards for the team that stood until the very last clear. Morgan buffing the team, Amelia's role as the warper, Priscila's Pain+ and Miracle procs. All Iconic and they all started here. This is my most favorite team Morgan clear of all time. It was a victory well deserved. After this challenge, I felt like they could do anything, just like Matthew.

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Clear #11 - Grand Hero Battle: Takumi

This one was a bit of a guilty pleasure. There's no big poignant paragragh explaining why this one is my favorite. 1 cooldown Glimmer on Amelia is something I didn't realize I needed in my life and watching her just bulldoze through a map even Matt's team had trouble dealing with caused my dopamine levels to soar. Simply put, Amelia's bada**.

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Clear #23 - Bound Hero Battle: Ephraim & Myrrh

I'm not sure what it is about this clear, the music, the atmosphere, how the clear hits the right notes of the song at different times, but it just kind of flows. All of the FE8 clears for some reason have this particular flow. It's so smooth and perfect no matter the clear. Perhaps it's the music choice as I try to go for a certain theme, but here it's just magic, and it's not even my favorite FE8 map clear.

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Clear #25 - Legendary Hero Battle: Eirika

This is the only clear aside from a few key ones of Morgan's to give me the same feelings of awe that the Lucina clear did. That this team's synergy is on point as well and that with the right mindset, the right strategy they can do anything. Barring clears like Hrid (#30), F!Morgan (#39) and the last two, I don't really think any of his later ones are on the level of Eirika. Morgan's best clears are his earlier ones.

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Special Clears

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It was extremely hard picking favorties for these as some of my most favorites are special clears, but the #1 spot was pretty easy. Still I'm leaving tons out by only going with 6.

Clear #11 - Legendary Hero Battle: F!Robin (Abyssal)

Boy oh boy... the first Abyssal map was really something. What made this map different from all the others was that it came at a time of complacency. Everyone was cruising through most of the infernal maps and I was no different. This was the difficulty that made everyone double took. Matt couldn't beat it, Morgan couldn't beat it, armors, fliers, Reinhardt, nothing I did worked. So I dug deep and grabbed the most powerful units I had in my barracks, outfitted them to the hilt and grabbed this difficulty by the horns. What made this specific clear different than all the others was that I wasn't trying to entertain you, I was trying to win.

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Clear #19 - Grand Hero Battle: Aversa

This is the one to beat all others. All of my Aversa clears were awesome but this one just took the cake for me. It set the standard for quality in my special clears going forward and it was my most expensive one to date at a steep cost of 60k feathers. It makes sense though as this clear came from nothing and almost didn't even happen. But it came at a time of fresh new refines and unexpected pitybreakers. Half of which made up the team and Lon'Qu in particular became one of my favorite units in this game as well as my first Galeforce unit. Seeing him dance around the field in this clear to that rockin' tune in the background is something that I found myself doing over and over again after I posted it. It wasn't walling like Matthew, it wasn't puzzle solving like Morgan, it was pure offense.

It is my #1 favorite special clear and the only one of it's kind.

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Clear #22 - Grand Hero Battle: Valter

While not necessarily the hardest hitting clear of mine, it was the longest and had possibly the best production value and editing. It was something I'd wanted to do for half a year and it couldn't have come together more perfectly as the final FE8 themed battle. Watching Eirika and Ephraim struggle through a map, a map that had been in the game for basically a year, only to beat it (which wasn't the plan initially, the plan was to lose!) and then promote in a fashion that would tickle even the most rigid nostlagic bone. Then what follows is that flow I was talking about before in a second clear that almost feels as if it's lifting you off the ground with it's seamless battles and music selection. After every clear that came before it struggling against what was once one of the hardest maps in the game comes a clear where you can't avert your eyes as the enemies just seem to melt away.

It is the penultimate FE8 clear and probably my 2nd favorite special clear of all.

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Clear #24 - Grand Hero Battle: Julius

I'm a big fan of themes as you can tell by my special clears, but this one resonates with me for the same reasons as Ishtar's BHB. I felt like this was connected to that one in a way and despite never playing FE4 myself, I felt linked to that world in this clear in some strange way. Ishtar got to be the star of her own clear and in a way it felt as if this was some unspoken Gaiden chapter where she decided to stand up to her love instead of faithfully supporting him in his wrongdoings. What makes this clear significant (aside from it's music selection) is that it feels like in a way it's conveying her true feelings in wanting to stop a man she loves who's crossed the point of no return. Supported by her unrequited love, Rein she stands up for what's right, but it's only a fantasy. The reality is much more grim. The context is incredible. An easy favorite.

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Special Clear #26 - Grand Hero Battle: Gharnef

This one had to take a spot. I'd been waiting for the right opportunity to do an FE1 clear, but the right map never appeared... until Gharnef. I knew exactly what I wanted to do and how I wanted to do it. It was just a matter of building up the units for the job and making them work. This one felt more serious than the others and it seemed like, in my mind it was the 2nd and final half of special clears. Turns out it was even though I didn't realize at the time I don't think. As the original Fire Emblem, this clear needed to be done justice. No wacky music or even vocal themes, just straight up epic. And I think I accomplished that right down to Linde striking down Gharnef herself. The cinematic quality of this clear rivals that of even the FE8 clear, in my opinion anyways.

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Weather or not you decide to burn up hours of your time reminiscing with me, I am curious. if you've been following me, What were your favorite clears? Matthew, Morgan and Special?

Thanks for the playlists~ I'll be going through them all before I give my definite answer for Team Morgan and Team Matthew but for Special Clears, I already know the Team Crossovers (L!Ryoma and I believe it was Arvis for the ladies) will be my favorites~

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Do you think IntSys will add a 3rd Daily GHB Rotation soon? The 3rd Rotation would have Oliver, Lyon, Fallen Takumi, Saias, Male Kana, Julius and Linus. The first Daily GHB Rotation was announced in the 1 Year Anniversary Feh Channel, so it's possible to have the same thing in the next Feh Channel.

And the GHB Elite 1 Quests will end in 25 days. Do you think new GHB Elite 1 Quests will be added?


Edited by Diovani Bressan
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45 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Do you think IntSys will add a 3rd Daily GHB Rotation soon? The 3rd Rotation would have Oliver, Lyon, Fallen Takumi, Saias, Male Kana, Julius and Linus. The first Daily GHB Rotation was announced in the 1 Year Anniversary Feh Channel, so it's possible to have the same thing in the next Feh Channel.

And the GHB Elite 1 Quests will end in 25 days. Do you think new GHB Elite 1 Quests will be added?


I assume they will add another rotation, as well as adding new Quests for it~

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Pretty sure we'll be getting GHB 3, which is why I'm hurrying to finish up those quests. I've made a sizeable dent on the GHB 2 quests though, Zephiel and Clarisse are both done on there. 

We're likely to see Oliver through Linus as the next rotation. We're still one short for them to do a GHB 4 rotation.

Edited by silverserpent
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so despite it being kind of useless as of now (could receive an update in the future) dark aura effects beasts, this still has issues given the fact that the effective range is still 1, but it is something that people may not have noticed.

Edited by thecrimsonflash
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3 minutes ago, thecrimsonflash said:

so despite it being kind of useless as of now (could receive an update in the future) dark aura effects beasts, this still has issues given the fact that the effective range is still 1, but it is something that people may not have noticed.

Yeah, I hope they either increase its buffing range to 2 and/or give it a stronger 6/6/0/0 or even a 7/7/0/0 buff. In my opinion, I think buffers who specialize in buffing melee units need stronger buffs since melee units cannot use buffs to the same degree of effectiveness as ranged units. And with the release of VS!Azura, Delthea feels completely outclassed as a support unit; you can still use her to nuke things, but if the player is going that route, then she might as well be running Blade tomes and have another unit on the team be a dedicated buffer.

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1 hour ago, silverserpent said:

Pretty sure we'll be getting GHB 3, which is why I'm hurrying to finish up those quests. I've made a sizeable dent on the GHB 2 quests though, Zephiel and Clarisse are both done on there. 

We're likely to see Oliver through Linus as the next rotation. We're still one short for them to do a GHB 4 rotation.

Fittingly, we got Linus's GHB Revival last month. It seems like they like to do one revival per GHB before adding them to the daily rotation, so that means we're now at the point where the third rotation is plausible. The fourth is a ways off by that metric, though.

16 minutes ago, thecrimsonflash said:

so despite it being kind of useless as of now (could receive an update in the future) dark aura effects beasts, this still has issues given the fact that the effective range is still 1, but it is something that people may not have noticed.

They seem to have added that to everything that lists previous physical and/or melee weapon types.

Dark Aura and Dark Excalibur do seem like they should be among the next weapons to get refinements. Although I've been saying that for months.

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1 minute ago, Othin said:

Fittingly, we got Linus's GHB Revival last month. It seems like they like to do one revival per GHB before adding them to the daily rotation, so that means we're now at the point where the third rotation is plausible. The fourth is a ways off by that metric, though.

They seem to have added that to everything that lists previous physical and/or melee weapon types.

Dark Aura and Dark Excalibur do seem like they should be among the next weapons to get refinements. Although I've been saying that for months.

honestly, next update would be a good time, could also remove dark aura users from the transform check so they have more utility as a base refine.

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6 minutes ago, thecrimsonflash said:

honestly, next update would be a good time, could also remove dark aura users from the transform check so they have more utility as a base refine.

I don't think it'd make sense to have them randomly be an exception just for an interaction it hadn't even been designed for.

Increasing the buff range could work, though.

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27 minutes ago, Othin said:

Fittingly, we got Linus's GHB Revival last month. It seems like they like to do one revival per GHB before adding them to the daily rotation, so that means we're now at the point where the third rotation is plausible. The fourth is a ways off by that metric, though.

They seem to have added that to everything that lists previous physical and/or melee weapon types.

Dark Aura and Dark Excalibur do seem like they should be among the next weapons to get refinements. Although I've been saying that for months.

Yeah; after the Linus Re-Run and the Anniversary that close; I can feel the GHB Rotation 3 (and Elite Quest 3) coming.

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HAHAHAHA! It took me a while to finally pin down Narcian with the cavalry, but I finally got him. I swear...used a hodgepodge SI mess involving Subaki, Gunter, Eliwood, a couple Selenas and a Roy before Ursula, 4* Cecilia, 4* Freddy and CavChrom could take him. Just the armor quest left and that should be relatively easier. 

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