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1 hour ago, Zeo said:

I could do this on my Cherche, but it would mean forgo'ing Death Blow and that's a tough sale. Still that looks delicious with Galeforce. I wish Cordelias actually existed.

Probably HP in the scheme of things. But i doesn't really matter since she basically never wants to be attacked. +SPD is probably the best still but +ATK is nonsense with that 41 base ATK. Wish I had one that wasn't +DEF/-RES, but there was no way I was spending orbs on the fodder banner.

I'm confused by that statement...

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@Xenomata Given the number of Cordelias sitting in my barracks, it seems I have hogged her all to myself. Sorry 'bout that! Honestly I would rather get someone else at this point since I already have her at 4*+10. Then again getting a bunch of Cordelias is better than the truckloads of Mathilda's I was getting before.

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@Usana You can have all of the Marths the game has been throwing at me. I have one or two Cordelias, but maybe you can give me a Raven though since he doesn't seem to exist in my game.

Aside from L'a'Rachel, one of the games newest units. I've pulled every single unit pullable at *3 and *4, except for Raven.


@mcsilas @mampfoid Staying on topic, I went through 14 of my 18 orbs on the Morgan banner going for M!Morgan/Chrom. Naturally when it's the color you're pulling for suddenly the red stones that flood all your other pools are nowhere to be found. Was stuck pulling a Nowi in the first pool, in the second I got a Palla and a Lilina, but the Lilina was the best nature possible at +ATK/-DEF instead of the -HP nature both of my other ones have. So that was neat.

At 3.75% now. Someone's gotta show up sooner or later.

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4 hours ago, Zeo said:

I could do this on my Cherche, but it would mean forgo'ing Death Blow and that's a tough sale. Still that looks delicious with Galeforce. I wish Cordelias actually existed.

With ATK tactic she arrives to 57 which is enough to kill many Nowis in Arena still. 

Good luck with your pulls. May your next one be M!Marth, BK!Chrom, Raven (+SPD), Cordelia (+ATK or +SPD) and Matthew (+ATK). 

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Back to 21 orbs, which means another attempt at pulling Morgan.

  1. 4* Sully: Useless.
  2. 4* Florina: Wrong pegasus.

I'm actually starting to get seriously worried about whether I'll pull my daughter or not.

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@Zeo Darn desire (colour?) sensor :(

Hope you enjoy Lilina at least (and maybe wait for Forblaze)

Hope you get one of the red focus units at least. Or a Raven soon.

@mampfoid Maybe when fliers are bonus units in Rival Domains? It's armour bonus unit right now so it'll switch to fliers sooner or later.


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@Zeo Yeah Raven is kinda oddly scarce. Took a while before I saw my first one. I think he might be my least common Axe that isn't 5* locked. BUT, he is still one of the 4*'s I don't have at +10, though he is getting pretty close. Others are healers and ones that are good fodder. But I don't think I have ever foddered a Raven before. Though speaking of Raven I am kinda miffed that the 5* I pulled of him and down merged occurred BEFORE his personal weapon was released. I really wish such things were grandfathered in, but I doubt IS keeps track of what each unit merged into your base was, so of course I will have to spend 20k feathers for his personal weapon someday. Bleh. The era of personal weapons means I am FAR more hesitant to down merge these days. Anyways I do have a spare sitting around not yet merged, so if trading was around I would probably happily trade him for some ward armor fodder(aka 4*Draug, don't like leveling and promoting if I don't have too).

You made me curious. Let me see . . . yeah I think I have every unit other than TT's and GHB that are available at 4* or less. Sadly I didn't take TT/GHB seriously for the longest time so I don't actually have Tobin or Camus(didn't have Zephiel until recently either). Got a good number of 5* locked units that aren't seasonals missing from my list though.  As well as a bunch of seasonals too of course.



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1 hour ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

I’m not usually one to brag, but.....

This was a good session.

@Arcanite @Rezzy @Anime27Arts @MrSmokestack @Glaceon Mage

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Wow, that's pretty impressive.

Reminds me of the time I double pulled Summer Xander, except with a better unit.

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2 hours ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

I’m not usually one to brag, but.....

This was a good session.

@Arcanite @Rezzy @Anime27Arts @MrSmokestack @Glaceon Mage

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Congrats on double Hector!  What natures did you wind up with?

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1 minute ago, Alexmender said:

So I decided to try and get the last copy of Eirika to get her to +10, didn't get her but this happened:

Close enough, eh? He’s being helpful, after all.

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Coming live from this corner of the "greatest country this side of the galaxy", it is time to summon en masse. Gonna hope to get at least one DC or CC unit, as well as Female Morgan and Chrom, without spending too much to save for Legendary banner. Yes I know I could just not summon en masse now, but shut up I want Morgan.


Round 1: Countering Skills: Green, Colorless, Red, Red, Blue

  • Hawkeye 4* +Def -Spd
  • Priscilla 5* +Res -HP
  • Ike 5* +Atk -HP
  • Lilina 4* +Def -Spd
  • Est 4* +HP -Res

Round 2: The Branded King: Red, Red, Green, Blue, Green

  • Nino 4* +HP -Spd
  • Sheena 4* +Atk -Spd
  • Soleil 4* +Atk -Res
  • Shanna 3* +Def -Res
  • Young Tiki 5* +Spd -Atk, new unit

Round 3: The Branded King: Red, Blue, Blue, Colorless, Green.

  • Barst 3* +Spd -Atk
  • Azama 4* +Spd -Def
  • Sully 3* +Atk -Def
  • Donnel 3* +Atk -HP
  • Hinata 4* +Atk -Res

Round 4: The Branded King: Colorless, Red, Red, Blue, Blue

  • Lissa 3* +HP -Spd
  • Olivia 3* +Def -HP
  • Lon'qu 3* +Spd -Def
  • M!Robin 3* +HP -Def
  • Reinhardt 4* +HP -Spd

Round 5: The Branded King: Green, Colorless, Red, Colorless, Blue

  • Frederick 3* +Spd -HP
  • Leon 4* +Def -Res
  • Stahl 4* +HP -Atk
  • Virion 3* +Atk -HP
  • Donnel 3* +HP -Spd

Round 5.1: The Branded King: 3 Red no Blue (I stopped checking their natures around here)

  • Henry 4*
  • Hana 4* 

Round 5.2: The Branded King: 1 Blue. Jagen

Round 6: The Branded King: Red, Green, Blue, Green, Blue

  • Ogma 4*
  • Frederick 3*
  • F!Corrin 3*
  • Boey 4*
  • Sully 4*

Round 7: The Branded King: Green, Blue x4

  • Titania 4*
  • L'arachel 4*, New Unit
  • F!Corrin 4*
  • L'arachel 4*
  • Clair 4*

Round 8: The Branded King: Red, Colorless x2, Blue x2

  • A!Tiki 4*
  • Niles 4*
  • Rebecca 4*
  • Effie 4*
  • Subaki 4*

Round 8.1: The Branded King (BTW pity rate is now 4.75%): 1 Red. Fir 4*

Round 9: The Branded King: Red x3, Green, Colorless

  • Palla 3*
  • TBK!Chrom 5* +HP -Def
  • Lon'qu 4*
  • Fae 5* +Res -Def
  • Azama 3*

Round 10: The Branded King: Colorless x2, Blue x3

  • Lissa 3*
  • Wrys 4*
  • L'arachel 4*
  • Est 3*
  • Oboro 3*

Round 11: The Branded King: Blue x2, Green, Colorless x2

  • F!Corrin 4*
  • Nowi 5* +Spd -Atk
  • Arthur 3*
  • Matthew 4*
  • Serra 4*

Round 12: Countering Skills: Colorless, Red, Green x3

  • Setsuna 4*
  • Olivia 3*
  • Cecilia 4*
  • Beruka 4*
  • Merric 4*

Round 13: Countering Skills: Blue, Colorless, Green x2, Red

  • M!Robin 4*
  • Matthew 3*
  • Cherche 4*
  • Sheena 4*
  • A!Tiki 3*

Round 14: Countering Skills: same as R13

  • Gwendolyn 3*
  • Gaius 4*
  • Eliwood 4*
  • Merric 4*
  • Arthur 3*

Round 15: Coutering Skills: Red, Colorless x2, Green x2

  • Stahl 3*
  • Felicia 4*
  • Virion 3*
  • Gunter 4*
  • Nino 3*

Round 15.1: CS 1 red Hinata NEXT

Round 16: Countering Skills: Red x3, Colorless x2

  • Seth 4*
  • Elincia 5*
  • Selena 3*
  • Matthew 4*
  • Sothe 4*

Round 17: The Branded King: Colorless x2, Blue x3

  • Lachesis 4*
  • Gordin 3*
  • Subaki 3*
  • Florina 4*
  • Tailtiu 4*

Round 18: TBK: Blue, Red x2, Colorless x2

  • Odin 4*
  • Hana 4*
  • M!Morgan 5* +Atk -Def
  • Saizo 4*
  • Felicia 4*

Round 19: TBK: Green, Red x2, Blue x2

  • Barst 3*
  • FH!Celica 5* +Res -Def
  • Sophia 3*
  • F!Corrin 4*
  • Oscar 5* +HP -Spd

Round 20: TBK, Green, Colorless, Red, Blue x2

  • Bartre 3*
  • Lissa 3*
  • Chrom 4*
  • Female Morgan 5* +Spd -Atk, New Unit
  • Sully 3*

Bonus Round: Countering Skills

  • Nephenee 5*
  • Selena 3*
  • Priscilla 4*
  • Cherche 3*
  • Raigh 3*

Well that overall sucked, but at least I got some neat things. Here are the 5*s I got in total, along with comments.


Priscilla (+Res -Spd): Rehabilitate+, Panic+, or just merge. Huh.

Ike (+Atk -HP): Literally the same as my current Ike. Aether fodder most likely.

Y!Tiki (+Spd -Atk) Shame about the nature, but still, I finally have Young Tiki!

TBK!Chrom (+HP -Def): Well I got him... now what. Not the best nature, but I can live.

Fae (+Res -Def): With Warding Stance she could be a magic tank and not much else. If I do that, then so much for that Def refine...

Nowi (+Spd -Atk): What a coincidence that the dragon lolis have the same nature when one will be fed to the other!

Elincia (+Res -Atk) Flier Formation fodder, or yet another merge on my current Elincia (+Spd -Res +5 merge).

M!Morgan (+Atk -Def): technically more ideal, but +Spd -Atk is still workable and I'd rather keep his great speed intact.

FH!Celica (+Res -Def): The reverse of what my current FH!Celica has. Chill Speed fodder is nice, but who to give it to...?

Oscar (+HP -Spd): screw Oscar.

F!Morgan (+Spd -Atk): welp, guess I have no choice but to run Blarblade on her. But oh well, I got Morgan of the right gender finally!

Nephenee (+Spd -Atk): neat.

And to get what I wanted, all it took was...


Edited by Xenomata
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2 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Wow, damn. What natures are they?

I have nine Eirikas lying around...

+Spd -Hp and +Hp -Res. 

Lucky you, it took me 9 months to get mine to +9, I just wish it won't take a year to max her.

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@Xenomata You have my condolences. May your money rest in peace.

That detailed list went and helped me keep my determination not to try for F!Morgan. I was so tempted to cave. But seeing you go up to 4.75 and get several off focus heroes shut that desire down. For that, you have my thanks :P.

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1 minute ago, Usana said:

@Xenomata You have my condolences. May your money rest in peace.

That detailed list went and helped me keep my determination not to try for F!Morgan. I was so tempted to cave. But seeing you go up to 4.75 and get several off focus heroes shut that desire down. For that, you have my thanks :P.

I mean nothing but light jester, but imagine what it felt like for me making that list and going through it again to see how many 5*s I got.

No scar will be deeper than the one given reading that list.

I'm at least glad I got a technically neutral Chrom and workable F!Morgan so that I never have to summon again... until the legendary banner. If ToD!Nowi is in it.

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6 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Coming live from this corner of the "greatest country this side of the galaxy", it is time to summon en masse. Gonna hope to get at least one DC or CC unit, as well as Female Morgan and Chrom, without spending too much to save for Legendary banner. Yes I know I could just not summon en masse now, but shut up I want Morgan.

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Round 1: Countering Skills: Green, Colorless, Red, Red, Blue

  • Hawkeye 4* +Def -Spd
  • Priscilla 5* +Res -HP
  • Ike 5* +Atk -HP
  • Lilina 4* +Def -Spd
  • Est 4* +HP -Res

Round 2: The Branded King: Red, Red, Green, Blue, Green

  • Nino 4* +HP -Spd
  • Sheena 4* +Atk -Spd
  • Soleil 4* +Atk -Res
  • Shanna 3* +Def -Res
  • Young Tiki 5* +Spd -Atk, new unit

Round 3: The Branded King: Red, Blue, Blue, Colorless, Green.

  • Barst 3* +Spd -Atk
  • Azama 4* +Spd -Def
  • Sully 3* +Atk -Def
  • Donnel 3* +Atk -HP
  • Hinata 4* +Atk -Res

Round 4: The Branded King: Colorless, Red, Red, Blue, Blue

  • Lissa 3* +HP -Spd
  • Olivia 3* +Def -HP
  • Lon'qu 3* +Spd -Def
  • M!Robin 3* +HP -Def
  • Reinhardt 4* +HP -Spd

Round 5: The Branded King: Green, Colorless, Red, Colorless, Blue

  • Frederick 3* +Spd -HP
  • Leon 4* +Def -Res
  • Stahl 4* +HP -Atk
  • Virion 3* +Atk -HP
  • Donnel 3* +HP -Spd

Round 5.1: The Branded King: 3 Red no Blue (I stopped checking their natures around here)

  • Henry 4*
  • Hana 4* 

Round 5.2: The Branded King: 1 Blue. Jagen

Round 6: The Branded King: Red, Green, Blue, Green, Blue

  • Ogma 4*
  • Frederick 3*
  • F!Corrin 3*
  • Boey 4*
  • Sully 4*

Round 7: The Branded King: Green, Blue x4

  • Titania 4*
  • L'arachel 4*, New Unit
  • F!Corrin 4*
  • L'arachel 4*
  • Clair 4*

Round 8: The Branded King: Red, Colorless x2, Blue x2

  • A!Tiki 4*
  • Niles 4*
  • Rebecca 4*
  • Effie 4*
  • Subaki 4*

Round 8.1: The Branded King (BTW pity rate is now 4.75%): 1 Red. Fir 4*

Round 9: The Branded King: Red x3, Green, Colorless

  • Palla 3*
  • TBK!Chrom 5* +HP -Def
  • Lon'qu 4*
  • Fae 5* +Res -Def
  • Azama 3*

Round 10: The Branded King: Colorless x2, Blue x3

  • Lissa 3*
  • Wrys 4*
  • L'arachel 4*
  • Est 3*
  • Oboro 3*

Round 11: The Branded King: Blue x2, Green, Colorless x2

  • F!Corrin 4*
  • Nowi 5* +Spd -Atk
  • Arthur 3*
  • Matthew 4*
  • Serra 4*

Round 12: Countering Skills: Colorless, Red, Green x3

  • Setsuna 4*
  • Olivia 3*
  • Cecilia 4*
  • Beruka 4*
  • Merric 4*

Round 13: Countering Skills: Blue, Colorless, Green x2, Red

  • M!Robin 4*
  • Matthew 3*
  • Cherche 4*
  • Sheena 4*
  • A!Tiki 3*

Round 14: Countering Skills: same as R13

  • Gwendolyn 3*
  • Gaius 4*
  • Eliwood 4*
  • Merric 4*
  • Arthur 3*

Round 15: Coutering Skills: Red, Colorless x2, Green x2

  • Stahl 3*
  • Felicia 4*
  • Virion 3*
  • Gunter 4*
  • Nino 3*

Round 15.1: CS 1 red Hinata NEXT

Round 16: Countering Skills: Red x3, Colorless x2

  • Seth 4*
  • Elincia 5*
  • Selena 3*
  • Matthew 4*
  • Sothe 4*

Round 17: The Branded King: Colorless x2, Blue x3

  • Lachesis 4*
  • Gordin 3*
  • Subaki 3*
  • Florina 4*
  • Tailtiu 4*

Round 18: TBK: Blue, Red x2, Colorless x2

  • Odin 4*
  • Hana 4*
  • M!Morgan 5* +Atk -Def
  • Saizo 4*
  • Felicia 4*

Round 19: TBK: Green, Red x2, Blue x2

  • Barst 3*
  • FH!Celica 5* +Res -Def
  • Sophia 3*
  • F!Corrin 4*
  • Oscar 5* +HP -Spd

Round 20: TBK, Green, Colorless, Red, Blue x2

  • Bartre 3*
  • Lissa 3*
  • Chrom 4*
  • Female Morgan 5* +Spd -Atk, New Unit
  • Sully 3*

Bonus Round: Countering Skills

  • Nephenee 5*
  • Selena 3*
  • Priscilla 4*
  • Cherche 3*
  • Raigh 3*

Well that overall sucked, but at least I got some neat things. Here are the 5*s I got in total, along with comments.

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Priscilla (+Res -Spd): Rehabilitate+, Panic+, or just merge. Huh.

Ike (+Atk -HP): Literally the same as my current Ike. Aether fodder most likely.

Y!Tiki (+Spd -Atk) Shame about the nature, but still, I finally have Young Tiki!

TBK!Chrom (+HP -Def): Well I got him... now what. Not the best nature, but I can live.

Fae (+Res -Def): With Warding Stance she could be a magic tank and not much else. If I do that, then so much for that Def refine...

Nowi (+Spd -Atk): What a coincidence that the dragon lolis have the same nature when one will be fed to the other!

Elincia (+Res -Atk) Flier Formation fodder, or yet another merge on my current Elincia (+Spd -Res +5 merge).

M!Morgan (+Atk -Def): technically more ideal, but +Spd -Atk is still workable and I'd rather keep his great speed intact.

FH!Celica (+Res -Def): The reverse of what my current FH!Celica has. Chill Speed fodder is nice, but who to give it to...?

Oscar (+HP -Spd): screw Oscar.

F!Morgan (+Spd -Atk): welp, guess I have no choice but to run Blarblade on her. But oh well, I got Morgan of the right gender finally!

Nephenee (+Spd -Atk): neat.

And to get what I wanted, all it took was...


...I don't know how many people would be able to save up 400 orbs as F2P, let alone put down that much money...  I've only spent a total of $200 towards any one banner at a time, whether consecutively or all at once.  Kudos.  Oh, and RIP your bank account. lol

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Would rather Chrom than Robin but two red orbs to one blue orb and I can't reasonably open one red without also checking the other, so I went blue. Welp, someone will receive a shiny new Hone Attack 3 and Draconic Aura, acceptable.

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Apparently I have no self control and did a few impulse rolls on the branded king banner because I really don't feel like using Gerome as my TT bonus. Somehow landed a +Res -Spd F!Morgan because my luck has been ridiculous lately.

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