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20 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Wow everyone is getting really good boon kinshi Hinokas!

congrats on yours @Rezzy @Anacybele @Fire Emblem Fan


4 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Congrats, that the same nature my Hinoka has, it seems to be pretty common for some reason.

I think Golden Week is supposed to start pretty soon, isn't it?  I expect we'll get some sort of announcement on that soon.

Oh wow, a bunch of people are getting good bow flier Hinokas. Same nature too. That's a funny and weird coincidence. :P

Maybe, but I'm not sure it runs at the same time as the legendary banner.

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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:


Oh wow, a bunch of people are getting good bow flier Hinokas. Same nature too. That's a funny and weird coincidence. :P

Maybe, but I'm not sure it runs at the same time as the legendary banner.

Mine’s +HP -RES :( not ideal IVs, but she still does pretty good and I really like using her. Congrats on yours though (and everyone else’s) ^_^

I have pretty bad luck with natures all the time though.

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7 hours ago, Alexmender said:

This game is trying to tell me something... I used the BHB quests orbs trying to get Hinoka, got nothing but more Matthews and Serras. Why the hell is this game just giving me those two?!

Jealousy rising... My Matthew is stuck at +7 and I can't seem to pull more of him. I'm with you on the Serras though. I already have enough to +10 her in less than 2 months. She's made up roughly half of my pulls on colorless stones.

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3 minutes ago, ShadowAlchemist said:

Mine’s +HP -RES :( not ideal IVs, but she still does pretty good and I really like using her. Congrats on yours though (and everyone else’s) ^_^

I have pretty bad luck with natures all the time though.

My luck with natures is up and down. I seem to either get really good natures or really bad ones. Not much in between. xP

1 minute ago, Zeo said:

Jealousy rising... My Matthew is stuck at +7 and I can't seem to pull more of him.

Man, I know the feeling. It seems anyone has trouble pulling more of a certain character they want more of after a certain point. I still can't seem to pull more Frederick. I've only pulled him twice in like three months. And while I could +10 him now, I want a +Def, -Res one to be the new base.

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7 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Jealousy rising... My Matthew is stuck at +7 and I can't seem to pull more of him. I'm with you on the Serras though. I already have enough to +10 her in less than 2 months. She's made up roughly half of my pulls on colorless stones.


4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

My luck with natures is up and down. I seem to either get really good natures or really bad ones. Not much in between. xP

Man, I know the feeling. It seems anyone has trouble pulling more of a certain character they want more of after a certain point. I still can't seem to pull more Frederick. I've only pulled him twice in like three months. And while I could +10 him now, I want a +Def, -Res one to be the new base.

It took me months to get enough Titanias for my +10, and the only reason I was able to +10 Rachel so fast was because I whaled out on the 4* Banner.  I'm still waiting to see if I can get a -HP/+Spd one though.  The only +Spd one I got was -Atk.

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2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

It took me months to get enough Titanias for my +10, and the only reason I was able to +10 Rachel so fast was because I whaled out on the 4* Banner.  I'm still waiting to see if I can get a -HP/+Spd one though.  The only +Spd one I got was -Atk.

Yeah, I think you told me about that.

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16 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

My luck with natures is up and down. I seem to either get really good natures or really bad ones. Not much in between. xP

Man, I know the feeling. It seems anyone has trouble pulling more of a certain character they want more of after a certain point. I still can't seem to pull more Frederick. I've only pulled him twice in like three months. And while I could +10 him now, I want a +Def, -Res one to be the new base.

Yeah, I’ve gotten a few good ones, but mostly bad ones. And for some reason I get a lot of +Res for the ones that need it the least, and -Res for ones that do need it.

Any Frederick’s is better than no Frederick’s. I really want him but I haven’t managed to pull any :(

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Frustration pulled after getting trolled on the last round of Arena Assault on the main, but also thanking IS for the BHB orbs and the upcoming EP music disable option.

Both accounts get a Shigure. Main gets +HP -Res, ideal bane is always good. Alt gets +Def -Atk, bringing his stat spread close to Shanna's except with swapped defenses and giving him enough defense to use Bonfire effectively. I'm more inclined to make the most out of bad IVs on the alt.

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On 4/24/2018 at 3:30 PM, Rezzy said:

Nice, glad you managed to get all three with your saved orbs!  And none are -Atk, woo-hoo~! :D:

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13 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Hinoka is +Atk, -HP and Sothe is +Spd, -Res

Holy crap LOL

One of those times IS rewards you for spending so much money! Congratulations ~

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Got some orbs together to do another session (one of the few things tap battles are good for). It gave me my first focus unit from this banner (+RES/-HP Shigure), which means I'll stay Hinoka-less for a longer while. But the important news was my first 3* Cordelia! 

@mcsilas @Zeo

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2 hours ago, Arcanite said:

Holy crap LOL

One of those times IS rewards you for spending so much money! Congratulations ~

lol yeah. XD

I'm still not agreeing with the "new" pronunciation of Sothe though, because I'm positive it was "Soth" (just take away the L in the word sloth, basically) in RD and that's what I'm used to. Not this "Sohth" weirdness. I get that it was likely different localization teams and all, but somebody could've at least checked RD to see if a pronunciation was there already... xP

Edited by Anacybele
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Finally got Ayra… Thanking the orbs in the Tempest trial and tap battles for that… This is also with me spending no money other than the monthly promotions, and the BK starter pack… And I also spent some orbs on other banners… Now the question is to put her on an existing team, or wait until I make another one…

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Why did I do this :((((((((

Colorless hell is still hell and blue is even worse. I thought maybe I could get a few of the 3-4* I still don’t have while trying to get either Shigure or any colorless pity breaker, but mostly I just got copies of healers I already have, and a crap ton of Peri’s. 

I did get Lachesis, a better natured Klein, and a merge for Hinoka (although she was the same nature) so it wasn’t completely bad I guess. And I still have over 100 orbs left, I’ll probably have to buy more for the legendary banner though.

But wtf do I do with this Nowi? Should I feed her to Grima or sell for feathers?

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@mampfoid Congrats! It's an odd feeling to be so satisfied when you pull a *3 of all things, but at this point any Matthew, Nino, Lukas or Chrom will likely give me that same feeling.

It's a long road ahead, but at least more Cordelias should be easier to pull now that you can get her at *3.

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Has this happened to anyone before:

Screenshot_20180427-051635.thumb.png.f7774afb81c81f6d31f3d263a05d5c0f.png Almost 250 orbs down the drain. Everything I had been saving up... I feel numb. I am in so much disbelief right now I can't even feel mad.

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1 hour ago, Nanima said:

Has this happened to anyone before:

I’m pretty sure my rate got at least that high on Love Abounds. You want to know what the payoff was? +Def/-Spd 5* Lucius. You can probably guess how that made me feel.

Anyways, I decided to go ahead and dump the 49-ish orbs I had into Wings of Fate (rate was 3.50% going in) since the next legendary banner lineup doesn’t particularly impress me. It ended up paying off with this:



Please don’t kill me Namina or anyone else who wants her but can’t get her, go and somehow kill the sadistic desire sensor instead. Oh who am I kidding, I deserve it. But on the plus side, she got trash IVs (+Def/-Spd) at the very least.

So now that I have the one that’s guaranteed to stay 5* locked, I can feel free to put all the Golden Week orbs towards the legendary banner if I want.


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4 hours ago, Zeo said:

@mampfoid Congrats! It's an odd feeling to be so satisfied when you pull a *3 of all things, but at this point any Matthew, Nino, Lukas or Chrom will likely give me that same feeling.

It's a long road ahead, but at least more Cordelias should be easier to pull now that you can get her at *3.


Yeah, poor Shigure. He couldn't compete with 3* Cordelia. At his current nature he is worse in every stat (except RES) than my Tana. 

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Eyyy, golden week has given me the Blue Sky Warrior!


The first is +HP -Atk, bad, and the second is +Def -Spd, so I guess I'm still summoning for her, but still...

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So, I pulled a random blue orb on the tempest banner on a whim. Got an Olwen! Let's hope she's not -atk.

... She's not -atk.



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Sometimes having an itchy orb trigger finger pays off. Pulled an Ayra off the skill banner. 

She is -Atk +HP (why is this nature so goddamn common)but since it's not -Spd I'm fine with it

Edit: feeling lucky, I went on to yolo a Hinoka off the fates banner...a regular Hinoka to be precise lol. But I can't say no to more hone fliers


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Since the Legendary Banner doesn't interest me I used some more Orbs on the Fates banner.
I got both Kana (+Atk, -HP) and Hinoka (+Res, -Def) in the same session. The former is very nice because I wanted her and that Boon/Bane definetly works for her (though she many combinations work for her actually). Hinoka is a nice bonus since she is the only Bow flier but that spread makes her even more unsuitable against DC units. Might use her though I like my team of Caeda, Firesweep!Cordelia, Brave Axe!Cherche and F!Morgan.

Anyway I'm done with this banner. Very good haul from here overall, with Deirdre and Kana being the highlights.

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@Tybrosion Yeah, it's a pretty awful feeling. Good thing you are doing better again.

Banner is over for me now. I ended up pity broken by Jaffar. At least he has SI, but that's so totally not worth 270 orbs, especially since I already pulled two Sothes along the way. I am done now. This banner was way too unlucky for me to consider continuing. I also need to start saving for Sakunyan again. Hope Intsys gives me a long break now.

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Forgot to mention, I was doing my free summon when this Hinoka banner came out. I pulled on the green (4* Soren), blue (4* Oboro), and the 2 colourless (4* Niles and 3* Lachesis). There was one red left and I didn't plan on pulling it because no red focus units.

Good thing I did because:



+Atk -HP. I already summoned one, but now he's hitting 60 Atk with his boon and merge growths. Not a bad investment for 15 Orbs.



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