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Went in for a Katarina or Nephenee.

My 5* wheel (not the first one) got me my first Ares (4*, +Spd/-HP) and a second Morgana (5*, +Res/-Spd). Also Oscar and Subaki, which made up for the 3* junk that preceded it.

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@Alexmender @Usana @Cute Chao @mampfoid @Poimagic @mcsilas @Rafiel's Aria @NegativeExponents-

Yeah so... no blue orbs as you'd expect. Just a lone red orb. Maybe it's Katarina. Probably not but it's free so whatever, let's do it.



WELP. This is actually better than Katarina as now I have not only another good sword cav but I finally have a source of sword valor! It's no SP glitch, but this is going to make my life so much easier going forward. Oh and he's +DEF/-RES so he'll be particularly tanky before and after Sealed Falchion gets going with 40 DEF before the weapon and a hefty 45 after the fact. Not bad considering he's got Aether.

I took a shot at Neph anyway and spent 22 orbs for 2 Rodericks, a Jagen and an Oboro (with a worthless Seliph as a bonus) . Not the greatest haul but I did get what I got for my free pull and bumping down from 86 orbs to 64 is relatively painless. Either way, I didn't get exactly what I wanted but I'm mostly satisfied all the same. Likely won't be pulling on this banner again as the New Heroes and Legendary heroes banners loom over the horizon.

Anyways, It's a win. Back to saving.

Edited by Zeo
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I got Nephenee on my free summon. I'm not sure who to give Wrath to though. I guess my OG Lyn would like it but I could also keep it so I can give it to Ayra someday when I get a spare Hector.

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@DefaultBeep congrats!!!! She’s finally home! Did you hunt for her or was she free?

@Poimagic nice! Another great addition to your flier squad, and i’m jealous of that Spd boon!

@Zeo awesome! Very nice nature and horse Chrom is a really greated unit with his kit. Have fun using him, i’m jealous of your bane since mine is -Spd haha

as for me, nothing noteworthy although i did pull other orbs besides the free one.

main account’s free was a 3 star Clair, who turns out to be +Atk/-Def! Perfect, i’m gonna train her up with her weapon! Took a while to get a good combo but now I can build her up! Other blue orb was a -Atk Donnel so i can probably fodder him off for Summer Cordelia.

as for my second, free orb was a 3 star Oboro with Atk bane. Tried another blue and i finally get another Shanna for fodder! Curiously opened red but it was just an Ogma.

oh well at least Clair and Shanna made it worthwhile! Now to patiently wait for new heroes before deciding to summon.

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I've gathered 43 orbs thanks to the TT, but first the free pull. Aiming for Nephenee.

  1. 5* Nephenee: Boom! Unfortunately she's +HP/-Spd! Still, very nice for a free pull.

That went well, but had a sour aftertaste. Now back to looking for Summer Linde and Tak-Tak.

  1. 4* Priscilla: Meh.
  2. 4* Sakura: Also meh.
  3. 3* Henry: Feathers.
  4. 4* Soleil: Eh.
  5. 4* Marth: SP fodder.

Up to a 4.25% pity rate with 23 orbs left.

  1. 5* Tak-Tak: Finally. He's not Linde, but a flying archer is great to have. His IVs are much better than Nephenee's too: +Atk/-Def. Now for the rest of the set.
  2. 3* Draug: Feathers.
  3. 3* Eliwood: More feathers.
  4. 3* Cecilia: Even more feathers.
  5. 4* Barst: Reposition fodder is always handy.

The summer banner ended up being much more of an investment than I expected, but getting a free Nephenee balances that out. Time to start stockpiling once again.

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The 200 orbs I have been saving over the past month to try to get katarina and nephenee merges has gotten me, my second ninian and an azura, Seriously. 

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So, in 100 orbs, I got a Micaiah (+Spd -Atk) and two Nephenee (+Spd -Res and +Atk -Res).

Now, which Nephenee should I use... that's the question. XD

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On 28.6.2018 at 4:22 PM, Usana said:


@MonkeyCheez3K Yeah whining about 5* may sound bad to some. But darn it, what does it matter if they weren't the ones you wanted?! They may as well be a 0star, yes? I definitely feel ya there after the long string of off banner pulls I have had this past month.

Aaaaand it won't stop. Pulled Micaiah on the summer banner instead of what I was pulling for, Camilla or Tiki. Hope your streak of bad luck has ended, at least.

Someone please help me as I am so annoyed with this game wasting my orbs for stuff I don't want, making me almost send her home. Right now I would be content with foddering her off for one of her skills out of principle. I think Drive Att would be a fitting end for her as it will surely become a 4* skill at some point and make her even more pointless. (I also don't see who would really benefit from Distant Defense, A-Slots are way too important, and Guard ain't relevant right now as I already inherited some and would be passed on automatically with Drive Attack 2 if I pre-inherit Spur Attack and Guard 2.)

Did I mention Micaiah is -Att? You know, the one bane that is great for one-hit nukers? /s  - I wouldn't even trust her killing off Zelgius in AA, fml

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5 hours ago, Poimagic said:

So, I gather some orbs via TT and Arena, and I summon on the first new summer banner since it’s ending soon. And guess what I pull:Y7Ekjk4.jpg

An S!Tana, the one I wanted the most. And the best part? She is +spd/-hp. Her most perfect nature! This makes my haul of the first summer banner two +res/-hp S!Innes and this S!Tana. Neat

@mampfoid @Rezzy @mcsilas @Zeo 

Congrats, it seems like we've been going through a seasonal flier phase.

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102 F2P orbs. Gone with only a pitybreaker L'Arachel to show.

One pack bought, final two pulls were Nephenee and Katarina. +HP -Atk (ouch, ouch, ouch.) and +Atk -Spd (...decent ploybot) respectively.

Second pack changes Nephenee to +HP -Res, pretty usable.

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@Sunwoo Congratulations, it took some time, but that Innes should be worth the wait. 

@silveraura25 @Dengres @KMT4ever Yeah, shiny free stuff. So many free Nephenees. I'm still waiting for my first, but I'm patient. 

@Zeo Woah, unexpected, new, shiny and awesome. I also want a visit of that guy! 

@DefaultBeep Oh cool, Congrats. If I remember correctly you were waiting for her quite a long time. How is her nature? 


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4 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

My quest in life has finally been completed.


I'm going to go faint now.

Reminds me of when I first got her...I was also very excited. You had to wait a lot longer, though. I got her on her 2nd banner, around October or November.

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2 hours ago, Ledrert said:

So, in 100 orbs, I got a Micaiah (+Spd -Atk) and two Nephenee (+Spd -Res and +Atk -Res).

Now, which Nephenee should I use... that's the question. XD

I would recommend the +spd, wrath makes her atk mostly redundant  

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Well free pull on the new banner was a 4*Barst which is fine since reposition is one of the best passives and I went months without pulling any.

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7 hours ago, mcsilas said:

congrats!!!! She’s finally home! Did you hunt for her or was she free?

Thanks! And definitely hunt, haha. For maybe the first time, I made sure to save up a stock of orbs before the banner arrived, so I went into it with about 103 to hopefully get her with. And it worked, so hooray for patience!

7 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Congrats on the Katarina, DefaultBeep. How many orbs did that take you, though?

Thank ya! Took me 58 of my 103 saved orbs, so I still feel lucky to have gotten her so quickly, heh. Especially after seeing how it's gone for some other people in this thread... 

I also ended up with a 5-star pity-breaker Nanna through part of those. The one I had before is +HP/-Atk, which is pretty poor... except this new one is +Def/-Atk, which might actually be slightly worse, so oh well I suppose.

4 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Oh cool, Congrats. If I remember correctly you were waiting for her quite a long time. How is her nature? 

Thanks again! Yeah, I've been waiting quite a while... since her debut banner technically, though I didn't actually pull on it because I was scared of getting Luke or Athena instead, haha. And then in both of her VG banners, I spent every orb I could muster, and even bought some 75 orb packs, only to get two Young Tikis and a 5-star Fae on the first, and three Sigurds on the second... But she's here now, so it was all worth it!

She's +Def/-HP, which I'm actually pretty happy with, in two ways. Her Atk and Spd are completely untouched, as is her Res, which are probably her three most important stats, so that's already a relief. But I'm also planning to give her some enemy phase defensive skills, particularly double Distant Defense in her A and S slot, which combined with Reese's Tome's full -owl effect and a superboon in Def, gets her to 37 Def and 50 Res (39 and 52 with S Summoner Support!). The best tanking stats? Not really, but good enough for what I'd like, especially if I can give her Dull Ranged 3 or something as well, heh. And -blade+ would probably be better for her to have in terms of effectiveness... but I'm a stickler for building around personal weapons, especially for a tome named after one of my favorites, hehe~

3 hours ago, Junkhead said:

Reminds me of when I first got her...I was also very excited. You had to wait a lot longer, though. I got her on her 2nd banner, around October or November.

Oh yeah, I remember back when everyone but me was getting great Katarinas like crazy... but now I have her too! I'm finally one of the cool kids!

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5 hours ago, Junkhead said:

Reminds me of when I first got her...I was also very excited. You had to wait a lot longer, though. I got her on her 2nd banner, around October or November.

Dude, at least give him a passive congrats before strolling down memory lane. 

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8 hours ago, Kubson said:

Just got Celica as my free poll! -atk +spd is horrible but still!


Decent thing about banned these days is that they can be patched up with some work.  Less than ideal to deal with, but at least you can still save a unit that you like. 

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