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todays pull was a 3* laslow - but yesterday I got a 5* Klein - +def -hp I believe, gonna use him for hero merit and fodder him off once I know who to build


Any recommendations for brave bow inheritance with the current meta in mind?

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Oh... My... God...



There was just one orb... one orb and there she was waiting. I don't even know where to begin. For starters, I haven't pulled a single *5 from these daily banners while everyone else has been getting them left and right. But when I get my *5, it's her. Of all units it's her. Maybe this game does know what you want, because it's times like this where it all just feels intentional. I don't care if I didn't open the red stone first, as far as I'm concerned, this was free. She's +ATK/-DEF even... what even... Now I have to make a decision on weather to drop -SPD in favor of -DEF. Busy times ahead!



18 orbs in hand, this is the daily banner I've been waiting for so I figured why not go for one more rou-




I'm done. 

It's all good. I'm down from 30 orbs to 3, but who even cares about that at this point. I'm 100% satisfied with my daily banner experience. Things couldn't have been any better. Cheers peeps.

Edited by Zeo
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@Zeo Congrats! A step closer to the +10 OG!Lyn dream, and that +Atk nature is really nice.

I got a Fir so I decided to leave the banner alone. Not to mention I'm already at 4.25% in the dancer banner Come home Micaiah!!

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@Zeo hey congrats on the double Lyn! (Doub-Lyn?)

the game can be pretty ironic at times, but great you have two of them without the pain of red hell

whay’e the last Lyn’s nature?

go with -Def, Sol Katti wants Speed for Desperation anyway and when Desperation is up, she hopefully shouldn’t take melee hits anyway. Jealous of you getting the +Atk Lyns though!

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@mcsilas Considering how long it took me to pull my first Lyn, and how against me getting her the game seemed to be, this just feels like one big psyche. Not only am I given a superior nature to the already close to optimal nature that I had, but I'm given my favorite character in the form of +2. Making me think maybe, just maybe that +10 Lyn isn't completely impossible.

The second Lyn is +DEF/-SPD by the way. its a superboon which is cool and all, but my Chrom is everything I could want out of a sword tank. Plus that's not the route I'd go with Lyn anyway.

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Cutting it close on today's daily banner. Hoping for Ephraim again.

  1. 4* Cain: Or I can just get no blues...

And another shot at Summer!Elincia. Only 20 orbs this time.

  1. 4* Caeda: And no greens...

That went terribly. Maybe I'll grind the TT "tomorrow".

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This is by far my best free pull yet!



Sometime I hate this game & sometimes I love it


& then I ruin by pulling more units.



And then i found he Hardin has -ATK,


meh, still my best pull.

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I got two 5 star free pulls. Jaffar from his banner and Ryoma from the Draconic Aura. I'd thought I'd try my luck with 8 orbs for the other two red orbs as red has an increased 5 star rate on this banner and both heroes have great fodder. I got Raigh and Stahl?

Guess I'll merge Jaffar, but Ryoma already went to become Hone SPD fodder for my Ephraim. Now he can buff 4 stats?

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Went out with a fizzle for the daily banners. a 4* Barst instead of Minerva and a 3* Ogma instead of Karla on the Draconic Aura banner. Glad I was lucky with the earlier banners to make up for these last few.

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Daily banner. Another Minerva would be nice... 1 red, 4 greys. 3* Raigh Def/Spd. 150 feathers. And so ends the 15 daily banners of summer. As expected, it yielded a grand sum of zero 5-star free pulls for me. Highlights were a 4* perfect Ares and a second-pull Minerva, so not a total loss at least.

Now for the other new banner I forget the name of. 2 reds, 2 greys and a blue. *sigh* Wanted to spend more orbs but I guess the game has other ideas.

3* Marth Spd/Atk
4* M Corrin HP/Res

I noticed only after summoning that it was Karla on the banner, not Ayra who I don't have. Well that's less incentive to try again then. I'll hold.

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Draconic Aura banner: Wanted to try for F!Kana but of course got no green orbs. Red orb gave ma a 4* Lilina, meh.

Daily banner: Giving all orbs I got (which is a sad 19) to try and get another Jaffar. I got:

  • 4* Kaze (not bad, I always like more Atk Smoke fodder)
  • 4* Serra (UUUUUUUGH)
  • 3* Lissa (meh)
  • 4* Priscilla (meh)

Of course the Jaffar is +Atk, -Spd ugh, the last one I got was also -Spd :/ So the hunt for an actually good Jaffar still continues, but for now he's at least +2 so I'll most definitely take it :D

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@Zangetsu wow, congrats on the free Hardin! Shame about the -Atk but he’s so good anyway and I guess he’ll be tankier with whatever boon he has anyway

@Ginko congrats on the Draconic Aura unit! If he was actually on the banner then I would have actually cared more since I want him haha

of course game gives me no reds on the DA banner so i pick 1 out of 3 green orbs (why are there many when you don’t need green?)

i got a green dragon at least..but it was just a Fae.

as for the last daily banner, no greens when i actually want to replace my -Spd Minerva... oh well colourless gave me a Jeorge which isn’t actually too bad since I want more of him for Spur Spd fodder as a base for Drive Spd

for my second account DA banner gave me a very painful 3 star Seliph.

As for the last daily banner, my hopes of a free 5 star that was actually a focus were dashed. At least i got a 4 star +Def/-Res Selena out of it which is still good!


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Two free banner pulls, let's see.... Another banner with Jaffar (yay) and a Draconic Aura banner that has all the newer users. Also, both have a Mystletainn.

Refine No. 2 first.

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Green (Red it is)

3* Lilina (Honestly might not bother with SI here. +Spd/-Def. So close to great)

Draconic Aura now. This one has units I'd probably prefer to get, but not too enthused to bother with the banner itself.

3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless

3* Frederick (Luna. +Res/-Def, that's just terrible)

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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

@Zangetsu wow, congrats on the free Hardin! Shame about the -Atk but he’s so good anyway and I guess he’ll be tankier with whatever boon he has anyway

@Ginko congrats on the Draconic Aura unit! If he was actually on the banner then I would have actually cared more since I want him haha

of course game gives me no reds on the DA banner so i pick 1 out of 3 green orbs (why are there many when you don’t need green?)

i got a green dragon at least..but it was just a Fae.

as for the last daily banner, no greens when i actually want to replace my -Spd Minerva... oh well colourless gave me a Jeorge which isn’t actually too bad since I want more of him for Spur Spd fodder as a base for Drive Spd

for my second account DA banner gave me a very painful 3 star Seliph.

As for the last daily banner, my hopes of a free 5 star that was actually a focus were dashed. At least i got a 4 star +Def/-Res Selena out of it which is still good!


Sorry to hear that, hopefully RNG Goddess will give you your due.


& yeah, my Hardin is tanky because he has +RES.


Thanks for asking. Hopefully Silas will playable soon.

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