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Beautiful Hero Battle: Oliver


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This infernal ghb took quite some time and a different team then I usually use. It ended up as Azura/Mae/Jullius/Maria

Oliver and the green dragon posed little threat, but the owl mages and the sapphire lance cavalry made it hard to find a unit that could withstand all of them. Julius with distant defence 2/distant defense 3, atk ploy and guard just laughed at this ghb though. Maria was there to heal the little damage Oliver did, but the rest of the mages  and the dragon always did zero damage.

turn 1: Mae attacked the blue lance cavalry from the right side and after being refreshed she drew back Azura and herself to safety.

turn 2: Mae and Azura retreat further while Julius takes place just below the defense tile/fence so no one can get through. From there on out its smooth sailing with Julius tanking every mage/dragon while the cav leaves himself open to being attacked by the other units. The green mage tries to come from the other side, but he's easily dealt with on his own.

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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

"Masked" Marth makes the difference to the last clear?

It's mostly the Wing Sword, it didn't exist last time this map was run so I was working with Wo Dao+/Sol. I could've gone Cancel Affinity over QR, actually. It's not like the Red mage could've done anything after she got to the defense tile. Marth was there because stat-stacking is funny. She actually takes damage from Oliver's attacks (his actual attacks, Blazing Light still does 0) without the +4/4/4/4 combat buffs she gets from Falchion & Ally support.

...just tried it out; the Sapphire Lance Cav hits her for a whole 1 if she has Cancel Affinity equipped, and then gets obliterated by the Wing Sword. Poor guy.

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@Ginko Nice clear. It's funny, for blue tanks like Shiro a green mage is usually curtains for him but it's pretty crazy how not only was the damage pretty mild but he couldn't even double him (32 SPD is pretty impressive for a unit like Shiro). Was really impressed here. Nice touch on the P3 music as well.

@Rafiel's Aria Child's play for your team. There's something to be said when one of your two aces does nothing. Kinda reminds me of my clears when Ayra is just sitting there.

@Alexmender +12 to all stats and a defense tile on top of it. She didn't even need a healer but she tanked a blue tome special like it was nothing and soloed literally the entire army by herself. It's just nonsense. If you pull a L!Lyn in July, it's going to be scary to see what you do with her SPD Tactic.

@mampfoid Pretty simple clear, not much else to say. Though from what you said I have to commend you on grinding supports for these clears. That shows dedication and commitment. I still haven't figured out what I'm going for with my Morgan team yet.

@NegativeExponents- Craziest thing about this clear is the realization that at one point Matthew had your Summoner Support, that in itself is insane. As for the clear, smooth as silk. It would have been smarter for Oliver to pursue Matthew instead of charging into death/Dorcas, but then I remembered Fir was right behind him and the AI was chasing WTA and all that. Nice touch giving Fir the final blow also. I noticed you've kept her unique refinement on her blade. Second clear was silly and fun, if not a bit touch and go. Definitely a challenge you managed to overcome.

@mcsilas The exact damage at the end! Seriously this made perfect use of K!Hinoka's kit (something I really need to do myself) while also Bride Ninian's Chill ATK. You really made fantastic use of your team's HP. I figured Ryoma and Hinoka wouldn't be taking any more hits after their initial ones but the both of them tanked a second hit like champs.

@kirauza343 @Hilda @Vaximillian @DefaultBeep @Poimagic @Usana @Cute Chao @Oz ♠ @Nosmur @Fei Mao @Johann @Kaden @SatsumaFSoysoy @tobuShogi @Rezzy @Glennstavos @Quintessence

Can't believe I started this at the beginning of the year and we're already at the halfway point. Quite a lot of things have changed, I could go down memory lane but I do that enough as it is. For now let's tackle this with the new team first. It required a little shuffling but turns out this was yet another stage clear that didn't require CC or Close DEF on Morgan. Previous clears had him tanking the sapphire cav and/or the green dragon but in the end the key was Amelia, you'll see why. Let's get to it.

I'm not going to do this for all the GHBs, but for the first one it just feels necessary in a nostalgic way to revisit this GHB after all this time. When I first started doing this my Matt didn't have Summoner Support and had half the merges. Fast forward and Inigo has a refinement, Ayra and Inigo have new seals, Matt's +8. All that jazz. Anyways, for those new to seeing these clear enjoy the show, for those that have seen my original clear with this team, the music should make things just a touch nostalgic. It was fun revisiting this GHB after all this time.

And onward we go.

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@Zeo You are late!! please check out my new toy on page 7 

Wow! I'm impressed that Morgan took the Sapphire lance cavalier down by himself. Congrats on your +8 Matthew too, only 2 left to go. Surprised that Inigo survived Oliver's Blazing Light, that was close. Matthew took care the rest nicely. Genny hide behind the wall but still heal her teammates this time. 

Edited by Ginko
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@Ginko I really need those two summer fliers for my main account! They looks pretty fun to play with/

@Zeo Priscilla tanking a hit scared me, but she shrugged it off with HP to spare! I'm stuck wondering if I should upgrade Priscilla or Nanna for a cav healer, I like both of their arts so I can't decide!

Also Escape Route Amelia is a fantastic way to get around mobility issues. It's a pretty underrated skill!

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@Zeo Really cool clears. Very nifty to use both Armored Boots and Escape Route to make sure Amelia has complete freedom to go where she needs and M!Morgan taking down the cav was awesome! It's interesting to see a vanilla Priscilla but that makes it even more incredible to see her survive that hit like a champ.

Your main team made it seem so easy, it always surprises me to see how Matthew is capable of reducing incoming damage by so much with just 1 hit. Congrats on the +8, hopefully you'll get the last 2 copies soon. 

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@Zeo Nice to see Amelia running about! I actually used her this time round to clear the quests. Was able to do all but the cavalry and Oliver vs Oliver in one go. However, it meant that Amelia had to kill everyone but Oliver pretty much. Ended switching up her set just a bit. Went Slaying/Bonfire/Quickened Pulse to make sure she nuked that red mage into oblivion. Rest was pretty much cake(other than making sure Oliver didn't commit suicide by Amelia).

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On 24.6.2018 at 1:10 AM, Zeo said:

@mampfoid Pretty simple clear, not much else to say. Though from what you said I have to commend you on grinding supports for these clears. That shows dedication and commitment. I still haven't figured out what I'm going for with my Morgan team yet.

At least GHB maps and blessed gardens made it easier to grind support. Perhaps I could think of auto-grind strategies the next time. TTs help too. 

On 24.6.2018 at 1:10 AM, Zeo said:

For now let's tackle this with the new team first. It required a little shuffling but turns out this was yet another stage clear that didn't require CC or Close DEF on Morgan. Previous clears had him tanking the sapphire cav and/or the green dragon but in the end the key was Amelia, you'll see why. Let's get to it.

Oh nice, Escape route used for an actual escape (at least the first use of it). An unusual approach with Amelia, I like it! Also you made Morgan kill the Sapphire lance and 4* Priscilla attacking was surprising. 

On 24.6.2018 at 1:10 AM, Zeo said:

I'm not going to do this for all the GHBs, but for the first one it just feels necessary in a nostalgic way to revisit this GHB after all this time. When I first started doing this my Matt didn't have Summoner Support and had half the merges. Fast forward and Inigo has a refinement, Ayra and Inigo have new seals, Matt's +8. All that jazz. Anyways, for those new to seeing these clear enjoy the show, for those that have seen my original clear with this team, the music should make things just a touch nostalgic. It was fun revisiting this GHB after all this time.

I didn't make a comparison to your first Matthew clear, but I can't get enough of your crew. Matthew struggled a little with the green dragon and Inigo had a close moment against Oliver, but in the end your team radiates sovereignty. 

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  • 1 year later...

Barely needed to try to clear this quest - only effectively used 2 units!

Units used:
5+8+5 Bath Camilla: S-support, Def Barb Shuriken+, Noontime, Close Counter, Mystic Boost 3, Atk Smoke 3
+Spd/-Atk Winter Eirika: Joyous Lantern+, Atk Opening 3
Brave Lyn

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@Landmaster I love how Yune just no-sells Oliver. Nice use of Swap shenanigans and damn Delthea could dish out some big damage!

So many maps and clears to do but I'll start simple for now. I will have to take my time doing all these maps and commenting on the other clear threads though.

@Zeo @Ginko @Nanima @mampfoid @Alexmender @daisy jane

So Reyson wasn't in FEH when Oliver came out, but now that he is here, I feel like this was the perfect opportunity to finally flex his new found power of actually being able to attack and taking revenge on Oliver for trying to buy him.

Team is +Atk/-HP Reyson, +HP/-ATK Ranulf, 4 star +HP/-Atk Mordecai and +HP/-Def Valentine's Ike.

Music is French Lady (Charlotte's Theme) from Samurai Shodown 2019

- Fun fact, after I did this clear I was pitybroken by a 5 star Mordecai of the same nature. Still, a 4 star Mordecai could tank a lot and he survived those mages no problem. Smite/link strats helped support the team for more movement/damage.

-V!ike needed a lot of Res stacking support to survive the Swordbreaker mage. Radiant Aether + Special Fighter is a neat combo to get health back quickly and was very appreciated.

-Ranulf may not have the highest Atk but his Drive effect really helps the team out. Also sadly he needed someone near him to even cleanly KO the Sapphire lance cav, if he was by himself he would miss out on the kill by 1 HP. Still a fun character to use/listen to though.

-Last but not least, I'm sure Reyson was overjoyed deleting Oliver (although he needed Mordecai's link buff). Killing the boss @Nanima style.

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@mcsilas Interesting clear with a lot of link skills in use! I'm a bit late with my comment, but I'll have to keep it that way due vacations for the most of August. 

I think you'll have fun with Mordecai, he is a great unit and the 5* version unlocks his debuffs and wo dao effect. 

I'm not much of a fan of armors, but Ike seems a great partner for these beasts. Ranulf seems a fun unit as well, he needed help with the obstacles though. 

No idea why everyone wants to beat up Oliver with Reyson, but congrats reaching that side goal of yours as well! 

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