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Posts posted by Frosty

  1. 35 minutes ago, indigoasis said:

    Welcome back!

    What have you been up to?

    A more TLDR version of this - a wild ride. Work life swallowed my time whole. There were ups and downs and me accidentally stepping into some pitfalls.

    Then the days prior to my birthday a few days ago... that's when things decided to take for a better turn.

  2. 14 hours ago, Alexmender said:

    The part where Astram activates his Bonfire was hilarious. He was like "You will never win" and Eirika was like "NO YOU!"

    Nice 1-turn clear, I'm about to post mine soon and it's quite the glorious killing spree.

  3. 10 hours ago, Alexmender said:

    @SatsumaFSoysoy That was pretty neat! GF Hilda is something that I never thought of but in hindsight it's so obviously great. CC Kronya is something I'm jealous of, that with me needing like 3~4 CC fodder while having 0. 

    - - - -

    I tried to use Kronya to clear this but without CC she became too much of a hassle to be worth it. Petra is an honorary GD member and the one that helped make this clear possible in the first place, Marianne was sick so her mom offered to take her place for the day.

    Caineghis and Tibarn both got SLAPPED DOWN! Nice clear!

  4. On 8/5/2019 at 11:26 AM, The Geek said:

    We have more Three Houses characters!

    Hilda is drawn by newcomer Noy, who seems to be a freelancer.

    Hubert is drawn by PenekoR who has drawn several characters in FEH already.

    Mercedes is drawn by kakage:  another newcomer.  They work for a company called i-Prime but I can't find anything about it.

    Last but not least, Petra is drawn by yet another newcomer:  Azura, who has also done work on Fate/Grand Order.

    EDIT:  Also added the winners of CYL3

    Eliwood, Camilla, Micaiah, and Alm are all drawn by the artists from their games of origin (Wada, Kozaki, Kita, and Hidari respectively)

    kakage from what I heard did some artworks in Granblue Fantasy.

  5. On 7/14/2019 at 11:46 PM, Alexmender said:

    @mcsilas That was a very nice theme! It surprised me to see Gerome as nothing but a tank (and taking quite the hit from the flier despite his high base Def) but he performed the role of a shield perfectly while the others went and took out their opponents. Owain is quite the beast with those Blue Flame procs but Cynthia isn't too far behind with her high damage. 

    - - - - - 

    I think Mamp's going to enjoy this one. 


    This clear in a nutshell; they don't have candy... so Myrrh smacks the crap out of them.

    Good job!

  6. Frost: Perfect Winter (Green Tome / Flier / Water Blessing - Pair-Up/Duel Effect, +3 SPD)


    35 HP (-) / 38 ATK (+) / 33 SPD (+) / 14 DEF (-) / 34 RES (+) - 149-151 BST

    (+10 stats at neutral): 39 HP / 42 ATK / 37 SPD / 18 DEF / 38 RES

    Base Kit:

    Weapon: Blessed Svaerkaldt (14 MT/2 RN; Grants +3 RES; If unit is within two spaces of an ally unit; grants +5 ATK/RES during combat. If unit's HP ≥ 50% and unit initiates combat, unit can make a follow-up attack before foe can counterattack.)

    Special: Iceberg (3 CD, Boosts damage by 50% of unit's RES.)

    A-Slot: RES Superiority 3 - At start of combat, if unit's RES >= foe's RES, grants ATK/SPD/DEF/RES+4 during combat. (This will include Combat buffs such as Bonds, Spurs and Drives to the calculation; also Inheritable).

    B-Slot: Quick Riposte 4 - If unit's HP ≥ 50% and foe initiates combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack. (Inheritable)

    C-Slot:  Enfeebling Chill - At start of turn, if foes within 3 columns centered on unit have RES ≤ unit's RES-3, inflicts -7 SPD/RES through their next actions. This will also nullify Adaptive Damage effects through the foe's next actions. (Exclusive)

    Designed primarily to be a mixed-phase magic user; capable of unleashing pain on the Player Phase with a PRF and at the same time, laughing at mages during enemy phase. Enfeebling Chill; while a little similar to Yune's Chaos Named; functions more like a souped-up SPD/RES Ploy to nerf the enemy's SPD and RES stats for more doubles or preventing the enemy from doubling and making them more prone to magical damage; and nullifying the adaptive damage effects allowing this flier mage to even tank dragons if needed.


  7. 6 hours ago, mampfoid said:

    Nice, Canas knows no mercy for GHB bosses. Apart from a short break where Lyn takes over, he nukes the whole map again.

    He's bringing in the pain these days, it's so amusing!

    8 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Nice job! I love the champion Cynthia music from Pokemon DPPt. ^^ Best champion theme in the series imo.

    It was fitting given we're facing Cynthia but not the badass champion though. xD

    5 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    @Frosty That is one drugged up Canas. I don't think I've seen that before lol.

    He's in a fair number of GHB/BHB clears these days. I've passed down a hefty number of skills to turn him into the terror he was in FE7; if with the Luna tome that is.

    Also I forgot to ping in @Landmaster, had a little brain fart moment; my clear is in the previous page.

  8. Decided to bring the "Tactic Emblem" gang again with Canas, Legendary Lyn and Double Flyzura for my Infernal clear. The funniest part? Cynthia got destroyed by Canas on the first turn. Also I used the two Cynthia themes from Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum as music as an "audio pun" for this run.

    @mampfoid@Alexmender@LordFrigid@Ice Dragon@SatsumaFSoysoy@mcsilas@XRay@Motendra@daisy jane@Vaximillian@Zeo@eclipse@Usana@Anacybele@Jave


  9. Cue Tactic Buffs, Canas nuking things and Lyn taking a kill (because it was needed), a very hammy announcer and lots of hilarity and you get this.

    @mampfoid@Azuris@SatsumaFSoysoy@Vaximillian@eclipse@mcsilas@Nanima@Landmaster@Zeo@Ice Dragon@LordFrigid@Alexmender@Rafiel's Aria@Usana@Aera@Anacybele@Hilda

    Team again is Canas (+8 merges/+7 dragonflowers), Legendary Lyn (+2 merges - +RES/-DEF), Legendary Azura (+HP/-RES) and NY!Azura (+RES/-ATK).


  10. 4 hours ago, The Geek said:

    The new units are here, and it's Awakening Gen 2 making their grand entrance.

    Yarne is drawn by PenekoR, just like his mother.

    Kjelle is drawn by Amagaitaro (an interesting choice)

    Brady is drawn by newcomer Clover.K who seems to be quite prolific, having worked on FE Cipher, Chain Chronicle (another TCG), various VNs, and even Magic the Gather

    Nah is drawn by Kousei Horiguchi who previously drew Maribelle

    Last time I recall... Yarne's mom; Panne was drawn by Chiko not PenekoR.

  11. 17 hours ago, XRay said:

    I meant "unit's Res ≥ foe's Res" without the "+3." ">=" is the same as "≥"; my phone's input keyboard does not have the ≥ symbol, so I typed out >=.

    The +3 requires the unit to have 3 more Res than the foe, and having 3 more Res than the foe can be a deal breaker a lot of times, as armor units often have crazy high bulk.

    So it would be something like:
    At start of combat, if unit's Res ≥ foe's Res, grants Atk/Spd /Def/Res+2/3/4 during combat.

    Edits applied.

  12. 4 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Heh, nice. XD This was less annoying than all the Wahs last time too, so good job! Shanna isn't someone you see much at all, so it's refreshing to see an uncommon unit be utilized in a map like this. ?

    If you had Ike and Frederick as your "signature units"... mine is Shanna.

  13. 1 minute ago, mampfoid said:

    No sound here, but I can see your nice team, especially Tana. How many merges do you have on her? (I sacrificed my only copy once for a clear, even if I really liked her).

    She's at +1, her IV at base was +RES/-ATK just like NY!Azura.

  14. Decided to do a Flier Emblem clear with this one; featuring +10 Shanna (+ATK/-DEF; bane nullified), +1 Summer Tana (+RES/-ATK; bane nullified), NY!Azura (+RES/-ATK) and Summer Takumi (+ATK/-RES).

    This run also features another "Guest Announcer" (if you have sound) to go with the shenanigans since I felt like making this run a little funnier. @Anacybele

    @XRay@LordFrigid@eclipse@mampfoid@mcsilas@Landmaster@Nanima@SatsumaFSoysoy@Zeo@Azuris@Ice Dragon


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