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@Zeo Happy Birthday! 

Looking how your journey has been during the last year is certainly nostalgic and it also brings a feeling of pride to see how far you've come since you were a newbie. 

Seems everyone had Nino promoted for the first TT but it was hardly a surprise considering that she really shines in that mode and in practically every mode. 

Thinking of it I really should revisit my old team of Hector, Ike, Nowi and Bride Lyn (seems we got opposite luck, I wanted Bridelia and ended with 2 Bride Lyns haha) that brought me to tier 20 since tiers became a thing. It's a bit sad that powercreep made Ike and Lyn less viable but the OG team should still be pretty strong.

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@Zeo Happy Birthday! May your wishes come true and continue to have fun in life! Nice FEH flashback, interesting how different your choice of units has been to mine (except Kagero, Nino and Xander). 

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@Zeo Happy Birthday~!  As the game changes, so does our army, whether it's due to new units or new skills.  Never forget where you came from, and keep your eyes forward.  One day, Matthew could get his own unique weapon!

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@Zeo Happy Birthday! It's awesome to see a comparison over time like that, it really does show how much care and effort has been put into him over time. Pretty disappointing that he doesn't have max HM yet, though...

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@Zeo and @Anacybele Happy Birthday to both of you, I am always kind of late giving greetings like this but I hope you both have a great year this year.

Anyone have any ideas for a +spd,-def Kinoka?  I don't really want to go with brave bow since she is +spd, is her bow good?

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So, someone want to help explain to me how my GQ team (Sharena for the fifth time because potatoes) went from four territories to seventeen in no more than two rounds? Because aside from me potentially hallucinating earlier, I got nothing.

And not that you need to hear it from me since you’ve gotten from everyone who matters else, but happy birthday regardless @Zeo.

22 minutes ago, Tragonight said:

@Tybrosion Do you have an AA score of 5058? I think I see you and your Klein near my rank.

Do you think we're safe enough in top 5k until the end of the season?

Yeah, that would be me and I don’t know. It’ll be a very tight cut if we do.

Edited by Tybrosion
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Oh shoot, it seems like I missed it yesterday then, but happy belated birthday to you too, @Anacybele! Hopefully it ended up being an enjoyable one at least!


In more Heroes-related news... I have successfully gotten the unit I wanted least from every single color on this Legendary banner, heh. Thank you, Ephraim, Jakob, and Henry, for helping to ruin my dreams of finally getting Inigo...

8 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

Anyone have any ideas for a +spd,-def Kinoka?  I don't really want to go with brave bow since she is +spd, is her bow good?

I'm just gonna keep all the base skills on mine, personally. She could probably run another bow just fine regardless, but I find her warping around to be really fun, and her weapon's Drive effect mixes well with that for her teammates. And having armor effectiveness on top of flier effectiveness is a very helpful bonus for herself as well. Since yours is +Spd, she could also maybe use Desperation with a Seal of some kind to help out, but I'm admittedly not sure how many other options she might want beyond that.

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2 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

@Zeo Happy Birthday! It's awesome to see a comparison over time like that, it really does show how much care and effort has been put into him over time. Pretty disappointing that he doesn't have max HM yet, though...

To be fair they keep raising the HM limit :P

@EricaofRenais I think that might be good for Firesweep Bow. But yeah her base kit is fine for flier teams as it is.

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@Zeo Happy birthday, dude! I hope ou have/had a good one. It's really cool to see how much our teams evolve over the course of a year. I remember that my first reliable team I had for clearing most Lunatic maps before Infernal was even a thing was M. Robin, Sanaki, Nino, and Azura. Looking back, it's not the best team, but it got the job done! Here's to another good year and hopefully many more great characters to come!

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Thanks everybody! I got responses even from those I didn't tag. Means more than you think.

@mcsilas It's pretty crazy thinking about it. I felt awesome using that old mid-game team, can't compare to now though haha. A "Hero Team" is something I think anyone who plays this game should have. It just enriches the experience, at least in my opinion. Thanks as well!

@Usana There might be one other unit in my barracks that runs that... I can't believe he's still got that as his A skill. Laziness at it's finest.

@Rezzy It's funny you say that, I'm very similar to my mother in a lot of ways and her B-Day is 3 days before mine.

@Quintessence I pulled 2 Fredericks as my first *5. One of them as -ATK and the other wasn't and I merged the wrong one (cause I didn't know about natures) but he served me in the earlygame. He was benched rather quickly, but I at least did him the justice of merging a +ATK/-HP one into him and giving him a Brave Axe+ so he's actually a *5 +2. He deserved that much.

@Vaximillian I've experienced quite a few influential pulls like my Athena, Bridelia, Reinhardt and the like but I don't think anything gave me quite the high I got first pulling my Lyn. Even if she doesn't see all that much use, but seeing your favorite in your barracks is a feeling I can't believe I didn't already have.

@NegativeExponents- I didn't have her at that time, but she was amazing for dealing with stray archers and eventually CYL Lyn. Chrom is premium Aether fodder which makes me feel a little bad at having none of it for the forseeable future. But you know? It's worth it. I haven't had Hone SPD 3 fodder for the longest for obvious reasons. Seeing that green +10 will make it all worth it.

@SatsumaFSoysoy  @silveraura25 Much thanks!

@Alexmender Nino is an investment every player in this game should make regardless of your opinion of her, she's just that good. Maybe your old team won't quite be what they once were, but if the feeling you get playing as them is the same it's worth it, and whatever units you really like are always worth additional investment. My Bride Lyn doesn't see very much activity, but she comes in handy sometimes and has an S Support with sword Lyn cause reasons.

@mampfoid Amen. And thanks, everybody's journey is different. Hearing that comment kinda makes me just a bit curious about yours. Maybe at some point you could share as well.

@eclipse And that is a day I look forward to. You were actually the first one to learn about my Matthew journey now that I think about it. Funny you would give me the most profound advice of all people. Thanks again.

@DefaultBeep The funny thing is, if I didn't farm HM, he would probably be the closest to max out of all my units. I'm not going to rush it with him. He'll hit 5000 naturally. 

@EricaofRenais Thanks! Firesweep+ or her standard weapon is best if she's +SPD. I have a +SPD one. Just not willing to give up my spare Faye.

@Tybrosion Don't say that, you gave that wish even though you weren't tagged and we don't interact all that much. And that means a lot. Thank you.

@Rafiel's Aria Agreed there! And that's a solid team. All mages which is a little weird for me, but I still don't have a Sanaki myself haha. Here's to many more characters for the both of us and maybe even some favorites!

And happy belated birthday @Anacybele! We're pretty close turns out.

Thanks to all!

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11 minutes ago, Zeo said:

It's funny you say that, I'm very similar to my mother in a lot of ways and her B-Day is 3 days before mine.

That's similar to me and my son's birthdays being just two days apart.


To the board at large, I wanted to try playing Fates again and am chronicling my Conquest Lunatic Classic Ironman playthrough here if anyone wants to check it out.

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15 minutes ago, Zeo said:

The funny thing is, if I didn't farm HM, he would probably be the closest to max out of all my units. I'm not going to rush it with him. He'll hit 5000 naturally. 

Clarisse only just hit 5,000 for me, after some others like my dancers maxed theirs first, so I suppose I'm not one to talk here anyway, haha.

17 minutes ago, Zeo said:

It's funny you say that, I'm very similar to my mother in a lot of ways and her B-Day is 3 days before mine.


3 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

That's similar to me and my son's birthdays being just two days apart.

I've been told I'm most similar to my dad, and his birthday is also two days after mine... Interesting... I think.

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Thanks, guys!

Heh, my dad's birthday is exactly a week after mine. :P And that day was my mom's due date when she was pregnant with me. lol

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@Zeo happy birthday and grats on your progress. I've seen a few of your vids and they're definitely inspiring.

To the board in general, I've built 4 Inigo now: -Spd/+Def, -Res/+Def, -HP/+Def, -HP/+Res. Debating merging them all into either the Def/HP or the Def/Res as a base. He's on my list for an eventual raventome.

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Thanks guys, my Kinoka will keep her bow for now since I have only ever pulled one Faye and I like to keep one of every hero.  I think I will just keep her base kit for now.

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10 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Happy Birthday! Being able to play with your favourites is the best part of this game.

I will never forget how the game gave me a birthday present in the shape of Myrrh back in January, heh.

It reminds me how the game gave me Micaiah (my favorite character) after my birthday in January. The gifts life gives you!

9 hours ago, Alexmender said:

@Zeo Happy Birthday! 

Looking how your journey has been during the last year is certainly nostalgic and it also brings a feeling of pride to see how far you've come since you were a newbie. 

Seems everyone had Nino promoted for the first TT but it was hardly a surprise considering that she really shines in that mode and in practically every mode. 

Thinking of it I really should revisit my old team of Hector, Ike, Nowi and Bride Lyn (seems we got opposite luck, I wanted Bridelia and ended with 2 Bride Lyns haha) that brought me to tier 20 since tiers became a thing. It's a bit sad that powercreep made Ike and Lyn less viable but the OG team should still be pretty strong.

This brings back good memories when the first Tempest Trial began. It was effing hard to me, specially because I left everything up to the last moment. I even stayed late up to 2am to get Quickened Pulse, but that stuff aside, it's impressive how Sharena, Julia, Tharja and Olivia helped me there, specially Tharja who got all the kills and Julia tanked stuff.

1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

Thanks, guys!

Heh, my dad's birthday is exactly a week after mine. :P And that day was my mom's due date when she was pregnant with me. lol

Happy birthday Ana! And Happy Birthday to your father as well!

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@Rezzy @DefaultBeep @Anacybele That's funny for all of us to have such close birthdays with our parents/children. I really think being that close gives us stronger similarities. At least in my own experience. Still DefaultBeep, I never thought I'd meet anyone who's birthday was closer to their parent without it being on the same day. 

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1 minute ago, Zeo said:

That's funny for all of us to have such close birthdays with our parents/children. I really think being that close gives us stronger similarities.

Actually yes, my mother and I have birthdays only three days apart, and we are very similar in personalities. Gets one thinking!

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@Zeo Yeah, the old squad is still pretty fun to use. I'll give Ike Fury and QR3 one of these days so he can keep with Nowi and Hector while Lyn keeps them healthy, if there's another TT where one of those 4 is a bonus unit I'm going to bring them all. I may love Eirika more but I'll never forget the times I spend with the team.

@Quintessence The first TT still remains my favorite despite it's harshness and that awful mountain map with the tree in the middle. I got a bit above 100k thanks to Nino, Olivia, Lukas and Lucina. I remember how Nino needed to have every stat boost she could get to ORKO Veronica because she was that beefy. Good times.

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