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One more summoning, don't worry I immediately regretted my decision.

...another Micaiah. +H -Atk, so... guess who just got Drive Atk 2 fodder!

Might give it to Sanaki, upgrade Cymbeline with the Flier Aura skill, +6 Attack combat buff just from being around Sanaki... wish I had Brave Lucina still, but hey what can ya do? Still nice to know that I can do it at all... just sucks to know that this could have been someone elses Micaiah...

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@mcsilas You never know if it's going to be a dupe *5... You're still in a better boat than me though.

So... after seeing some other people's misfortune with 100+ orbs, I guess things could have been worse for me. I did a full pull the free summon session and then sniped blue and colorless exclusively. Those 2 greens from the first session were Beruka and a -ATK Merric. Lovely.

Moving on the colorless to blue ratio was 2 to 1. I spent nearly every orb I had not out of desperation or greed, but out of hope for something, anything.

I got down to my last 11 orbs and the last session was 4 blues 1 colorless. Opened every orb but one. The last orb that took me from 11 to 8?



She's +SPD/-HP. The boon is mostly useless, but it matters not. This is my first ungimped blue mage ever and I don't mind her one bit. But as almost always, it's bittersweet. You aren't Sothe.

Not the unit I wanted and the fodder was questionable. But despite the fact that my saving was thwarted I could have gotten a pitybreaker or worse, nothing. Sometimes no amount will save you from results like these. Going to save up again and decide at the end of the month between saving for Legendary/Anniversary or trying one last time for Sothe.

Other breakout pulls from this session were a +SPD/-HP Serra, my first usable Serra so now I can finally start building her. And my first Roderick ever, so that's neat at least. No Matthews though. Figures.

Orb count: 95 > 8. One focus *5. It's not the 2 *5's I got in 50 orbs or the dupe *5's I got in 20. But it's also not the 0 *5's I got in nearly the same amount of orbs on the Winter's Envoy banner. So I'll take what I can get.

Edited by Zeo
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I got her using just 4 Orbs (the free summon was a Subaki... the best invested 4 Orbs in my life! Thanks Micaiah! I love you!)


12 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

I just pulled a Micaiah. She seems to be -HP +Res. I also pulled Zelgius and Sothe earlier this morning so I’m done with this banner. 

My Micaiah is also -HP +Res XDU

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4 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Weird how that works, especially with him being a 3*.  I thought it was odd that it took me a few months to get a Peri, but she's a 4*.

Colorless is very barren for me.  Took me forever to get Clarine as well, and I've yet to pull Sakura, Klein, Rebecca, or Leon. 

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Update from the land of -Atk! @Arcanite@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@Anacybele@DarkLordIvy@GuiltyLove@Rex Glacies@DefaultBeep@Sophie@Captain Karnage@Anime27Arts

We have three new -Atk 5* residents.  Reinhardt and Catria broke my pity rate trying to get Micaiah.


I finally managed to get Micaiah, but she was -HP+Atk and not my signature bane.  It took me like 300 Orbs, but I finally got her.


I also managed to pick up (neutral) Sothe on accident.  The game didn't want to give me Blues.  I actually got Zelgius that way as well.


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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Seems like your curse will never die completely, Rezzy. That kinda stinks. But at least that Micaiah and Sothe avoided it, eh?

Yeah, Reinhardt's not too bad, since I have a 5* I can merge him into, and Catria, I can give her Lance to somebody.  Zelgius hurts, but I've got BK, and I'm not great with armors anyway.

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@Rezzy @Arcanite @mcsilas @SatsumaFSoysoy @Jingle Jangle @Glaceon Mage @Ashunera @Troykv @Infinite Dreams @Vaximillian

I want to share my joy with you guys and mostly all Micaiah lovers





It took about 50 orbs but she finally showed up, no pity breakers in between, thankfully.

She's +Res/-HP, which I'll totally take since +Res Miccy with Thani bonus is basically the highest Res in the game.

But since she's my favorite FE character, I'm just super happy I got her, and entirely with saved, so no whaling this time.


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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

Yeah, Reinhardt's not too bad, since I have a 5* I can merge him into, and Catria, I can give her Lance to somebody.  Zelgius hurts, but I've got BK, and I'm not great with armors anyway.

Armors are just annoying to use because of their low movement, yeah.

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1 minute ago, Jave said:

@Rezzy @Arcanite @mcsilas @SatsumaFSoysoy @Jingle Jangle @Glaceon Mage @Ashunera @Troykv @Infinite Dreams @Vaximillian

I want to share my joy with you guys and mostly all Micaiah lovers

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It took about 50 orbs but she finally showed up, no pity breakers in between, thankfully.

She's +Res/-HP, which I'll totally take since +Res Miccy with Thani bonus is basically the highest Res in the game.

But since she's my favorite FE character, I'm just super happy I got her, and entirely with saved, so no whaling this time.


Great Jave! I'm so happy you got Micaiah! :D

(Also, it has the same nature that my Micaiah xD)

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3 minutes ago, Jave said:

@Rezzy @Arcanite @mcsilas @SatsumaFSoysoy @Jingle Jangle @Glaceon Mage @Ashunera @Troykv @Infinite Dreams @Vaximillian

I want to share my joy with you guys and mostly all Micaiah lovers

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It took about 50 orbs but she finally showed up, no pity breakers in between, thankfully.

She's +Res/-HP, which I'll totally take since +Res Miccy with Thani bonus is basically the highest Res in the game.

But since she's my favorite FE character, I'm just super happy I got her, and entirely with saved, so no whaling this time.


A lot of people seem to be getting +Res/-HP Micaiahs (You, Troykv, Lord-Zero, myself).  That's kinda funny, actually.

Either way, nice to all the Micaiah fans who got her, and good luck to those who haven't yet~

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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10 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Update from the land of -Atk! @Arcanite@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@Anacybele@DarkLordIvy@GuiltyLove@Rex Glacies@DefaultBeep@Sophie@Captain Karnage@Anime27Arts

We have three new -Atk 5* residents.  Reinhardt and Catria broke my pity rate trying to get Micaiah.

*snip snip snip*

I finally managed to get Micaiah, but she was -HP+Atk and not my signature bane.  It took me like 300 Orbs, but I finally got her.


I also managed to pick up (neutral) Sothe on accident.  The game didn't want to give me Blues.  I actually got Zelgius that way as well.


I'm always impressed by your consistency, haha. It never hurts to have an extra Reinhardt at least, and it's cool to get all of the banner units even if you weren't trying for them! Although, that's an interesting boon/bane for Micaiah... I think Vax might've taken a bullet for you on this one, because his Micaiah was the exact opposite of the one you have, heh.

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22 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Update from the land of -Atk! @Arcanite@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@Anacybele@DarkLordIvy@GuiltyLove@Rex Glacies@DefaultBeep@Sophie@Captain Karnage@Anime27Arts

We have three new -Atk 5* residents.  Reinhardt and Catria broke my pity rate trying to get Micaiah.


I finally managed to get Micaiah, but she was -HP+Atk and not my signature bane.  It took me like 300 Orbs, but I finally got her.


I also managed to pick up (neutral) Sothe on accident.  The game didn't want to give me Blues.  I actually got Zelgius that way as well.


Merge Catria :)

Congrats on Micaiah!

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7 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

Merge Catria :)

Congrats on Micaiah!


I dunno, I'm tempted to give her Lance over to Est.  I'm sure that she would want to help her sister out.

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1 hour ago, Rezzy said:

Update from the land of -Atk!

Nice Micaiah! +Atk is a great boon for Micaiah. With Death Blow, she can one shot many relevant units. Guard is good enough to keep, but you can go Renewal or Escape Route if you plan on using her Assist.

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I’ve been focusing on the New Years Banner, and I got a 5 Star Athena, Spd +, - Atk. Should I keep her or use her as skill fodder? On the bright side, I upgraded my Cordelia to 5-Star today.

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......You want to know the funny thing here? I mentally joked to myself that would get pity-broken by Dorcas, the only remaining green in the regular summoning pool I didn't have up to this point. Well, the game apparently heard me say that and ever so graciously decided to take me up on that offer. He didn't even get a particularly good boon/bane either (+Spd/-HP). I suppose this does mean there's literally nothing left for me in terms of greens now. Except, of course, the seasonal I'm trying and failing to get. That mini Tempest can't start soon enough because at this rate, I'm going to need every last orb that it'll provide.

Also, Arthur's stupid face is really starting to piss me off.

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2 hours ago, Jave said:

She's +Res/-HP


that's 41 Resistance total with Thani!

2 hours ago, Rezzy said:

We have three new -Atk 5* residents.


Yknow, my last 3 5 stars have been -Atk, actually

thanks for that! And congratulations to you, as well~

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Wow lots of people here getting Micaiahs. Makes me want to try for her whenever i get the story orbs.

happy to hear the stories of the fans who waited patiently for her and finally getting her :)

@Zeo that's a shame you didn't get any of the dagger units you wanted. But at least you have a focus unit, and insurance if they ever do a RD TT (and getting the main lord -usually- means they'll be a good chance of being a bonus like Ike)

who knows maybe the extra Spd might be useful?

@Jave wow that's a high Res stat. 

Also funny how your pulls started horrible then suddenly went up in rarity haha

congrats on getting her though! Sounds like she'll be a nice Ploy user!

that's a lot of Def/Res boon Micaiahs in this thread!

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These absolute bastards... They knew I didn't care about the RD banner so they threw up a Hinoka one to bait me instead.

They got 8 orbs out of me to roll all 3 blues from the first session (all junk of course), but I will remain strong. I got burned so hard on her last banners, I won't lose all my anniversary savings too.

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