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3,387 total pulled units.  Someone convinced me.


Sothe (+Spd/-HP): I prefer +Atk, but this isn't bad!

Maria (+Res/-Spd): NO.
Brady (+HP/-Res): Eh, second one.
Jeorge (+Def/-HP): Also NO.

Hector (+Atk/-HP): Well crap, this one's the new base.

Reyson (+Res/-HP): I swear he's going to be +10 someday.
Boey (+HP/-Res): Ugh.

Eirika (+Res/-HP): Well, Hone Speed's useful.

Frederick (+Def/-Spd): This isn't the worst thing ever.

Morgan (+Res/-HP): I think I broke the RNG.

Libra (+Res/-Atk): Ewww. . .
Hector (+HP/-Def): FINALLY!  This whole exercise was to pull DC for Forsyth.  So, time to make one of my favorite Valentians even better~!

My 12 orbs aren't ready for the end of the month.  Looks like I'll have to use Lugh and Raigh for the next TT!


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This is one tempting banner.

3 Red, 2 Colourless

4* Olivia (Pretty certain I've pulled enough to make 2 +10 Olivias. +Res/-Spd), 3* Roy (Launch units kind of need a skill update. +Res/-Def), 3* Caeda (Maybe then it wouldn't madden me that almost all my pulls seem to be launch units. +Spd/-Res)

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@mcsilas @mampfoid @Alexmender @SatsumaFSoysoy @Landmaster @Usana @Sunwoo @daisy jane @DLNarshen

What the crap...


Three stars in every other stone (one was colorless so didn't pull that) but one of the two reds had... this treasure. What the heck man, I was thinking conceptually about what I would do with Infantry Breath fodder (for one thing, giving it to Lute so that she can be Ross' best pal). I never expected it to just fall right into my lap. I'm freaking speechless right now. I mean, yeah, B!Ike wants DC+Null C, Nagi is great and M!Byleth is a bro but in terms of sheer value? Nah is a better pull for me than he is. If we're being honest this is one of the best things I could have hoped to pull from the red pool. Just... wow. Kind of wish I could make use of Bonus Doubler but nope, someone is definitely getting Infantry Breath. This girl is +ATK/-RES. Have to decide if I want to keep her or keep my +DEF/-HP copy.

12 orbs reduced to 0, but sweet Jesus if it wasn't worth it. 3 orbs left from monthly quests and the new ones from the last Rokkr rotation will put me back up to 7-8. Am I done with this banner? Maybe, maybe not. I'm not even sure what to do at this point. Lyn aside, there are so many great banners and they've all been treating me really well.

Edited by Zeo
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I spent 37 orbs and I won’t spend more. I wanted a second Nailah for Null C fodder but I got my favourite 3H character instead!



No matter the nature, and I don’t care if she’s an Assault unit only, since I can’t really fit her on any core team, I am just incredibly glad that Petra decided to show up!

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@Zeo Oooh congrats on the Nah! It's funny how the game works, gives you things that you don't expect but when you want a specific unit on a banner that's when the game decides to be stingy.

I'm sort of paying for that Igrene now, blue stones were rare and no Nailah so far. Did get enough Silas to theoretically +10 him I guess i I were that type of person, but there were just so many 3 stars. Decided to dip in CC out of impatience but only got a pityrate, I think I'll just wait for TT. Or not even try too hard since the game will withhold units that I specifically want when I'm in desperation mode..

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So I haven't spent anything else on the new banner as it's not like I need any of these units and Brunya looks awesome. So, when seeing the DC banner I decided to focus on getting one 5* (hopefully Nagi as she would fix her Def flaw and get 47 res) and forget about the new banner. Made 3 pulls a Raven, a python and a Hinata (there were no greens plus fury is nice for Brunya). From the TTs I will use some orbs to get a 5* from the DC banner (either fodder or a Nagi) I just hope I am lucky as I want to have some orbs for the mythic banner and I am at 0 right now. 

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Given that I had just burned a Nailah I would like to rebuild my stock. However, I don't have Nagi and Male Byleth is pretty handy as well so I figured I would pull all colors with ~50 or so orbs.

Pretty much no colorless. But only 1 green in each of the three sessions. 2 blues in each session and 2 reds except for the session with a colorless which was 1 red. So I open a blue and 5*! Male Dream Corrin. Well. Null Followup is nice I guess. Though I still haven't found anyone I really wanted to use my current spare on. In the last session I open a Green and bam a Sonya appears. Sadly I already had her so the collector in me is not excited and she exciting fodder so . . . boring pull. The red beside her however held a unit that was actually on banner! +HP/-DEF so I think my freebie neutral Byleth is still my best to keep, but good fodder is good fodder. Wish that Corrin had been a Nailah though. But I can't argue my 5* rate. 50'ish orbs for 3 5*'s is quite the bargain, even if only one was on banner/being sought.

While it is me being greedy I'll likely dump my TT orbs here too. The fodder here is just too good to pass up on. Can never have too much DC and Null-C/Special Fighter/Ruptured Sky are all quite premium if you ask me.

Edited by Usana
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Out of about 288 orbs in the distant counter banner my highlights are:

  • Nailah (+res -atk)
  • Nagi (+def -res)
  • Julia (+hp -spd)
  • Helbindi neutral

Decent results so far. I plan on summoning more for a better boon for Nailah.

Edited by Jingle Jangle
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Another day, another non-focus pitybreaker on this stupid Sacred Stones banner. This is what, five or six now? Not to mention Python just demoted AND I'd gotten him for free on his own banner. And not a single focus unit among all these 5 stars. I just want Ephraim + Lyon, is that too much to ask...

Well, at least I can delete my Python's -Spd.

Edited by Anacybele
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Free Summon gave me my first Python! He's nice and Neutral~

11 hours ago, Zeo said:

@mcsilas @mampfoid @Alexmender @SatsumaFSoysoy @Landmaster @Usana @Sunwoo @daisy jane @DLNarshen

What the crap...


Three stars in every other stone (one was colorless so didn't pull that) but one of the two reds had... this treasure. What the heck man, I was thinking conceptually about what I would do with Infantry Breath fodder (for one thing, giving it to Lute so that she can be Ross' best pal). I never expected it to just fall right into my lap. I'm freaking speechless right now. I mean, yeah, B!Ike wants DC+Null C, Nagi is great and M!Byleth is a bro but in terms of sheer value? Nah is a better pull for me than he is. If we're being honest this is one of the best things I could have hoped to pull from the red pool. Just... wow. Kind of wish I could make use of Bonus Doubler but nope, someone is definitely getting Infantry Breath. This girl is +ATK/-RES. Have to decide if I want to keep her or keep my +DEF/-HP copy.

12 orbs reduced to 0, but sweet Jesus if it wasn't worth it. 3 orbs left from monthly quests and the new ones from the last Rokkr rotation will put me back up to 7-8. Am I done with this banner? Maybe, maybe not. I'm not even sure what to do at this point. Lyn aside, there are so many great banners and they've all been treating me really well.

Ayyeee congrats on your 2nd Nah! She likes her Res, so I'd keep +Def, personally~ Though -HP is about the same result, so -Atk is good, too~

10 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

I spent 37 orbs and I won’t spend more. I wanted a second Nailah for Null C fodder but I got my favourite 3H character instead!



No matter the nature, and I don’t care if she’s an Assault unit only, since I can’t really fit her on any core team, I am just incredibly glad that Petra decided to show up!

Oooh nice Petra! Congrats!

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@Zeo That's a lucky streak! That's awesome fodder! I think Nah benefits a little more from Atk than Def because her Atk is kinda low-ish while she has more than enough Def to spare. Congrats!

- - -

The free summon from the new banner was Desperation fodder, which is always appreciated. 

I decided to spend the rest of the Rokkr orbs to see if I could summon Nailah to get onto the omega tank B!Ike meme train, no blue orbs showed up but getting this for 5 orbs is a steal, a steal I tell you!


+Atk -Hp. The superbane hurts, but she's meant for AR so the double Mythic +10 Hp is going to patch her up. 

Edited by Alexmender
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@Zeo Very nice! Infantry Breath looks like a really fun skill to use, hope I get access to it myself eventually.

@Othin 28 orbs for a Nagi is definitely a steal! Mine has the exact same IVs, but she's still been a great asset in several modes.

@Anacybele Owch, you're having trouble with off focus units on this banner as well? That's rough... I'm hoping to get all the focus units from the Sacred Stones banner myself, but Ephraim is especially important since he goes away like a seasonal unit would. Let's hope we can both get him before the banner ends, Tempest trial orbs are just around the corner.

@Alexmender That's an awesome Nagi, congrats!


I spent the rest of the orbs from Røkkr Sieges on the Sacred Stones banner today, and landed myself yet another off focus unit.


This is the eleventh one, if it weren't for Tempest trials starting soon I think I would have lost hope by now. It's a good thing the banner lasts longer than usual. As for Grima, he's actually +Atk -HP which is very nice. I've merged the +Spd -Res one I had into this one, so now he sits at a really nice 61 Atk. I've never had one of those armor units in the "superboon Atk club" actually be +Atk, so seeing such a large number is a nice feeling.

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@BoaFerox Daham that's a good looking IV Grima (my one was once +Def/-Res base to a +Atk/-Def base) a shame about the off focus pull though.  I do hope you get the focus units soon!

@Anacybele Ouch, ouch, ouch.  Again I wish trading was a thing in this game so I could give you my Ephraim so he'd actually see some use with someone who likes him and not the cold indifference I have.  I do hope you get a focus unit soon as well.


So I spent more orbs than I was happy with in an attempt to get Wolf Lady, but wound up with...

Lewyn x 2 (whoopie special spiral and swift sparrow fodder)

Nagi x 1 (+ Def -Res someone wants to be like Grima)

Mercedes x 1 (new 4 star hero +Speed -Def, like I care, she's new...but can't fodder my new cinnamon roll)

Sue x 1 (+Def -Speed wow just the same as her +Atk self 😕 oh joy)

And other not so useful fodder.  All in all I can't complain too much, since Nagi came fairly quickly, but it would have been nice to get Wolf Lady too since she looks like fun to work with.

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39 minutes ago, BoaFerox said:

Owch, you're having trouble with off focus units on this banner as well? That's rough... I'm hoping to get all the focus units from the Sacred Stones banner myself, but Ephraim is especially important since he goes away like a seasonal unit would. Let's hope we can both get him before the banner ends, Tempest trial orbs are just around the corner.

Yep, I've pulled a 5 star Mordecai, female Morgan, Hardin, creepy Berkut, 5 star Python which I mentioned earlier... I think that's all. So five pitybreakers. That Mordecai I at least welcome, because Tellius bias and I'd like to complete the laguz someday. Only missing Nailah and Leanne. Nailah currently has a banner going, but I want Ephraim + Lyon more atm. xP

13 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Ouch, ouch, ouch.  Again I wish trading was a thing in this game so I could give you my Ephraim so he'd actually see some use with someone who likes him and not the cold indifference I have.  I do hope you get a focus unit soon as well.

Yeah, Ephraim is my favorite lord not named Ike (...okay, Claude is probably taking that spot, but still). And you seem to easily be getting the units I want. And sometimes vice versa too. I'd give you my perfect IV Lucina if I could.

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5 hours ago, BoaFerox said:


I spent the rest of the orbs from Røkkr Sieges on the Sacred Stones banner today, and landed myself yet another off focus unit.


This is the eleventh one, if it weren't for Tempest trials starting soon I think I would have lost hope by now. It's a good thing the banner lasts longer than usual. As for Grima, he's actually +Atk -HP which is very nice. I've merged the +Spd -Res one I had into this one, so now he sits at a really nice 61 Atk. I've never had one of those armor units in the "superboon Atk club" actually be +Atk, so seeing such a large number is a nice feeling.

this is beyond insane. 
which one are you focusing on? Ephraim since he's the seasonal? Ewan because reds are hard to get now? i just want you to get one of them. (at this point even Tethys even though she'll prolly be the demote). you need to fill that sacred stones slot in your HeroDex!

my halloween myrrh is +atk. it's great even though her weapon is all about def, i like the superboon armour! 

i didn't get anything of note in the DC Banner. I feel i am going to regret not pulling on it. but right now i am not needing DC (that i can think of). I have 2 nailah books (so when Echnida demotes i can get her (ideally) and she's good.. I'm sitting on one Hrid and I am not sure if leanne wants DC.  i've yet found a lance unit i wanna give DC too. and everything else i'm building are healers or range units so i need close counter (or impact skills) a lot better and the B/C skills.

I did okay in the Desert Guardian banner though. so i just hope i can get Sothis and Marth without too many headaches. if julia wants to show up for the ride i'll take that too. 

let me know how you end up doing okay? I've got fingers and toes crossed for you!


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I free pulled B Ephraim on the DC banner! +Atk, too 🙂 he is my second, but I won’t merge him or anything just yet. 


Anyway, currently at 4.75 for Ephraim and Lyon... I hope I get them soon! I want to save as many TT orbs as possible for Lucina.

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