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Went in with 161 Orbs in total (mostly paid Orbs and I'm not proud of it). I got 2 focus units but:
- Lene (Neutral): Cool. I now have 6 Dancers.
- Lene (+Def, -Atk): That's a bit superfluous. I wouldn't have mind this if it wasn't -Atk but as it is it doesn't even help get to 150 BST.
- Ishtar (+Def, -Atk): God damn it. Not only Linde and every Tailtiu ever but she comes with -Atk as well.

At least I managed to get Shigure, Male Morgan and Nanna to complete the 4* demotion collection. But I will have to give up on Ares because the possibility of a 3rd Lene frightens me. If I manage to scratch up some Orbs for this relatively short banner I will try for more Blues (especially since Shigure was demoted).

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Most of what I know is from @Sophie and Jules' LP, so I'm not super familiar with these guys, but I wanted to get Ares because

1: He looks cool.

2: He's got a horse.

3: He's Eldigan's son, who I've come to like a lot.


I wasn't super into trying for Ishtar, but I figured I'd pull a few Blues before I built up a pity rate.


I got her at -Atk+Res, but I wanted her for completion more than anything else, so it's not too bad.

I went exclusively Reds after that, and it took over a 100 Orbs, but I finally got him.


He's -HP+Def, which is perfectly workable for him.  He'll get to play Arena with his dad next week.  I wonder if Dark Mystletainn works well with Aether.

I decided to stop after that and save the rest of my like 20 Orbs for next Banner.  I'm a bit pleased that we've had so many non-Seasonal banners in a row, but fear we'll be getting another Seasonal one soon @Vaximillian

@Anacybele@Arcanite@SatsumaFSoysoy@Infinite Dreams@Rafiel's Aria@Tybrosion@GuiltyLove@Anime27Arts@TheTuckingFypo@DarkLordIvy@DefaultBeep@Rex Glacies@Zeo@mcsilas@XRay@Captain Karnage@Johann@Natalie@Bartozio@Raven@Poimagic

Does Lene rhyme with "Dean" or "Rene"?  I would like to get her eventually because Dancers are always nice, but I have Olivia for that niche, and she has the best chance to get dropped down to 4*.  Pulling Reds was nice today since it got me four Hinatas somehow.


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3 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Does Lene rhyme with "Dean" or "Rene"?

The former.

Congrats to your Eldigan Jr! For some, seasonal banners are a great opportunity to save orbs. I wish I actually saved instead of pulling for that –Atk Ayra…

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25 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Most of what I know is from @Sophie and Jules' LP, so I'm not super familiar with these guys, but I wanted to get Ares because

1: He looks cool.

2: He's got a horse.

3: He's Eldigan's son, who I've come to like a lot.


I wasn't super into trying for Ishtar, but I figured I'd pull a few Blues before I built up a pity rate.


I got her at -Atk+Res, but I wanted her for completion more than anything else, so it's not too bad.

I went exclusively Reds after that, and it took over a 100 Orbs, but I finally got him.


He's -HP+Def, which is perfectly workable for him.  He'll get to play Arena with his dad next week.  I wonder if Dark Mystletainn works well with Aether.

I decided to stop after that and save the rest of my like 20 Orbs for next Banner.  I'm a bit pleased that we've had so many non-Seasonal banners in a row, but fear we'll be getting another Seasonal one soon @Vaximillian

@Anacybele@Arcanite@SatsumaFSoysoy@Infinite Dreams@Rafiel's Aria@Tybrosion@GuiltyLove@Anime27Arts@TheTuckingFypo@DarkLordIvy@DefaultBeep@Rex Glacies@Zeo@mcsilas@XRay@Captain Karnage@Johann@Natalie@Bartozio@Raven@Poimagic

Does Lene rhyme with "Dean" or "Rene"?  I would like to get her eventually because Dancers are always nice, but I have Olivia for that niche, and she has the best chance to get dropped down to 4*.  Pulling Reds was nice today since it got me four Hinatas somehow.


Cool! And they're not -Atk! Yay for dodging the curse! ^^

I got Lene myself, btw, if you didn't see earlier. She's neutral. Glad we both got good fortune on this one, Rezzy!

EDIT: Oh, I somehow read Ishtar's IVs backwards. Well if you just wanted her for completion, that's no big deal then, I guess. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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@Rezzy Very nice! I only have 75 spent orbs and a 4.25% rate so far. I at least got confirmation that Cordelia does in fact still exist, so now I’m three copies away from completing her +10 project.

Also, I managed to get a couple more 5*s from Lyn’s banner but hadn’t shared them yet.






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48 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

The former.

Congrats to your Eldigan Jr! For some, seasonal banners are a great opportunity to save orbs. I wish I actually saved instead of pulling for that –Atk Ayra…

Thanks!  I usually pull a bit at least on seasonals, but I much prefer getting new characters over ones we already have in-game, at least until all my faves get in.

30 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Cool! And they're not -Atk! Yay for dodging the curse! ^^

I got Lene myself, btw, if you didn't see earlier. She's neutral. Glad we both got good fortune on this one, Rezzy!

EDIT: Oh, I somehow read Ishtar's IVs backwards. Well if you just wanted her for completion, that's no big deal then, I guess. :P

Congrats on your Lene.  I wouldn't mind getting her, but if I pulled for her now, any 5* Red would only have a roughly 25% chance of being her.  I'm also not that great at banners with shared colors.  I'm glad I got Ares first or I might have wound up with three or four Lenes first.

5 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

@Rezzy Very nice! I only have 75 spent orbs and a 4.25% rate so far. I at least got confirmation that Cordelia does in fact still exist, so now I’m three copies away from completing her +10 project.

Also, I managed to get a couple more 5*s from Lyn’s banner but hadn’t shared them yet.

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Cordelia's rarity drop should help you get those last few.  Since Titania dropped, I've actually gotten a few more of her.  Too bad I already 5*d her, so I don't have much use for her clones.

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11 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

@Rezzy Very nice! I only have 75 spent orbs and a 4.25% rate so far. I at least got confirmation that Cordelia does in fact still exist, so now I’m three copies away from completing her +10 project.

Also, I managed to get a couple more 5*s from Lyn’s banner but hadn’t shared them yet.

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Your Micaiahs make me depressed since I am unable to roll her, but congratulations.

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@mcsilas Sorry I'm so late. Congrats on your great pulls on the legendary banner from earlier.

@mampfoid Yeah I'm going to keep trying. If I'd pull all my orbs into the new banner I probably would have gotten something, but priorities are priorities and I want my Dorcas. Even if I pull a pitybreaker the worst thing I could get would be a bad nature Sonya. It's that good of a pool now. I'm going to wait until the last day of the banner and scrape up whatever orbs I can muster for a last go with that 4.00% rate. Hopefully it'll have a happy ending like the cooldown banner did.

@Rezzy Grats on your pulls! Condolences on the -ATK Ishtar but at least it didn't reach Ares.

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12 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Cordelia's rarity drop should help you get those last few.  Since Titania dropped, I've actually gotten a few more of her.  Too bad I already 5*d her, so I don't have much use for her clones.

You would think that'd be the case, but today's Cordelia was my first one since the mass rarity drop. The gacha seems far more content constantly dropping Gwendy (who was my free pull for Genealogy), among others, on me instead.

11 minutes ago, Sophie said:

Your Micaiahs make me depressed since I am unable to roll her, but congratulations.

If it makes you feel any better, F!Grima was who I was hoping to get with those pulls but of course I was denied (got that Jakob plus an earlier one instead, both of which were +Spd/-Atk). The desire sensor is a real pain in the ass. And thanks!

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I summoned with the idea of being content with any focus unit, and within thirty orbs I ended up with the black knight himself!



Granted it wasn't the black knight who is currently a focus unit, but he's still a welcome summon.


Edited by Lightchao42
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2 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Congrats on your Lene.  I wouldn't mind getting her, but if I pulled for her now, any 5* Red would only have a roughly 25% chance of being her.  I'm also not that great at banners with shared colors.  I'm glad I got Ares first or I might have wound up with three or four Lenes first.

Yeah, I usually don't get great luck with those either. I totally get ya.

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@Rezzy Not a bad haul! I'd say that's a pretty good Ares. XD Hopefully he doesn't follow in his father's footsteps and become a new pitybreaker. Those Hinatas though are priceless.  I was beyond giddy to get a 4 star Hinata for my free pull.

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4 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Most of what I know is from @Sophie and Jules' LP, so I'm not super familiar with these guys, but I wanted to get Ares because

1: He looks cool.

2: He's got a horse.

3: He's Eldigan's son, who I've come to like a lot.


I wasn't super into trying for Ishtar, but I figured I'd pull a few Blues before I built up a pity rate.


I got her at -Atk+Res, but I wanted her for completion more than anything else, so it's not too bad.

I went exclusively Reds after that, and it took over a 100 Orbs, but I finally got him.


He's -HP+Def, which is perfectly workable for him.  He'll get to play Arena with his dad next week.  I wonder if Dark Mystletainn works well with Aether.

I decided to stop after that and save the rest of my like 20 Orbs for next Banner.  I'm a bit pleased that we've had so many non-Seasonal banners in a row, but fear we'll be getting another Seasonal one soon @Vaximillian

@Anacybele@Arcanite@SatsumaFSoysoy@Infinite Dreams@Rafiel's Aria@Tybrosion@GuiltyLove@Anime27Arts@TheTuckingFypo@DarkLordIvy@DefaultBeep@Rex Glacies@Zeo@mcsilas@XRay@Captain Karnage@Johann@Natalie@Bartozio@Raven@Poimagic

Does Lene rhyme with "Dean" or "Rene"?  I would like to get her eventually because Dancers are always nice, but I have Olivia for that niche, and she has the best chance to get dropped down to 4*.  Pulling Reds was nice today since it got me four Hinatas somehow.


I want to summon them, but my barracks is full. I need more space. I never seem to have enough.

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I polished off the story maps and quests last night just before bed (I admit the last map took me several attempts as I stubbornly mashed fliers against it), and in my sleepy daze I noticed I had 21 orbs and thus did a YOLO summon.

3* Lukas +Atk -HP
4* Eliwood +Def -Spd
4* M Corrin Neutral

Whoops, that'll teach me to summon while my judgement is impaired. I don't even really want Ishtar after reading up about her. Oh well, all are current 4* merge projects.

Edited by Humanoid
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when i figured out the Shigure was demoted to 4* i really wanted that harmonic lance for some of my lancers and Ishtar is dope.
Game decides otherwise. gives me 2 Neutral Ares, not complaining just confused considering i was going for blues, only spent like 50 orbs.
Girlfriend tries to pull for Ares and gets 2 Lenes and 1 Lyn in her first 3 reds. This banner is a doozy lemme tell ya

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I decided to try my luck at the banner again to try and get Ares, and wouldn't ya know it...


Luck went my way again! The only other time I have ever gotten more than one focus unit in two summoning sessions in a row was back during the Valentine's banner. I'm gonna work on training up Ares right away, he looks pretty awesome. And he's +Spd/-Res, those are some pretty great IVs!
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3 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

why does he look exactly the same as his dad

Inbreeding is a tradition in FE.

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7 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Inbreeding is a tradition in FE.

Eldigans reproduce by mitosis.

Imagine Chagall's surprise when after the execution, he ends up with two Eldigans.

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64 Orbs and all I got was a stupid fooking -HP/+Spd L' Arachel, but no Ishtar or Ares. I won't forgive this game if I can't even one of them on my main account.

On my alt acc (which I barely use anymore) I got -HP/+Def Ares, but that's pretty trash, and I got it out of a randomly lucky yolo-summon is the worst part of it all.

Damn you IS I'm like one of the few thousand that voted for Ishtar, gimme her pleaseee

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You know, I've been saving orbs lately.

I think I'll pull a bit now.

3 Red, 2 Colourless (Bah, no Ishtar)

3* M*Corrin (Meh. +Spd/-Atk), 3* Draug (I need new armours for this fodder. Ugh, +Res/-Atk too), 3* Chrom (Man, I wish this was something else. Neutral, don't care.), 4* Nanna (What nature is she?), 4* Saizo (Who wants Poison strike? +HP/-Def, I assume anyone looking to a Firesweep kit.)

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green (Better.) 

3* Reinhardt (What nature is he? +Atk/-Spd, I will now use the Reinhardt. Finally!), 3* Lukas (Meh fodder. +Res/-Def, I think I'm good.), 4* Tailtiu (Not your niece/10. +Res/-HP, I have better.), 3* Laslow (Merge fodder. +Res/-HP, yep.), 4* Nino (Probably need less of her after getting her to 5*. +Atk/-HP.)


3 Green, 1 each Red, Blue

4* Oboro (Merge fodder? +Res/-HP, certainly is.), 3* Hana (Well, it's L&D. +Def/-HP, fodder it is.)

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

3* Mae (Meh, Shanna would be better. +Def/-Atk, to fodder she goes.),  4* Caeda (Fortify Fliers, right? Certainly is with +Def/-Spd), 4* Seliph (Wrong Genaelogy unit. Neutral, I think I should figure out a good nature for him.)


3 Blue, 2 Colourless

$* Est (Well that sucks. +Atk/-Res, totally a merge though), 4* Reinhardt (No, you're not your superior. +HP/-Atk, total fodder.), 4* Sully (Why even bother? +HP/-Atk, so she's no use to me.)

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue

3* Rody (Ugh. +Hp/-Res, so close), 3* Palla (Good fodder. +Atk/-Spd, I have better.), 4* Soleil (Well, least she wasn't 5*. +Def/-Atk, you're fodder.)



4* Kagero (Phew. +HP/-Atk, off she goes.)

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless

3* Lukas (If only he was good fodder. +Atk/-Spd, already have), 3* Mathilda (Well, that's a bit eh. +Res/-Def, Guess I'm not keeping her), 4* Draug (Seriously, I have no new armour for this fodder. +Spd/-Atk), 4* Lon'qu (Well, it is Vantage 3. +Spd/-Atk, well he's to be sacrificed.)


2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green (Of course.)

4* Sophia (Really? +Res/-Def, I'll have to see what she's useful for.), 3* Seliph (Ugh. +Def/-Res, could be worse.)

This was so stupid of me, I ended up having to grind some CC orbs. I came back a day later for this post. Anyways.

4 Red, 1 Colourless (Fuck it, no Ishtar it is.)

4* Athena (Well, it is Moonbow. +Atk/-Res, I already have that.), 5* Zweihardt (Seriously, her subordinate came up 3 times. Neutral, could be worse. At least I got all the Thracia banner now.), 4* Palla (Well, I do have options with her. +Spd/-Atk, the opposite of the other one. Huh.), 5* Ayra (Oh look, another good off-focus unit! +Spd/-Res, nature's legit great. Oh, I wanted fodder.), 4* Wrys (Oh well, least you're alright as fodder. +Spd/-Atk, still foddering.)

Well, 0/3 for focus units, though the 5* units are good at least. I am done, either my luck has truly dried out or May is just utter crap for me to summon in. Then again, it is better than last year where I just got Peri and I was at a low point in this game.

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I had an opening with 4 blue and 1 red. I was confident that I'll get Ishtar, but I got Ares instead. He was the least interesting for me.


But his Def and Atk is pretty good.


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Oh how lovely people are getting Ares' with good IVs.

I spent 50 bucks and tried to get as many orbs as possible, and even with all the orbs that I brought and farmed from Squad Assaults and Chain Challenges all I got was a fourth 5* Soleil (Soleil just loves showing up after I wrote her Analysis throughout all my banners), and a +HP/-Def Olwen (sigh). I was such an Ishtar supporter and everything, but nooo got a keep spending more money for her.

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So I figured wth and decided to put a few more orbs into this banner, even though it off-bannered me once. Nobody is a huge pull for me, but I have never been good at saving orbs.

Low and Behold a Wild Lene appears. -SPD/+RES. I am starting to think I have a -SPD curse. Oh well. It just means I have ALL the dancers/singers. Well I'll level her up, but plan on sac'ing her for her sword later should I ever pull a better one so I am not going to bother to skill inherit her. Will be useful to train up swords though.

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