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@Ginko @Sock Puppet Congrats on Nils! 

Hope you get hi, soon @NegativeExponents-! 😞

@Zeo @Landmaster @daisy jane

So uhh no Leila for me but I did get a free 5 star +Atk/-HP Norne on the first circle! I was waiting for a good nature before promoting, so this saves me feathers.

Colourless pool still continues to be....amazing.... with its 3/4 stars.. 

1st ticket Priscilla.

2nd ticket Lissa.

3rd ticket no colourless so Oboro.

4th ticket- Priscilla AND Lissa again.

....I'll just think those 4 orbs where the price for that Norne lol

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42 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Hope you get hi, soon @NegativeExponents-! 😞

Thanks. No need to worry yourself over a scrooge like me though. It's hard to say I have bad luck when I got Bold Fighter and DB4 + atk/def lull as fodder.

Also, still no Nils but latest pull got me a +atk/-def Leila. 2nd most wanted unit from the banner with optimal IVs? My spent orbs suddenly feel worth it.

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Today I took a deep dive into colorless hell. After 470 orbs I finally got Leila. This hurt a lot and I think I have to change plans regarding next Legendary banner. But She came home, is worth it and fun to play.

Also got Velouria, Nina and a Norne pity break. Velouria is another character I am glad to have on board now. Norne was mean.

regarding Legendary, I guess I skip on the next one and will wait for the next Astra Mythic hero. 

Edited by Stroud
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Am I the only one here that doesn't give a crap about Nils, hates that I got him, and wanted Fiora instead? I consider my result to be shitty luck. I suppose this kind of thing was bound to happen sooner or later though, I'd had some crazy luck the past month and a half, generally.

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Months of saving have led up to this day, the day Ishtar finally returns as a focus unit.  Reinhardt as a shared focus is not ideal, but I got tired of waiting.  This is how we look going into the banner:


I kept my expectations low - rounds on the summoning simulator suggest that my orb count will be enough to get the 10 copies I need most of the time, but I can't let that get my hopes up.  (lots of images in spoiler below)



#1: Off to a great start!


#2: Two copies in fifty orbs?  Keep it coming!


#3: A bit more of a drought this time, but we are well on track to finishing this, especially since...


#4: Two in a row!


#5:  Halfway there without even going below 1,000 is some stellar luck indeed.


#6:  Starting to feel pretty good about it.


#7: Make that really good.


#8:  200+ droughts are never fun, but again - still well on track.


#9: That's more like it!


#10:  ...And that's that.  10 copies of Ishtar in less than 1,000 orbs.  Considering my last mass summoning session required 700 orbs just to get the one thing I wanted, I feel absolutely vindicated.  That being said, it wouldn't be a mass summon without pity breakers.  Along the way I also got:

Reinhardt (blue) x10
Adrift M!Corrin
Brave Lyn

Also managed to pull two copies of Altena, who will be a merge project in time.  Along with the 10 Ishtar this means my 5* rate was about 11%.  If the Reinhardt copies were any indication, I definitely had my reservations going into this banner, but I am beyond pleased with the results.  Two questions now remain.

+Atk or +Spd Ishtar?
I already have Reinhardt at +10...but now I can make a second.  Do I really want to do that, or are they just expensive Goad Cav/Blazing Thunder fodder?  Could go for a jank defensive build with +Def or +Res

Time to start saving for the next project.


Edited by DLNarshen
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Of course I got Reinhardt instead of Ishtar, but I can take it.

He will become a second +10 merge.


Two tickets gave me two BraveLyns, loooool.


The OP units from 2017 are greeting me right now, which is great, because I still use them for chain challenges.

Edited by Falcom Knight
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Brave heroes ticket gave me flying Olivia today!  I am so happy with that since flying dancers are wonderful, her ivs are -hp,+spd so she is good to go for me.  the Blazing Sword banner gave me a 5*Rath +atk,-res with the tickets and I also ended up with a 4* Altena +spd,res so that was nice even though I spent 45 orbs on the banner trying for Nils I am going to quit with that since I only have a 3.25% pity rate and I am scared to get Fiora since I don't really need her.  Hopefully Nils will pity break me some day since he is the only male dragon I don't have.

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Put 123 orbs into the FE7 banner (including 7 barracks expansions), got a -Atk Fiora. She's +Spd, but it's still a bit frustrating. Looks like I'll be waiting for a rerun to get Nils.

Got my first copies of Altena (+Atk, -Spd) and Valbar (+HP, -Res) along the way, which was nice. I haven't pulled blue much in a while and was hoping to get those two. Didn't get more copies of L'Arachel, Shanna, or dual Rally fodder, though, which was my other hope.

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28 minutes ago, SuperNova125 said:

From the tickets I got a Fiora which is +Res-def. I have to say though that pulling in that has two heroes makes it easier to pull for one of them, in my experience at least. Is that a thing or just my imagination? 

It doubles the chance you'll get a blue focus, but 50/50 on getting the unit you want. Blues were just freakishly scarce for my rounds. I was only getting 1 blue orb at a time, mostly. Only 3 circles had three orbs, another handful were 2s.

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She finally appeared as soon as I bought an orb pack! (I'd already used two tickets too.)


Only problem is, she's -Atk. Which I cannot use in this case because her Atk is already low. If it wasn't, I would care as much (even if I'd still prefer not having -Atk no matter what), but her Atk will be 28 or 29 depending on if it's a superbane or not. That's abysmal and won't be helpful at all. I tried to get another with what orbs I had left of what I bought, but didn't get one. I'll just have to hope the other two tickets do get me one.


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Free pull from the BHB banner. Blue, hoping for Ishtar.

  1. 4* Shanna: That's good too.

And now for The Dread Isle's tickets. Rath is the demote, so I'll try blue. Both Nils and Fiora are fine in my book.

  1. 3* Legault: Close, but not quite.
  2. 3* Valbar: Bleh.
  3. 4* Lucius: Okay.
  4. 4* Peri: No thanks.
  5. 3* Jeorge: Feathers.

I've been ridiculously lucky lately, so this bad luck now isn't surprising. I'm still disappointed, but at least it wasn't Farina on this banner.

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9 hours ago, mampfoid said:

How many merges do have on them now? 

BH!Roy is at +4.

I have two Micaiahs. One is +Res+1, and the other will be +Atk+1. I am just waiting for Double SP Weekend before giving my +Atk the merge.

I forgot my old Elincia is +Spd, so I have decided that I will just keep both instead of merging.

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Yeah, this just happened when I bought a few more orbs! And better yet? This Fiora is +Atk! That's more like it! Merge time! And that Ishtar can be foddered right to her for Swift Sparrow. Fiora's Pegasus Flight should activate a bit more often with that than it would with Fury anyway, even if it's player phase only. I'd use her mostly on player phase anyway because of her mobility and high Spd.

Just gimme Marcia at some point, IS and I'll have all my favorite Pegagirls!

I got one ticket left. Maybe I can net Leila with it, who knows.

Edited by Anacybele
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2 hours ago, DLNarshen said:

Months of saving have led up to this day, the day Ishtar finally returns as a focus unit.  Reinhardt as a shared focus is not ideal, but I got tired of waiting.  This is how we look going into the banner:


I kept my expectations low - rounds on the summoning simulator suggest that my orb count will be enough to get the 10 copies I need most of the time, but I can't let that get my hopes up.  (lots of images in spoiler below)

  Hide contents


#1: Off to a great start!


#2: Two copies in fifty orbs?  Keep it coming!


#3: A bit more of a drought this time, but we are well on track to finishing this, especially since...


#4: Two in a row!


#5:  Halfway there without even going below 1,000 is some stellar luck indeed.


#6:  Starting to feel pretty good about it.


#7: Make that really good.


#8:  200+ droughts are never fun, but again - still well on track.


#9: That's more like it!


#10:  ...And that's that.  10 copies of Ishtar in less than 1,000 orbs.  Considering my last mass summoning session required 700 orbs just to get the one thing I wanted, I feel absolutely vindicated.  That being said, it wouldn't be a mass summon without pity breakers.  Along the way I also got:

Reinhardt (blue) x10
Adrift M!Corrin
Brave Lyn

Also managed to pull two copies of Altena, who will be a merge project in time.  Along with the 10 Ishtar this means my 5* rate was about 11%.  If the Reinhardt copies were any indication, I definitely had my reservations going into this banner, but I am beyond pleased with the results.  Two questions now remain.

+Atk or +Spd Ishtar?
I already have Reinhardt at +10...but now I can make a second.  Do I really want to do that, or are they just expensive Goad Cav/Blazing Thunder fodder?  Could go for a jank defensive build with +Def or +Res

Time to start saving for the next project.


Congrats on finishing your +10! Wow, 10 Reinhardts, though. +10ing another Reinhardt without having to spend feathers is pretty amusing~ But I'd keep him for Goad and Blazing fodder.

Also congrats @Zeo and @mcsilas on your Summons! I don't have a laptop at the moment so forgive me if I take a while to reply to things for a while.

As for me, I used a Ticket on the CYL 1 Banner trying for a Roy


With this, I have finally completed Celica Emblem! I was really surprised, still am with getting so much luck this anniversary lately. It's going to end soon, I know it. Hopefully after March.

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3,667 total pulled units.  Whee?


Niles (neutral): Uh, manual, I guess.  No one needs Iceberg right now.

Echinda (+Def/-Res): Thank you for the Drive Atk.

Odin (+Spd/-Atk): +Atk or bust, my man.
Est (neutral): She's my least-favorite off-banner, because I can't even use her as proper fodder (unless I'm desperate for Shove).
Clarine (+Spd/-Def): I guess this isn't the worst thing?
Ogma (+Spd/-Atk): I already have a +Atk one with merges.
Chrom (+Atk/-Def): NICE.  A merge will make this better.

Lyn (+Atk/-Spd): With that, my freebie's going into this one.  Hooray for my first horse archer!

Beruka (+Spd/-Def): This needs to be reversed.
Cordelia (+Spd/-Res): Maybe for Firesweep/Galeforce shenanigans?
Gordin (+Atk/-Spd): Dammit, this is perfect.
Kaze (+Atk/-Res): This is mostly perfect, too.
Tharja (neutral): Oh hey, I could use Darting Blow!

Cherche (+Res/-Def): That's not how to dual tank.
Frederick (+Atk/-Res): Sadly, he's 3*, but this is still nice.
Niles (+Spd/-Def): Alas, still Iceberg fodder.
Phina (+HP/-Spd): I mean, both are places that have WAY too many pirates, but this is the wrong game!  Her only redeeming feature is that she's a new unit.

Welp, so much for pulling something on the banner.  I'll just use the remaining tickets and hope that Rath cooperates.  Maybe the prospect of having Lyn nearby will help?


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@DLNarshen Ey! +10 Ishtar is no joke! She was a cream of the crop mage at one point and she's still pretty powerful! Nice bonus Reinhardt as well. You could do a CC build with +SPD or some other memeworthy builds. His bulk is pretty impressive. He's slept on in ways other than derp Thunder.

@mcsilas As far as pitybreakers go, you can do much worse than Norne. Not bad.

@mampfoid @Landmaster @daisy jane @Alexmender @SatsumaFSoysoy @NegativeExponents- @Rezzy @Rafiel's Aria @Anacybele @Ginko @BoaFerox @eclipse @Diovani Bressan @Dayni @Baldrick @Nanima @Cute Chao @Usana

First I want to apologize for any tags I haven't responded to. You know how things are with me but I will respond with time.

As you already know, I've got deep ties to FE7 as well as these characters. I actually perfer Nils to Ninian but Ninian ended up being one of my main players in Heroes due to my Morgan team. I like Leila fine as a character but you already know me as the Matthew guy from more than a few clears so reuniting him with his love is something you know I wanted to do as soon as I saw her inevitable reveal. So I did everything. CC, Story, Monthly quests, gathered up all but 5 orbs I was too impatient to grind for which left me with an odd 66 orbs. I had 5 free summons on the New Heroes banner, 2 Tickets on CYL1 and a 3.50% on the last day of the Hector/Lyn banner. I didn't have any preconceived notions of what I'd get, I just popped on some music and went straight in. Leila and Nils, let's see if I can get at least one of them.

Free summon had a colorless, green and blue stone. Nothing particularly great in any of them. First ticket had one colorless, one blue and three red. That makes this pretty simple, right? Grab the colorless at the very top and~



Haha, what even, man? Leila at 3.00%. And look at that nature? Can hardly believe it. Matthew's gonna be happy. You'd better believe there'll be a clear with her at some point. Inigo is Matt's #1 in heroes, but I might change his support partner... at least for a little while, if you know what I mean.

Welp, may as well grab the blue stone right next to the colorless one.




This is like one of those posts that I see on this forum and Reddit... but I never thought it'd happen to me though. There he is, right there at virtually no cost. +RES and -HP just like my original copy of his sister. Just perfect. Both units I wanted on the banner at the same time at at 3.00% rate and with good natures. Just unreal.


Yeah... so, I'm done with this banner. Would you look at that?

Used the last 3 tickets and pulled green for a potential Rath or Ross. No such luck. An accidental red pull (and Seliph) brought me down to 46 orbs. Moving on to CYL1. I had 2 tickets. One of them snagged me yet another Libra. But the other?



Keeping with the FE7 theme. Would you look at that? She's -ATK, but I already have a +SPD one at +1, so she'll welcome the merge.

So I actually had 46 orbs left. Went ahead and looked at my 3.50% on the BHB banner on it's last day and thought what the heck. I could save and be in a good spot for just about anything, but this is a Lyn banner. She's my favorite character and who knows when she'll show up again for a chance at merges. So in I went.

I pulled all the way down to my last 15. One green and 2 red. Nothing in the green, but in the first red?



Heh. You know what? It's hard to be mad. In fact, I'm happy. No it's not a merge for Lyn. But it's a merge for someone who's helped carry me through countless bouts of content from Infernal to even a few Abyssal maps. She's stood side by side with Matthew and continued to be my main infantry sword even though so many more powerful options have made their way into the game (and even some I've actually pulled). She's an OG and I could never be mad at pulling her, even as a pitybreaker. It's the first copy I've pulled since the +HP/-RES one I got on the very first legendary banner.

But this one? This one's +SPD/-RES. The best nature possible. Speechless. She's been massively creeped by Mareeta and recently her own daughter. Which just means she's ripe for a powerful refine that will likely catapult her back up to the top. Wouldn't be surprised to see a Repel 3 refine for consistency with her daughter.

But regardless of what it is? I'll be ready for it with the best nature possible. Good pull. Amazing... actually.

I'm... kind of in a state of disbelief right now. But... one of complete satisfaction and a smile I can't seem to get off my face. I'm left at 0 orbs after using the last 2 to expand my barracks and have 5 monthly quests for a paltry 5 orbs. But.... even looking at the 0 on my screen right now I'm left with such a complete feeling of satisfaction that I feel like it's alright. I'll likely t try to save from here once more. I don't know what the game has in store for us going forward. But for the first time in a while. I'll be facing it with a genuine smile.


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@Zeo Wow! Those pulls certainly contain Matthew's prayers in them, getting so many awesome units in succession is nothing short of super luck! Congrats on the incredible pulls I'm jealous of that +Spd Ayra

- - - 

The best thing I got this morning was a +Atk copy of Duo Alm and Celica, which is superb all things considered. I still have like 2 tickets left for the FE7 banner so let's see if I can snag a Leila or Rath from there. Outside of that all my pulls have been pretty meh.

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@Landmaster Thanks!  Congrats on the Celica too - fortunately she's one of those units who can be a powerhouse no matter what their bane is.

@Zeo Ha, +Spd is probably a bit too memey for me, but I'm now I'm thinking a bulky owl build might be fun. 

I had my fingers crossed for you, and I'm really pleased to see you got what you were after with hardly any hassle.  Few things in this game suck more than desperation summoning, and thankfully you avoided it this time.  Looking forward to seeing Leila in action one of these days. 🙂

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@Zeo Wow!! That Leila come with good IV and begging Matthew to join the main  party. I guess you need to switch someone out and put her in. No Lyn but still, +Spd Ayra come to claim her spot. So it's Genny or Inigo who need to give up the spot lol. Congratulation !

After I got 2 copies of Nils in the afternoon. Therefore I finished dinner and I feel like I want to get better IV of Valentine Ike. Pay 5 orbs seeing 2 red, Pick the lower one on the right.... and it's him!! He is freaking +Atk/-Hp which is better than the old +Hp/-Res one. A fine day, those 5* cost me only 10 orbs.

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@DLNarshen Wow, cool project! Congrats on Ishtar, looking forward to your next project. 

@Zeo awesome luck, congrats! Happy it came to you on the perfect banner.

After my free pull luck with Leila, I got two +ATK 4* Rath from tickets, so I can't complain. 

6 hours ago, XRay said:

BH!Roy is at +4.

I have two Micaiahs. One is +Res+1, and the other will be +Atk+1. I am just waiting for Double SP Weekend before giving my +Atk the merge.

I forgot my old Elincia is +Spd, so I have decided that I will just keep both instead of merging.

Oh cool, I like all three. While I can understand people don't want to merge Roy, since Ellwood is so much cheaper ... I'm still very happy with mine. 

5 hours ago, Landmaster said:

As for me, I used a Ticket on the CYL 1 Banner trying for a Roy

With this, I have finally completed Celica Emblem! I was really surprised, still am with getting so much luck this anniversary lately. It's going to end soon, I know it. Hopefully after March.

Sorry for missing Roy, but you got practically the next best thing. Congrats! 

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