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7 hours ago, Hekselka said:

I sacrificed my only OG Hector for this sweet unit and so far I don’t regret it one bit. She tanks so well and hits so hard thanks to Breath of fog.


I never expected her to get a refinement but I’m damn glad she did!

Why is yours so much better than mine? Do those extra three flowers really make such a big difference?



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@Zeo Call it the naivete of youth (is 21 considered young still?), but I don't see myself becoming like that anytime soon. Even now that I'm wrapping up my endeavor to own every unit at 5*, I still get a satisfied high just from looking at the maaaaaany units I've obtained, especially remembering vaguely when I got them and the feeling behind getting them. Summoning Bride Ninian has yet to be topped as my best summon, Zelgius wrought a wave of relief, I grinned stupidly seeing Legendary Tiki, New Year Fjorm and all the other 5* exclusives I accidentally +10 merged were steadily climbing moments of anxiety to see if they'd happen (spoiler alert, they did, mostly to my chagrin), and I most definitely remember the moment the clouds parted to a hopeful moonlight on summoning Witchy Nowi.

Even summoning off-focus units that I don't want remains satisfying to some extent... though I'm still bitter at about 95% of them.

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35 minutes ago, Zeo said:

@SatsumaFSoysoy Breathtaking....

@mcsilas @mampfoid @Alexmender @Johann @Fei Mao @Rezzy @NegativeExponents- @Cute Chao @Usana @DefaultBeep @Landmaster @Vaximillian @XRay @eclipse

So... I have to go ahead and post this now. I'll cut to the chase. I'm going to be wrapping up as far as this game is concerned. I feel as if every day I'm slowly fading away and the game feels more and more like an obligation just because I've been playing for so long. The time I used to pepper throughout the day to clear the content has been dwindling, and I've been regretting the 1-2 hours of play before I go to bed and thinking about how valuable that sleep would have been. I kind of knew this would be inevitable once I finished doing clears, but sadly it is what it is.

This isn't a "leaving" post where I'm going to uninstall the game as soon as I'm done with this post. But I've been feeling bad about people tagging me in their clears and me only watching half or less of what I'm being tagged in, or feeling obligated to go in certain topics because it's what I've been doing and I'm ready to move on. The game has been a blast and I feel that it's been filling a void of recreation in me. Talking to everyone on here and sharing clears, showing what one of the bottom 5 characters in the game can do, showing he can be a beast with the right build. It satisfies me, because of that I feel like I can rest and I don't have to feel bad.

The breaking point for me was this anniversary banner. I got Duma of course, the unit I wanted the least instead of Lyn who EVERYONE ELSE seemed to get. But on top of that... after about 80 orbs... I pulled a Karla, who I've been gunning for for months, then back to back I got an L!Azura. But the problem was... for the first time ever... I wasn't satisfied. I felt nothing. On top of that I used to soak up every orb available but I'm pretty sure there's a full summoning session worth of orbs to be collected but I just... haven't cared to do it. I don't feel like being bothered. Aether Raids is meh, Arena is meh, haven't touched AA in a month. It just feels like it's time.

I'm not 100% leaving the game yet. I'll probably still follow it here and there, see the new units and skills in passing, wait for Edward/Ross to be added and be mostly active until the FE6 banner next month. But after that specific banner I think I'm done. When my nephew gets his phone reset (because he's been having issues) I doubt I'll reinstall.

This probably won't be my very last post as I'll probably lurk around and maybe post here and there for another week or so. But I'm done. So I wanted to say thanks for the good times guys. It's been fun and I hope the game continues to thrive and grow as FE is one of the franchises closest to my heart. I hope you all continue to have fun playing. 


Yeah, it might be time for a break.  I've had a few periods where I didn't feel any real excitement, most recently, the Hot Tub banner, and I'm not sure if it's been noticeable where I've not been nearly as active on this forum as I used to be.

Take a break and when and if something piques your interest feel free to come back.  The second anniversary was a bit of a let down, since it didn't add any game modes and had no real quality of life improvements, apart from the Bane fix and visible natures.  (More 3-4* demotions when?)

Sorry if I forget to not tag you, can be force of habit sometimes.

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29 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Why is yours so much better than mine? Do those extra three flowers really make such a big difference?



If you are wondering about the stat discrepancy, @Hekselka's A!Tiki got Summoner Support, so that is like HP+5 and Atk/Spd/Def/Res+2.

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@Jotari 5/0/2/6/3 difference in each stat for 16 total difference. 13 of those are from Summoner support, 3 from Dragonflowers.

EDIT: Double ninjaed, ha. But yes, theirs is +Def as you can see from the blue text. You might want to turn your own Asset/Flaw display on. ;)

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5 minutes ago, XRay said:

If you are wondering about the stat discrepancy, @Hekselka's A!Tiki got Summoner Support, so that is like HP+5 and Atk/Spd/Def/Res+2.

I actually did figure that afterwards. I'm guessing theirs is also +Def, mine's +Atk.

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@Zeo@Othin Yeah, that was when I knew as well, around October last year or so, when I summoned Legendary Hector on my first circle on a Legendary banner, and felt basically nothing despite him being someone I actively wanted (to build a mixed team around). Hell, to this day I still haven't gotten him to 40.

At that point, the money angle becomes non-existent. Say my most wanted unit in the game currently is Legendary Azura. Would I even pay $10 to get her, guaranteed and with no strings attached? At this point I'm pretty sure I wouldn't, even for an optimal nature. For $3, yeah maybe, but $3 buys me 3 orbs which isn't a sufficient amount to do anything with, so yeah.

That said, just throwing an arbitrary amount of minimal-effort F2P orbs at banners at the moment is still reasonably entertaining for me at the moment, so I still do it because a free hit is a free hit, and the auto-battle stuff I can do while idle at work. I certainly don't allow it to take up any of my precious time at home.


@Xenomata At 21, you cease being a Fire Emblem Adult, and become a Real Life Adult (and Fire Emblem Senior Citizen).

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21 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

If my math didn't fail she has 78 Atk and 54 Spd before any kind of ally buffs are applied. Damn, that's scary! If you include a L!Azura with Hone Atk 4 then she goes up to 85 Atk and 61 Spd...I'm not sure if there's a non Abyssal unit that can tank that stuff (maybe my Eirika at +10 flowers and +18 from Tactics+Kaden. She'd reach 64 Spd and 110 magical bulk but she'd be almost dead from that). 

- - - 

@Zeo It's undestandable. I've been pretty much the same until Kaden's release and that's more because I just want to see if I'll be able to make Abyssal maps feel like child's play with Eirika, and if that happens then I'm absolutely sure I'll start losing interest in those PvE maps in like 3 months or maybe less. I've felt that my non-LHB clears have become quite stagnant even when including stuff like the Cordelias so maybe I'll stop doing those soon (to be more precise a little before Three Houses release, I'd like to focus all my attention on that game so I'll probably stop playing FEH for a while during that timeframe and maybe drop it for good a little before the next Pokemon games release as I'd like to get back into the competitive scene there and that requires a lot of time).

In any case, I'm glad to know you had tons of fun with FEH and it's perfectly fine to let it go when it doesn't feel fun, whether it is for a little time or permanently. It saddens me a bit but I'll comply and not tag you in the usual clears from now on, although I hope you won't mind me tagging you whenever Eirika's last clear comes, I have a couple of ideas in terms of editing and music that I'd very much like you to see. 

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2 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Oh no... I'M A JAGEN!

*Has you physically implants into a Starsphere and implants some fragments from other ones. Followed by a cocktail of thirteen dragon bloods, and then puts Afa's Drops in the eyes. Then wraps you in clothes made of Metis's Tome, a Blossom scroll and the Crusader Scrolls. Slips an 8-bit Angel Ring on your finger, gives you a pixelated Mercurius. And lastly sends you to work on a farm thus class changing you to Villager.*

There, your growths problem is fixed.


I find visiting here more fun than actually playing FEH, but I still do a little on a daily basis.


Also, on the topic of Nintendo gatchas, apparently that Dragalia Lost game has surpassed Super Mario Run in revenue, it's up to $75 million now, still a very distant second to FEH though, at $500 million. 

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4 hours ago, Zeo said:

So... I have to go ahead and post this now. I'll cut to the chase. I'm going to be wrapping up as far as this game is concerned. I feel as if every day I'm slowly fading away and the game feels more and more like an obligation just because I've been playing for so long. The time I used to pepper throughout the day to clear the content has been dwindling, and I've been regretting the 1-2 hours of play before I go to bed and thinking about how valuable that sleep would have been. I kind of knew this would be inevitable once I finished doing clears, but sadly it is what it is.

This isn't a "leaving" post where I'm going to uninstall the game as soon as I'm done with this post. But I've been feeling bad about people tagging me in their clears and me only watching half or less of what I'm being tagged in, or feeling obligated to go in certain topics because it's what I've been doing and I'm ready to move on. The game has been a blast and I feel that it's been filling a void of recreation in me. Talking to everyone on here and sharing clears, showing what one of the bottom 5 characters in the game can do, showing he can be a beast with the right build. It satisfies me, because of that I feel like I can rest and I don't have to feel bad.

The breaking point for me was this anniversary banner. I got Duma of course, the unit I wanted the least instead of Lyn who EVERYONE ELSE seemed to get. But on top of that... after about 80 orbs... I pulled a Karla, who I've been gunning for for months, then back to back I got an L!Azura. But the problem was... for the first time ever... I wasn't satisfied. I felt nothing. On top of that I used to soak up every orb available but I'm pretty sure there's a full summoning session worth of orbs to be collected but I just... haven't cared to do it. I don't feel like being bothered. Aether Raids is meh, Arena is meh, haven't touched AA in a month. It just feels like it's time.

I'm not 100% leaving the game yet. I'll probably still follow it here and there, see the new units and skills in passing, wait for Edward/Ross to be added and be mostly active until the FE6 banner next month. But after that specific banner I think I'm done. When my nephew gets his phone reset (because he's been having issues) I doubt I'll reinstall.

This probably won't be my very last post as I'll probably lurk around and maybe post here and there for another week or so. But I'm done. So I wanted to say thanks for the good times guys. It's been fun and I hope the game continues to thrive and grow as FE is one of the franchises closest to my heart. I hope you all continue to have fun playing. 


Figured the time was coming~ It will be sad to see you go for good ;~; I wish you the best of luck going forward and still thanks for sharing your clears with us~

I hope you'll leave them up, I still like to watch them from time to time~

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@Zeo That's how things goes, especially with games. Mobile games try to hold you were you are, even if they become less interesting after a while like every other game. I totally can relate to what you wrote and I may reach a similar point this year, I'm just not yet there. 

Doing video clears and chatting about them is still fun to me, but I've never invested as much time as you. You've been doing looong clears, with much editing and writing epic side-story. 

Regarding the fun of the other modes (not BHB/GHB/LHB maps, but the rest), I'm with you, especially regarding the summoning experience. The time/fun ratio in FEH has clearly a negative development.

Hopefully I'll see you around SF. Wish you a great and interesting next project!

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@Zeo It's understandable, and I don't blame ya. Parts of the game are designed to make you feel like you're missing out if you don't keep at them, but taking a break or stopping altogether can help you get detached from that feeling and reaffirm that you don't need to play for fulfillment. When I get kinda burnt out on it, I just remind myself how happy I was to get literally anything back when the game came out, and then I don't fret over what I'm acquiring (whether from beating maps or summoning).

I hope you don't disappear forever cuz I've always enjoyed reading your posts (even the little ones that have nothing to do with strategy). Also know that you've got a permanent spot on my Friend List so if you get a hankering to play again (even just briefly), I'll still be there for ya.

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@Zeo That's a bummer but it happens to everyone at some point. There are times you just need to step back and not be so invested on something. Still, better to focus on being free eventually haha and real life stuff

Kind of sad there'll be less of you generally though but hey you don't have to worry about me tagging you much anymore then :P

Sad about your recent summoning experiences though but hey, I look forward to reading more on your thoughtful posts when Edward/Ross comes in the game (hopefully)

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@Zeo Sad to hear, but we all move on eventually. Doesn't help that heroes isn't doing a good job of retaining attention in my opinion.


That said if not watching clears we are tagged in is a crime then I am in trouble. I don't particularly want to be untagged though since it makes it easy to find when I do have the desire to engage. But yeah, being engaged with watching clears seems strongly linked to being engaged to committing clears. When my clearing desire dips I lose interest in watching them too. And these last couple of months have been quite the dip in engagement for me. Though I mostly fall into casual mode rather than complete disinterested mode.

But anyways, good luck and may you enjoy whatever time you do put into heroes!

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9 hours ago, Jotari said:

Why is yours so much better than mine? Do those extra three flowers really make such a big difference?




9 hours ago, XRay said:

If you are wondering about the stat discrepancy, @Hekselka's A!Tiki got Summoner Support, so that is like HP+5 and Atk/Spd/Def/Res+2.

Yup yup and that summoner support is really useful at times since it makes her even tankier than she already is.

Special Spiral is a good choice for her and if I had multiple Lewyn's I would use one to give her that but I don't have a single one. I'm personally planning to give her wrath.


Pulled on the legendary banner and got LRoy, Dancer Miccy, Gunnthra and Surtr and wow Surtr really is as strong as people say he is. Mine even has -Atk+HP which is bad for him but despite that he has been really good.

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46 minutes ago, Hekselka said:


Yup yup and that summoner support is really useful at times since it makes her even tankier than she already is.

Special Spiral is a good choice for her and if I had multiple Lewyn's I would use one to give her that but I don't have a single one. I'm personally planning to give her wrath.


Pulled on the legendary banner and got LRoy, Dancer Miccy, Gunnthra and Surtr and wow Surtr really is as strong as people say he is. Mine even has -Atk+HP which is bad for him but despite that he has been really good.

The downside of Special Spiral is that the Special needs to activate first before it takes effect, which actually makes it far less useful than  you might think. Not for Chain Challenge where I primarily use my Tiki though, thanks to her weapon letting her run Special Spiral and Renewal at the same time. I should give her something better than Spur Res though.

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22 hours ago, Hekselka said:

I sacrificed my only OG Hector for this sweet unit and so far I don’t regret it one bit. She tanks so well and hits so hard thanks to Breath of fog.


I never expected her to get a refinement but I’m damn glad she did!

Would a res asset be better due to her res being a lot lower and also because breath of fog gives her +5 to def? 

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1 hour ago, Icelerate said:

Would a res asset be better due to her res being a lot lower and also because breath of fog gives her +5 to def? 

From my own experiences with I don't think that an extra 5 or 6 res would save her from the blue mages that show up in Arena or AR. Now the +Res boon would be good to turn her into a tank that would have less trouble taking hits from mages in general and it's certainly not a bad boon. Personally, I just prefer her as a unit that can destroy every melee unit on the field and deal with the occasional Red/Green mage. (a little bit exaggerated but you get the idea)


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20 hours ago, Alexmender said:

If my math didn't fail she has 78 Atk and 54 Spd before any kind of ally buffs are applied. Damn, that's scary! If you include a L!Azura with Hone Atk 4 then she goes up to 85 Atk and 61 Spd...I'm not sure if there's a non Abyssal unit that can tank that stuff (maybe my Eirika at +10 flowers and +18 from Tactics+Kaden. She'd reach 64 Spd and 110 magical bulk but she'd be almost dead from that). 

Celica and Eirika make good partners.

@Zeo Sorry to hear that, it's been a lot of fun. Hope you come back some day. Maybe when TH is released if you play it.

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6 hours ago, Jotari said:

The downside of Special Spiral is that the Special needs to activate first before it takes effect, which actually makes it far less useful than  you might think. Not for Chain Challenge where I primarily use my Tiki though, thanks to her weapon letting her run Special Spiral and Renewal at the same time. I should give her something better than Spur Res though.

We do have Velouria, Infantry Pulse with grails, L!Hector and the mother of all brokeness, Ophelia, now, so it is very much useable without too much effort and at the very start if you have the resources for it (I'm still debating myself who to support Velouria with until a possible demotion, but as an example, a well-built Ares&Velouria pair seems pretty easy to use from the get-go; or with this example, Tiki and Velouria would even make the transformation process into a beast easier.). Correct me if I'm wrong, though.

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