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10 hours ago, FiyaaEmburem said:




My name is Inigo Laslow; I killed your pity rate; prepare to cry!


Well, I wasn't planning to use many Orbs on this banner, but then this happened...


@Anacybele@Arcanite@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@Infinite Dreams@Rafiel's Aria@Tybrosion@GuiltyLove@Anime27Arts@TheTuckingFypo@DarkLordIvy@DefaultBeep@Rex Glacies@Zeo@mcsilas@XRay@Sophie@Captain Karnage@Johann@Natalie@Bartozio@Raven@Poimagic


And here they are...


Jakob: Neutral

Shigure: Neutral

Ephraim: -Atk,+Res (This is my 3rd Ephraim, and all of them are -Atk)

Lyn: +Spd-Res


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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

My name is Inigo Laslow; I killed your pity rate; prepare to cry!


Well, I wasn't planning to use many Orbs on this banner, but then this happened...


@Anacybele@Arcanite@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@Infinite Dreams@Rafiel's Aria@Tybrosion@GuiltyLove@Anime27Arts@TheTuckingFypo@DarkLordIvy@DefaultBeep@Rex Glacies@Zeo@mcsilas@XRay@Sophie@Captain Karnage@Johann@Natalie@Bartozio@Raven@Poimagic

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And here they are...


Jakob: Neutral

Shigure: Neutral

Ephraim: -Atk,+Res (This is my 3rd Ephraim, and all of them are -Atk)

Lyn: +Spd-Res


Damn. That's a pull there. o.o

Looks like Ephraim hasn't gotten the memo that your  -Atk curse is going away though. xP

Also, that Lyn has a good nature, I'd definitely use her.

I only did a few pulls in the free pull session myself and that's it. There's no one I really want here. Didn't get anything really worthwhile though...

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

My name is Inigo Laslow; I killed your pity rate; prepare to cry!


Well, I wasn't planning to use many Orbs on this banner, but then this happened...


@Anacybele@Arcanite@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@Infinite Dreams@Rafiel's Aria@Tybrosion@GuiltyLove@Anime27Arts@TheTuckingFypo@DarkLordIvy@DefaultBeep@Rex Glacies@Zeo@mcsilas@XRay@Sophie@Captain Karnage@Johann@Natalie@Bartozio@Raven@Poimagic

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And here they are...


Jakob: Neutral

Shigure: Neutral

Ephraim: -Atk,+Res (This is my 3rd Ephraim, and all of them are -Atk)

Lyn: +Spd-Res


Very nice! I think the most 5* I have gotten in one summoning session is like three.

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12 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

My name is Inigo Laslow; I killed your pity rate; prepare to cry!


Well, I wasn't planning to use many Orbs on this banner, but then this happened...


@Anacybele@Arcanite@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@Infinite Dreams@Rafiel's Aria@Tybrosion@GuiltyLove@Anime27Arts@TheTuckingFypo@DarkLordIvy@DefaultBeep@Rex Glacies@Zeo@mcsilas@XRay@Sophie@Captain Karnage@Johann@Natalie@Bartozio@Raven@Poimagic

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And here they are...


Jakob: Neutral

Shigure: Neutral

Ephraim: -Atk,+Res (This is my 3rd Ephraim, and all of them are -Atk)

Lyn: +Spd-Res


the fuck's this

and i thought i had a good run when i had 2 blyn and bridelia in the original leg banner. the chances are just so slim it's almost unreal.

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Thanks all

1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

@Rezzy oh WOW. That’s a lot of 5 stars. What session/pity rate was this?


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@Rezzy Pretty amazing. I still haven't gotten the mythical 4 *5's in one pool or even 3. Maybe someday. 

3 of those units are ones I wanted. That -ATK Ephraim is just evil though.

Edited by Zeo
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3 minutes ago, Raven said:

the fuck's this

and i thought i had a good run when i had 2 blyn and bridelia in the original leg banner. the chances are just so slim it's almost unreal.


2 minutes ago, Zeo said:

@Rezzy Pretty amazing. I still haven't gotten the mythical 4 *5's in one pool or even 3. Maybe someday. 

3 of those units are ones I wanted. That -ATK Ephraim is just evil though.

This is definitely the most I've gotten in a single round before.

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20 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Well, I wasn't planning to use many Orbs on this banner, but then this happened...

Damn damn damn. That's great!

I just did free pull circle and got a Fallen Celica, +HP -Res. Merged my +Res -Atk one into my new one.

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36 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

My name is Inigo Laslow; I killed your pity rate; prepare to cry!


Well, I wasn't planning to use many Orbs on this banner, but then this happened...


@Anacybele@Arcanite@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@Infinite Dreams@Rafiel's Aria@Tybrosion@GuiltyLove@Anime27Arts@TheTuckingFypo@DarkLordIvy@DefaultBeep@Rex Glacies@Zeo@mcsilas@XRay@Sophie@Captain Karnage@Johann@Natalie@Bartozio@Raven@Poimagic

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And here they are...


Jakob: Neutral

Shigure: Neutral

Ephraim: -Atk,+Res (This is my 3rd Ephraim, and all of them are -Atk)

Lyn: +Spd-Res



so many 5*'s :o

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@Rezzy [insert voice clip of the Smash announcer going "Wow, incredible!" here] Hot damn. I myself have only gotten a three 5* session once, and it wasn't even on a legendary banner or a Hero Fest (it was the Ike/Hector/Takumi banner, with the 5*s being the first two + Genny). Meanwhile, Pheonixmaster1 is probably mourning over the 300+ orbs that only gave him two 5*s.

Also don't feel too bad about that -Atk on Ephraim. It happened to mine as well (+Def/-Atk).

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@mcsilas @Zeo Congrats on the pulls! Looks like things went pretty well for you guys. My free pull circle had one green orb which was all I wanted so I wasn't tempted to pull more. Got a 4 star Arthur. If that's not an omen, I don't know what is. I'm going to stay strong and skip out on this banner. Hopefully the next new character banner is good! 

@Rezzy Now THAT'S some crazy luck. Kinda scary, but it's hard to complain when you get that many five stars in one pull!!!

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Free account, grinding the easy chapters for orbs. Sniping once the pity rate got up there.

+Def -Atk Halloween Henry. Oof, he has all the offenses of his regular counterpart. Pulling the rest of the circle...
+2'd L!Ike. +Atk -Res copy will be merged into once raised.

4-stars: Subaki provides Quick Riposte 2 to L!Ike. M!Robin provides Bonfire to Shigure, putting that stupid defense boon to work covering that crippling attack bane. Hinata x2 to give Anna and Mae Fury.

It's going to take either Close Counter (if my Valentine's Lyn on the main used it pretty well even with only 23 Def, imagine how much more 29 Def would do), or since this is a free account and pulling for a 5-exclusive to salvage bad IVs is out of the question, L&D (Spit on defensive boons! Salvage that 30 Atk!) to save him.

Now staring at a 10% rate. Still going to be saving for full circles.

Edited by Chrom-ulent
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Well over 100 orbs into this legendary banner with only Shigure and Spooky Jakob for 5* pulls. Can’t complain to much I didn’t have ether and having five dancers is very nice for AA. 

I want to pull at least one more time specifically for reds and greens. I really want more vIkes. 

@Rezzy Egad what a pull! Congrats! Although oof on all those -Atk Ephraim’s. 

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Well, not the Green I was expecting, but the green I welcome nonetheless.

PA!Inigo +Atk -Res. Not terrible, could be better. He'll at least pull off Gronnraven+ decently well whenever I can be bothered to do that. Initially thought he was -Spd until I remembered he is a ranged dancer.

All in all, there were certainly worse ways this pull could have gone. This also means I am now only missing one dancer: PA!Olivia.

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6 hours ago, Rezzy said:

My name is Inigo Laslow; I killed your pity rate; prepare to cry!


Well, I wasn't planning to use many Orbs on this banner, but then this happened...


@Anacybele@Arcanite@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@Infinite Dreams@Rafiel's Aria@Tybrosion@GuiltyLove@Anime27Arts@TheTuckingFypo@DarkLordIvy@DefaultBeep@Rex Glacies@Zeo@mcsilas@XRay@Sophie@Captain Karnage@Johann@Natalie@Bartozio@Raven@Poimagic

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And here they are...


Jakob: Neutral

Shigure: Neutral

Ephraim: -Atk,+Res (This is my 3rd Ephraim, and all of them are -Atk)

Lyn: +Spd-Res


So that's were all my 5*'s went

congratz on a great pull.

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@Rezzy Wow, congratulations! That's pretty rare. Also nice units, I still have to get all of them. Ephraim shouldn't care much about -ATK, but three in a row really stinks. The -ATK curse seems to be the reason why your luck had to balance something out with so many 5* in one session. 

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7 hours ago, Rezzy said:

My name is Inigo Laslow; I killed your pity rate; prepare to cry!


Well, I wasn't planning to use many Orbs on this banner, but then this happened...


@Anacybele@Arcanite@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@Infinite Dreams@Rafiel's Aria@Tybrosion@GuiltyLove@Anime27Arts@TheTuckingFypo@DarkLordIvy@DefaultBeep@Rex Glacies@Zeo@mcsilas@XRay@Sophie@Captain Karnage@Johann@Natalie@Bartozio@Raven@Poimagic

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And here they are...


Jakob: Neutral

Shigure: Neutral

Ephraim: -Atk,+Res (This is my 3rd Ephraim, and all of them are -Atk)

Lyn: +Spd-Res


Holy CRAP that is crazy good luck!

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@mampfoid @mcsilas @Rafiel's Aria @NegativeExponents- @Usana @Cute Chao

So you already know about my 2 Horse Eirikas and FH!Celica and you also know that I'm unsatisfied. So with 20 orbs in hand I jumped back in for one more full pull. 2 blue and 1 of each other color. The green disappointed me with Camilla and I just kinda sat there for a minute contemplating backing out and using my last 15 to snipe greens. After a bit of deliberation I decided to commit. So I went to the first blue stone and~



Holy... crap. I really got him.. I finally got an Ephraim... He's +DEF/-RES so his offenses are untouched and I avoided the @Rezzy effect even! I honestly didn't think I would get him. I expected a Shigure honestly. I can finally rest.

Then I went for the colorless.



I knew I was going to get this clown. It's not that I'm against it, just somewhat bitter at the fact that somehow I just knew if I'd pull a colorless *5 it would be him. That being said, I know how powerful he is so I'll take it and build him at some point. Colorless knows what it's doing. He's +DEF/-HP. His bulk is fine and his ATK is unhindered. A blessing indeed.

So yeah.



Some Swordbreaker fodder for the road never hurt either. Now, now I'm satisfied. No I haven't gotten Lyn and I may, may still try for her on the last day of the banner but I'm officially content and more importantly: happy. I can comfortably say I've gotten every legendary but Lyn now and I no longer have to worry about hunting for Ephraim on these banners. I still wanted Shigure and Lyn and a spare Genny or Ike would have been nice, but we're good here.

And that's more like it.

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@mampfoid I honestly don't know. I in no way expected to get him. I hoped for him but didn't have a plan. For the time being Matthew has an earth blessing active so if I need to go all fire I'll run Ephraim with Ayra/Inigo/Genny. It'll actually be a color balanced team so that's pretty neat.

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