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1 hour ago, Rezzy said:

Me: Maybe my luck will change on these Legendary Banners, and I won't get pitybroken six million times

Game: Here's 8 Camillas

That's gotta be some kind of record. Surprised you kept at it, but then I can't blame you for wanting such an amazing unit

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2 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Me: Maybe my luck will change on these Legendary Banners, and I won't get pitybroken six million times

Game: Here's 8 Camillas


(I also pulled that Sanaki by accident from a previous banner, but I don't want to just send her home.)

@Nym@Anacybele@DarkLordIvy@Rafiel's Aria@Zeo@Captain Karnage@mampfoid@SatsumaFSoysoy@Johann@DefaultBeep@Sophie@mcsilas@Tybrosion@TheTuckingFypo@Fire Emblem Fan@Glaceon Mage@Poimagic and anybody else I might have forgotten.

And yes, my Azura was -Atk.

Of course she was... At least you got her right? 

2 hours ago, Rezzy said:

True, and merges get rid of banes next patch, so my curse will no longer hurt as much.

Wait what? where can i see this?

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I found myself spending 100 orbs on this banner.


This is my 3rd PegaNino, I already have 1 with optimal IVs. Not sure where she goes.


New, Res+, Atk-. Awkward IV, hope he still be useful. If he could have Wary...


She's not the one that replace my +2


I know Res+, Hp- is bad, but he was the success that made me call quits on the banner. Nice utility.

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10 hours ago, Johann said:

That's gotta be some kind of record. Surprised you kept at it, but then I can't blame you for wanting such an amazing unit

I was mostly wanting to get the Blue Flier BST skill for Est, too.

9 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

@Rezzy I would be fucking livid... Damn. Do you like Cam?

At least Azura showed up and her nature doesn't matter I guess...

I like Camilla okay, but not to the point I'd go out of my way to +10 her when she's a 5*.

9 hours ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

Of course she was... At least you got her right? 

Wait what? where can i see this?

The merge changes are in the news posts section in the game.

7 hours ago, mampfoid said:

@Rezzy Oh wow that's terrible, and here I am complaining about two Fjorms and one Camilla. At least you got Azura in the end. 

I got a couple Fjorms, too, but not as many as I got Camillas.

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Well folks it happened. I got up to 5.5 and got pity broken by a Faye which is worse than nothing as far as I am concerned. And nothing else at all in that session despite having 2 colorless, 2 blues, and a 1 green.

There is a silver lining I think? My single pull on the 8% banner netted 1 green and 4 colorless so I opened the green and got a +SPD/-ATK Flying Nino. I have wanted her for a bit now and maybe if I change my focus over to that banner I can get a second one which would patch up the bane once the new merge mechanic comes out. That or I can continue to throw away orbs on a banner that clearly doesn't like me.

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49 minutes ago, Usana said:

Well folks it happened. I got up to 5.5 and got pity broken by a Faye which is worse than nothing as far as I am concerned. And nothing else at all in that session despite having 2 colorless, 2 blues, and a 1 green.

There is a silver lining I think? My single pull on the 8% banner netted 1 green and 4 colorless so I opened the green and got a +SPD/-ATK Flying Nino. I have wanted her for a bit now and maybe if I change my focus over to that banner I can get a second one which would patch up the bane once the new merge mechanic comes out. That or I can continue to throw away orbs on a banner that clearly doesn't like me.


Usana - that's exactly the IV i have on FlyNino - +spd/-atk. trust me. she still hits like a truck on greens, blues, and some reds. She generally has the upper hand on BraveLyn (if buffed by HA3/Flier buffs), and if you put Savage Blow/Poison Strike on her SS slot, then she can also do amazing chip damage. with this bane thingy going away, when i get a 2nd one  - unless i get a +spd/-her best bane, i'm going to be merging her into the one i have (which i was planning to do anyway, simply based on the fact that her weapon is based off spd. (I thought about using LND to help patch the -atk ness too, but i simply never needed to).

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I'm so freaking done.

About 150 orbs later trying for Winter Fae, a trillion sessions without any green orbs and a pity rate of 4.25%, I got stuck in yet another session with no greens. So I made sure to not choose any blues or colorless to not get pity broken by the twins, but the game clearly hates me so it just gives me this shit instead:


Great, a unit I couldn't care less about with no real useful fodder. Screw this banner, I give up. I refuse to go through this hell again from the start.

Think I'll just switch to the Legendary Banner instead. I will be stuck in no-green hell nevertheless but at least I'll have a chance to actually get something useful. Ugh.

EDIT: Managed to get another 11 orbs, so decided to have a go at the Legendary Banner instead. No greens.
Said 'fuck it' and tried for Fae one last time with the remaining 6 orbs. NO FUCKING GREENS

brb deleting this game.


Edited by Mau
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I bought some Orbs to try to get Klein

Yes Klein, I need some Death Blow 3 and I don't want to kill off the ones I already have (even though I'm not doing anything with them)



+HP, -Spd~ I can finally have a Wrazzle Dazzle Healer



19 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Me: Maybe my luck will change on these Legendary Banners, and I won't get pitybroken six million times

Game: Here's 8 Camillas


(I also pulled that Sanaki by accident from a previous banner, but I don't want to just send her home.)

@Nym@Anacybele@DarkLordIvy@Rafiel's Aria@Zeo@Captain Karnage@mampfoid@SatsumaFSoysoy@Johann@DefaultBeep@Sophie@mcsilas@Tybrosion@TheTuckingFypo@Fire Emblem Fan@Glaceon Mage@Poimagic and anybody else I might have forgotten.

And yes, my Azura was -Atk.

I would have uninstalled my game, TBH

19 hours ago, Glaceon Mage said:

I am still mad about Hector's Legendary, I literally just wanted VRoy and got 3 Elise and 3 FGrima...

I will take the Elises plz

1 hour ago, Mau said:

I'm so freaking done.

About 150 orbs later trying for Winter Fae, a trillion sessions without any green orbs and a pity rate of 4.25%, I got stuck in yet another session with no greens. So I made sure to not choose any blues or colorless to not get pity broken by the twins, but the game clearly hates me so it just gives me this shit instead:


Great, a unit I couldn't care less about with no real useful fodder. Screw this banner, I give up. I refuse to go through this hell again from the start.

Think I'll just switch to the Legendary Banner instead. I will be stuck in no-green hell nevertheless but at least I'll have a chance to actually get something useful. Ugh.

EDIT: Managed to get another 11 orbs, so decided to have a go at the Legendary Banner instead. No greens.
Said 'fuck it' and tried for Fae one last time with the remaining 6 orbs. NO FUCKING GREENS

brb deleting this game.


LORDT, this is the most hellish Banner experience I've ever seen >.> I'm hoping you somehow can get Fae before the end of it~

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Okay, back up to 21 orbs. Time to take a small dip in the legendary banner again.

  1. 4* Laslow: Meh.
  2. 4* Seliph: Bleh. Then again, you're getting a refine soon. Maybe I'll keep you.
  3. 4* Selena: Reposition fodder 4 from this banner.
  4. 4* Caeda: Nope.

That was immensely disappointing. Selena's nice, but now I'm up to a 10% pity rate. At least this banner's longer than normal.

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My misadventures with the green pitybreaks gave me Hector and two nino. Decided to check the Iv’s, hector is +atk -hp i believe, his best combo at least. Nino were +atk and + spd, both -def. so even though i have not seen a single blue orb in twelve rounds, i at least got good Iv pitybreaks.

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Was gonna dip back into the colorless section of the Legendary Banner, but with the reveal of NY!Hrid, I'm gonna have to be satisfied. Blew a little under 80-ish orbs for a 3rd Eir, and a 2nd Brave Veronica (sadly no 2nd Summer Takumi). Was hoping to do another round or two since merges are always welcome and colorless was the only color where there were no pity breakers!

Now here's hoping my 3.5% summon rate on the Kliff banner will be broken by Kliff and not Lucas. D=

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Spent 340 orbs on leg banner. 305 free orbs and $20 of (35) purchased orbs.

81 units summoned. 3 5*s.

On one hand, I got the two units I was aiming for, L.Marth and L.Azura (on the very last summon!!), but on the other, that's 3/81...

I was hoping for a few more than that...

Ah well. That's gacha for you, I suppose.

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@mcsilas That S!Tiki is fantastic! (Keep in mind you just acquired Dragon Valor as well.) but the real prize is L!Azura. Hope you have fun with that busted Dance of hers while my seething jealousy continues to rise with my 0 flying dancers.

@Rezzy Sorry about all those Camillas, but at least you were able to get one L!Azura.

@Landmaster Grats on your Christmas Eirika! Jeorge was a fickle one for me. I pulled over 6-7 of him as either -ATK or -SPD until my +ATK/-HP one finally showed up. He'll come for you.

@Alexmender @SatsumaFSoysoy @mampfoid @Rafiel's Aria @Alkaid @Cute Chao @Usana @eclipse @Tybrosion @Johann @NegativeExponents-

Only gonna tag a few of you for this, you'll understand why. So this month I decided to go all in despite last month's results being horrible. There was something good for me no matter the color, so even though L!Azura is the prize I decided I'd be doing full pulls just like last time. So I went in with around 120-140 orbs. There were actually blue stones surprisingly, Some good fodder but nothing initially. Then in my second pool there was one of everything but two greens. First green stone~



Seriously... this is my 6th... 6TH Hector. My 3rd L!Hector but my 6th overall one. It also makes this my 4th DC fodder. He's +HP/-SPD just like the one I use so he's safe to fodder as well. It's crazy.

Then the next green~



Seriously, what are the odds? You can't go wrong with green here but still. Sure, she's +SPD/-ATK but that's alright. With the update it won't matter and I'll pull another one down the line. In the meantime her true damage from her weapon will offset the bane somewhat. Now to wait for her OG version to get Giga Excalibur.


Satisfied I am.

So I kept going, there was nothing for a while, I enter a pool with only one gray, and in that gray~



Well look at this~ I never went for her directly but I always kind of wanted another Eir, either for AR shenanigans or to give Mystic Boost to someone. Serra would have liked Wrathful Staff but this is probably the best thing I could have pulled from colorless honestly.

Pretty satisfying pulls. But I still had 40 or so orbs, so I starting hunting for Azura. Nothing for quite a while until a session with a single blue stone and-



Ah, the cockblock. I was afraid of this but what can you do. As a consolation I don't have S!Camilla though. Could have been worse: Fjorm. She's +RES/-HP which isn't very good but she's my only blue tome flier that's not -SPD (F!Morgan) or -ATK (S!Corrin) which makes her my best offensive flier. She's definitely no L!Azura, but better luck next time. Given the fact that most of my pulls were garbage last banner, I'll take most of them being great.

2 full pulls of nothing after that which left me with 9.00%. I didn't really like leaving the banner with a rate so I waited a few days, collected some orbs and decided to go in for one last full session before the new year. Went in, nothing in any of the colors. There were 2 colorless stones however... in one~



I've officially joined the 3 Eirs club. Is this a cool club? Who can say? I could give someone Mystic Boost, or I could make Surtr dumb in AR. I'm not sure what I'll do, but I know one thing, it was worth it.

So that's a prize right? That should have made the last pull worth it... or even the Subaki that was in the blue stone. But it wasn't.... Eir was in the second stone... In the first.... was...



He's.... here.... it's done... my final Matthew. At the end of the year and at the end of his journey, the final copy shows himself.

My goal... has been realized. I can't believe it... I'm... done. NO MORE COLORLESS. I know... I've pulled a lot of good things from colorless, it's been good to me in a lot of ways but... knowing I no longer will feel obligated to pull every colorless stone is an indescribable feeling. I feel... so light right now. No. I haven't +10'ed him yet. I'm not doing that until after new years. But... for now, it's time to take a breath, a very... very satisfying breath.

The relief I feel can't be... I'm actually at a loss for words... no... I only have two.

...I Win.

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@Alkaid Hey, you know... I went back to some of my first posts and I found this quote from me in April of what's about to be 2 years ago.

"Is it worth going for 5* Matthew or even 5* Jaffar when I'm sitting on a 4* +ATK Kagero that I can 5 star later on?"

That was in my first post on the Heroes board, you responded too, and this is a quote from your post.

"Honestly, Matthew is pretty awful, but since he's a favorite of yours by all means feel free to invest in him anyway. Even crappy units can at least be usable thanks to skill inheritance, they'll just take a lot of work."

Honestly you were right. Pre-refine Matthew was pretty terrible, we didn't have ATK Smoke back then, a lot has changed. It's just crazy to see how much things have changed. What came of all that. I wanted to use Matt on day 1 even though he went on the back burner and here he is now, my signature unit.

@Arcanite You'll have to eat your words as well!

"DO NOT LET ANYONE TELL YOU DIFFERENT. A five star Matthew will never serve you as well as Kagero!"

Matthew became my #1 unit and Kagero never even ended up being fully built. Pretty ironic.


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