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31 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Hm... I had almost 100 orbs when we got the banner. I did the map, plus some quests and events... I believe I spent between 150~200 orbs.

Ouch (again).

Since you took all the bad luck from this banner, I made some summons for Tibarn.

In 27 orbs I got ... nothing (surprise). 

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2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Ouch, I'm sorry. How was your ratio pity-breaker/focus on this banner?

@daisy jane Hey your new Avatar is looking good! 

thanks! :) i'm quite smitten with it


1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Hm... I had almost 100 orbs when we got the banner. I did the map, plus some quests and events... I believe I spent between 150~200 orbs.

that seems to be the median for 5*'s coming on this banner but so so weird that no FOCUS unit :( who were you aiming for?

1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

Ouch (again).

Since you took all the bad luck from this banner, I made some summons for Tibarn.

In 27 orbs I got ... nothing (surprise). 


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On the first day of the banner I only got a -attk, +spd Tibarn with around 70 orbs. Then I got a pity breaker Nephenee(sweet Wrath fodder) with 5 f2p orbs a day or two later.

Yesterday I did another risky 5 orb summon and chose between 2 blues. Luckily I chose the right one, cause I got my most wanted unit, Nailah! She's +HP, -def, but that's fine with me.

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Well yesterday I was an idiot and did a pull on the sword valor banner, but I was rewarded by my first ever Sanaki so it was worth it.  Still no pity breaker on the Laguz banner so I am hoping Tibarn shows up tomorrow since I have to wait on more orbs.  The good thing is I finally pulled Silvia today and I had been wanting her for a while so not bad.

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3 hours ago, daisy jane said:

that seems to be the median for 5*'s coming on this banner but so so weird that no FOCUS unit :( who were you aiming for?

No Leanne. My Main target was Nailah, but I also wanted Tibarn and Reyson, so basically I was doing the full circle... until the 3rd Pity Breaker, so I started to ignore the colorless orbs.

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15 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Ouch (again).

Since you took all the bad luck from this banner, I made some summons for Tibarn.

In 27 orbs I got ... nothing (surprise). 

I know this one. This is why I rarely go for a banner when my orbs are low - rarely when the summon rates are promising.

I was thinking about going back for Leanne yesterday night, but I cancelled that idea. New Mythic Hero and Binding Blade are on the horizon. (327 orb currently)

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18 minutes ago, Garlyle said:

I know this one. This is why I rarely go for a banner when my orbs are low - rarely when the summon rates are promising.

I was thinking about going back for Leanne yesterday night, but I cancelled that idea. New Mythic Hero and Binding Blade are on the horizon. (327 orb currently)

I stopped in time (94 orbs left). I'm curious for both banners and also the seasonal banners, but none of them seem must-pulls for me. 

Tibarn on the other hand is a decent Galeforce user. 

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I went in with 13 orbs, expecting at most 2 blue stones on the laguz banner. Mt pity rate was 4.25. I got pitybroken, by Silas. =[ And also by a Ninian, who i did not have yet. So at least my pity rate gave me 2 five stars, just not exactly what i wanted. Ninian is still great to have though, so I'm not all the disheartened.

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Rage-summoning. After a dehumanizing wipeout in Forging Bonds (enemy Lachesis healing Nina so she could sweep my team), I sacrificed my Lachesis to W!Eirika for Absorb+ and then tried for W!Tharja for CC. $67 for Katarina to show up instead.

Oh well, it's not like Eirika had the SP to learn everything right now. The merge was the second on a +Res Katarina, so the stats added were Atk and Spd.

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@mampfoid@SatsumaFSoysoy @Zeo @daisy jane @Landmaster

She came home at last! This banner was seriously painful but it's finally over. Funny how it took until the very last day.



Her nature is less than perfect (-Atk +Def) but you know what, 33 Atk is a lot for a healer and W!Eirika really wants the extra Def in order to work as the mixed tank she's meant to be. 

I'll also wait for the re-run next December to erase the bane so it'll be alright.


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Well I'm def paying for that 2019 NY banner luck, the summons of the last three days:

  • 4* Matthew
  • 4* Tharja
  • 4* Maria
  • 4* Ogma
  • 3* Azama
  • 3* Marth
  • 4* Marth
  • 4* Nana

Not even really good fodder in there :( Could've at least given me my last Soleil or Klein but noooo

Thank god for GC tomorrow, need more orbsssss

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7 hours ago, Alexmender said:

@mampfoid@SatsumaFSoysoy @Zeo @daisy jane @Landmaster

She came home at last! This banner was seriously painful but it's finally over. Funny how it took until the very last day.

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Her nature is less than perfect (-Atk +Def) but you know what, 33 Atk is a lot for a healer and W!Eirika really wants the extra Def in order to work as the mixed tank she's meant to be. 

I'll also wait for the re-run next December to erase the bane so it'll be alright.


Clutch Summon on the last day, congrats, I'm glad you got her!

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Beast units don't seem to like me very much T-T. I got pity broken by a -atk/+spd Sanaki, +def/-res Karla, and a -atk/+spd Ophelia. I'm still salty from that 5* Legault as well. Karla is nice and with the merge update next month I can try a nutty speed build with Sanaki(I have another one to remove her atk bane). I'll stop here and save up orbs for either L!Marth or Fe8 and Fe11/12 banner.

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7 hours ago, Alexmender said:

@mampfoid@SatsumaFSoysoy @Zeo @daisy jane @Landmaster

She came home at last! This banner was seriously painful but it's finally over. Funny how it took until the very last day.

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Her nature is less than perfect (-Atk +Def) but you know what, 33 Atk is a lot for a healer and W!Eirika really wants the extra Def in order to work as the mixed tank she's meant to be. 

I'll also wait for the re-run next December to erase the bane so it'll be alright.


YAY! i'm so happy you are able to get her before she goes away :)

6 hours ago, Mau said:

Well I'm def paying for that 2019 NY banner luck, the summons of the last three days:

  • 4* Matthew
  • 4* Tharja
  • 4* Maria
  • 4* Ogma
  • 3* Azama
  • 3* Marth
  • 4* Marth
  • 4* Nana

Not even really good fodder in there :( Could've at least given me my last Soleil or Klein but noooo

Thank god for GC tomorrow, need more orbsssss

whommmp whoommpp :( I'm sorry. 

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I'm playing slowly and casually, so I only got all four Laguz tickets today. Results: Nailah, El Nino, Cammy, Lucious.

Really? Another Nailah? Not a single awful pity break from my first banner? The game is just setting me up for severe disappointment later. Shun me now! Why didn't you give me subjective filth like a flying Olivia or something? 

Probably won't merge, since DC is such a precious skill. Then again, I probably won't actually sacrifice her either, she is too precious to waste, and who knows who in the future might be better off with DC? She'll just spend her existence in my quaint and exclusive manse braiding Leanne's hair with her counterpart from another world until he comes, if he ever does. 

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15 hours ago, Alexmender said:

@mampfoid@SatsumaFSoysoy @Zeo @daisy jane @Landmaster

She came home at last! This banner was seriously painful but it's finally over. Funny how it took until the very last day.

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Her nature is less than perfect (-Atk +Def) but you know what, 33 Atk is a lot for a healer and W!Eirika really wants the extra Def in order to work as the mixed tank she's meant to be. 

I'll also wait for the re-run next December to erase the bane so it'll be alright.


Congrats on your winter Eirika, and you have much stronger resolve than I did. I gave up on her after pulling my second winter Fae at about 4.5-4.75% and decided to just go for her on the rerun ^^;

Ouch on the nature, though.

Also, I gave the previous Christmas banner one last try. Nada, although I did get my second Libra. His nature is STILL not good, though.

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On 1/11/2019 at 5:14 PM, Rezzy said:

Ah man, thats unfortunate. But you got them all at least. Plus with some decent enough fodder along the way.

I spent around the same, 600 orbs. Went from 980 to 380, and got a similar haul with 2 Leanne and 1 copy of the rest. But, unfortunately, that was all I got lol. Went almost 300 orbs with no 5* before it finally broke.

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On 1/12/2019 at 10:08 AM, daisy jane said:

ouch :(  and it's not like her def. is anything (mine is +atk/-def. the girl is going to die in a stiff breeze). 
you could give her atk 3 to fix the bane?

I gave her Savage Blow to help her weaken her targets. It worked out. 

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@Cute Chao @Vaximillian @mampfoid @Rafiel's Aria @SatsumaFSoysoy @Zeo

@Selena4Lyfe I had only one goal when the Winter Envoy banner returned: get another Lissa.  My objective that fueled said goal: The chance to remove the -ATT bane on my current one.

After over 100 orbs, two WE!Chroms and a Robin, with two hours to go, my Christmas Wish cane true!


Even better, this girl is the exact opposite of my current copy: +Att/-Res!

I can't wait until February, I'm going to make a retaliative WALL from Second-Most-Endearing Princess!

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@mampfoid@Sunwoo@SatsumaFSoysoy @daisy jane @Landmaster

Thanks! I'm really happy to get out of that hell, but soon I'll fall into it gain with L!Eirika. 

- - - - 

Oh yeah, today I got this from the summoning ticket +4 orbs (the ticket was used on a blue that turned out to be a Jagen so no C-Null Disrupt for me).



+Hp -Res. That's basically neutral, right?


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