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12 hours ago, Landmaster said:

Nothing much in Summoning news for me, though I did get salty enough during an AR match to pull a 2nd Nah to get rid of her Superbane, so that was a thing, I guess~

Sorry AR isn't going well, but congrats on your second Nah!

12 hours ago, Landmaster said:

Woo, congrats Mamp!

Thanks! 🙂

6 hours ago, Rezzy said:

I'm not really feeling this banner, but Red Infantry BST would be nice for Arena, I suppose.

Seems like the banner is feeling you instead, congrats! 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 


/Edit: 64 orbs to get Tana back and 4 orbs to get my first Julia, sadly to no avail. Orbs remaining: 2. 


Edited by mampfoid
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Okay, today there's two new tempting banners. One focuses on three units I have, but you can't say no to more Neph Neph and the other has summer Frelians.

Well crap.

Neph banner first.

3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless (Guess it doesn't want my orbs)

4* Frederick (Luna. +Atk/-Res)

Summer time?

3 Blue, 2 Green (Really? Other way round would have been better)

4* Libra (That's some fodder. +Def/-Atk), 4* Sheena (Stop it. +Def/-Atk)

Let's take a second go today, I'm not going all in yet but I am still interested.

3 Blue, 2 Colourless (REALLY?)

4* Florina (Blech. +Def/-Spd)

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

5* Sigurd (YOU'RE ON THE OTHER BANNER! +Res/-HP, DAMMIT SIGURD), 4* Cherche (Merge fodder. +Atk/-Def)

I mean, REALLY? I try a bit a Sigurd shows up on the wrong banner. Good thing I only spent about 20 there.

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Time to get more merges for Julia! But first, let's see if I can get S!Tana a merge to fix her Speed flaw.

  1. 4* Mamui: Nope.

Alright, now for Julia. 114 orbs to start.

  1. 4* Shigure: Meh.

No greens that time. Hopefully that's not a sign.

  1. 4* Ares: Good SI fodder.

Still no greens...109 orbs left.

  1. 4* Reyson: Okay.
  2. 4* Merric: Meh.

Let's keep going. 100 orbs left.

  1. 4* Camilla: Bleh.

My luck from Julia's last banner may have taken a summer vacation. 95 orbs left.

  1. 3* Draug: Feathers.

Again no greens. 90 orbs left.

  1. 4* Seth: Meh.

Seriously? 85 orbs left.

  1. 4* Hawkeye: No thanks.
  2. 4* Cecilia: Haven't seen you in a while.

At least I actually got greens that time. 76 orbs left.

  1. 4* Ares: Again?

Come on, Feh. 71 orbs left.

  1. 4* Arthur: Bleh.
  2. 5* Julia: There we go! She's +7 now!

52 orbs to get one merge, which I think is pretty good. 62 orbs left.

  1. 4* Gunter: Good SI fodder.

Time to hope for more luck. 57 orbs left.

  1. 4* Cherche: Okay.
  2. 4* Sheena: No thanks.

Very few 3* units this time around. 48 orbs left.

  1. 3* Frederick: Spoke too soon...
  2. 3* Cecilia: Why am I not surprised...

I knew I shouldn't have said that...39 orbs left.

  1. 3* Beruka: Haven't seen you in a long time. Hey IS, how about giving her a personal weapon?

I might have accidentally screwed myself over. 34 orbs left.

  1. 4* Libra: Okay.

Getting low. 29 orbs left.

  1. 4* Sophia: Meh.

Very low...24 orbs left.

  1. 3* Beruka: Again?

One more try. 19 orbs left.

  1. 4* Silvia: Gee thanks, Feh.

And I'm done for now. Tempest Trials start tomorrow, so there's a healthy source of orbs. One Julia merge so far.

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Summer 2018 banner: No blues, of course. Colorless is Lucius.

Weekly banner: Green gives me Boey. Ew.

Today's try to fix S!Laegjarn: One blue, again. With Gwen, again.

The game really doesn't like me this weekend damn.

Edited by Mau
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Summer 2018 - I tried so hard on this banner last year and completely failed. Decided to spend a few orbs on this, one thing then led to another and I ended up doing the full round.

3* Lon'qu
3* Hinata
5* Summer Cordelia +Res -Def
4* Cherche
4* Raven

Happy enough with that, even if Tana is the unit I wanted. 15 orbs is already way more than I wanted to spend so moving onto the weekly. I have all three, Sigurd and Nephenee at +1 so green it is.

4* Cherche

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Managed to get the final 3 merges to my Bride Lyn in about 164 orbs... along with pitybreakers Veronica and Mikoto.

Overall banner results (400+ orbs):
7x Bride Lyn
6x Bride Cordelia
1x Bride Caeda
1x Maribelle
1x Brave Veronica
1x Adrift Mikoto

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Today's banners gave me a free Julia and a free Helbindi. Pretty amazing, especially since in the past week I also got a free Laegjarn and Adrift F Corrin. I expect nothing but the shittiest luck from here on.

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2,018 total pulled units.  Happy New Year, I guess?


Chrom (+Spd/-HP): WHY.

Rebecca (+Atk/-Res): This, at least, is competent.
Raven (+HP/-Def): And this is not.

Tharja (+Atk/-Spd): Eh.  I like Raigh better.

Arthur (+Def/-Spd): You're not Hawkeye.

Arthur (+Spd/-Atk): And you're not a staffbot either.

Abel (+Spd/-Res): Huh, not bad.

Olivia (+Atk/-Def): Since I use her for utility, I'd rather she be +Spd.
Sophia (+Def/-Atk): Ouch.
Barst (neutral): MORE REPOSITION!
Donnel (+Spd/-HP): Crap, this isn't horrible.  Uhh. . .Shigure, help?
Priscilla (+HP/-Spd): This is awful.

Logged this just to clean out my barracks.  Will go fishing for Helbindi again once the TT hits.  Hopefully I don't get something like Fallen Corrin.


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Free pulled on the Summer's Arrival banner planning to go red in case I could nab Tana. That didn't happen; no reds on the wheel. So, I went to the lone colorless node 'cause why not? It was by itself and lonely. Got a +HP/-RES Noire. Wasn't expecting that, but I'll take it.

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Nothing good from today's free pulls. I tried a few blues for Summer Cordelia, no luck there. I'll have to give that a wait. Still want Summer Frederick merges and Summer Laevatein at some point. Just waiting to do the former first since my favorite husband and knight gets top priority. :3

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5 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

@Rezzy Hey, not bad I guess. Aside from the -Atk. Who is R Duel going to again?

Probably Olivia.  I already have Aversa for Arena, but as long as the bonus unit isn't red, I can run both.

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No Innes, but I did get a 5* Reyson in the 20 orbs I threw towards the rerun. Was hoping for Innes, but whatever. Heron boy now matches his support partner at +8. To think, I'd gone the past 4 months without a single sighting of him, and I get 5 right before Naesala's rerun.

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10 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Nice! Meanwhile I actually have a +2 Sigurd because he pitybroke me a couple times on a legendary banner somewhere, I believe. 😛

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With 337 Orbs, I aim for Sigurd, and after considerable thought, Julia.

Silvia, Cecilia, Tharja, Fir, Fir, Mrima? (All hail Medeus I say onto you!).

Ares, Titania, Selena, Nino, Cecilia, Morrin, Cherche, ATiki, Sheena, Boey, Gunter, ATiki, Selena, Lilina, Soren, Lilina, Bartre, Gunter, Camilla, Silas, Palla, Idunn?

Sophia, Titania, Sigurd!

Merric, Peri, Frederick, Frederick, Fae, Beruka, Seth, Raven, Fae, Fae, Eirika, Nowi, Frederick, Nephenee (2nd copy)

Libra, Julia!


The Mrima has already been reduced to literature along with many others. Heterochromia and Heartless is kept, but without love (and +HP -Def). Sigurd is a very workable +Atk -HP. The new Neph is +HP -Res, samey with my +Res -Def first. Julia is +Spd -Res, similar if inferior to her mother's +Spd -Def.

My new Sheena I think is +Res -Atk, maybe I'll do a 4* merge project with her. The symmetrical defenses of +Res Sheena appeal to me, although ideally I should wait for +Res -Spd.

I'm down to 126 Orbs now. TBF, there isn't very much likely to tempt me this year. Maybe Jill, but anything else new? Nope. I don't like Seasonals, and I'm sidelining the 3H crew until after I know them, I don't want to cheer over a character I spend Orbs on only to later discover they are a poorly executed and unsympathetic, insufferable mess. So the mystery of non-3H NHs that aren't Braves is what remains uncertain to tempt me. The upcoming TT should help regenerate my Orbs quickly.

I must now start saving for Minerva in Week 8, and after her, well maaaaaybe Week 10 and then Dorcas, 16 for Jaffar, 17 for Frelia siblings, and that would be it.

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I fucking hate the summer banners.

Summer Returns was a nightmare just getting all 4 units, so only getting 2 and maybe also Innes from Summer's Arrival should have been easy, right? NOPE, Innes was the only easy one. Tana and Noire, the two I didn't have? NIGHTMARES THE BOTH OF THEM.

And of course they both have the absolute indecency to be -Spd, making them useless and making ME be tempted to put merges on them, causing me much grief. FUCK SUMMER, I'm going back to winter...

And goddamnit, I have to do this again with the Ylissean Summer AND the other summer banners. God...

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58 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Second free pull 5* in two days.  The game must sense that I've been cheating on it with FE5 and doesn't want me to leave.

I should play other games too then. Congrats! 

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Speaking of luck, I'm hoping the fact that I had to spend close to 500 orbs to get ONE Summer Gunnthra will mean I'll get some summer Freddy merges quicker than that. Heck, even all five that I need would be reasonable, as that'd be one Freddy per 100 orbs. The only thing that I still fear in making this rough is the fact that he shares his color. >_<

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Unless they release a Legendary I really want (i.e. Micaiah), I think this is the time where I start saving orbs for the Brave banner in August. Hopefully it's just units I don't care about until then, buuuuut I get the hunch it won't be the case.

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