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I almost had 200 orbs. Now I have about 20. The percentage just kept getting higher; I felt kind of like I had to keep pulling. Got a 4* Mordecai and Thea for the first time. And then I finally got Dimitri. I still have 4 nodes I can pull from (3 red, 1 blue) but nope. I need to save orbs again, and desperately so.

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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

Wow, those are some really good units, congrats! Especially +SPD Alm & Lethe are great.

Alm is absolutely ridiculous and that's without Lunar Flash. I just learned it a few days ago with him but he's extremely potent. Lethe I'm underwhelmed by actually even though by all accounts she had 50 SPD when by herself without an A skill. I don't know... maybe I just never really learned how to use Beast units before I quit. She's not fully built though, I don't know what I'm going to do with her yet but I'll come up with something.

1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

.Will you show of Karla at some point? I don't know if you liked her in Blazing Blade. 

Karla will most certainly come up in a clear or two while I'm still around. Just that FE7 themed clears can be tough when so many of my potent (or favorite) units are from that game. Nino is a titan, I have all of the Hectors, I have L!Eliwood, (forgot to add him actually to the list) and a fully built Eliwood with a refine, I've got 3 different Lyns, Ninian and of course my Serra I'm building and Matthew needs no explanation whatsoever.

1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

Any unit you became fond of, even if you didn't expect it to happen? 

So far? Alm. I'm so used to just steamrolling everything with Matt that I rarely use other colorless users now unless it's a healer but Alm is really devastating and fun. I also pulled a +ATK Kagero recently (I have an unbuilt +SPD one too) and that Leanne I pulled was a pitybreaker so colorless still loves me.

Also I added 4 other pulls I forgot to my post.

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@ZeoGeez, maybe I should take another six-month break *before* the Mythic banner next week. 😉 That might trick the game into finally giving me Legendaries Azura and Alm.

I've been back for about four months since my own break of about half a year, and RNG-wise this period is probably the cruellest the game has been for me since mid-2017. And that's not even a fair comparison because we had far fewer orbs in those days to be unlucky with. What's changed though is that I don't really get all that bothered by RNG anymore since it barely has anything to do with the effective power of my barracks, which is mostly driven by feathers these days.

Don't get me wrong, summoning is ultimately still the thing it all boils down to, but the units obtained from it are usually just icing on the cake: fun to use with various interesting skills and all, but when there's a challenge I just revert to my heavily merged but common units over the interesting but ultimately less powerful +0 units with substandard natures.


EDIT: Looking back, I've obtained five new (non-duplicate) 5-star units in those four months from summoning: Spring Palla, Leanne, Brave Ephraim, Summer Cordelia and Selkie. However to be fair, I've also saved up nearly 600 orbs since then so it's really more like two months worth of orbs. Not as horrific as I might have made it sound.

Edited by Humanoid
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32 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Alm is absolutely ridiculous and that's without Lunar Flash. I just learned it a few days ago with him but he's extremely potent. Lethe I'm underwhelmed by actually even though by all accounts she had 50 SPD when by herself without an A skill. I don't know... maybe I just never really learned how to use Beast units before I quit. She's not fully built though, I don't know what I'm going to do with her yet but I'll come up with something.

Lethe was my only red beast for some months until I got Tibarn. Mine is even -SPD but was still fun to play. Cav beasts cancel follow-ups on initiation, so she was good at eating HP from some dangerous foes. Beast teams only deal physical melee damage, so she is a good measure against Vengeful Fighter DEF tanks (her invisible debuffs helps too). 

39 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Karla will most certainly come up in a clear or two while I'm still around.

Nice, looking forward to your next FE7 clear! 

40 minutes ago, Zeo said:

So far? Alm. [...] Alm is really devastating and fun.

Haha, I can imagine. I just gave mine Desperation and he kills everything colorless in Allegiance Battles. 

42 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Also I added 4 other pulls I forgot to my post.

Ohhh. +SPD Nino and more legendary luck, congrats! 




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@Zeo Wow that's a lot of nice units you got there, although pity about the -Atk/-Spd for the later ones but it's not so bad when taking a break. Jealous of your Alms though!

Lethe looks interesting, cav beasts are great for Galeforce because of they deny followups when initiating.

Can't wait to see L!Eliwood's Bonus Doubler on Matthew

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@Zeo You got some nice pulls there, awesome! Wish I had Leanne... xP I could've gone for her during her debut, but I wanted Tibarn and Reyson more, and I didn't want to spend a ton of resources at the time. I knew some other things I was interested in were eventually coming too, I believe.

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. . . What is up with this banner. Is this the pity break banner? Hit 13 orbs so I figured I would try again for Edelgard. I got Green Olwen. My 5* rate is fine, maybe even great, but 2/3's have been off banner. Well I guess at least she is new and +ATK/-DEF.

@Zeo Totally Jealous of your Legendary Alm. And I had the same experience with Lethe, though to be fair to her I didn't really invest much into her.

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6 hours ago, Zeo said:

Grats on everyone's pulls, people have done so many I couldn't possibly comment on them all but I figure I may as well get my own out of the way and clear my backlog. As most of you probably know I recently pulled a Nah and Maribelle. Before I stopped playing/posting I think I pulled a Nailah and shortly after a Karla but in those 6 months in and out I was logging into Heroes and spending whatever easy orbs I could grab and then logging out until a certain point my nephew wanted to play in his own account so I uninstalled FEH and reinstalled it for him, at that point I didn't log into Heroes anymore. 

Here's a document of every *5 I pulled in that 6 month period. Give or take a pull or two before I "officially" quit and maybe the first or second after I came back. Not in chronological order.

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The game, fickle as it may be, was good to me even while I was away.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot these ones too.

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I also didn't count the dupes of Heroes I already got that I pulled as well like Deirdre, Ishtar, Lewyn, Micaiah and most recently: Maribelle. Might have been a couple others but I don't even remember.


Nice, that's a lot of good pulls, really good IVs on a lot of them, too!~

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@Zeo Wow! That's a lot of great stuff! Even the duds have something useful for fodder so it's a great catch overall. Jealous of your +Spd L!Alm, he's a beast and a cancer to face in AR. Congrats! 

For me, I haven't given up on completing the Lyn collection so it's back to the summer banner to see if she comes out. Nothing so far. 

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I decided to go ahead and try for a 2nd Takumi and got him in about 50-60 Orbs, so I'm good and done with that Banner~

My first pull of the day, however~


+Atk, -Res tanky Lance is just what I need for AA so she'll be of good use for now~

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13 hours ago, Zeo said:

Grats on everyone's pulls, people have done so many I couldn't possibly comment on them all but I figure I may as well get my own out of the way and clear my backlog. As most of you probably know I recently pulled a Nah and Maribelle. Before I stopped playing/posting I think I pulled a Nailah and shortly after a Karla but in those 6 months in and out I was logging into Heroes and spending whatever easy orbs I could grab and then logging out until a certain point my nephew wanted to play in his own account so I uninstalled FEH and reinstalled it for him, at that point I didn't log into Heroes anymore. 

Here's a document of every *5 I pulled in that 6 month period. Give or take a pull or two before I "officially" quit and maybe the first or second after I came back. Not in chronological order.

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The game, fickle as it may be, was good to me even while I was away.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot these ones too.

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I also didn't count the dupes of Heroes I already got that I pulled as well like Deirdre, Ishtar, Lewyn, Micaiah and most recently: Maribelle. Might have been a couple others but I don't even remember.


Nice units. Too bad their natures don't seem very good. Hope you enjoy using them.

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10 hours ago, SSbardock84 said:

Finally got Edelgard. I get so impatient when there's a character I want and spend more than I should. Thankfully I got her though and have 50 orbs left, not a lot but at least it isn't zero.

that is so me. 

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On 7/23/2019 at 12:58 PM, Anacybele said:

Hey, eclipse, this kind of Frederick could also be built into a super physical tank like mine though, just saying. 😜 Unless you've already built a Frederick to your liking? Or just don't care about him enough, I guess. lol

Mine has one mission in life, and that's to OHKO anything that dares crosses him. 😛

21 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Oh, wow. That's a very good 5* rate, congrats to your new units! I'm enjoying how Edelgard eats Seths, Pallas, Falchions, Laslows and the likes in FB . 

Good luck getting that up-side-down archer!

Edelgard tanks a surprising number of things.  VERY tempted to get rid of that HP bane, but Legendary Eirika really wants her C skill.

Up to 3,009 total pulled units!


Priscilla (+Atk/-Def): Hey, it's the very first one I pulled!
Soren (+Res/-Def): Might be funny for a defensive build.
Silas (+Atk/-Res): Dammit, and I wanted to use him as fodder.
Cordelia (+Spd/-HP): That's useful, at least!
Hinata (+Def/-Res): Fury fodder~!

Lon'qu (+Atk/-HP): I think I have this one already.
Draug (+Atk/-Spd): This is surprisingly competent.  Now when will he get his own personal weapon?
Jagen (+HP/-Spd): Not as bad as it seems, but still. . .
Shanna (+Res/-Atk): I wish she'd come as a 4*.
Odin (+Atk/-HP): About the only boon he wants.  But he's a 3*.

Sothe (+HP/-Atk): Perfect fodder. . .but like Shanna, is one tier lower than I'd like him.
Lukas (+Spd/-Def): Not even his personal weapon likes that.
Athena (+Res/-Def): You, Jagen, and Lukas should do a bunch of boon/bane swapping.
Athena (+HP/-Atk): This one, at least, had the decency to be 4*.
Chrom (+Def/-HP): Lovely fodder, which costs more feathers than I like.

Not the world's worst haul, but I could do better!


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Back up to 31 orbs, so back to looking for S!Lyn.

  1. 5* S!Lyn: There we go! First colored bow flier, and she's +Spd/-Def! Damn near perfect. Now to take the remaining blue and red.
  2. 4* Femui: Meh.
  3. 4* Fir: Glacies fodder.

Fantastic! I've gotten both of the summer heroes that I care about, so back to poking reds and greens on the 3H banner. 18 orbs left.

  1. 3* Fae: Ugh.

That's enough for now. I got a great S!Lyn, so I'm happy.

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@mcsilas @mampfoid @Alexmender

Yeah so... I caved and went back to the Takumi banner because I kind of want Close Counter for Serra. (or Odin... or Faye... or Saizo... or...)



Yep, nope. Guess not.

I've had no Wrathful/Dazzling fodder and now I have 2 of them. Guess I could give this sheep to Priscilla and give Maribelle to Serra. Or maybe I could get rid of the -HP on my current Genny. Dunno really. She's +DEF and this one is +SPD.

Either way, was cockblocked by a pitybreaker, but Genny has value and I don't mind seeing her. I'll  try for CC if the Hoshidan Summer banner rolls around again and try for Xander (2 of them *grumbles*)

Yep, so that's a thing. Took me 27 orbs which, eh, isn't bad.

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After dropping roughly 550 orbs on this banner, I've finally put it behind me. It was rough at the start, dropping 150 before getting pity broken, but my ratio started improving. Total 5* for my last paid orbs:

3 Mordecai- why. just, why? I only needed one copy for Atk/Def link fodder and now he won't leave me be.

5 Dimitri- My main goal was to get as many merges as possible for him. Mainly pulled +Def copies, but kept +Atk as his base. He also ate my spare Edelgard for Rouse Atk/Def for solo shenanigans. 

1 F!Byleth- Pulled together with Dimitri, was at the bottom of my priorities.  But she's proving interesting to use for now.

1 A!M!Corrin- Null Follow-up fodder. Maybe. I might decide to just merge his copies.

1 A!F!Corrin- Neutral, I couldn't ask for better since I don't have to worry about a horrible bane.

1 Selkie- ehh...Chill fodder, I guess.

1 Thea- I swear she's trying to make me +10 her, or give her lance to Subaki and make an uber blue tank flyer.

2 Edelgard- +Spd/-Res is the copy I kept and I couldn't be happier. Her skill went to make Dimitri an even for Atk/Def focused unit.

1 F!Tiki- +Atk/-Res, I do believe that is amazing. I can almost make an all evil/fallen Dragon team, I'm just missing F!Grima.

For having started off really bad, my overall haul is pretty nice. Now, to save up for Dimitri's eventual rerun.

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2 hours ago, silverserpent said:

After dropping roughly 550 orbs on this banner, I've finally put it behind me. It was rough at the start, dropping 150 before getting pity broken, but my ratio started improving. Total 5* for my last paid orbs:

3 Mordecai- why. just, why? I only needed one copy for Atk/Def link fodder and now he won't leave me be.

5 Dimitri- My main goal was to get as many merges as possible for him. Mainly pulled +Def copies, but kept +Atk as his base. He also ate my spare Edelgard for Rouse Atk/Def for solo shenanigans. 

1 F!Byleth- Pulled together with Dimitri, was at the bottom of my priorities.  But she's proving interesting to use for now.

1 A!M!Corrin- Null Follow-up fodder. Maybe. I might decide to just merge his copies.

1 A!F!Corrin- Neutral, I couldn't ask for better since I don't have to worry about a horrible bane.

1 Selkie- ehh...Chill fodder, I guess.

1 Thea- I swear she's trying to make me +10 her, or give her lance to Subaki and make an uber blue tank flyer.

2 Edelgard- +Spd/-Res is the copy I kept and I couldn't be happier. Her skill went to make Dimitri an even for Atk/Def focused unit.

1 F!Tiki- +Atk/-Res, I do believe that is amazing. I can almost make an all evil/fallen Dragon team, I'm just missing F!Grima.

For having started off really bad, my overall haul is pretty nice. Now, to save up for Dimitri's eventual rerun.

Nice overall haul~ DImitri will surely be back on a Legendary Banner in a few month~

Also, Selkie doesn't have any Chill Skills~ She has Sabotage Atk, tho~

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