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10 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Congrats on Lukas and +Atk Flora! Sorry you couldn't get Genny's Staff for your Lucius, hopefully on a later Banner~

Thanks! Maybe I can get her in a future Legendary/Mythic Banner. Did you summon on this banner?

3 hours ago, Rezzy said:

We need non 5* Defense Tactic too, but at least it's a Seal.

New Year Laegjarn has Def Tactic at 4 stars, however you need to use grails for it. No 4* Def Tactic in the normal summoning pool yet.

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55 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Thanks! Maybe I can get her in a future Legendary/Mythic Banner. Did you summon on this banner?

New Year Laegjarn has Def Tactic at 4 stars, however you need to use grails for it. No 4* Def Tactic in the normal summoning pool yet.

When there are Leos and Titanias to merge, I can't be wasting Grails on something so frivolous.

1 hour ago, Landmaster said:


Congrats on Lukas and +Atk Flora! Sorry you couldn't get Genny's Staff for your Lucius, hopefully on a later Banner~

That's a lot of blue pitybreaks, but congrats on that haul, you got some good fodder there, as well~

Thanks, Lukas took a while, but came eventually.

2 hours ago, Glaceon Mage said:

Whoa, +Res/-HP Micaiah!  I remember a bunch of people here, myself included, got that nature.  It's strange.

I seem to specialize in +Res units.  I think it's my most common boon, besides possibly HP.

2 hours ago, Rosalina said:

In terms of quantity my luck is not bad, probably just not the best timing. For some reason I pull more focus units in seasonal banners which could and should be traded with New Heroes since I do not care for most alts (2019's Valentine's excluded). But then again Heroes is definitely not made for favorism unless the player has a big wallet, so I take what I get.


BTW it was my target not getting identified since I do not want bother with my (dark) past. I found my destination, means I will not change my name anymore. *swearing*

What's wrong with your past?

3 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Wow, Ylgr pitybroke you too? I also turned her into a combat manual. Great haul tho, Rezzy! :O

I'll hold off on booking her just yet.  Speed Tactic is nice, but not sure I want to kill a 5* for it.

3 hours ago, mampfoid said:

@Rezzy ohhh, very nice haul and you got all picnicers, congrats! Do you have a special bias for those?

Also that Selkie looks very nice, is she new to you? 

I do like the Echoes characters and Leo quite a bit.  The maids have cute outfits and might come in handy for the new Beast meta, though I hope we get a generic beastkiller weapon that can be SI'd soon.  It's weird when plates and buckets are the effective weapons.

This would be my second Selkie.  I was lucky enough to get one a couple months ago.  Not sure if I want to merge her or see if there's any skills she has worth transferring.

3 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

@Rezzy Very nice! I'm still trying to get at least one of the other Gallians I don't have (Caineghis is the one I do have) before I start seriously investing in this banner. I did at least get my first Thea (and by proxy, 40 more flier Dragonflowers to put towards Haar) as my free pull on the picnic banner.

That, and I'm biding my time for Wednesday and Leo Takumi and Boey are now living on borrowed time, heh heh heh.

Hopefully at least Mordecai gets demoted, and we don't have a repeat of the Fates Beast banner.

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1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Thanks! Maybe I can get her in a future Legendary/Mythic Banner. Did you summon on this banner?

I'm waiting to see if Golden Week has any kind of Hero fest or Daily Banners before I summon here~ If not, I'm going to come back for Genny (two if I can get her quickly)~

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3 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I'll hold off on booking her just yet.  Speed Tactic is nice, but not sure I want to kill a 5* for it.

Okies, whatever you feel is best! :P I'm probably sacking her for Sorcery Blade.

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@Rezzy Looks like you got them all, with some nice bonuses. :): I think I got a 4* Rebecca from the free pull. Only have 130ish orbs, but hoping I'll have a bit more by the end of the month for some potential Ike merges. (I'll probably get another Marth or a Roy instead, but that would decent.) I've got a Laegjarn that I'm not sure what to do with either since she has several good skills. (She has a great IV too, so I feel a little bad using for just skills...) I don't like Aversa at all, but she probably benefits the most from the HP in the dual skill. I'd say use it on your favorite, but then I'm not Tier 21 Arena either, so you probably shouldn't listen to me. :lol:

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There's a banner for this TT and I'm not sure who I want more out of it.

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue

3* Florina (That's disappointing. +Atk/-Spd)

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11 minutes ago, silverserpent said:

It's fitting though, since my Duma is also -Atk. Darn those hereditary traits.

he wanted to be the inverse of my brave celica +atk/-spd
if swift sparrow wasn't so hard to get - I'd just give him swift sparrow and be done with it. I'd probably do Fury and Mystic Boost if I had more merges in him (but if i had merges in him he wouldn't Need Fury, would he. 

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Tried for Alm with 58 orbs, but guess who's still stuck in pity break limbo since february?

So what I got instead was my fourth pity breaking Siegbert (at least got Death Blow fodder for hopefully future Alm) and a +Spd/-Def Faye (her worst boon of course lol) on a round with no reds. Lost 58 orbs in trade for no pity rate at all, just great.

Oh well I still wanted a Faye and after the last 1,5 months I really wasn't expecting anything else anymore so hardly am mad. I sure hope I can still get him though, I had already given up on him after his last banner, this very well may be my last chance for a loooooong while :(

Edited by Mau
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On 4/20/2019 at 10:25 AM, Rezzy said:

@Anacybele@Nym@Arcanite@GuiltyLove@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@mampfoid@Zeo@Infinite Dreams@Rafiel's Aria@Garlyle@Johann@Captain Karnage@DefaultBeep@mcsilas@Tybrosion@DarkLordIvy@TheTuckingFypo@Shoblongoo@Mackc2@Rex Glacies@Emerson@Glaceon Mage@Tolvir@Poimagic@Raven@Tybrosion@Tree@Tolvir@Anime27Arts and anyone else I forgot.


Here's my haul.


Blue really liked pitybreaking me.  Ylgr might get sacced for Speed Tactic, since Aether Raids is pretty much built around that now, but I'm worried as soon as I do that, we'll either get a seal or a 4* with Speed tactic available.  I'm surprised we don't yet to be honest, since Attack tactic is arguably better and has been available for almost a year now with Legault.  (We need non 5* Defense Tactic too, but at least it's a Seal.)

I'm excited about the Leg Yarn, since it will allow me to add a Red Flier to my Arena Core.  I'm thinking either Palla or Aversa, possibly Caeda.  I like Palla the most, but Aversa has a busted weapon that would be very nice for the babysitter meta.

Yay Laegjarn! I like her. Mine is +Spd.

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49 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

@silverserpent @daisy jane

I would like to fix my Alm too... I got him on the Falchion Banner last year (pretty luck I got him in a banner with Marth, Chrom and Lucina too). But guess what? He is -Atk +Res.


ooh don't you love it when someone is +their most dumpable stat? He's so hard to get i know so many people who struggle for fishing for him, and usually when he does show up, he's either minus spd, or minus atk. i know theoretically, Fury fixes that, (especially if budget-wise you give him renewal + renewal from his falchion) - but still would really like to have another Alm just so i can justify giving him expensive toys 

Got an itunes card, so i got some orbs
Went Fishing for Kliff - Got Lancina (so I am officially 1 Lucina short from Lucy Emblem - that is Buncina, and I don't want her (or rather, Xander) that badly - 
I really wanted Genny, and out she came (bless) without having to touch into my actual orb stash. basically "neutral" for Genny - +res/-hp,  my first Wrathful Healer was Genny Prime, so it makes sense my first Wrathful Cav is Genny on a Horse


now i (try to be patient) for a Flying Olivia Banner/Free Pull, Myrrh Banner, or a Veronica/Maribelle banner. , (Or just continue saving until June)
(pls let me be able to skip brides).

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On 4/20/2019 at 10:25 AM, Rezzy said:

@Anacybele@Nym@Arcanite@GuiltyLove@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@mampfoid@Zeo@Infinite Dreams@Rafiel's Aria@Garlyle@Johann@Captain Karnage@DefaultBeep@mcsilas@Tybrosion@DarkLordIvy@TheTuckingFypo@Shoblongoo@Mackc2@Rex Glacies@Emerson@Glaceon Mage@Tolvir@Poimagic@Raven@Tybrosion@Tree@Tolvir@Anime27Arts and anyone else I forgot.


Here's my haul.


Blue really liked pitybreaking me.  Ylgr might get sacced for Speed Tactic, since Aether Raids is pretty much built around that now, but I'm worried as soon as I do that, we'll either get a seal or a 4* with Speed tactic available.  I'm surprised we don't yet to be honest, since Attack tactic is arguably better and has been available for almost a year now with Legault.  (We need non 5* Defense Tactic too, but at least it's a Seal.)

I'm excited about the Leg Yarn, since it will allow me to add a Red Flier to my Arena Core.  I'm thinking either Palla or Aversa, possibly Caeda.  I like Palla the most, but Aversa has a busted weapon that would be very nice for the babysitter meta.

Epic. Only two -atk too! Granted, Lukas and Flora are still usable even with -atk. That Felicia though is looking good. 


I free summoned a -def lukas, and then a +def Genny showed up not long after. (They need to switch ivs lol)

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The Iceberg banner does have Flora on it. But then again, there's a legendary banner real soon.

2 each Blue, Green, 1 Red (Perfect)

4* Raigh (1 Why did I expect better? 2: I still want him banned from the pool full stop. +HP/-Res)

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Doube Flora banners? My desire to spend just went way up. Going to try sniping reds on the Iceberg banner.

  1. 3* Raigh: Feathers. The other orbs are all grey, which could mean Innes, but I'm not here for him.

Now to actually start spending. 196 orbs to start.

  1. 3* Stahl: Worthless.
  2. 3* Tharja: Bad.

This is dumb. 187 orbs left.

  1. 4* Chrom: Meh.
  2. 4* Selena: Reposition fodder.
  3. 4* Laslow: Meh.

I still haven't encountered a single green orb. 174 orbs left.

  1. 4* L'Arachel: Renewal fodder.

Never mind that, I just got two greens. 169 orbs left.

  1. 4* Mamui: Bleh.
  2. 3* Henry: Trash.

Well, I'm definitely not pulling for Picnic Flora after this. Still got to keep something for the legendary banner. 160 orbs left.

  1. 3* Palla: Good SI fodder.
  2. 4* Fir: Meh.

Still nothing. 151 orbs left.

  1. 5* Elincia: Not Flora, but a very nice unit to have. My +Atk copy can get her first well-deserved merge.
  2. 5* Karla: Well, this was unexpected. +Def/-HP, so you're another merge for my +Atk copy.
  3. 3* Florina: And some utter trash to kill my high.
  4. 3* Saizo: Sure, Feh, mutilate my high too while you're at it.
  5. 4* Soren: Feathers. Oh well.

That was simultaneously very pleasing and very disappointing. Elincia's merge removes her HP flaw and makes her somewhat less fragile, while Karla's merge just makes her even more ridiculously strong, but they were fine as they were. Flora would have given me a new tool in the arsenal. Still, 2 5*s and Reposition fodder for 65 orbs is nice and efficient spending.

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No reds on the Iceberg banner, figures. I dislike Selkie but practicality demands pulling for her over Innes.

4* Florina


Announce Golden Week already IS, I haven't pulled a single 5* since the last legendary banner and this month's is looking pretty barren.

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