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1,922 total pulled units.  Uhhh. . .


Wrys (+Spd/-Def): Erm. . .no.  But someone might want Live to Serve?
Virion (+Spd/-Res): MEMORIES~!  But since I have him with this combo, maybe merge fodder.
Fir (+HP/-Def): Thanks for your A slot.
Thea (+Def/-Spd): I need to think about who else would want her stuff, because she's amazingly good fodder.

Odin (+HP/-Atk): I like him as fodder~!
Oboro (+HP/-Res): Uhhh. . .maybe your lance will be useful?
Kagero (+Def/-HP): Disappointing, as usual.
Eliwood (+HP/-Atk): Also disappointing.
Ares (+HP/-Def): Unlike the others, I have uses for him.  Lots of uses.

Tailtiu (+HP/-Atk): She's useful, too.

Jakob (+Res/-Atk): FINE, I'll make a supermerge of you. Being the free pull and all.
Lukas (+Res/-Spd): I think I'll think about this one, because this isn't bad.
Mae (+Spd/-Res): Hoo boy. . .now THIS is a Mae!
Fir (+HP/-Atk): This, on the other hand, is not a good Fir.
Frederick (neutral): @Anacybele likes you, not me!  I'm just gonna end up foddering you!

Titania (+Atk/-Spd): A long time ago, this would've been bad, but after the merging stuff, this is good.
Fjorm (+HP/-Res): This is a hell of a lot more competent than it seems.  The only dancer she might have issues with is Ninian, assuming +HP or merged.  She doesn't care about her Res that much.  Doesn't help her offensive stats, but I don't think she minds!
Legault (+Res/-Atk): Good timing, I just gave Atk Tactic to Mareeta.
Morgan (+HP/-Atk): She came to spectate her father's wedding, and lost some of her oomph when she didn't see him around.  Still, she's the first one I have, so I'm sure I'll find a use for her.
Morgan (+HP/-Def): Like his other half, he wanted to see Robin get hitched.  But when he couldn't find his mom, some unhappy memories surfaced, and now he's reduced to fodder.

I wasn't expecting that final pull, but I'll take it~!  Jakob was my first male 5*, I'm fond of Lukas, and Legault's a favorite of mine.  A certain someone else can have Freddy.


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Bridal Fjorm and Sigrun in the same pull. Fjorm is +HP -Def, which... actually it doesn't look that great on paper, but for the sake of her personal weapon I think it's perfect. Sigrun is +Spd -Atk.. which really just extremifies her offensive stats.

Tanith came a bit later as +Spd -HP, so... goddamnit this is one of those bouts of luck with the banner...

Well... I don't know what I was expecting, but not to get the unit I wanted most from the banner so easily... with a decent Asset/Flaw combo even though it doesn't look like one. I suppose this is probably the best case scenario though... sigh... I already know I need to buy more orbs for Bridal Bloom, so I guess I can give Pent a shot once I secure a fodderable Sanaki...

Edited by Xenomata
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Tried a little luck on this one around 30 orbs. Got another Selena merge and Loki. No complaining. I think about what to do with my spare Loki. I guess I will just wait until I know what they might do with Tatiana. If she gets her release...one day.

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I think I'm about to feel Blue.

I'm pulling for the blues on the new banner, if it wasn't clear.

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue (I kind of want to pull the full circle.)

5* Shiro (Poor guy, constantly being overshadowed. I've been broken by him once before. He is +Atk/-HP though, should he be my new base?)

2 each Blue, Green, 1 Red

4* L'Arachel (Haven't seen her in a while. Neat. +Def/-Atk), 4* Tailtiu (Will blue finally give me good fodder? +Atk/-Res, would +Atk be better with her Thoron tome?)

3 Blue, 2 Red

4* Subaki (I'm wondering if it's worth promoting for QR3. But if it was I should have done it ages ago. +Atk/-Def), 3* Tailtiu (Could be worse. +Def/-Res), 4* Mathilda (Like this. +Atk/-Def)


2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

5* Miffed!Tanith (Harsh Command+! +Spd/-HP, SO FAST BOIS.), 4* Oscar (This is also acceptable. Also apparently he and Tanith are possibly a thing (When groom Oscar if that's the case?) +Res/-Spd), 4* Jakob (Like this. This is terrible. +Def/-Res), 3* Raven (The future is that he's a book. +Spd/-Atk), 4* Sylvia (Sylvinah. +Def/-Res)

3 Red, 1  each Blue, Green

3* Oscar (Not as much of a want as Shanna though. +Spd/-Atk)


2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

3* L'Arachel (I am getting some decent fodder. For once. +HP/-Res), 4* Sakura (Nokura. +HP/-Res)

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless

3* Reinhardt (Still better than nothing. Neutral), 3* Jakob (Once again, DELETE. +Spd/-HP)

3 Green, 1 each Blue, Colourless

4* Nowi (NO WAI! +Def/-HP)


2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* Shigure (Shigu...nay? +Def/-Res)

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless

5* Ylgr (I mean, I still don't have Gunnthra. But still. +Spd/-Atk, that's a bummer.), 4* Catria (Catri-COME ON, I CAN'T KEEP TRYING FOR PENT! +Res/-HP), 5* Fjoride (ARE YOU KIDDING ME. ANOTHER ONE. +HP/-Def, actually solid nature!), 4* Tharja (I guess I can't get a fourfer. +Def/-HP), 4* Raigh (DELETE. +Res/-Spd)

I got Tanith, Fjorm and 2 pitybreakers. I still would like to get Pent though. ARRGH.

Edited by Dayni
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Decided to go for grey on the banner. Free pull was Nina, and then the next gray orb on the same pull was Bridal Fjorm. That's pretty slick, all things considered. Nina has low defense and high res, too. Fjorm has low HP, but high speed.

Edited by Dai
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4 hours ago, eclipse said:

Frederick (neutral): @Anacybele likes you, not me!  I'm just gonna end up foddering you!

Even now I also just fodder him. lol I have my 5 star +10 Frederick. XD

Anyway, I ended up blowing through my whole orb stash and I didn't get Sigrun at all. :( Though I didn't get many reds at all either for some reason. I kept getting either one or none per session. >_> I got a ton of blue though, which did result in a Silas merge, that +Spd Oscar I wanted forever, and...


This gal! Though her IVs suck, sadly. +Res, -Spd.

And then when I tried to get another one, I of course got pitybroken by Pent. I decided if that happened though, I'd fodder him because I don't care about him. ...Except he...actually...has...really good...IVs. +Spd, -Def. Why can't you just trade your IVs to Tanith? -_-

Oh well, at least I got something out of this. I'm just sad I don't have Sigrun who I wanted most...

Though I think it's kinda cute how I got my desired Oscar long with this Tanith... XD They wanted to be together lol

Edited by Anacybele
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@daisy jane @Anacybele @Nym @Rezzy

So I did a stupid thing...I decided to try for Fjorm on the bridal banner and...Chloey got Cinnamon Roll Fjorm XD +Spd/-Def.

Then I decide to do even more stupid...


And I didn't get Fallen!Corrin like I wanted but I did get Fallen!Tiki... +HP/-Spd...


With 5 orbs to spare and no need to summon because I'll have a TT bonus unit...to get a worthless TT free unit :/ All hail Fjorm!

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6 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

@daisy jane @Anacybele @Nym @Rezzy

So I did a stupid thing...I decided to try for Fjorm on the bridal banner and...Chloey got Cinnamon Roll Fjorm XD +Spd/-Def.

Then I decide to do even more stupid...


And I didn't get Fallen!Corrin like I wanted but I did get Fallen!Tiki... +HP/-Spd...


With 5 orbs to spare and no need to summon because I'll have a TT bonus unit...to get a worthless TT free unit :/ All hail Fjorm!

Heh, you got some nice pulls tho, it looks like!

Meanwhile here...



She's also +Atk and not -Spd! ^^ Cost a few orb packs, but not that much. And I get paid now, so. :3

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1 hour ago, TheSilentChloey said:

@daisy jane @Anacybele @Nym @Rezzy

So I did a stupid thing...I decided to try for Fjorm on the bridal banner and...Chloey got Cinnamon Roll Fjorm XD +Spd/-Def.

Then I decide to do even more stupid...


And I didn't get Fallen!Corrin like I wanted but I did get Fallen!Tiki... +HP/-Spd...


With 5 orbs to spare and no need to summon because I'll have a TT bonus unit...to get a worthless TT free unit :/ All hail Fjorm!

Skip banner huh?

Got a Felicia for myself :P

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Well it seems my recent luck streak is still strong. I really like bride Fjorm and her weapon is extremely useful in AR, but since I'm trying to save I wasn't sure how many orbs to spend.

So I just did two rounds and:



Got her in 9 orbs!!! :D :D :D

Of course literally everything I touch is -atk or -spd as usual but I'll damn well take it.

Edited by Mau
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Yup, that sure is a pretty bird and not an evil bab dragon and apologies if this particular pity break pull causes anyone Alm-related PTSD. Ah well, this at least served to remove Leanne's -4 HP flaw though a dup Maribelle or Velouria would've been nicer since they both have Atk flaws that I want gone.

Oh, and:
Number of Leannes Pulled: 2; both off-focus
Number of Reysons Pulled: 2; both 4-star

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1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:


Yup, that sure is a pretty bird and not an evil bab dragon and apologies if this particular pity break pull causes anyone Alm-related PTSD. Ah well, this at least served to remove Leanne's -4 HP flaw though a dup Maribelle or Velouria would've been nicer since they both have Atk flaws that I want gone.

Oh, and:
Number of Leannes Pulled: 2; both off-focus
Number of Reysons Pulled: 2; both 4-star

Leanne is a stalker

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On 5/12/2019 at 5:59 PM, Rezzy said:

@Nym@Anacybele@Vaximillian@DarkLordIvy@XRay@Raven@Captain Karnage@TheTuckingFypo@GuiltyLove@Infinite Dreams@Tybrosion@Johann@SatsumaFSoysoy@Garlyle@DefaultBeep@Shoblongoo@mcsilas@Mackc2@Momentai~@Rex Glacies@Tree@Ginko@Tolvir@Anime27Arts@Poimagic@Jave

@TheSilentChloey and anyone else I might have forgotten

This was probably the worst luck I've had in quite a while.  I just wanted Berkut, but ended up getting everyone accidentally.  Blues were rarer than a living parent at the end of a Fire Emblem game, so I would pick Reds and Greys before backing out.


Loki and Maribelle were repeats.  Maribelle, I'll probably merge, and Loki will probably be foddered to a staff unit so I can use a +10 Cleric in Arena.

I finally ended up getting Berkut, who I seem to have forgotten to screenshot, but here he is now.


I didn't check SF until now. 6% is even worse than my luck!

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Used up 75 orbs on the new banner and got Tanith and... a Lewyn. In the sole green orb I got. Well, Lewyn's getting merged in order to remove bane, but I'm glad I got at least one of the brides.

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2 hours ago, daisy jane said:

Leanne is a stalker

Yeah, and I suppose the fact that this particular site features her visage very prominently probably isn't helping. However, I personally can't fault the girl for wanting to make friends.

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@Nym@Anacybele@Vaximillian@DarkLordIvy@XRay@Raven@Captain Karnage@TheTuckingFypo@GuiltyLove@Infinite Dreams@Tybrosion@Johann@SatsumaFSoysoy@Garlyle@DefaultBeep@Shoblongoo@mcsilas@Mackc2@Momentai~@Rex Glacies@Tree@Ginko@Tolvir@Anime27Arts@Poimagic@Jave

@TheSilentChloey@daisy jane@mampfoid@Jingle Jangle

and any others interested

I'm not usually a fan of seasonals, but they took characters from my two favorite worlds, and they're all new characters, too, except Fjorm.  They really need to decide if she's dead or not.

The highlight of the batch here.  People always ask how you know it's the one.


Well, he's -Atk.  That's how I know he's the one.

And the rest...


Maribelle pitybroke me for the second banner in a row.


I got my three brides, too.  Everyone except Fjorm was -Atk.  Just in time for my anniversary, too.

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