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2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

@Nym@Anacybele@Vaximillian@DarkLordIvy@XRay@Raven@Captain Karnage@TheTuckingFypo@GuiltyLove@Infinite Dreams@Tybrosion@Johann@SatsumaFSoysoy@Garlyle@DefaultBeep@Shoblongoo@mcsilas@Mackc2@Momentai~@Rex Glacies@Tree@Ginko@Tolvir@Anime27Arts@Poimagic@Jave

@TheSilentChloey@daisy jane@mampfoid@Jingle Jangle

and any others interested

I'm not usually a fan of seasonals, but they took characters from my two favorite worlds, and they're all new characters, too, except Fjorm.  They really need to decide if she's dead or not.

The highlight of the batch here.  People always ask how you know it's the one.


Well, he's -Atk.  That's how I know he's the one.

And the rest...


Maribelle pitybroke me for the second banner in a row.


I got my three brides, too.  Everyone except Fjorm was -Atk.  Just in time for my anniversary, too.

Ouch, your curse is even worse on yourself.

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10 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I'm not usually a fan of seasonals, but they took characters from my two favorite worlds, and they're all new characters, too, except Fjorm.  They really need to decide if she's dead or not.

The highlight of the batch here.  People always ask how you know it's the one.


Well, he's -Atk.  That's how I know he's the one.

And the rest...


Maribelle pitybroke me for the second banner in a row.


I got my three brides, too.  Everyone except Fjorm was -Atk.  Just in time for my anniversary, too.

Lord that's a lot of -Atk, sorry about that ;~; But congrats on all those goodies!

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2 minutes ago, Nym said:

Ouch, your curse is even worse on yourself.

There's a reason that curse bears my eponym.

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11 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

@Nym@Anacybele@Vaximillian@DarkLordIvy@XRay@Raven@Captain Karnage@TheTuckingFypo@GuiltyLove@Infinite Dreams@Tybrosion@Johann@SatsumaFSoysoy@Garlyle@DefaultBeep@Shoblongoo@mcsilas@Mackc2@Momentai~@Rex Glacies@Tree@Ginko@Tolvir@Anime27Arts@Poimagic@Jave

@TheSilentChloey@daisy jane@mampfoid@Jingle Jangle

and any others interested

I'm not usually a fan of seasonals, but they took characters from my two favorite worlds, and they're all new characters, too, except Fjorm.  They really need to decide if she's dead or not.

The highlight of the batch here.  People always ask how you know it's the one.


Well, he's -Atk.  That's how I know he's the one.

And the rest...


Maribelle pitybroke me for the second banner in a row.


I got my three brides, too.  Everyone except Fjorm was -Atk.  Just in time for my anniversary, too.

Man, your curse just never goes away, does it? :( But we both got +Spd Pents. XD Mine isn't -Atk though. Also, I kinda wish I could have Ishtar at all, she's really good.

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10 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

They really need to decide if she's dead or not.

Yes, they really do. Of course, I'm personally more partial to the former option.

Good work in getting them all but dang pretty much all of those asset/flaw combos are unfortunate in some way so I'm sorry about that. Don't know if you need or want a Leanne, but I'd trade you the one I got instead of evil bab Tiki for one of the Maribelles if I could since mine (Maribelle, that is) is still stuck with your curse.

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9 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Lord that's a lot of -Atk, sorry about that ;~; But congrats on all those goodies!

Thanks, I've come to expect it, so it doesn't bother me too much anymore.

6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Man, your curse just never goes away, does it? :( But we both got +Spd Pents. XD Mine isn't -Atk though. Also, I kinda wish I could have Ishtar at all, she's really good.

I'll probably run the Blarblade build, so -Atk doesn't hurt too much.  Yeah, I've got an Ishtar, so the merge will get rid of the -Atk anyway.  Merges getting rid of banes is the best thing that ever happened to my curse.

5 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Yes, they really do. Of course, I'm personally more partial to the former option.

Good work in getting them all but dang pretty much all of those asset/flaw combos are unfortunate in some way so I'm sorry about that. Don't know if you need or want a Leanne, but I'd trade you the one I got instead of evil bab Tiki for one of the Maribelles if I could since mine (Maribelle, that is) is still stuck with your curse.

I don't have anything against Fjorm other than being a bit bland, but it's weird to see her keep popping up in the Paralogs and Forging Bonds when she's been completely absent from Book 3 with heavy foreshadowing of her death at the end of Book 2.

I wish trading could be a thing.  Too bad there would be no real way to implement it that wouldn't be exploitable.

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

I'll probably run the Blarblade build, so -Atk doesn't hurt too much.  Yeah, I've got an Ishtar, so the merge will get rid of the -Atk anyway.  Merges getting rid of banes is the best thing that ever happened to my curse.

Okay then. I just hope I can make my -Spd Tanith work as well. -Spd to me is a bit worse than -Atk when it comes to speedy units... And yeah, that change to merges is the best thing to happen to your curse!

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@Rezzy Wow, I spoke way too soon the other day when I thought the curse was finally over.

Still, that's a pretty good haul. Nice that you got all the new units.

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1 hour ago, Rezzy said:

except Fjorm.  They really need to decide if she's dead or not.

FEH's Fjorm, like Schrodinger's Cat. The difference is that the Cat will live or die if observed, it's only both if not observed. Fjorm remains both dead and alive even if observed.

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1 minute ago, Tree said:

Well, what if the one in the current world dies and then they import the other one as a replacement? :P:

I believe that is referred to as the Harry Kim Solution.

1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

Okay then. I just hope I can make my -Spd Tanith work as well. -Spd to me is a bit worse than -Atk when it comes to speedy units... And yeah, that change to merges is the best thing to happen to your curse!

If they're speedy enough, -Spd can still work, since you only need enough to outspeed, unless you've got a weapon that deals extra damage from speed or something.

49 minutes ago, Jave said:

@Rezzy Wow, I spoke way too soon the other day when I thought the curse was finally over.

Still, that's a pretty good haul. Nice that you got all the new units.

Yeah, it came back in force today.

9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

FEH's Fjorm, like Schrodinger's Cat. The difference is that the Cat will live or die if observed, it's only both if not observed. Fjorm remains both dead and alive even if observed.

If they didn't want to use her in Book 3, they could have just said she stayed behind in Nifl.

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5 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

If they're speedy enough, -Spd can still work, since you only need enough to outspeed, unless you've got a weapon that deals extra damage from speed or something.

-Spd Tanith has like 32 or 33 Spd. Dunno if that's gonna hinder much.

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Did not get a free summon fjorm, and the other two gray orbs were also meh. 

Today I pulled a bridal Sanaki though, so now my +Hp, -Res one will become +Spd. The attack flaw this free one has will not be felt.

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Today I spent all of my 190 orbs trying to finally get Bride!Tharja and only have this to show for it:




I know some here would kill for these units, but honestly they do nothing for me. Desperation and Aether fodder is all that they are in my eyes. Especially with Lucina once again having terrible IVs (-Spd).

I was hoping I'd still have enough orbs left after today to gun for L!Tiki later this month, but it looks like I'll be spending yet another month trying to wrangle 1 copy of a desired 5* from this banner. My bad luck is back, yay! 

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4 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Okay then. I just hope I can make my -Spd Tanith work as well. -Spd to me is a bit worse than -Atk when it comes to speedy units... And yeah, that change to merges is the best thing to happen to your curse!

you should be fine. 
Swift sparrow in the lance and swift sparrow in her a (and refine for speed) will be more than enough to compensate for the speed. if you give her the new TT seal she'll be cookin with gas.

Rezzy - geeze, i am so so sorry (Or i'd be sorrier ;) I'm so jonesing for a Maribelle, and everyone is seeming to get her). but i am sorry for all of those yucky banes. 

Roy yesterday, and Selena today.
this is not my +atk caeda, game. 

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While I don't particularly need Ninian, she's the only unit I don't have here (indeed I somehow ended up with two each of the others despite neither wanting nor really trying for them), there were two blues in the circle so I spent the 4 orbs to open them both.

3* Mae
4* Peri


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Already have Sanaki, and I have mixed feelings about dancers, so I'm going to try for Tharja even though I really don't like her personally.

  1. 3* Hana: Totally worthless.

Back to scrounging up orbs.

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There's a free pull to be had.

I'm not sure who to go for on it though.

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green (Guess I'm going to jail?)

3* Beruka (Phew, I guess I'll just die. :P +HP/-Res)

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In my attempt to get bride Tharja merges with 400 orbs my highlights are

  • Bride Tharja (+atk- spd)
  • Kliff (+res -spd)
  • Sue (+ hp -spd)
  • Siegbert (+res -spd)
  • Zelgius (+atk -spd)

So far I got more pity breakers than I have been expecting. Still nice. I'll try again later 

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Following up the other night's free summon of Pent, I got Bride Tharja when spending 15 orbs.

Man, complain about not having any bonus units for a TT and the game immediately obliges. With Louise and a generic healer I should be set.

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